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Monday Moments
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Monday Moments

Author: Freedom Fellowship

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Welcome to Monday Moments, the show in which we take a deeper dive into Sunday's sermon.God's Word holds so much truth and depth, and there isn't enough time to share as much as we would like to on Sundays. So we're bringing that extra depth to you through a simple conversation with the pastor. We explore the topic, its relevance, break down word meanings, and more.We hope this show enriches your relationship with Jesus and the Bible. Thank you for listening!
68 Episodes
Foolish Wisdom

Foolish Wisdom


As humans, we can be pretty simple creatures. If we see something that makes sense to our brains, or someone at least sounds like they know what they're talking about, we follow it and call it wisdom. God, however, does things differently. He chooses the foolish things of the world to show how wise He really is.Unfortunately, our "wisdom" often leads to elevating our preferences. "I like this person/worship/style, etc." What results is a fractured Church when the call of Christ is to be One a...



The Good Samaritan. Many are familiar with this story, or at least its essence. Kind stranger helps needy stranger. Roll credits. But not so fast!Maybe that's what's happening on the surface, but if all you take from this story is that we should be kind to others, you're missing out on a trove of implications and revelations that can only be uncovered when you commit to the text. So let's try this again, shall we?In the story of the Good Samaritan, we are presented with a host of characters t...
Jars Of Clay

Jars Of Clay


Priests represent God to the people and the people unto God. There was both a privilege the priests enjoyed as well as a responsibility. It's the same for us today. While we have the amazing treasure of God's Presence in this fragile, earthly body, we also have a responsibility to maintain our "temple" and to bring others to God. It's an amazing dynamic that can only be experienced when we willfully submit every part of our daily lives to Jesus, allowing Him to transform us into the priest He...
Making Disciples

Making Disciples


Making disciples was the last charge Jesus gave us before He went back to Heaven, and it should be the primary concern of all Christians. Every person on Earth deserves to know and experience the love of Jesus. Over the years, disciple making for many churches has morphed into programs, books, and a set of "dos and don'ts." Those aren't necessarily bad. They were just never meant to be the starting point.Jesus offered us a different way, and it seems simultaneously simple yet counterintuitive...



When you stop and think about it, contentment can be hard to define and even harder to identify. After all, the wise among us would tell you that contentment can be a moving target as we grow older and the seasons of our life change. Life is a journey of ups and downs and everywhere in between. Being content no matter our circumstances can feel much easier said than done at times.The apostle, Paul, says he learned "the secret" to being content whether he had much or little (Philippians 4:11)....
Money Money Money

Money Money Money


Money can be massively divisive topic. It is one of the top contributors to divorce, as a matter of fact. It's no less potent when discussed within the church. The Bible has a tremendous amount to say about the topic of money, however. While it may not be the most important aspect of our faith, it does certainly hold a significant amount of weight to our lives and our relationship with God.



"I didn't see that coming," is a common expression after something unexpected happens. From accidents to surprises, we can easily be caught unaware, fixated in our own little worlds, tasks, and day to day lives.It was the same in Jesus' day. Well, it was the same before His day, to be more specific. The Lord was silent for 400 years leading up to the birth of Christ. It was then that the Lord broke the silence to an unsuspecting priest named Zecharias and his wife, Elizabeth. Though Elizabeth...
Spirit Filled

Spirit Filled


Have you ever tried to push a big car? Depending on your strength, it may seem doable at first, but after a short while, even the stoutest among us would get tired. What if you knew that car was in perfect working order, it only needed a full tank of gas? Would you still continue to push it, insisting that your strength was enough, or would you fill it up as quickly as possible so you can really make progress on your journey?Being filled with the Spirit is a common phrase heard in churches. I...



When you're on a trip or adventure, it's important to have some kind of guide. Maybe that guide is an actual person who has traveled that way before or maybe it's a map. Whatever the case, following the guide will get you to your destination. Not following your guide will get you lost or worse. Going your own way sounds nice initially, and it can certainly seem like the easier way. After all, you get to call the shots. Ultimately it has the more costly destination.In Matthew 7, the Lord Jesus...



