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Upgrade Mommies

Author: Jordan Brohm

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Upgrade Mommies is a podcast for moms who have lost their way, and are seeking a way back to happiness. It's for moms who struggle with all the usual shit... pregnancy, stress, and raising kids, all while trying to keep their own identity (which in and of itself is a BITCH!) Mommies of all walks of life are in need of a major upgrade, mentally and physically. And that, my friends, is why I started this show.
22 Episodes
Your life isn’t over when you have kids…You can still travel and do thing for yourself.Taking your kids with you and letting them learn along the way can be the best lessons they can have.
Turning the negative things that pop up in life into a positive is difficult but try to make it fun!!Reconfiguring how you think and the way you say things is so crucial.
How I found My Tribe!!

How I found My Tribe!!


Being social while parenting and keeping up on the house work can be difficult. It’s also VERY necessary in order to meet the people the universe draws you to.
Working Partner

Working Partner


Having a partner who works like crazy is hard and sometimes lonely.Also being with someone who travels for work some of the time can be difficult too, learning to be present and TRULY sitting with your self can be hard but I CHOOSE for that part of learning about myself to be easy. Anything and everything you do or think is completely up to you!!!
It’s very important to put yourself in situations that make you feel uncomfortable.That is when you know you will grow and learn who you are and why you are doing what you are doing.You will quickly learn your true Strengths and weaknesses by doing the scary shit!!!
No matter what path your on you CANT let anyone pull you off…Staying motivated and on track is key.
My First Reiki Session

My First Reiki Session


I talk a lot about self healing and help, but I have not gone to a Reiki session till just last week. I found myself so stuck in a place that I didn’t know how to get out of.So I tried something new for help.I have done meditation and group stuff before but never a 1:1 session.It was THE ANSWER , it helped me realize how to get unstuck and what to do to if I ever find myself there again.
I've been in a rut for a few weeks now.With the stress of moving, not being able/wanting to workout and not tracking my food. Being that time of the month doesn’t help either. I often find myself in a rut, the difference between who I was and who I am now is that I know how to get myself out faster.
Sharing spaces with your kids is crazy and there is no privacy at all.We have been sharing bathrooms with the kids for 8 years now and they get into EVERYTHING!! We are so excited to have our own bathroom with a locking door in our new house. Learning to share spaces with more then one person is a rollercoaster especially when they are getting older and no longer babies. Also learning to give kids space to learn and grow on there own is VERY important.I for one struggle with th...
How do kids know how to push your buttons so well?Being a stay at home mom and not getting the breaks from your kids that you both need from each other can be dangerous. Kids can go from loving little angels… to not wanting you near them. 😢Raising kids it’s so crazy it’s so easy when they are babies then poof all of a sudden they are completely different and each kid is so different you have to figure out how to raise each child separately but with similar morals so they are at least dec...
It was great to have Amie as a guest on this weeks episode to talk about preparing yourself and your kids to leave the house. Also learning more about her and how she turned her passion into her career.I personally do not have experience with teenage kids but thinking back about how I was as a teenager, to say that I am worried is an understatement. 😂😂 Amie has some amazing tips on how she has raised her kids .❤️🤩Follow Amie on Instagram Follow Amie on Facebook
Setting goals

Setting goals


Not only setting goals but accomplishing them is key to personal growth.There are specific steps for me personally that I have to take to make sure that I accomplish my goals.-Complete vision board-Write down goals on paper and a mirror that you see every day. Along with pictures.-Constantly think (day dream) about what it will feel like once you have accomplish this goal and how happy and accomplished you will feel.(This step personally fires me up more than anything to continue to pursue my...
Being impeccable with your word to yourself and others not only builds your character,It also build your confidence and knowing that you can do hard things.It doesn’t matter how many times you try to reach your goal or how long it takes you just as long as you stick with it and reach it.
Being your partners biggest cheerleader is one of the best things you could do. Not only does it help their confidence but it keeps the positivity in your mindset.Personally I was in a dark place and resented my husband for his success years before I figured this out.I felt like he was the only one that had his shit together. Then I learned it is a team effort and he would not be able to do what he’s been doing without me holding down the fort at home.
Finding inner peace versus finding your motivation.How do you stay on the right track?!?As a stay at home mom I completely lost who I was. What my hobbies are but now that I am looking back to how I was. I don’t want to be that person again and I don’t think I could even get there if I tried. Finding who you are growing into and creating who you want to be take time and effort. You can’t expect it to just happen to you… you have to create your new life.
Learning to trust yourself is quite a process.Trusting your gut and knowing everything will work out the way it is supposed to.As long as your making the necessary steps to get to you goals. Trusting yourself to make the right decisions to raise your kids to be decent humans.
When going to the park with your family and watching other parents not look up from their phones or books or whatever they brought to check if their kids are still on the playground. It is UNBELIEVABLE to me that some parents have no clue where their kid is on the playground they just think, yes let’s go to the park so I can just get some quiet time… How about actively playing with your kid/s….
Prioritizing YOU time

Prioritizing YOU time


In this episode I break down examples of how I best prioritize my time and scheduling my days.Prioritizing YOU before anyone else is one of the keys to success.Figuring out how to fit in the things you truly want to do into your busy schedule as a mom.
Inner Bitch Voice

Inner Bitch Voice


Not giving in to your bitch voice will be the best thing for you.It pushes you do be better, as stay at home moms we loose our way and give in to doing things that don’t make us better. Being a mom can put us on the back burner.Tune in with me to find out how I figure out to do both. ( being a mom, finding me again)
In this episode I talk about the mental and physical struggles of my "mom bod".I talk about what life was like before kids, during pregnancy and after.My life may have seemed AMAZING to some on the outside but on the inside and behind closed doors I really struggled.I have been on quite a journey since becoming a mom. After my 2nd kid I almost weighed 200lbs I cant believe I let myself get to that point. I was Unrecognizable. Having no clue who I was anymore when I looked in the mirror.Even t...
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