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Nathan's School of Thought

Author: Nathan Walker

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YOU are the hero of your own story, and the best tool you have is your own thinking. As a Global Performance Coach who has worked on four continents with sales teams, executives, heads of non-profits, military officers, artists, multilevel marketers, religious leaders and tired moms, you can imagine that we won't run out of things to discuss together! We’ll explore ensuring success, reducing stress, impostor syndrome, habits of thinking, lies we tell ourselves, finding our passion, and unleashing our greatest gifts. My mission is to make YOU more powerful, more confident, more effective, and more joyful—all by turning your brain upside down.
83 Episodes
In this episode, I share personal reflections on my 40-year marriage journey with my wife, starting from our humble beginnings with no understanding of how to navigate life together, to celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. I recount the challenges we faced, including financial difficulties, the birth of our children, and the trials of raising a family, with a focus on the spontaneous and unpredictable nature of life. Despite the hardships, I highlight the importance of gratitude, growth,...
The Stories You Tell

The Stories You Tell


This podcast delves into the profound impact stories have on individuals and societies, illustrating through historical and literary examples how narratives can inspire change, dictate perceptions, and influence actions. It discusses the effect of literature like Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', the moral dilemmas in Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables', the deceptive tranquility in Nazi Germany during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, and the motivational power of Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' during the Ameri...
Revitalizing Relationships: Don't Let Your Bonds Become StagnantIn this heartfelt talk, I share analogies that highlight the importance of keeping relationships fresh, just like spring water. I emphasize the concept of honoring the 'bids', or attempts at connection, from others, to encourage healthy progress in relationships. Stagnant water in a stream is akin to stagnant relationships and in this podcast, I underline the significance of 'emotional deposits' in ensuring the prosperous f...
Episode 78Happiness and Change, No Matter What Others Think: Confronting Self-Consciousness & Embracing Your Ability To BecomeIn this reflective talk, Nathan discusses the often subtle insecurities we carry about our appearances and how these thoughts can impact us. He deciphers how insecurity is common, and that the best way to confront it is by shifting our focus from how we look, to the value we provide to others. Nathan talks about the importance of dressing appropriately and th...
Podcast 77: Regret, Loneliness, and Good Things To ComeIn this episode, Nathan discusses the experience of regret and provides a deeper exploration of the feelings that arise during the holiday season. He urges the listener to not dwell on past mistakes and instead embrace the learning opportunities they provide. Reinforcing this point, Nathan quotes John Greenleaf Whittier and Henry David Thoreau about regret. Nathan discusses the choices we make, and the importance of accepting responsibili...
This episode is titled "Podcast 76: Childhood Trauma, Adult Shame, and Grace." It follows Nathan’s personal experience of feeling ashamed and embarrassed after nearly missing a VIP dinner at an event he was invited to. He reflects on the childhood trauma that can trigger similar emotions and reactions in adult relationships. Nathan’s counsel emphasizes the importance of giving grace and understanding to others who may be responding from their past experiences.I am willing and ready to help yo...
This episode is podcast 75: Gratitude - the Wonder Drug." In it, Nathan talks about the power and benefits of gratitude. He shares a personal experience from his youth on the farm, where he felt overwhelmed with gratitude for his family and everything he had. He then goes on to discuss various studies and research that show how gratitude can improve sleep, mood, immunity, decrease depression and anxiety, strengthen relationships, promote generosity, and more. Nathan concludes by e...
In this episode, Nathan reminisces about his idyllic farm life during his childhood. The narrative takes an emotional turn as he shares the traumatic story of the death of their pet dog while operating farm machinery. This event leads Nathan to discuss the delicate balance between shielding one’s loved ones from pain versus allowing them to learn from difficult experiences. He uses the example of Corrie Ten Boom, a famous Holocaust survivor, to enhance this point. Nathan closes the podcast by...
In this episode, we examine labels and how they can impact our identity. We'll explore the importance of reframing labels and understanding that we are not defined by them. I'll share some techniques for self-reflection and embracing the true, unique self beyond the false front created by labels.
Our memories are built on stories. Unfortunately, some of our stories are "anger stories," and in them is a very unhealthy share of negative emotion.If you were unfairly treated by someone else, or bullied or abused--- if they did things that made you angry, if you felt ignored or oppressed in some way, and you tell that story and the anger is present in the story, guess what it does to the person who offended you? Nothing. It doesn't make them "un-offend" you. If they are still living, it's ...
The world is full of people who will do great things when they feel like they're making a noticeable difference. We can talk about motivation until the cows come home, but nothing is a more predictable impetus for good than someone who feels like they matter. Whether you and I are close friends, casual acquaintances, or maybe I'm just a voice on a podcast, someone you've never met... that makes no difference to me at all. You matter to me. I want you to be successful. I want you to be ha...
All of us deal with anxiety or fear of some kind, and to some amount, for some period of time. As I was studying for NLP certification, I came across this: "Based on metaphysical thinking, there is only one real emotion on the planet--- love. All negative emotions are derivatives of fear." part of my work then is to help people be rid of fear, whether via NLP, or just by being a friend. Our fears can range from what someone said to me recently: "I'm feeling a little out of control," to someth...
When we try to solve problems of any kind, we usually start by trying to find a solution. When some asks what the problems is, we usually say, "I just need…," and describe the solution to a problem we haven't really articulated.The real power is in finding the right problem. I this episode, I'll show you how to get it done. I can help you find the right problem, and the best solution. Go to, click on the contacts page, and tell me how I might be of assistance. Ther...
Finding truth requires effort, not a patronizing pat on the head. Anything virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy leads us toward truth. The opposites of those lead to untruth, to lies. It is a lie that our purpose on earth is to just skip happily through a rainbow world, picking flowers and having food handed to us, while our bodies remain healthy and strong and our friends all praise every single thing that comes out of our mouth. That's not reality. It is truth to know tha...
A couple of weeks ago we talked about the Sunk Cost fallacy. The more time and energy we put into a failing strategy, the more unwilling we are to give it up. That's the easiest definition.Not long after that podcast aired, I got a question from a listener, who said something like, "yes, but how do you know? Where's the line and how do you decide? Couldn't staying the course actually be an act of courage?" Listen to find out, and to ensure a more successful future. To get hold of me and...
Do you ever feel like your life is just an unbroken string of disasters; of things falling apart, things not working out, and challenges on top of challenges? You are not alone. Most of us suffer similarly, to one degree or another. In this podcast, we'll talk about how disasters bring opportunities, often where you least expect them. Life is meant to be good, and it is, as soon as we learn to tell the endings from the beginnings.To get hold of me and talk about how I can best help you, go to...
Hello, my friends. Shall we talk about how messed up humans are, including you? Humans are just weird. We have all these weird tricks that our minds play on us, and not one single one of us is ever immune to this kind of stuff. We have little mental shortcuts we take. We have funny little fallacies that we do, and I'm gonna talk to you about one of them today because I think it will be helpful.I've had conversations with people, in the last week, who are all facing some version of this topic,...
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