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Love After Divorce

Author: Dawn Ziegerer

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Everyone deserves a do-over, especially after a divorce or breakup. And you can have one, just like I did. I learned a lot after getting divorced not once, but twice. I learned how to date. I learned how to spot red flags. And best of all, I learned how to listen to those red flags.

After doing lots of work on myself, I fell in love with a great guy. You may think it's hard. And for most people, it is! But the only thing that's keeping you from the relationship you want is a skill set you just don't have yet. And it's something you can certainly learn. So tune in and see what steps you need to take to find your happily ever after.

To learn more about my program, go to
13 Episodes
Finding love after divorce is simple. You get yourself onto some dating sites. Go on dates. Ditch the guys who reveal red flags, then keep going until you find your guy. Simple, right? Yet, most women can’t take these steps. Because of the SEVEN DOUBTS. Here's a few of them: You doubt you can see the red flags. And you don’t want to end up with another loser. You doubt you can say “no” after a few dates. Who wants to come off like a bitch or hurt someone’s feelings? You doubt you have time. No time to waste on texts, emails, and cruddy dates. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
Here's a "Sister of the Unhappily Ever After" you may know well. I certainly did. Her name is Rosie. She saw lots of signs that her boyfriend was a frog, but she ignored them. Instead, she convinced herself that all was fine. Until it wasn't. She wasted lots of time with a frog. And then she experienced pain that could have been avoided. And many women do this. If it was easy to face red flags, more of us would do it. But it's a skill. One of the best skills you'll ever learn. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
Lots of us have felt screwed over. We tell stories about what someone did to us. But, this keeps us stuck. Powerless. Unable to move on. We stew in anger and betrayal. Here are stories about people who got screwed over then got their power back. Or didn't... Polly, Brenda, and Adam met at a divorce support group a few years ago. And they each have horrible stories about what happened during their marriage and divorce. Two of them have moved on. But Polly has not. Here's why. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
Today I tell you about another one of the "Sisters of the Unhappily Ever After." Debbie is one of the most repellent personas. Good men don't last long with her. Listen to see what you pick up. Imagine if a man you just started dating did these things. What about this story is a big turn-off? When we are desperate, our thoughts come through our actions. We want something so much and the person we are dating feels repelled because we want them to help us feel better. And nobody wants to be responsible for our feelings. Good men and women are attracted to people who can take care of themselves. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
We all have traits like these sisters - caricatures of women who repel good men instead of attracting them. And if you really want to find a great man (or woman) then you need to figure out which sister (or sisters) is wreaking havoc on your love life. In past episodes, we talked about Susie Save Me and Passive Patricia. Today we talk about another sister. See if you can name her yourself. And see if you can figure out what's so repelling about what she says and does. This is vital, because once you figure out how you are repelling men, you can attract them instead. Once you identify the "sister," you can focus on learning the skills of attraction. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
There are lots of things women do to repel good partners. The problem is that women are attracting frogs instead of princes. If you have traits like the "Sisters of the Unhappily Ever After," you may be unwittingly doing things that turn men off. Today I'll tell you about "Passive Patricia." Listen to what's happening in her life and see if you relate. If you do, that's great news! It means that you have the power to change it. We can't fix what we don't see, so check out this episode to see if you're too much like her. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
There are lots of things women do to repel good partners. The problem is that women are attracting frogs instead of princes. If you have traits like the "Sisters of the Unhappily Ever After," you may be unwittingly doing things that turn men off. The first sister I'll tell you about today is "Susie." Listen to what's happening in her life and see if you relate. If you do, that's great news! It means that you have the power to change it. We can't fix what we don't see, so check out this episode to see if you're too much like Susie. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
Many women go on dates, but complain about not having any luck. Women are upset because they aren't attracting the great guys. Or, the man doesn't want to pursue a relationship after only one date. In this episode, I introduce you to "Leslie," a wonderful woman who told me about the bad luck she was having. She would have great dates but end up nowhere. She could not figure out what was going wrong. But the truth is, the only thing Leslie needed were some skills. And without these skills, she was actually repelling the men she was trying to attract. Step One in finding Love After Divorce is to identify the things you are saying or doing that repel potential partners. And once you learn to attract instead, watch out! For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
I start this episode with examples of dating profiles for two different men. Listen and decide which guy you'd choose. There is a reason these profiles either attract you or repel you. These profiles show you exactly what is vital to have when dating. You'll either attract men or commit the seven deadly sins of dating. And I'll tell you what Step One is when it comes to finding a long-lasting romantic relationship after a divorce or a breakup. The problem is that you're alone and don't want to be. So listen to these episodes and find out how you can be sure you are attracting the men you want. (This podcast is written with heteronormative examples. People of all gender identities and sexual orientations are welcome.) For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
In this episode, I tell you the true story of my friend, "Mary," and the dating disasters she had on her way to true love. She dated three different men - all named "Tom" before she figured out that she was dating the wrong type of men. In this episode, we illustrate the problem and the solution. And I talk about why Mary thought she dated the wrong men for so long. We all have emotional baggage that we drag into our dating lives. And once we figure out what we're doing wrong, we can fix it. The only thing between you and the love life of your dreams are a set of skills you just haven't learned yet. We all deserve a love life do-over, and this is a story of a real-life do-over! For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
Here in part two, I tell you about the shocking surprise I got after my second divorce. And then you'll see how I went from PTSD to my happily ever after. There is a way to have a do-over in your love life. I hope this story inspires you to believe that you can have an epic relationship with a heroic man. You are on your own heroic journey, and I can help you do what it takes to get the love you really want. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
Many of us make mistakes when we're looking for love after a divorce. I know I did. So this is part one of my story -- my true confession about what happened when I was dating after my first divorce. Let me be a warning of what not to do! I didn't pay attention to red flags. I dated guys longer than I should have. And I married a guy that I should not have. This is not an exercise in beating myself up, rather, an inspection of my past so I could figure out how to have a successful do-over in my love life. And I did have a very successful do-over! In part two you'll hear all about that. The only thing between you and a great love life are skills you just haven't learned yet. This podcast is for you if you'd like to learn those skills. For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
The idea of a Prince makes some women cringe. We don't exactly have the best role models. But, in reality, a Prince is an outstanding person. Someone you can't imagine living without. So ask yourself, is your partner somebody you can't live without? If the answer is "no," it just indicates that there are some skills you have to learn. You can go from where you are now to "happily ever after." That Prince may be sitting on the couch next to you. And if not, that Prince is out there just waiting for you! For more information, visit my website at I'd really appreciate it if you would click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! © 2022 Dawn Ziegerer
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