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When Russian hackers break into your business’s computers, what will they find and how much will it cost you? How long will it take you to recover? Can you recover? Here’s the sad truth: 97% of breaches could have been prevented with basic security measures; but once you’ve been hit… you can never get UnHacked!
UnHacked is a weekly cybersecurity podcast for SMB business owners and leaders that helps them sort through the overwhelming security costs and recommendations, and focus on the best practices that give the highest ROI.
UnHacked is a weekly cybersecurity podcast for SMB business owners and leaders that helps them sort through the overwhelming security costs and recommendations, and focus on the best practices that give the highest ROI.
45 Episodes
We make a lot of assumptions in the world of tech and cybersecurity. The most common one I see is assuming that a vendor is properly protecting your data. And honestly, that feels like the only option since we can't really see behind the curtains. But what if I told you there is a way to verify that your vendors have the proper cybersecurity safeguards in place? Take a listen!
How will tariffs impact cybersecurity? As costs rise, we will be forced to make difficult decisions. Many will choose not to upgrade old technology which gives the bad guys a huge advantage. Here's what to do about it.
Last week we talked about how AI can improve processes and output. Today, we’re going to talk more about the security side of AI.
Like all things in tech, AI is a tool that can be used for good or bad. Today we talk with Chase Friedman, managing partner of Alpine Anchor, about leveraging AI to improve processes, outputs, and profitability.
This week we talk with Jonathan Steele, a prominent high-stakes divorce attorney who doubles as a cybersecurity expert.At Steele Fortress, Jonathan leverages his unique blend of legal and cybersecurity expertise to provide comprehensive cybersecurity and privacy consulting services. His deep understanding of both the legal and technical aspects of cybersecurity and privacy makes him a valuable asset to any organization looking to bolster their security posture and navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity laws and regulations.
Compared to 2023, ransomware attacks increased 4x in 2024. Why? Because it's EASY! With RaaS (Ransomware as a Service), anyone can be a successful bad guy. On average, it only takes someone 74 minutes to pull off a cyberheist. No skills required. This is the problem. Take a listen to learn the solution.
It's bad enough that cyber-thugs are coming for our businesses. And our bank accounts. But there's a new threat that is gaining traction: class-action lawsuits. But there's good news! A Plan of Action with Milestones (POAM for short) is your get-out-of-jail-free card. Listen up... and we'll break it down!
Tim Golden of Compliance Scorecard joins us to discuss the meaning and importance of measuring against an official security framework
As business owners and execs, we are responsible for EVERYTHING! While cybersecurity may not be your native language, it is critical to learn enough to make informed decisions. UnHacked is a great place to start!Today we talk with Christian Espinosa about the cybersecurity basics, as well as his 7 Step Secure Methodology.
In today’s episode, we talk about a disgruntled doctor, his real/understandable problems, and [perhaps] a bigger problem with mindset; and as always, wrap it up with the formula to protect your business from Boris Grishenko.
How do you REALLY know that your IT company has you properly protected? How do you know you are getting what you pay for? This is one decision where you cannot afford to be wrong.
We've spent the last 3 weeks breaking down the formula in significant detail: using industry standards, protect your technology, protect your data, and protect your people. That will get you to about 97% secure. But... what about that last 3%? What if you do everything right and STILL get attacked? How do you survive a full-blown cyber incident? Today we interview the great Robert Cioffi and learn exactly what he did when everyone's worst business nightmare came knocking on his door.My #1 key takeaway: CULTURE. Retreat to your war room and dig deep on your company core values. Who are you as an organization? Let that be your #1 guide when rubber hits the road. Takeaway #2: community. "No matter how brilliant you are, there’s always something to learn." Get involved in your local community and your industry's community.Takeaway #3: “You really need to be following some sort of framework”. This is what we talk about week after week when we suggest following industry standards and best practices. There are dozens of frameworks out there. Some are required by government regulation (PCI, HIPAA, NIST, CMMC, etc.). Others, like CIS, are designed to be self-regulated. Follow the ones that best suit your business model.
In his book "Future Crimes", Marc Goodman said something that has been burned in my brain for years:“If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t understand the technology. Cybersecurity is a people problem, not just a technical one.”What's the #1 threat to your organization? IT'S US! WE ARE THE PROBLEM!The truth is, we can follow every standard, control, and best practice under the sun, but all it takes is a careless or uninformed click or tap and it's game over. So, if people are the problem, what is the solution?Proper toolsEducationPolicies and proceduresCultureWhile this might be part 3 of our miniseries, treat yourself to an invaluable discussion of the #1 best thing you can possibly do to protect your business: take care of your people!
Data backup used to be simple: a tape drive on the server and you're good to go! Now data lives everywhere. Taming this beast can be a challenge to say the least. Here's a quick-start guide:Go through each department and major function in your business (BizDev, Operations, Finance, HR, etc.)Identify the technology used for eachMake a note of where the associated data is storedCreate a plan for backing it up and testing the processMost important: review this process regularly because things change!
For Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we decided to do something special. So over the next 3 weeks we will deep-dive on each of these areas and give you a list of what needs to be done, as well as how you can verify that it’s implemented. This week: Protect Your Technology
In today’s episode, we are going to answer the burning question I know you all have: “What in the hell is the Dark Web?” Spoiler alert, we talk about the tame stuff on here. It is a vile place to hang out. That said, our breach breakdown of the week is 23andMe. This is old news, but the proposed settlement is happening now. … Then, as always, we’ll wrap it up with the formula to protect your business from Boris Grishenko.
