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Jesus in My Life Podcast
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Jesus in My Life Podcast

Author: Jack Osorno and Rob Lane

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The Jesus in My Life Podcast is all about getting The Good News out to the masses for the purpose of demonstrating to the world that the living God is real. This podcast contains personal stories of everyday Christians experiencing Jesus in their lives. This interview format podcast is hosted by Jack and Rob. Scripture foundation: Jesus said to the man who had been delivered by demons, who wanted to follow Jesus, “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him" (Luke 8:39, NLT). Contact us at:

105 Episodes
Send us a Text Message. Cheryl was raised in an atheist, humanist and politically charged home which supernaturally shaped her life into a follower and lover of Jesus. Growing up, Cheryl's knowledge of God meant there was/is no God but through some difficult life situations, it was God's love and plan for Cheryl, shown through divine connections and friendships, where God got a hold of her heart. If you are struggling to know who the living God is, be encouraged by listening to Cheryl's ...
Send us a Text Message.In John 20, Thomas would not believe that Jesus rose from the dead until he saw Him with his own eyes. Once Jesus appeared to him showing the nails in his hands, Thomas collapsed to the ground and declared his belief in Jesus. In response, Jesus said to Thomas, “Do you believe because you see me? Happy are those who don’t see and yet believe.” (Jn. 20:29). In this episode, Marissa shares her story of searching for God in every place except what was right in front of her...
Send us a Text Message.The Christian life is truly a journey of understanding the reality of DTS (Death To Self). At the core of self is selfishness which is a tug of war of who sits on the throne of your heart and life. Self vs. God is at the forefront of this war and many struggle with the reality of this battle and either give up on God or give up on Self. In this episode, you will hear Wes’ journey of the real struggle of Self vs. the living God and what changed his perspective and life. ...
Send us a Text Message.Starting at a very young age, Albert and Areli both grew up and was trained in the Jehovah Witness religion. When they met and married, their zeal and enthusiasm to be better followers of this religion became priority number one. After studying the Scriptures one day, Albert began to question some of the Jehovah Witness core doctrines and began discussing it with Areli, his wife. She was shocked that Albert question anything about this religion that they passionately co...
Send us a Text Message.An unprecedented, historical moment took place in the lives of Jesus' closest followers, the disciples, recorded in John 6. One day, Jesus was giving a challenging teaching to a large crowd of followers and many of them couldn't handle the cost of discipleship and followership. So they got up and and walked away. As a result, Jesus looked to his disciples and asked them, "Will you walk away as well?" John 6:68-69 reads, Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? Y...
Send us a Text Message.A growing number of unashamed followers of Jesus within professional sports seems to be increasing today. More professional athletes are seeing greater purpose in their lives beyond the athletic talent God has given them. Athletes who are walking in Kingdom purpose by knowing their platform is to boldly proclaim Jesus Christ are the very ones God is giving opportunity and favor today. In this episode, you will hear Otis Amey's story as a former Professional football pla...
Send us a Text Message.Since we are made in the image of God, we are created to be in relational connection with Jesus and others. The 'Jesus In My Life' podcast is about hearing the stories of people's faith journey and the testimony of God's faithfulness. In this episode, you will hear Jake's story of Jesus in his life which began at a young age and has continued since. Throughout Jake's journey, finding spirit-led authentic connection has been something he has been trying to discover...
Send us a Text Message.‭‭James 1:3 says, 'For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.' (NLT)In this comical but introspective episode, you will hear Daniel's story of God's obvious hand of protection as a young boy born in the Republic of Moldova in Eastern Europe. And God's endless faithfulness and plan as he and his family immigrated to the United States. As well as God's continued favor and constant, available presence upon Daniel's life and his househ...
Send us a Text Message.‭Deuteronomy 11:18-19 reads, 'So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.' (NLT)Worship is not a program, it is a daily lifestyle practice. Unfortunately, the Church in America has delegated worship to programs such as church ministries, y...