Trends are nothing new. While our culture may be obsessing about trends currently, the fact is that trends have been rising and falling like waves in the ocean since the dawn of time.What is particularly valuable, though, is to observe trends over long periods of time and what they tell us about people's behavior. To be more specific, observing church trends reveals something that is, frankly, alarming in our time. With a steady decline, we have to decide what exactly is going on and what to ...



Life would probably be a lot easier if we ignored Jesus' words. He did a lot of nice things and loved a lot of people. It's safe to say we can all agree that very few people had issues with what Jesus did. It's what He said that causes problems. Whenever God's Word, aka Jesus, says something that goes against our paradigms, we stand at a crossroads. Are we going to continue to trust what the Bible says to be true, or are we going to deviate from that path and follow our own ideas? That's...
God's Provision

God's Provision


The Lord tells us in His Word over and over that He will be our provider. We sing songs about it. We read about it. We encourage one another about it. When the world around us is...unfavorable, are we going to continue to trust Him to provide even if, and especially if, the circumstances don't change the way we want them to.That's the essence of the story of Esther, which is what we're talking about today! In this story, we see God move on behalf of His people, but not in the way we would hav...



Forever is a long time. That may be the most obvious statement in history, but there is a lot to unpack when you really stop and think about it. What is forever? What implications does that reality hold for this present life? These questions and others like it ought to run through our mind at one time or another and evoke a compelling lifestyle change.This was David's view when he wrote "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever," in Psalm 23. He knew that his every need, in this life and...
What Is God's Table?

What Is God's Table?


There is a theme throughout Scripture of the table of the Lord. At best, we have a fuzzy, intrinsic understanding of that concept. But when you think about it, the concept is a bit abstract.When King David wrote, "He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies," in Psalms 23:5, he communicates deeply profound truths about God's provision in our lives. What does that actually mean in our day to day lives, though?
It's not a matter of "if" we go through hard times but "when" we go through hard times. We all face it. It's part of life. There are all kinds of questions that arise in the midst of hard times such as "why" or "why me" or "will this ever end."Psalm 23 offers us amazing insight into the reality of the hard times that we all go through in one simple verse. Today, Pastor Charlie walks us through how valleys can actually be blessings and how we can embrace these moments in life because they affo...
Sheep need a shepherd. It's plain and simple. We don't always like to admit that we need someone to "be the boss" other than ourselves, however. As we continue our series studying Psalm 23 and looking at Jesus as our Shepherd, we find that Jesus is truly the GOOD Shepherd, not just a hired hand.Looking at it further, though, reveals the connection between what we see in our world's culture today and the lack of submission to the Shepherd. The paradox exists that when we submit, we can be trul...
Why Sheep?

Why Sheep?


Metaphors are used throughout Scripture. Whether it's in poetry or parables, the Bible uses metaphor to link two concepts together in order to paint a picture for us. In Psalm 23, David uses the metaphor of the sheep and the shepherd to describe our relationship with the Lord. It is a beautiful and profound way to depict this relationship that is full of nuance.So why use sheep as the metaphor, and how does that relate to us today? You'll find that the similarities are greater than you might ...
Throughout the years, we have toiled and worked ourselves to exhaustion, gaining what we thought would bring meaning and satisfaction. All the while we missed what, or rather Who, would give real rest to our souls. Whether it's emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual exhaustion, we all come to that place where we feel burnt out. And even though it began in the Old Testament, Sabbath is still just as relevant and imperative for us today if we would only surrender to the Lord of the Sabbath. ...
How do you define "prosperity?" Is it a well diversified portfolio of assets? Is it money in the bank? Is it the relationships you have and maintain? Or is it something else entirely?When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He gave them wealth beyond imagination literally overnight. In a span of a few hours they went from being slaves to some of the richest people of the day simply by asking. But that was only part of God's promise to them.What follows is the tragic story of God's chosen...
Why Read The Bible

Why Read The Bible


Let's be honest. The Bible is an ancient text written in multiple languages, in multiple styles, by multiple authors. It tells one big story, but it's not the easiest to understand. With the information age in which we live, it's so much easier to glean from others. The inherent danger, however, is to begin to replace our own exploration of the Bible and in turn our relationship with the Lord with knowledge from the work others have done. The answer is to balance it out. Find teachers an...
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