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Discerning What Is Best with Dr Rex Rogers
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Discerning What Is Best with Dr Rex Rogers

Author: Rex Rogers

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Discerning What Is Best with Dr Rex Rogers is a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, doing Christian critical thinking, or spiritual discernment, about current issues, culture, and everyday life (Phil. 1:9-11). Rogers is former longtime president of Cornerstone University and now President of mission ministry SAT-7 USA. He is the author of "Gambling: Don't Bet On It," "Christian Liberty: Living for God in a Changing Culture" and its ebook "Living for God in Changing Times," and co-author of "Today, You Do Greatness: A Parable of Success and Significance."Learn more at
153 Episodes
In the span of a month, both traditional and progressive Catholic views took a lead story position in social media and the news, the first from a professional football player's commencement address and the second from the Pope in an interview at the Vatican. The football player has been castigated across media for daring to say he appreciated his wife's choice to become a homemaker supporting his career. As a Catholic speaking at a Catholic college, he listed several conservative viewpoints a...
Israel/Hamas have been involved in mortal combat since just after the surprise Hamas terrorist attack Oct 7, 2023 upon innocent Israelis across the border from Gaza. It's a tragic experience no matter how it is parsed, but it's been interesting to note how some Christian leaders lean heavily one way or another, which in itself is understandable and OK, but in doing so they often lack nuance, misuse, skip over, or twist facts, seem to make quick judgments based upon their demographic inclinati...
There are manifold ways to think about kinds of people in the world, but one way right out of Scripture is to think about "Sinners in Need of Grace" and "Sinners Saved by Grace." Either a person has asked Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9) become a Christian, i.e., a sinner saved by grace, or they have not and are still a sinner in need of this saving grace. We often, then, perhaps understandably, focus on the saved by grace part, as we should, cel...
More than 80 American public universities have experienced not simply pro-Palestinian human rights protests--that's just the excuse--but what has morphed into pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, Jew-hatred, anti-America student (with the help of significant numbers of outside paid agitators) demonstrations. These generously labeled "protests" predictably evolved into commandeering and destroying property, harassment of local Jews and others in boldly chanted antisemitic, even genocidal chants, ridiculous...
Why has American culture changed so dramatically in the past 25 years? Was there a tipping point that triggered significant cultural change, and if not, what contributed to the shifts in values and behaviors we're now seeing in the streets, on campuses, even in the halls of Congress? In what way does American culture's view of truth, or the lack thereof, play into this? According to the great historian Will Durant, “a great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroy...
Year 2024 is a presidential election year, so once again Americans are following the statements and antics of leading candidates from the Democrat - in this case the incumbent President Joe Biden - and from the Republican - former president Donald Trump. Christians often want to know more about their favorite candidate's religious persuasion, and this has been a staple of American politics from the beginning. It's interesting, though, to consider presidents historically and examine whether th...
MIsgendering, i.e., using a person's given name -- something called Deadnaming -- rather than the name they've chosen to match their perceived gender identity, or not using the person's Preferred Pronouns they say match their gender identity, is now a controversy in the U.S. Christians struggle with this challenge - do they refuse to use a transitioned person's new name or preferred pronouns in the interest of truth or do they use these new names and pronouns as a matter of respect for the ot...
The Chosen, Review III

The Chosen, Review III


"The Chosen" is a multi-season television drama about the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples. For the characters, it offers creatively written backstories not found in the Scripture, but the drama attempts to portray the biblical story of Jesus in a manner faithful to the primary message of the biblical narrative. This is the third of three podcasts on "The Chosen." For more Christian commentary, check my website at
The Chosen, Review II

The Chosen, Review II


"The Chosen" is a multi-season television drama, just releasing Season 4 and scheduled for seven seasons, about the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples. An evangelical Christian, Dallas Jenkins, is the creator, producer. Some viewers have criticized the show in certain details and storylines, and at least one if not two controversies developed outside the show's content. This second of three podcasts on "The Chosen" considers those criticisms and controversies. For more Christi...
The Chosen, Review I

