DiscoverA Little Wray Of Sunshine: Inspirational stories from everyday people
A Little Wray Of Sunshine: Inspirational stories from everyday people
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A Little Wray Of Sunshine: Inspirational stories from everyday people

Author: Grover Wray

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Join me each week and listen in as I interview amazing individuals who will share with you incredible stories that have come from their life's experiences. Stories that will truly uplift and inspire you! As a social worker for more than three decades, and over twenty years as a college professor in social work, I know the power that comes from sharing stories. Each one of us has a story waiting to be told. By sharing our stories of strength, courage, and perseverance, despite life's challenges, it will help us understand ourselves and the world around us much clearer. My purpose for creating this podcast is to bring your stories to life, and hopefully in the process, help others gain strength and optimism that will help them in their own life's journey. I hope you will join me in this process, and perhaps I can share your story as well!
118 Episodes
You'll be so glad you listened to this episode! Jourdyn Pitcher isn't just a cancer survivor, she is an absolute inspiration! She has seen her fair share of trials in her life, beginning at age 14, and she chose to place her faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through it all. "The Lord knows what He's doing and we just have to be patient and let Him work out His miracles for us." Jourdyn's words will leave you with a special feeling that the Lord knows each of us perso...
In this eye opening episode, you will hear from a social worker at the "Upper Valley Child Development Center," Bethany DeChamps. She educates us about talking about the hard subjects with our children, and ways to help prevent child abuse of all kinds. Bethany's knowledge and passion for the work she does in helping prevent child abuse, and working with those who have been abused, is to say the least, uplifting and inspiring. Thank you for the lives you are changing in our children, Bethany,...
In this episode, Kris Boyle shares stories about his teaching career at BYU Provo in the area of communications, sports journalism, and fictional story telling. His passion for what he does is truly inspiring and you can feel of his love for the students he has taught over the years!
In this episode, Nancy Bills shares some of her experiences growing up in a home with eleven other siblings, recounting the abuse that took place in their home. Her message is ultimately one of forgiveness, and about loving those who have made mistakes...Being able to move on, and do our best to be like the Savior, rising above the unfortunate situations in our lives and making better choices for ourselves.
In this episode, Michael Fauber recounts the horrific experience he went through while serving a mission in Alabama. Michael was shot seven times by a gunman while participating in an activity at their local church building. His faith, courage, tender mercies, and help from unseen Angels are all a part of this miraculous story. "When it comes down to it, it's nothing short of a miracle that I can't ever repay my gratitude for."
In this episode, Terri Clark shares her story of being a cancer caregiver for twelve years, first with her son Cody, and six months later with her husband Adrian. After their deaths, Terri continues to grow and learn new ways to adjust to her new reality, and she offers wonderful guidance and advice about grief, loss, and hope. " It's okay to be sad, it's okay to be disappointed, it's okay to be even a little bit mad... but it's not okay to live sad and live disappointed and live angry....
In this episode, Kyler Hamilton shares his thoughts and convictions on the importance of aligning our will with our Heavenly Father's will. He explains beautifully the concept of "and, if not..." For example, if we ask God for something specifically such as healing a loved one, and it doesn't appear that it will happen, we can tell Heavenly Father "but, if that is not your will, can you bless the loved one's who will be left behind..." Kyler has such a positive, special spirit about him. List...
In this episode, my brother Rod and I visit about letting God be a part of our lives... not just when we need something from Him, but always. There are times when we just need to give ourselves to Him and allow His presence into our lives... we can' always do it alone, He is always there for us. We both share stories that illustrate how God is always there and willing to help us when we need it. I hope you enjoy : )
In this episode, Tim Everett shares his story of having an abusive father, and grandfather, and living with other family members as a result. Tim learned at a young age that he has control over how he views life and the struggles that come his way. "You get the ability to wake up every single day and be the person you want to be, so who are you going to wake up as." His positive outlook on life will inspire you, and give you hope and courage as you go through your own life trials. "How you ch...
In this episode, Stephanie Ortiz recalls her early years growing up in a small Idaho town, surrounded by poverty and despair. Stephanie shares her experiences of sexual abuse, and growing up with an abusive mother with a serious addiction to drugs. Stephanie's story is one of not giving up, and finding the courage to bounce back against all odds. "There is always so much more, if you just say enough is enough." Her story provides hope and optimism to anyone going through trials in their...
In this episode, John and Valerie Aebischer share their heart warming and touching story of losing two children within a very short time span, due to complications during pregnancy. Through all of their heartache and pain, John and Valerie have learned to rely on each other and in God throughout their struggles and hard times. You will feel of their strength and conviction of holding fast to their religious beliefs as they share their story.
This is part two of Gary's horrific story of abuse growing up in South Carolina. In this episode Gary shares how his life began to take a positive turn, and those that were placed in his life to encourage and mentor him. "If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then realize that you are its author."
This is a two-part episode, part two will air next week on March 15th. The following is an excerpt from Gary's book, "Overcoming a childhood of abuse and dysfunctional living: How I did it." Gary Keith was born in a small town in rural South Carolina to alcoholic parents who abused and neglected him. For the first twenty years of his life, he was trapped in a world of anxiety, fear, and self-loathing. Tormented daily at home and bullied at school, he was the ideal candidate t...
In this episode, Dillon Stucki shares his experiences in life that has brought him closer to his Savior. He talks about his love of working with the youth and mentoring them during their young lives, and how his many near death experiences have helped prepare, and shape his entire life into one of serving and loving others. Dillon is an amazing individual with the ability to connect with people, and you will feel of his loving spirit in this episode!
In this episode, Bobbie Stucki shares the importance of raising children in todays world, and the significance of teaching them to work hard in this life... "I'm trying to raise my kids so they can be good humans when they leave." Part of their success as parents is how Bobbie and her husband Dillon put their trust in Heavenly Father to help them through the process of raising their children... "Just knowing that Heavenly Father is there cheering me on, is really what gets me through some of ...
In this episode, John and Hallee Cordtz share their insights as new parents. They talk about the spiritual side of bringing a child into this world, and the importance of teaching true principles of God and Jesus Christ to our children as they grow up in our homes. Their message is powerful, and yet simple at the same time... Allow God into our relationships, and into our families... God is in all the details of our lives, so trust in His plan for you. "God has a plan for all of us and ...
In this episode Mahayla Mower shares her story of being bullied as a child and how she has learned to tune out those unwanted voices and focus on loving herself for who she is. There are still moments, however, where she experiences dark moments of depression and thoughts of self-harm, but she never gives up, she never stops trying to improve. While listening to her story, you will see that this girl is a fighter and isn't willing to quit on life. Her positive words of advice will inspire and...
In this episode, Dana Vega discusses years of mental, physical, and sexual abuse that she endured over a span of many years. Her story is one of breaking the cycle of abuse and re-inventing herself to who she is today, and who she wants to become. Her story gives us a sense of hope that we can overcome our past and use it as a way of helping others in similar situations. In Dana's words, "It's not about you, it's about them."
In this episode, Victoria Vassar talks about being adopted at birth, the death of her adoptive mother, and many other inspiring and uplifting words. This young lady's take on life, and her wisdom at such a young age, will warm your soul. For example, she reminds each of us of the "importance of looking for the good things in life", and to "Look for God's hand in your life, and the blessings that He gives you."
In this short episode, I share a story that reminds us that the Savior is always there for us! He can help us through the hard times in our life if we let Him!
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