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More Than Anxiety

Author: Megan Devito

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Welcome to the More Than Anxiety Podcast. I’m Megan Devito, and I’m a life coach for high achievers. I help people with big dreams and big anxiety, learn to calm their bodies so they can think clearly, make brave choices, and do big things. 

You’re going to get so much information about stress and anxiety here, but it doesn’t stop there. 

Anxiety worms its way into the nooks and crannies of your life so let’s talk about all of it! Not just the typical stuff. 

Let’s talk about work, connecting with your kids, your partner, or reconnecting with your friends. Let's talk about the world, food, sleep, sex, vacations…because when you’re anxious, anxiety will be a part of all of your decisions, in every area of your life.

As someone who lived with overwhelming anxiety for nearly 30 years, I know how it feels to be trapped in the cycle of fear - constantly overthinking everything with your body backing up all those scary thoughts with uncomfortable and sometimes terrifying symptoms. I know what it is like to feel stuck,  and hopeless, and to frantically try all the things to fight off how you feel. 

That’s in the past for me now and it can be for you too. 

Here’s how I know. 

Today…I’m on the other side… I’m living a life that I never thought was possible. I’ve gone from insane health anxiety, complete with anxiety and panic attacks, compulsive thoughts and checking, to helping people just like you and me, break free from the cycle of anxiousness.  Here, I’m sharing powerful true stories of anxiety and recovery, the skills I use myself every day and that teach my clients that will challenge and inspire you to take action and create the life you’ve been dying to live, and so much more.

And, at the end of each episode, you’ll be one step closer to knowing you are completely normal,  you are safe, and you totally have what it takes to live life without anxiety calling the shots for you - all this with some humor and major A-Ha moments mixed in. 

You won’t want to miss a thing so be sure to subscribe and if you like what you hear, leave a five-star review so others can find this podcast and get the help and support they want and need too. Thanks for listening. 

Listen to a new episode every Tuesday morning at 5:00 am EST.

