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Faith in Five

Author: Gary Click

Subscribed: 3Played: 12


Five-minute devotional thoughts with pastors Gary Click and Rick Ash. Insightful, sometimes witty, occasionally corny, but always thoughtful and inspiring. 

179 Episodes
Faith in Five Trailer

Faith in Five Trailer


Faith in Faith is a bite-sized conversation engineered to facilitate a few spiritual thoughts in your daily life. Keeping each episode to five minutes keeps things simple and ensures that there is always time to consider a thought from God's Word. Gary and Rick keep things pretty light-hearted while still providing meaningful content for those who find value in walking with God. It won't take long before you find Faith in Five to feel like a small part of your daily routine. Send qu...
Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!


The Faith in Five Podcast will launch on August 1, 2022, featuring pastors Gary Click and Rick Ash from the Fremont Baptist Temple. Faith in Five knows that you are busy and takes exactly five minutes to introduce a daily spiritual thought. The topics are sometimes light-hearted but always relevant. We don't go down too deep or stay down too long. This is not a Sunday morning sermon but rather a daily spiritual thought that may keep you thinking throughout the day. Be sure to like, subs...
Magnetic Attraction

Magnetic Attraction


What does it take to draw closer to God? Is it hard? Is it difficult? Why do some people just seem to be closer to God while others appear to be so distant? Is there a magic formula for this? Well, it's not magic but there is a formula and it's not that hard. In this episode, Gary and Rick examine that formula as revealed in James 4:8. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure to like...
Half Off Haircuts

Half Off Haircuts


Gary complains that the less hair he has the more it seems to cost. He recalls a barber charging only a buck a haircut but he only knew one style. Today, it's nearly $20 for a buzz cut for a partially bald guy. What does that have to do with anything?Well, it reminds us of Matthew 10:30, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Laced with a little humor, Gary and Rick help listeners understand what this verse means for us. Send questions and comments to info@faithinfive.o...
For the Birds

For the Birds


Have you ever felt insignificant? Irrelevant? Uncared for or unloved? Did you think that your problems and issues were not that significant? Have you ever felt like no one, including God, wanted to be bothered with your petty problems? We hope not. But just in case Rick and Gary want to know what Jesus had to say about that. In Luke 12:6, Jesus reminds us that the Father cares about even the least of us. "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten...
Dredging Up the Past

Dredging Up the Past


Who doesn't have something in their past that they would rather forget? Don't you just hate it when people keep dredging up those memories?The Scripture teaches us that this is one of Satan's favorite past-times. He does so to give us a sense of inferiority and prevent us from moving on. This is why the Scripture calls him the accuser of the brethren in Revelation 12:10.In this episode, Gary and Rick help us distinguish the difference between guilt and shame and how we can move on from a sin ...
Don't Throw Rocks

Don't Throw Rocks


People are more quick to judge than Christ is. Those most rebuked by Jesus were not those living in obvious sin but rather the religious leaders who cloaked their sin in self-righteousness. In this episode, Gary and Rick explore what happened when the Pharisees brought an adulterous woman to be judged by Jesus in John 8. Listen to see how Jesus turned the table on her accusers and gave her hope and dignity for the future. Send questions and comments to info@faithinfive.o...
The Devil in Disguise

The Devil in Disguise


Was Elvis Presley onto something? Gary reflects back to an old 45 rpm record from his parent's collection as the guys take a look at 2 Corinthians 11:14. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." You may want to hit the mute button when Click starts to sing! Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure to like, subscribe and give a five-star rating to the...
Catching Your Limit

Catching Your Limit


Can you picture Peter counting each fish in this large haul from the Sea of Galilee? John 21:11 tells us that they caught exactly 153 fish! The Sea of Galilee was the sight of many precious moments with Jesus and this is the last one. Join Rick and Gary as they discuss what this means for us today. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure to like, subscribe and give a five-star rating to ...
Bad Nicknames

