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DCC Podcast

Author: Delaware Christian Church

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Dive deep into Scripture with Delaware Christian Church.
54 Episodes
Study the truths of the Christian faith and explore The Gospel of John. 

Relationships Episode 6


We're joined by our counseling partner, Jen Peddicord, LPC. 

Relationships - Episode 5


Special Guest, Dan Vroegop, LPC.

Relationships - Episode 4


Sam & Danny are joined by our counseling partner, Carrie Hover, MACC,LPCC. 
Relationships are hard. Explore the dynamics of relationships as we partner with our counseling partners, and explore hot topics. Dynamics of parentingDynamics of marriage and familyTrauma and relationships
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where fear outweighs your sense of loyalty? Well, you're not alone. In today's episode Sam and Danny will be diving into one of the most famous stories from the Bible - Peter's denial of Jesus, not just once, but three times.  It's a tale that resonates through the ages and speaks to the very core of what it means to be human.
Skepticism vs Unbelief: Have you ever had something happened to you and you tried to tell others but they wouldn't believe you.   In this episode, we'll explore the story of a man born blind, his miraculous healing, and the profound reactions it evokes from those around him. It's a narrative that transcends its biblical origins, resonating with the skepticism and unbelief that still echo in our world today.
In this latest episode, join the guys as the dive into a a controversial passage found in John 8.  Jesus is on the scene and He is setting the record straight as He brings truth and reveals the truth.  
In this episode of the DCC Podcast, Pastor Sam goes solo and gets down into the trenches of the Word in John chapter 3. 
In this episode of the DCC Podcast, Sam and Drew enter into a tense situation that unfolds in John chapter 2. Join us as we unpack what's underneath the surface of temple sacrifices, cracked whips, flipped tables, and a passionate Jesus! 
DCC we are back with another exciting series and podcast - The Gospel of John  Join us over the next seven weeks as we discuss critical passages and themes found in this book.  Join us today as we discuss a brief introduction to the Gospel of John.  
Join us as we recap the letter of James.  We share 6 take aways from the letter in this final episode.
In today's episode, we explore the first 6 verses of chapter 5.  James issues a warning to the rich.  In these verses James describes the danger of greed.  The true condition of earthly wealth is that is is not forever, it is already rotting away and will one day be completely destroyed.  Join us as we discuss this section and themes that James would like us to take away from it.
Are you submissive to the Word of God and resistant to the schemes of the enemy?  James teaches that the cause of the conflicts within ourselves, our families and the church stems from a lack of submission and resistance.  Join us in today's episode of the James podcast as we unpack these themes and more from James 4:7-10.  
Be careful little tongue what you say...Join us in today's episdoe as we discuss the power of the tongue.  Anchored in James 3:1-5 we look at what God's Word says about taming the tongue.  We hope that you enjoy today's podcast and that you're challenged to use your words in a way the uplifts and build others.
What's your favorite episode, is there one that you should partiality to?  In this week's episode of the James podcast, the guys discuss James 2:1-7.  These section of verses warns against showing partiality / favoritism to the rich vs the poor.  How should we treat others in the church, this and more is discussed.  Join the conversation.
In today's episode the we explore the verses found in James 1:12-18.  James talks about blessings that come from above, what it means to remain steadfast, temptation and more.  We hope that you enjoy today's episode.
How do you view the trials in your life?  Who or where do you turn for wisdom?  In this week's episode we unpack these themes that James touches on in his letter.  As you embark on this journey with us through sermons, bible study, worship and podcast, we hope to highlight God's truth on these topics.
Join us as we explore the letter of James.  In this introduction to the letter the guys share the verses that they believe to be a key verse of the letter, one that they really like and one that challenges them.  We hope you enjoy this introduction and continue join us as we unpack more verses over the course of remaining upcoming episodes in this series.