92 Episodes
When you're an ambitious woman trying to balance your work life and personal life, it's a slippery slope into feeling burnt out. In this week's episode of the More Than Anxiety Podcast, I'm talking with Teisha Gillespie from the Not Your Average GOAT podcast. We're diving deep into strategies for achieving work-life balance without sacrificing your goals. From taking time to care for your mental health through mindfulness so you can lead by example and inspire your team,To having authentic co...
Welcome Niki McGlynn to the podcast. Niki is a neurodevelopment therapist and ADHD coach, and in this episode she shares her wisdom on how retained primitive reflexes, like the Moro reflex, play a huge role in adult anxiety.Niki talks about how integrating these involuntary movement patterns can lead to incredible relief for people struggling with anxiety, ADHD, etc.Niki also shares how each individual experiences traumatic events differently, and the concept of inherited trauma and how...
Join me in Episode 89 as I talk about how you're sabotaging your career, your growth, and giving up on your dreams when you let anxiety make your decisions for you. I'm sharing how you can use the feeling of anxiety in your body to check and challenge your thoughts, find evidence that you're already succeeding, and take steps forward even and especially when you feel anxious - on purpose.You want to grow and expand - to get the promotion, to build your business, to have time fo...
Join Jemma Blythe and me inside episode 88. Jemma is a life coach in the UK who helps her clients work through perfectionism to see themselves as perfect as they are. In this episode, Jemma and I talked about her struggles with everything from PCOS to ADHD and how the key to loving yourself more is loving the not so perfect parts of yourself. Jemma also talks about how she uses journaling as a primary coaching method to help her clients check in with themselves.Enjoy t...
In this episode, I'm talking about uncertainty in the workplace and how everything from AI to layoffs and unclear expectations left one of my clients feeling anxious and grasping for anything she could control. I'll walk you through the process she and I used to help her step back, find what is working for her, and to feel safety and confidence in her career - even in an industry that has drastically changed in recent years.Enjoy the episode.Help others find this resource so they ...
In Episode 86 of the More Than Anxiety podcast, I'm talking with Pam Covarrubius, an alignment coach, podcaster on Café con Pam, and recovering procrastinator. She shares the process and benefits of EFT, a blend of traditional Chinese medicine, NLP, and energy psychology, to rewire the brain's response to stress and how using advanced EFT in her coaching, she helps her clients heal themselves and previous generations.Pam and I talked about the mental health stigmas that exist in t...
You're not in school anymore and you're not sure if the people at work are your friends or coworkers... or are they both? Episode 85 is all about how to find and make friends in your 30's and 40s. In this episode, I'm covering,Why it can feel hard to find friends when you're not in school and your kids start to grow up and have their own lives.The importance of knowing your values to help you connect with the right peopleHow to overcome social anxiety and approach new people - even when you f...
I recently saw thread by @shanila.sattar who said, “Unpopular healer reality is that many folks get addicted to healing (aka always finding something to fix, improve, change) Although self-inquiry is amazing , a constant state of “not good enoughness” is really a trap" And it got me thinking.Last year I was in a cycle of trying to fix myself - not just the 2023 version of me, but past me as well, all in an effort to feel less anxious, incapable, or not good enough. Episode 84 ...
Join Jeremy and Zach from the Fit Mess podcast as they talk about how guys deal and DON'T deal with their mental health, and what you can do to encourage and support them as partners, parents, and friends.In Episode 83, we're looking at▪️ The loneliness and pressure men feel that can lead to anxiety and depression,▪️ How to recognize and communicate emotional needs, and▪️ How to model emotions and emotional intelligence to raise strong, confident, and mentally healthy boys.Me sure to check ou...
In this episode, I'm talking about never having enough time for everything you need or want to do. How a never-ending 'To-Do' list and flimsy boundaries can make you feel overwhelmed, stressed out and anxious,And I’ll share with you how a few simple changes in how you make lists and what you think about saying YES or NO will help you get more done at work so you can be present and enjoy your time at home. You can check out the BIG ROCKS video I mentioned HERE.Help others find this resou...
Whatever you tell yourself, especially when you start with the words, 'I am' becomes your truth.When you say things like,"I'm always anxious""I'm so bad at ____.""I'm worthless"even when you don’t want to believe them, and even when you have evidence that it’s not true, your brain believes it. And it will ignore the proof you havethat you're good at something,the smiles and compliments you get from others,or notice when you feel good.But when actively decide to look, with intention for what's...
91% of nurses, 55% of teachers, 75% of overall employees experience burnout - women more than men. Working moms experienced burnout at 68% while working dads experience burnout at a rate of 42% - neither of which is a small number!In this episode, I'm talking about the issue of burnout among high achievers. Burnout is a serious problem that affects your physical, mental, and emotional health and I'm sharing the signs, causes, and practical ways to overcome it.Through real stories an...
If you've ever felt like you're in a relentless battle with anxiety, you're not alone. Anxiety doesn't switch from 'chaos' to 'calm' overnight; it's slow change and growth that happens over time. But along the way, there are signs to show you things are getting better and you need to celebrate them!In this episode, I'm sharing 10 different signs that you're doing better than you think you in letting go of anxiety, building your confidence, and changing your life.Join me, as you celebrat...
When you're busting your butt at work, covering for slackers, taking on more than you can handle, and missing out on family time, it makes sense that you feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and resentful. And that you might need a mental health day. Sometimes you need a break to recharge and take care of yourself. But when you’re using them the wrong way, mental health days can backfire and make you feel even worse.Check out Episode 78 of the More Than Anxiety...
I should cut off my fingers right now. *Me chopping vegetables.*Your brain comes up with around 60,000 thoughts a day.99% of them are untrue and thought out of habit.When you have a thought that has an emotion attached to it,it grabs your attention.Especially when it is dark, or scary.These are called intrusive thoughts and they will freak you out if you give them too much attention.😱 You'll think you're going crazy,😱 Dangerous to yourself and other people,😱 Wonder if you're having premo...
A recent article by Fast Company, stated “Eighty-three percent of women who have been working remotely since or any time after the pandemic began, want to continue to work remotely. Sixty-nine percent of those women want to be full-time remote, while 20% are interested in a combination of remote and in-person work​. That is a substantial number of women who are trying to balance and advance their careers while also providing for their families.In Episode 76, I'm discussing the pros and con's ...
Last week I finally had some new pictures taken to use on my website and in my social media posts. I had been wanting to do this for a long time but always found an excuse not to get the pictures done. I'm so glad I went but let me tell you, I was nervous!I did the full spectrum of anxious thinking.I overthought what to wear and how to be, shopping, Googling and changing clothes for hours.I kept wondering what I looked like or what other people would think.I criticized myself because I ...
How often do you grab your phone in a day? 10 times? 100 times? 500? Do you even notice when you reach for it anymore? In episode 74, I'm sharing a personal ride through my own dopamine addiction and the hard truths about our mental health in a world full of cheap dopamine hits. With insights from Dr. Anna Lembke's book "Dopamine Nation," I'm talking about how we use technology, junk food, romance novels, etc to avoid feeling uncomfortable and negative emotions and how avoiding th...
Your social media feed is keeping you anxious. Not because you follow horrible accounts or doom and gloom, but because the algorithm is working. In Episode 73, I'm talking about how scrolling social media to relax or to learn more about how you can feel less anxious, have the perfect living room decor, beat burnout and overwhelm, or what it looks like in Fiji, the more you'll see of this same content. And, when your attention is on researching anxiety, the more anxious you b...
You've got a great job, a nice house, an amazing family, the best friends, and you're not unhappy....But there's this itch, this tickle inside you that you can't ignore. Secretly, you've always wanted to start your own business,To live someplace warmer,To go back to school, try a new hobby, or get your degree.But you tell yourself you're too old,It'll be too expensive,Too hard, orIt's just silly.Enough with the buts!Episode 72 is about reinventing yourself when you're in your 40's, 50's, 60's...
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