Bad Nicknames


Some people get remembered for the worst moments in their lives rather than the best. The Apostle Thomas was one of those people. Doubting Thomas is a moniker that he earned for one or two less than stellar moments in his life but the guys wonder if that is really fair. In the meantime, Gary works on getting Rick to reveal his childhood nickname. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure t...
The Shortest Verse

The Shortest Verse


Do you recall the opportunity to memorize any verse in the Bible to win a prize in Sunday School? We do. John 11:35 consists of only two words. It couldn't be easier. However, when we read, "Jesus wept," what does that mean for us in real life today? Take five minutes to listen and discover. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure to like, subscribe and give a five-star rating to the Fai...
There are all kinds of podcasts that can help you with investment strategies. Do you want long-term investments? Short-term? High-risk or low-risk strategies? There is one strategy that is guaranteed to pay rewarding long-term dividends and Jesus describes it in Matthew 6:19-21"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth co...
A Whale and a Worm

A Whale and a Worm


What in the world does a whale have to do with a worm? Believe it or not, God used both to get Jonah's attention. The whale makes for an exciting and dramatic story. The worm is a little less dramatic but still effective.Rick and Gary discuss how God can use things both big and small to get our attention. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure to like, subscribe and give a five-star rating t...
Watchu Lookin' At?

Watchu Lookin' At?


The Apostles were mesmerized. It wasn't like they had never seen Jesus perform a miracle before. They had seen plenty. But they never saw Him fly. This is the last thing they see from Jesus as He ascends into the heavens. Unbeknown to them, however, a couple angels appeared while they were gazing up into the clouds. They had a message for these men. He'll be back. In the meantime, they had a job to do. Jesus is coming again. Let's not be idle watchers but rather faithful doers...
Do you ever feel like God is judging you? Everything just seems to be going wrong. Isn't the life of a Christian supposed to be carefree? Not exactly. You can't get past the first book of the Bible without seeing how good people face difficult challenges. That is the story from Genesis to Revelation. But no one summarizes this truth more succinctly than Joseph does when speaking to his treacherous brothers. Rick and Gary take a look at how this man of God found purpose in his ...
Vote for Yourself

Vote for Yourself


It has been said that God cast a vote for you, the Devil cast a vote against you and you get to cast the deciding vote. That's an election worth showing up for. Listen as Gary and Rick talk about what it means to trust Christ. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Ohio. Be sure to like, subscribe and give a five-star rating to the Faith in Five Podcast.
Running from the Lion

Running from the Lion


In reality, you will never outrun the lion. But if you are wise, you can still escape his clutches.A roaring lion is just one of the many portrayals of Satan in the Scriptures. He is real and he is someone to be aware of. Lions prey on the weak, the slow, and the unaware. This is why the Scripture calls on us to be level-headed and vigilant. Otherwise, we can easily succumb to this adversary. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seek...
Stand Alone

Stand Alone


Is the majority always right? Instinctively, we all know that they are not. As believers in Christ we are often called to stand alone, swim against the current, and go against the flow. But it is so much easier to just fit in and go along for the ride. Rick and Gary talk about a few biblical examples of those who didn't give in to peer pressure and societal norms. They look at instances where the majority was clearly wrong and encourage us to stand for right even when we have to sta...
The Runt of the Litter

The Runt of the Litter


Little guys and gals can do big things. No one proves that more than King David. His family thought he was insignificant. They failed to see in him what God saw in him. That didn't keep God from doing great things with David including slaying a giant and taking over a kingdom. Gary and Rick take a brief look at man's last choice who became God's first choice. Send questions and comments to Faith in Five is a ministry of the Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremont, Oh...
The Sting of Death

The Sting of Death


Death is painful. It's that simple. There is no way around it. It hurts. But there is a way to remove the sting from death. Death can be less painful. Hope can be found in the midst of the most difficult time in our lives. The Apostle Paul spends an entire chapter teaching the Corinthians about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and concludes by revealing that Jesus removes the sting of death through the resurrection from the dead.Join Rick and Gary as they discuss this concept filled with...
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