Send us a Text Message.God loves to use and send people to us to speak life and purpose in us often when we least expect it. Discovering God given talents and abilities in us often comes from those who see these hidden gifts in us. The journey of Jesus in Cassandra's life started at a very young age. As a teenager, Cassandra's discovery of the true talent inside her came by someone who believed in her. Not only that, this person put Cassandra on a stage in front of an audience to play the son...
Send us a Text Message.Forgiveness is a good idea until of course you're the one having to demonstrate it. The truth is forgiveness is not a human thing, it a supernatural gift that comes from Heaven; straight from the power and person of Jesus Christ who first forgave us. In this episode, you will hear Covina's gripping and 'edge of your seat' story of the rape and murder of her teenage daughter. Her life was taken by Covina's husband, her daughter's step father. Throughout the legal p...
Send us a Text Message.Simon found himself right in the middle of the professional skateboarding craze of the 1990's. In the center of all of this was Simon's biggest battle with self. It took Simon to the end of his rope, broken and lost when Jesus got a hold of his heart and redeemed him because of the cross. Because of Simon's fame and influence, the Christian community pursued him and his story of transformation. In the middle of all that, Simon found himself used and confused because the...
Send us a Text Message.Jessica had a difficult upbringing. Like all of humanity, we were born in the image of God which means we are created to be loved and to love. Based on our circumstances and situations, over time this purpose gets jaded, challenged, and skewed. In this episode, you will hear firsthand Jessica's story of transitioning to Aidan. And then her compelling testimony of detransitioning back to Jessica as she states, "Jessica rose from the dead." And her honest and raw testimon...
Send us a Text Message.The journey of faith often embodies this slogan: 'One of the deepest forms of learning is having to learn the hard way.' Because we are not robots and have free will to chose anything at any time, God's grace and unconditional love allows us to make decisions that are not His will and plan for us. And it is often in these situations that we find us at the very end of our rope, empty and broken and lost. God's grace, mercy and love is a constant invitation back hom...
Send us a Text Message.We hardly declare John 16:33 as God's promise but it is a promise. It reads, "I (Jesus) have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”Suffering is something we ignore and reject in our journey with Jesus. Often, we get confused and filled with doubt in seasons of suffering. In this compelling and encouraging episode, Zack shares his story in a very authenti...
Send us a Text Message.‭Psalms‬ ‭103:12‭-‬13‬ ‭says, 'He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.' Eternal security is a promise gifted to every person who puts their faith and trust in Jesus. The price Jesus paid on the cross gives life and victory over sin, death, and shame. For many, the process of discovering this inheritance promise and reality is a journey like no other. S...
Send us a Text Message.One of the clear deceptions by the evil one is to convince people that he's not real. Satan particularly spends relentless time, energy and resources on those who know God. His biggest tactic against those who know God is to let them conclude that any experience at unusual levels of difficulty is the result of happenstance, bad luck, indigestion, or emotional and mental breakdown. Truth is, the devil wastes no time with those who do not recognize God or Jesus. Why...
Send us a Text Message.‭1 John‬ ‭4:4‬ says, '... you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.'Imelda's life is one of redemption, restoration and spirit led purpose. She was on a reckless road to destruction when God rescued her and breathed life into her. From the minute God got a hold of her heart, she gave it back to Him without reluctance or regret. Imelda's sto...
Send us a Text Message.‭1 John‬ ‭4:4‬ says, '... you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.'Imelda's life is one of redemption, restoration and spirit led purpose. She was on a reckless road to destruction when God rescued her and breathed life into her. From the minute God got a hold of her heart, she gave it back to Him without reluctance or regret. Imelda's sto...
Send us a Text Message.Isolation is a place of hopelessness, despair and loneliness. What makes this space most difficult is not feeling seen or known or loved. This is Chloe's story. You will hear the story of a chair in the corner of Chloe's bedroom that represented isolation, anxiety and depression. And through the supernatural touch and truth from the living and loving God, all the weight and burdens of life all went away. Chloe's life has never been the same since. Are you feeling unseen...
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