DiscoverThe Greenest Grass
The Greenest Grass
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The Greenest Grass

Author: Ryan Heinis

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We know the grass is rarely greener on the other side. This podcast helps us discover that the greenest grass already lives right there inside of us. It is up to us to find what makes our grass grow, what makes it wave in the wind, and how and when we need to 'mow the yard'. Join us as we find ways to find joy in our own backyard.
77 Episodes
The Good Person

The Good Person


A no prep, no notes dribble on what it take to consider yourself a good person in this world.Add to that the diversity you will stumble upon when you do this Support the Show.
Your Five Balls

Your Five Balls


Almost everything you carry in your life and be placed into the Five Balls Metaphor made famous by Brian Dyson in the 90's. Which are made of glass? Which are made of rubber? And where SHOULD each of those live? We explore with some thoughts on the five balls here. Support the Show.
Your Purpose

Your Purpose


While it's totally a loaded question that evolves throughout our life, trying to identify your purpose can really help you on your life paths. Tonight we talk about what questions to ask yourself, shipwrecks, and godwinks as we search for purpose. Support the Show.
The Right Lane

The Right Lane


After a few months of living life in the fast lane; it was time to have a chat with myself about the slow lane; the right lane. There is a time and a place for both, but being able to identify the triggers that help you slow down is key. Support the Show.
Know Your 'Why'

Know Your 'Why'


Why did you get up today?What is your motivation today?What is your plan? 1 year? 3 years? etc, etc, etc?Knowing your 'why' can expodentially help you moving forward, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Support the Show.
Empty Cups

Empty Cups


You MUST find gratitude and thankfulness within your own life before being able to successfully pour your cup onto others. There are ways to make sure you're doing this. Support the Show.
Motivational Crack

Motivational Crack


Motivation can often appear as a drug that is used you OD on. How can we identify why we are lacking real motivation and just sucking on the crack. There are some easy ideas to help! Support the Show.
One Simple Year

One Simple Year


What were you doing one year ago today?Did we learn this year? Did we do things well? Was it all really that bad? As we journey through a year of peaks and valleys it's amazing how we forget the positives. Support the Show.
Knowing it All

Knowing it All


I was called a know it all this week. It reminded me of the sometimes fine line between knowing it all and being a wise and educated person. We discuss here a few key differences between the two. Support the Show.
Back To Basics

Back To Basics


In the dog days of summer, I find myself in need of a re-boot. Here are some simple tips to assist in starting over with what we know works for us!Support the Show.
The Buzzing Brain

The Buzzing Brain


After a night where my 7 year old had too much caffeine and sugar, he complained that his brain was buzzing as he laid down to bed. It was an all-to-familiar concept to me, and it reminded me of how our active our brains can be when it's time to rest. There are certainly a few trade tactics we can all use to calm down our minds to rest. Support the Show.
Spontaneity For Grins

Spontaneity For Grins


Does being spontaneous cultivate happiness?Did we suffer from a lack of spontaneity during the pandemic?Is being Impulsive the same thing?The answers are different for us all, but it's an interesting topic...Support the Show.
+/- Routines

+/- Routines


Routines are seemingly helpful to most people. They bring stability to our day and allow us to focus on other, more important things. But there is something to be said about getting out of that 'routine box' and then assessing how it worked for you. Support the Show.
Skates on a Spider

Skates on a Spider


If we could only learn how to turn the negative into a positive? Can this really be a simple process? There are a few tricks to this trade. Find some skates and find out...Support the Show.
The Lacking Drive

The Lacking Drive


Holy smokes is it easy to fall into the world of 'no motivation.' How do we even start knocking down our lists if we have no drive to even get off the couch? Chunk it off folks! Just push the snowball down the hill....Support the Show.
Put in The Hours

Put in The Hours


You really want to succeed in this world? You want that girl/guy? You want that amazing job? You want to be the best at something? It is not going to be handed to you. 10,000 hours! That's the bottom line. Get off the couch, and get started today!Support the Show.
The Tough Talks

The Tough Talks


So much easier to ignore the harder talks in life. But are you doing yourself a disservice if you are ignoring them. What it I told you that with the right tone...the right plan...and the ability to listen, these talks would exponentially help you. Support the Show.
Do You Validate?

Do You Validate?


Are you seeking validation from people you don't even know? Do you know the motive behind that social post tonight?Remember the room you are in and who is with you...Support the Show.



Are you comfortable in your life? While most believe the answer should be yes, there is a strong argument against it. Support the Show.
Good ol Uncle Walt and Ted Lasso brought me back to this oldey but goodie. Remember to judge someone or something you need all of the information (which you'll never have). Choose to be curious instead. The difference will leave you with such a better feeling and understanding of who we are. Support the Show.
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