Colossians 4:7-18 - The importance and power of community.  This final episode finds us covering verses 7 through 18 in the final chapter.  Paul closes his letter with some greetings and commendations.  This highlights for us the value that everyone has when it comes to the message of the gospel.
Colossians 3:5-16 - The beauty of of the body of Christ is found in its diversity.  Paul talks about a "standard" for Christian living which compares our life not with earthly wealth or values, but with a heavenly, spiritual standard set by Christ.   All humans shared in the fallen nature, now that Christ has reconciled mankind to having a relationship with God we must be truthful in our relationships with others. 
Colossians 2:13 - 14 - In this episode, we discuss 2 verses that emphasizes the value and importance of "spiritual circumcision"   Christians are made alive though the power of forgiveness, and what this forgiveness does is cancel or pay the debt of sin which constantly accused and condemned us before God.
Colossians 1:24 - 2:5 - Time and culture change but false teachers use the same tactics throughout history. Paul compresses all the information about the gospel into one word, "Christ."  In this week's episode we discuss all this an more.  What is the mystery hidden that's now revealed?  What about suffering?  Join us as we unpack these verses that will lead us into chapter 2 of the epistle.
Colossians 1:6-12 - In this week's episode, we breakdown verses 6 through 8 of Chapter 1 in the letter to the Colossians.  In this section of the letter Paul will offer a prayer which will serve as a bridge to his first major point in this lesson: Christ is pre-eminent, or first and foremost, in their relationship with God. He encourages them through prayer asking that they be filled with the knowledge God's wisdom and understanding.
Jesus is Supreme - The Letter to the Colossians is an epistle written as a doctrinal statement concerning the deity and all sufficiency of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Join us as we explore this letter together.  In this first episode, we give an overview of the letter, discuss how we are going to be engaging throughout this study and more.
As we conclude an exciting, in-depth venture through the letter of Ephesians, we answer some questions that have presented themselves along the way. This episode reminds us to look to the ultimate example, Jesus. It's not about avoiding people, struggle, or hardship. It's about having endurance and showing love.
There's yet another tension stirring. The culture in today's world has established expectations and norms for families that have led to division. The letter of Ephesians brings us back to the original expectations for families, friends, and even co-workers that ultimately leads to unity.
We've been caught under the influence. We're all under the influence of something whether it's alcohol, drugs, politics, or society. What does it look like to be under the influence of The Spirit? What aspects of God should we imitate? How do we imitate God? How can we walk in love? What standards should we hold ourselves to? This episode tackles some of these difficult questions as we explore Ephesians chapter 5.
Unity and conformity. Two words that couldn't be more opposite, yet often used interchangeably. Join us for this week's episode as a conversation over Ephesians 4 takes us anywhere from behind the grill of your favorite fast-food chain, to the breathtaking view of the Redwoods in Northern California.
Who doesn't like a good mystery? In this episode, we discuss the mystery that is revealed in the letter to the Ephesians. How could our lives be different if we consistently asked God to increase our awareness of His grace at work in our lives?
What if you were given a second chance at life? Ephesians 2 tells us that we were once dead in our trespasses, but have been made alive with Christ because of God's grace. In this episode, we take an in-depth look at how a culture that was built on division is being united.
This episode begins our journey through the book of Ephesians. We focus on the background of the author, as well as the original audience who received this letter from Paul. We also tackle the meaning of controversial words such as: predestined, election, and chosen. Were these words that tend to cause major division in the Church today, originally meant to bring unity? We'll be answering any questions you have from the book of Ephesians during our final Panoramic podcast. Submit your question here:

