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Author: VEMU, EMW & Estonian Life

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❗️🇪🇪 below❗️(ENG) Hello and welcome to EstoCast, a podcast presented by Estonian Museum Canada/VEMU, Estonian Music Week and Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper. In each episode of Estocast, join us as we delve into another dimension of Estonian culture in Canada, Estonia, and elsewhere. Through discussions of books, music, art, history, science, and more, we discover what it is to be Estonian and what Estonian people have to offer the broader world. // (EST) Tere tulemast kuulama taskuhäälingut EstoCast, mida teevad ühisel jõul Väliseesti Muuseum/VEMU, Estonian Music Week ja ajaleht Eesti Elu/Estonian Life Torontos. Pakume eesti- ja ingliskeelset kuulamist kõigile, kel on tahtmist süveneda eesti kultuuri rikkusesse ja selle erinevatesse tahkudesse siin Kanadas, Eestis või mujal maailmas. Arutelud kirjanduse, muusika, kunsti, ajaloo, teaduse jm teemadel aitavad meil mõista, mida tähendab olla eestlane ja mida on eestlastel maailmale pakkuda.
53 Episodes
EstoCasti studios käis külas Kanadas elav soomlanna Johanna Helin, kes kirjutab Toronto Ülikoolis doktoritööd rahvusvahelisest haridusest ja globaalsest poliitikast, aga on ka tegus ettevõtja ning aktiivne Toronto eestlaskonna liige. Tänases Eesti lipu päeva saates vestleme Johannaga sellest, kuidas erinevad kultuurid temas igapäevaselt kohtuvad. Uhiuues EstoCast’i saates uurime järgnevaid multikultuursusega seotud teemasid: 🌍 kuidas kujuneb kultuuriline identiteet 🌍 mill...
Jarek Kasar is an innovator in Estonian music, not only having created his own approach to hip hop in the Estonian language but also combining this with singing over the years.Prior to his recent concerts in Toronto, he shared how it all began and the many historic moments that he has participated in through his music.In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:🎵 living part-time in New York City, the birthplace of hip hop🎵 the significance of performing his song “Minu inimesed” at the Youth Song...
Having a culturally diverse background has a truly positive and often eye-opening effect on your life, the world, and to the people that surround you daily. Young Estonian-Canadian Nicole Pede is visiting our studio, where we get into a discussion that touches upon many topics, among them how multiculturalism broadens horizons and opens up many new doors and how familial support helps strengthen ties to your cultural background and languages. Tune into this fresh episode of EstoCast to e...
Singing, songwriting, and performing are things that have always felt natural to ALIKA. Music has always been there in her life. Audiences could tell this right away when she recently performed in Canada. But the path to singing for millions of viewers and listeners still has its challenges, as much as it’s exhilarating.In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:🎙️her “Bridges” songwriting and recording session in the Netherlands prior to 2023’s Eurovision Song Contest🎙️how multiple languages of...
2024 on Tartu koos Lõuna-Eestiga Euroopa kultuuripealinn. Aasta vältel toimub suur hulk suuremaid ja väiksemaid üritusi ning aktsioone, mida seob teema "Ellujäämise kunstid". Meie järjekordses Tartu 2024 eri-saates vestleme Tartu 2024 välissuhete juhi Erni Kasega. Kuulates värsket EstoCasti saadet, saad teada huvitavatest kultuuriga seotud teemadest, sealhulgas:🇪🇪 Mida põnevat pakub Tartu 2024 sündmuste programm🇪🇪 Kuidas tutvustab Tartu oma kultuuriliselt mitmekesist keskkonda linn...
Over the course of the year that journalist Sten Mahov has lived in Montréal, he’s faced certain challenges in getting set up. For example, finding work and a place to live. However, he has also observed that Canada is a fruitful place for the cultures of the world to interact.As we continue to explore the celebration of the Cultural Diversity Year in Estonia in this episode, hear Sten’s perspective on:🇨🇦language learning as a pathway to understanding and appreciating cultural diversity🇪🇪the ...
Reisimine on üks kõige parem viis õppida erinevatest kultuuridest, inimestest, kohtadest, ning sellest kuidas nad kõik omavahel kokku põimuvad. Noore eestlanna Mari Einmanni seikluslikest reisidest, kuidas need on ta silmi avanud kultuuride erinevustele ja sarnasustele ning paljust muust kuuled käesolevas värkses saates. Sellel korral kuuled EstoCasti saates haaravatest multikultuursusega seotud teemadest, sealhulgas: 🌎 multikultuursusest laiemas maailmas 🌎 rahvuste sarna...
There’s much, much more to see in Estonia than just the Old Town of Tallinn!Kati Torp, the Artistic Director of @tartu2024 , can share many reasons why Tartu and southern Estonia (a European Capital of Culture in 2024) should be on your travel itinerary this year. Especially as the region interacts with the theme “Arts of Survival.”In this episode of EstoCast, hear about:🏛️the diverse cultures and languages of southern Estonia🏛️how this famous university town pops with colourful street art🏛️a...
In a culturally diverse country such as Canada, we are blessed with having multiple cultures intermingle and work together, but it can also be hard to make your own cultural background stand out in this whole hodgepodge. Latvian-Estonian Elva Palo speaks about how she has allowed her cultural identity to shine, her positive outlook on a multicultural society and much more in this fresh episode! In this episode of EstoCast, discover:🌍 How Elva expresses her culturally diverse background🌍 ...