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how to spot a phishing email (and how to get your whole company to do the same), dive into a $5 Million lawsuit for not paying the ransom, and as always, wrap it up with the formula to protect your business from Boris Grishenko.
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how to make sure ALL of your critical data is backed up, we’ll break down 2 specific security events that sent over a quarter million dollars up in smoke, and as always, wrap it up with the formula to protect your business from the likes of Boris Grishenko.
In this week's episode, we help business owners get proper cyber security insurance coverage, and make sure it’s paid in an emergency.
In this episode, we talk about how to know the difference between good and bad popup alerts, break down the largest data leak ever, and as always, wrap it up with the formula to protect your business from Russian hackers.
In prepping for this episode, I ran a quick survey of those who work from home. There was a consistent theme: the flexibility is nice but the loneliness is real. Here's how to help your team deal with the challenges while ensuring security and productivity.
This week we discuss bank fraud and lessons learned from the CrowdStrike debacle.
What do Mormon Crickets have to do with cybersecurity? TBD. Meanwhile, here are some crucial protections you need to have in place before you leave for that next business trip or family vacation.
Unconventional Tricks for Maximizing Tech ROI
Leveraging AI in your small business may be the most important thing you do. But make these mistakes, and it may be game-over.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "I've moved to the cloud, now I'm safe!" Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, a recent study of 600 organizations found that 95% had suffered some form of a cloud-related breach. We have to stop this! Listen to Episode 18 to find out how.
I like to say that once you've been hit, you can never get UnHacked. Well, let's take a look at the worst-case scenario and create a plan. Just in case.
In this episode, the hosts discuss the importance of company culture in cybersecurity. They emphasize the need for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity and create a culture that values and promotes security practices. They share stories and examples that highlight the consequences of neglecting cybersecurity and the benefits of implementing a strong security culture. The hosts stress the importance of ongoing training and education for employees, as well as the need for leadership to set the tone and lead by example. They also discuss the financial implications of a breach and the relatively low cost of investing in cybersecurity compared to the potential losses from a breach.
In a very literal sense, without the proper formula for cyber security, your business is likely to suffer an attack from which you may never recover. This episode could save the life of your business.
I like to say, "If cybersecurity protections aren't a giant pain in the ass, you're probably not doing it right." Passwords come to mind. Super long, super complex, never use the same one twice, and change it every 30 - 90 days. That's a pain in the ass right there! But... Here's why it's important and how to keep it simple (well, simple-ish).
Your janitor has keys to your office and is expected to enter the building when nobody's home. What if they were paid to plant spy equipment on your computers? True story! How do you protect against that?!?! Well... we'll tell you exactly how!
The sad reality of cybercrime (and crime in general) is that there will always be criminals. Like I was taught when I worked as an armed guard for an armored car company: our goal is not to eradicate crime, our goal is simply to make it happen to somebody else. Cybercriminals WILL steal money. The question is: will it be YOU? Don't be low hanging fruit. Listen to this episode as we teach you how to "Make It Happen To Somebody Else".
In most episodes we talk about the devastating financial and emotional cost of a breach. This time, as far as public record goes, "The company does not expect the incident to have a material impact".A Russian state-sponsored attack on HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) "targeted 'a small percentage of HPE mailboxes' used by staff in cybersecurity...." Hmmmmm. Ok...?Well, public record is what it is. That said, what can we learn? Take a listen and we'll break it down for you!
An Ontario hospital system is hit with ransomware. 20,000 appointments cancelled. 267,000 patient records leaked. 3,000 employee records leaked. That's all you've got?? Child's play! Here's a $480 million class action lawsuit to go with it. Enjoy!
Key point: It's all about the people. We are the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Training, policies and procedures, and 3rd party assessments are your friend.
Antonio A. Rucci is a retired Counterintelligence Special Agent and US Army Warrant Officer, with more than 39 years of technical security experience. Tony runs a private CyberSecurity Consulting Firm in Knoxville, TN performing Penetration Testing, Passive Network Assessments and Incident Response Professional Services to both private government and commercial entities throughout the country.Tony ran technical espionage and computer crimes investigations for a good portion of his operational career. He served as the Counterintelligence Operations Officer at The White House; serving two administrations from 1998-2004. He led the technical accreditation for a critical facility at one of the DOE National Labs before being recruited to move to Reno, Nevada to build a data center for one of the beltway bandits. Since then, Tony has started three of his own companies; served as the Chief Security Officer for two others; and ran Incident Response & Threat Intelligence for two others before stepping back into Private Consulting. Tony continues to serve national security efforts with his CyberSecurity Consulting Firm in Knoxville, and gets in the way a lot while Pam, his wife of 39 years, is taking care of their three beautiful grand babies!
Cybersecurity awareness training us usually an afterthought at best. The conversation is usually about securing technology. Until this changes, we will continue to be on the losing end of the battle.
Sometimes the FBI believes a security problem is bad enough that they feel justified breaking into your network to fix the problem for you. Which is a federal offense. You can go to federal prison for this. Unless you are the FBI. So... get your house in order, or roll out the red carpet for the government to come in and do it for you.
What goes on behind the scenes in the world of cybersecurity?
In the event of a breach, SOMEONE will be held accountable. Investigations, fines, lawsuits. It's never pretty. If you haven't properly protected your technology (or hired someone to do it), it's YOUR neck on the line.
One of the most overlooked steps you need to take to protect your organization.
As Russia and Ukraine both include cyber attacks in their war effort, what does this mean for the rest of us?
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