The Chosen, Review I


"The Chosen" is a planned 7-season television drama on the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples. It tells the greatest story ever told with imaginative backstories and interpersonal conflicts. This is the first of three sequential podcasts on the series."The Chosen" is cinematic art, not unlike the paintings of the Renaissance or Reformation, but a contemporary media in which human creators make judgments and vest themselves and their ideas in the work. In this they are able to fulfill the ...
Easter Hope

Easter Hope


Easter is the defining celebration of Christianity, focusing upon Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross, death and burial, then resurrection for the salvation of those who put their faith in him. There is no other religious holiday like it. He is risen. He is risen indeed. For more Christian commentary, see my website at
Civil liberties are the "unalienable rights" of the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty, and in Thomas Jefferson's words, pursuit of happiness. Civil liberties are human or natural rights, our human birthright from God as designated in nature. Civil liberties list what government cannot take away. Civil rights are additional, expanded protections or rights granted by government to preserve and enhance our experience with our civil liberties. Right to vote, for example, is a civil right...
Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it,” is a principle that until recently I thought applied solely to the development of good Christian attitudes and behavior. Then it occurred to me that this principle works whether one is teaching a child worthy or unworthy values and ways of moving through their lives. In a sense, it is a promise and a warning. Look what American culture is experiencing now, with students demonstrating in ...
Satan's Next Frontier

Satan's Next Frontier


It seems that each time a moral standard is displaced, the social process refocuses upon another traditional moral standard that the Left argues is somehow a great restriction and oppression upon personal liberty. Gambling, a longtime social evil, fell in the 90s and early 2010s, same-sex marriage was legally embraced in 2015, then transgenderism took its turn. Trans ideology has now conquered American academia, entertainment, athletics, and Big Media, if not also much of religion. So what's ...
SAT-7 is a Christian satellite and online broadcaster based in Cyprus and broadcasting 24/7 in Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) - now also reaching into Afghanistan, Tajikistan. The technology of satellites is virtually un-censorable, and the internet is far-reaching. Truly SAT-7 is able to use technology, to communicate theology, in a timely fashion. SAT-7 bases its doctrinal understanding upon the Bible, and as summarized in the Nicene Creed and ...
Population decline is now a serious consideration in Western Europe, the US and North America, Japan, China, and several more countries. In fact, the only countries where the population replacement rate is functioning at a needed, typical level, are several Sub-Saharan countries in Africa, Egypt, and a few countries in the Far East. Why is this happening? Why are people rejecting the idea of more children and families? And why does it matter that population decreases in countries over time, i...
Christian Nationalism has become a kind of grab bag label for several religious or specifically Christian approaches to engagement in US national politics. Some of these approaches are, frankly, unbiblical. While some may not call themselves by this term, yet they believe the USA was founded upon Judeo-Christian values, and that this public moral consensus, now fracturing, is still sorely needed today to reinforce social cohesion and preserve e Pluribus Unum. Others use this label as a ...
Climate Change is no longer simply about concern for the environment. Now among climate change alarmists, particularly globalist elites, climate change is a means to an end, a scare tactic to institute government controls, insure the power of leftist socialists, increase the size of government, promote population decline via abortion and other means, and otherwise put in place a laundry list of restrictions on personal liberty, economic activity, and freedom of mobility and choice. For more C...
If any word could describe the current condition of American culture it might be confused, so much so that the words of Scripture comes to mind as Jesus looked upon Jerusalem he thought of them as harassed and helpless as sheep without a shepherd. That's what we have today, harassed and helpless people, living in confusion that is a produce to their own choices. With all that, because God is long-suffering, human beings are not hopeless. God is still there, he still loves those he created, he...
Digital Identification is now a commonplace of postmodern life. In many ways, the capacity to store and share information online, including personally identifying information, is helpful, making commerce and communication run more smoothly. But it also makes our most private information, and what we own--our values, interests, activities, bank accounts, etc.--available to a growing complex of interconnected, government, including foreign, or corporate system of data access, coordination...and...
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