The Quest: Your Legacy


We all want to leave a legacy behind. One that echoes for generations to come. When it comes to our QUEST to financial freedom our end goal is to leave a legacy that that helps spur the next generation. What is a will? What is a trust? What is estate planning? These questions and more will be discussed in this week's podcast.
In today's session, we tackle investing and saving. Investing is a term that can be challenging, so today we'd like to demystify some myths when it comes to investing. We want to define some terms to help you better understand how investing can be one of the key drivers in helping us on our QUEST of financial freedom.

The Quest: The Debt Dragon


In session 2, we are looking at the dragon that we're calling debt. As we continue in our QUEST to financial freedom, we are going to look at the challenges of debt and talk through some practical ways to minimize it. The accumulation of debt is not an overnight event, so the reduction of debt will also not be an overnight event as much as we wish that would be the case. Don't be discouraged, you can do it! By implementing these practical steps, we can begin to conquer that dragon.
Today's session provides an overview of some of the building blocks in creating a budget. Budgeting can be a scary word in today's culture, but the principles and disciplines we learn from budgeting will help us in our quest for financial freedom. The first step in our QUEST begins with budgeting. This episode provides a general overview of the why and the how when it comes to budgeting.
Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of James and Salome, have seen the death and the burial. They return to the tomb in order to finish the cleaning and anointing of the body. Mark describes the resurrection through the eyes of the women who are first to witness the empty tomb. They are met by an angel who has rolled away the stone. Join Sam and Danny with special guest Laura Rosa as they wrap up the Mark series.
It’s early Friday morning. Our Lord has been betrayed, abandoned, interrogated, beaten, spit on, and denied throughout the night with no rest. He will soon be nearly to death by Roman scourging and crucified. He will die around 3pm on Friday afternoon . Mark leaves off telling his story from the three levels we have been tracking (ministry to the masses, to His disciples, confrontation with Jewish leaders) and now focuses entirely on the final hours of Jesus' life, what some writers called the "Passion."
In this chapter of Mark, the longest one of the Gospel wrapping up at 72 verses the guys touch upon the anointing in Bethany, the betrayal of Jesus to the agony in the Gethsemane. Jesus stands before the council and Peter denies Jesus. A whirlwind of emotions as you navigate this one, join the guys as they navigate all that’s happening in this section of Mark’s Gospel.
In chapter thirteen of Mark, Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple, provides some teachings on signs of what’s to come and wrapping up the chapter with a couple of parables. One of the most interesting chapters in Mark’s gospel. Join the guys as they discuss what’s happening in this week’s episode.
Happy Easter, Jesus continues His walk toward the cross. He teaches about a vineyard, talks about the resurrection, paying taxes to Caesar and much more. Join the guys as they unpack the 12th chapter of Mark’s Gospel.
Jesus makes His way into Jerusalem, it’s the triumphal entry. Jesus has a few things to say about a fig tree, the temple and more. Join us in today’s episode as the guys dig into the 11th chapter of Mark’s gospel.
Jesus teaches on divorce, a rich young ruler makes an unwise choice, James and John want to sit next to Jesus and a blind man receives his sight and more. Hang out with the guys as they unpack this 10th chapter of the Gospel of Mark.
Mark chapter nine kicks off with the transfiguration. This scene that features Jesus, Moses and Elijah is witnessed by Peter, James and John. The chapter continues with Jesus training and instructing the disciples.
Jesus feeds the four thousand, the Pharisees demand a sign, a blind man receives his sight, and more. Special Guest Drew Wymer one of the Worship Leaders on staff at DCC joins Sam and Danny to unpack this chapter.
This chapter begins with the Pharisees and Scribes accusing Jesus’ disciples of breaking traditions. Jesus spends the first half talking about what defiles a person and then He encounters a women in need of healing for her daughter. Jesus also heals a deaf man.
Jesus returns to Nazareth, His hometown…but it’s not the homecoming you’d expect. The disciples are sent out to minister to the people, the death of John the Baptist is recounted and much more.
As we continue the journey through the Gospel of Mark, we see Jesus demonstrating His divine abilities in His teachings and miracles. The reaction to Him by ordinary people and the Jewish leadership is strong but mixed with some believing, others skeptical and many among the leaders becoming confrontational. In chapter 5 Jesus encounters a man with a “legion” of demons, He heals a woman who had been suffering for 12 years while on His way to resurrect a 12 year old little girl.
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