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Gowing With The Flow
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Gowing With The Flow

Author: Pholoso Masinamela

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Gowing With The Flow...Umgowo - A Xhosa term used to tell someone that you are going through the most.Variations: mgowo, gowa, gowisha, gowishing.As adults so hlezi si gowa (we will always go through something). Reminds me of a line in the movie The Colour Purple where ’Sofia” says “All my life I’ve had to fight…” It is as though for every birthday, every milestone we reach, there is a test around the corner that we must “gowa” through. Gowing With The Flow which can also be read as “Growing/Going With The Flow” is a series of my life’s journey, the journey of my family, friends and my listeners as we Gowisha (going) With The Flow; experiencing life’s up and downs, wins, twists and turns and moments of “WTF is go(w)ing on”. This is a platform where umgowo is affirmed and embraced. As much as nawe ugowa, sonke siya gowisha on some level in our lives. Look closely at the words “Going Through”, which it’s synonyms are: accomplishing, committing, completing, undergoing, experiencing, enduring… the list goes on. What does it mean for you? My personal interpretation is, we are not buried in the circumstances we find ourselves, whatever happens, we will always come out on the other side. Let it also remind you that you are not alone. That You are loved, you are love and your are worthy. And come hell or high water, we will get through it. Nomakanjani.
26 Episodes
Coming Home

Coming Home


Ever had that season where your prayer life is dry? Like, you are not praying as you should. You are not reading the bible as you should?? Well.. me too, bestie. Me too. In this episode we unpack that season.Enjoy and let's get our prayer lives back on track. Love, PholosoYaMorena
A Round of Applause

A Round of Applause


As an opening to a new season and a new logo, I thought I'd share on one of my learning points; applauding(healing) the younger me whilst finding balance between seeking too much attention and not reaching my fullest potential because I am not recognised. Also applauding the 33year old me and patting myself on the back when I have done well. It is easy to tell others that we are proud of them but more often than not, we do not say the same thing to ourselves.So this is a love letter to the 8y...
"No one is coming...No one is coming to push you No one is coming to tell you to turn the tv off No one is coming to tell you to get out the door and excerciseNobody is coming to tell you to apply for that job you've always dreamt about Nobody is coming to write the business plan for you IT'S UP TO YOU. NO ONE IS COMING!"- Mel Robbins
My question to you today, if you were to live until you were 150 years, how would you want to feel? Would you want to get to 150 with all these labels and insecurities that society has put upon you?
aaaaand we have lift off as I welcome you to this podcast offering, let me take you through what you can expect from upcoming interviews; whilst also setting the tone with how I came up with the title of the podcast as well as inspiration for the journey that lies ahead.
God Can

God Can


Habakkuk 1:5 "For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told" God can do it all.
Often times we want to wait until it feels right, until we are comfortable, until our doubts have gone down and fear is no longer there but, there'll never be a better time to start anything if you want to wait until it feels comfortable and okay to start. And I am not saying dont plan however, you can plan your whole life and still be crippled by the idea of starting. So, start now, today with what you have. You will not get it right the first few times but eventually, you will. You will fin...
Serve Your In-Between

Serve Your In-Between


There is a place where you've moved past starting but you are not quite at your end goal yet, this place is called the in-between. Many of us hate the in-between, we hate not knowing, not being in control of things. But we also know that when you trust and believe in God you have no control and you do not have to know. His word says "For I have plans to prosper you...", what those plans are? WE DO NOT KNOW and that can be very frustrating when you want something so bad and you don't kno...
Alcohol is a big part of our lives, we have it to celebrate life, to numb our pain, to make us forget, to help us get through things and some times, we have it coz we enjoy the smell and taste of it. It has become our vice and we it's slaves, whichever way you look at it.In this episode I share what led me to being alcohol free and how life has been since then. I hope this episode reaches the hearts its intended for. I wish you healing and strength if you are taking up the sober journey....
It's a new year, lets be clear about our intentions for the year and be ready to put in the work to achieve our goals. The book of Habbakuk assures us that when we right our visions clearly, they will surely happen. So, for 2024 what do you want for yourself? What type of life do you want to lead? What type of opportunities do you want to attract? What are you willing to let go of so that a better version of you is born? Set your intentions clear and be bold enough to walk in the directi...
I Just Wanted to Rant

I Just Wanted to Rant


Today's episode was about me ranting, no motivation. When you have tried all that you can, rest and give it to God.
I know its October. I know you feel like you have not met your goals, time is running out but Jesus says "Cast your nets one more time". Pray one more time. Believe one more time. Have faith one more time. God can still do it... even in October
We have hit a flat line. Nothing's cute, we are just ok. Not happy, not suicidal or depressed but just ok. Its sad, its uncomfortable but we will be ok
Often when we pray, we are always asking God for what we want Him to do for us, which prayers we want Him to answer but very often do we switch the dial and ask God what is it that He needs from us. The bible says "seek first the kingdom of God and all things will follow". Perhaps it is time to ask God, what is it that He wants you to do for Him. Enjoy, God bless you and may He reveal the answer to you as He has for me.
Ever just felt like you dont know ANYTHING? Me too!Growing up is tricky, we think we must know, we ought to know what we are supposed to be, to do but sometimes, we just dont know. Even I dont know but sometimes, like in this season of our lives, its ok not to know.
The Glory

The Glory


Pain may endure but joy comes in the morning. :)
I hope this inspires you to write a love letter to yourself.
Be Intentional

Be Intentional


In whatever you do, whichever spaces you occupy, the new relationships you want, rebuilding old ones, the summer body you want, the financial freedom you want - BE INTENTIONAL.
Your Authentic Self

Your Authentic Self


When the lights are off, who are you? What do you stand for?
2022... what an emotionally taxing year. I never thought I had this many tears in me. Woah!I cried. I also laughed and loved and cried some more. Personally, this was my year of the wilderness; where I had to figure out faith and God by myself. Without the comfort or the counsel of my mother and sister. If anything, this year I learnt to live and sustain myself on prayer. Yeeer I prayed this year. I prayed with tears rolling down my eyes, waking up with swollen eyes. I prayed when ...
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