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Tale of Two Zebras

Author: Ann aka ModernWinning & Amberlyn aka Mrs. Labeezy

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Welcome and Thank you for joining us. We are not doctors and we do not give medical advice. We DO share our personal experiences good and bad and what has worked for us. Why do we call ourselves Zebras? Good Question. When medical students are learning how to diagnosis patients in general, they are taught to think of the most common reason for the illness. The rare diseases are just that, rare. So if it looks like a horse, it's most likely a horse. BUT, there are rare illnesses out there. They are the Zebras. Both Amberlyn and Ann have the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). There are 13 subtypes. You can learn more by visiting the Ehlers-Danlos Society website:

Ehlers-Danlos affects every system and part of the body. Patients are often sick and see many specialists. That is where the Tale of Two Zebras comes in. Amberlyn and Ann share the EDS diagnosis and several comorbidities but their paths to diagnosis and with treatment are very different.

With such different experiences, we hope we can relate to a large and diverse number of other Zebras and offer an understanding community.

84 Episodes
Service Dogs

Service Dogs


Ann has experience having a service dog and Amberlyn wants to know more so why not have the discussion on the podcast, right?You may notice the new name: Tale of Two Zebras. Amberlyn aka Mrs. Labeezy and Ann aka Elder Zebra are making this thing official so you'll be noticing our efforts to make this brainchild a reality. Like so many things involving chronic illness, it will take baby steps and time to fully reach 100% official status. Thank you for joining us on our journey. Glad you'...
Thank you to our special guest this episode. We had a lot of fun talking about POTS, living with chronic illness, and sharing stories. There were a lot of resources mentioned and I will be adding them to the episode description asap. TBH: It was much harder editing the recording than I expected. It is one thing to live with health challenges, it is another to listen to others validate the experience. Listening back to the recording I was moved to tears and I need some time to process my ...
Sleep is suppose to be restorative but for EDS Zebras, it is often every but restorative. Who knew there was an illness where sleeping can actually be painful? Pillows quickly become friends. There are also higher risks of serious issues and it is strongly recommended that sleep troubles be discussed with medical professionals. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too:
Welcome and Thank you for joining us. We are not doctors and we do not give medical advice. We DO share our personal experiences good and bad and what has worked for us. With it being the month of February and Valentines Day in the week, Mrs. Lazbeezy and Ann decided to discuss friendships and the challenges presented by being a spoon.Here's a link to the reel that talked about 8 minute friends: gave a shout out to the ...
Welcome and Thank you for joining us. We are not doctors and we do not give medical advice. We DO share our personal experiences good and bad and what has worked for us.Our main topic of discussion this week is mobility aids. It's a hot topic and often a rough one with generational challenges of who, when, & why people should use them.Trigger Warning: we do talk about depression and mention suicidal ideation along with giving specifics to our weight as it relates to some mobility aids.Ple...
Welcome and Thank you for joining us. We are not doctors and we do not give medical advice. We DO share our personal experiences good and bad and what has worked for us.The episode is a bit random and is a great example of our general randomness dealing with our chronic illness. I had never heard of the Ladle Theory so join in Amberlyn teaching me neat things. Please visit Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Link to see our Zebra "Must Haves". She is eligible for a small commission if you purchase by ...
Welcome Mrs. Labeezy and the New Year. Had some technical difficulties but we should be good to go both here and on YouTube. Mrs. Labeezy covers the Beighton Scoring System found on the EDS Society website here. We cover some other Zebra basics and have fun relating with our unique zebra experiences. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too:
To learn more about the origins of the opioid crisis, check out HBO- MAX: The Crime of the Century.You can learn more about Brent David Slone and his wife's fight for justice at you want to read about the Elliots' tragic demise, visit We're on YouTube too:
Mrs. Labeezy and Ann discuss clothing options that have worked to support the bendy zebra bodies. Links to come so check back. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too: are the rare type of spoonies often affiliated with the Ehlers-Danlos pat...
I am so excited to have Mrs. Labeezy back on the show. I will add links soon so please stop back by if you're looking for those. You can also find Mrs. Labeezy on the clock app.Here is Mrs. Labeezy's "Must Haves" on her Amazon storefront. Check it out: We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves inclu...
It can be a real challenge to stay warm for many who struggle with chronic illnesses and pain. I hope some of the ideas are helpful and would love to hear your best tips and trick to staying warm. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too: are...
It's the most challenging time of the year. I share some of my tips and tricks for the season and I share some brutal truths in my life right now. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too: are the rare type of spoonies often affiliated with t...
I am so excited to have Mrs. Labeezy on the podcast this week. We have big plans to continue working together in the new year. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too: are the rare type of spoonies often affiliated with the Ehlers-Danl...
"The Unholy Trinity"

"The Unholy Trinity"


Dr. Erin Nance has completed a series for the month of October where each day she covers a diagnosis that disproportionately affects women and is often missed or misdiagnosed as something else.On day 21, Dr. Nance covered MCAS - Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and mentioned its nasty sidekicks it is often with; Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and POTS/Dsyautonomia.You can find more information about MCAS at GARD - Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center, along with NORD - the National Organization o...
Depression, I believe, is an unavoidable state for people with chronic illness and pain. It may not visit often or stick around long, but preparing for isn't a bad idea. Keep track of what works for you, note what works for others, and grow your toolbox. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too:
Glimmers vs Triggers

Glimmers vs Triggers


There's a lot on my plate right now and things are stacking so I've been seeking ways to mitigate the heavy load when letting it go isn't an option.I address self-care and the challenges learning to love yourself can present if there's some conditioning to battle. Sarah Jarvis covers the Backdraft Effect in this article.Then I go into a discussion of a new trend called Glimmers. They are the opposite of triggers. Here's a brief bullet point I covered to better define a glimmer.I also share a ...
I'm working hard to reduce my stress because stuff is heavy and I need to let it go. What are your tips for reducing stress? I'd love to hear them. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too: are the rare type of spoonies often affiliated with ...
Best Practices

Best Practices


There are some do's & don'ts with just about anything involving human interaction. Here are a few "best practices" I have implemented in my health journey and they might help others too. We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too: are the r...
Shame On You - NOT!

Shame On You - NOT!


Brené Brown is a great researcher and author with a robust catalog of helpful material. I recently listed to her Audible "Men, Women, & Worthiness" You can follow the link, for which I receive compensation, and give it a listen. You will be happy you did. young lady with a great theory is ChronicallyBee on TikTok. The clip that I referenced was created on 5/5. Here's a link We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's ...
Squirrels & Bunnies

Squirrels & Bunnies


It's one of those days. Concentration be difficult and the squirrels and bunnies are highly distracting. Have fun my wonderful listeners and enjoy the chaos if just for today.All the love and don't forget to email me for the We're on YouTube too: aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too:
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