Human geography specialist and world traveller Hendrik Tork has visited 60 different countries, but he makes it clear when talking about travelling that his aim hasn’t been to merely pass through as many nations as possible.Rather, travel is an opportunity to interact thoughtfully with people, cultures, and landscapes. And he has many valuable insights on this approach.In this episode of EstoCast, hear about: 🧳 the walkability of cities and walking for exercise and a more complete travel...
EstoCast tervitab uue aasta puhul kõiki meie kuulajaid üle laia ilma! Algav 2024. aasta on kuulutatud Eesti kultuuriministeerium poolt kultuuririkkuse aastaks ning see on üks neist teemadest, mida hakkame uuel hooajal käsitlema. Uue aasta esimeses saates vestleme teeneka lõimumise eestvedaja, Narva Eesti Riigigümnaasium direktori Irene Käosaarega mitmekultuurilisusest, eestikeelse hariduse tähtsusest ja paljust muust. Käesolevas tuliuues EstoCasti saates on jutukas mitmekultuurilisusega ...
Guitarist Laur Joamets took a leap of faith when he moved from Estonia to Nashville, Tennessee to play country music. But before long, he was touring the United States with singer-songwriter Sturgill Simpson and playing on major late night TV shows.He’s a man with plenty of funny and insightful stories to tell. In this episode, join Vincent Teetsov from Estonian Life newspaper as we hear about:🤠the incredible musicians you’ll hear playing around the clock in Nashville🤠how Laur has spread a lo...
Oleme EstoCasti saadetes tutvustanud mitmeid sportlasi ja aktiivse liikumisega tegelevaid inimesi. Aga milline on vaade teiselt poolt, nais- ja meeskonna treenerina? Treenerite mõttemaailmast, tervisliku elustiili kestvusest ja muust põnevast vestleme Kanada eestlastest sportlaste ja treenerite Taimo Ilvese ja Tiit Rometiga. Värkses saates arutleme mitmete tervise ja liikumisega seotud teemade üle, sealhulgas: 🏐 Jõekääru suvelaagri tähtsus kohaliku Eesti kogukonna sporditegevuse alg...
As Anneliis Kits sees it, musicians are humans just like everyone else. And yet, in the way they are idolized and/or vilified, many artists have had their humanity taken away from them. She wants to change that, for the sake of their health and wellbeing.She also cares deeply about women becoming more represented in the music industry. Having recently spent time in Canada as part of The Global Network for Women Music Producers, she joined us to talk about:🎤 how safety plays a major role...
“Volleyball is a game of major ups and downs, you either do really well or you don’t” is how Canadian-Estonian athlete Ruby Sõrra describes the sport that she’s incredibly passionate about. Tune in to hear about what volleyball has taught the star athlete, how she views her future in the sport and more! In this latest episode, you’ll discover many riveting topics such as:🏐 How volleyball and sports in general encourage a positive mindset in daily life🏐 What a pro athlete’s preparat...
Game creator and children's writer Tarmo finds tremendous freedom and value in the natural world. It’s where he goes when he needs to think through and solve certain challenges. And a hammock outside is his favourite place to solve a crossword puzzle.Prior to his appearance at Tartu College on October 18th, hear a bit about:🧩how bees and bogs play a role in his writing of books and constructing of puzzles🧩the creative independence of his company, Nuti Grupp🧩the World Sudoku and Puzzle Champio...
Käesolevas värskes saates on meil külalisteks tänavu 20-aastaseks saava Tartu College’i Estonian Studies Library ehk kodusemalt laenuraamatukogu pikaaegsed eestvedajad Alliki Arro ja Vaike Rannu. Räägime nendega raamatukogu tähtsusest meie kogukonnale, sellest, milline on raamatukoguhoidja töö ja paljust muust. Mõnusat kuulamist!Käesolevas saates arutame huvitavaid ja kütkestavaid teemasid, sealhulgas:📕mida tegelikult hõlmab raamatukoguhoidja amet 📗 milline on üldiselt lugemise ja raama...
Oleme palju kuulnud katsumustest, mis on seotud IronMani võistlustega. Aga kuidas sellel osalemine päriselt tundub, eriti hobisportlase jaoks? Meie värskeimas saates vestleme muuseumide valdkonnas tegutseva, VEMU püsinäituse kuraatorite tiimi koordinaatori Krislin Kämäräga. Kuuleme, kuidas ta triatlonini jõudis, kuidas valmistub võistlusteks füüsiliselt ja vaimselt. Räägime spordi tähtsusest igapäevaelus ja liikumise vajalikkusest üldse. Mõnusat kuulamist! Teieni on jõudnud tuliuus EstoC...
As described by Anett Numa from Accelerate Estonia, the nation’s success as a technological innovator was in part shaped by the lobbying of Estonians in the 1960s, during the Soviet occupation.But once independence was regained, what was involved in creating the e-Estonia that is so famous today? And does it have any impact on the rest of the world?In this episode, hear about:💻the necessity of making mistakes when applying systemic changes and improving people's lives💻how almost anyone can be...
It’s apparent that Markus Pukonen, the Founding Director and Lead Explorer of Routes of Change, loves movement, primarily through his own muscle power and in nature. He loves it so much that he went around the entire world over the last eight years without the use of motorized vehicles.And now that he’s completed his travels and returned to Canada, we caught him for a short conversation, in which he tells us about:🚴‍♂️what motivated him to travel eight years ago🏄‍♂️the charitable causes he su...
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