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Sally Serves It Up

Author: Sally Webster

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Sally is a certified Life Coach who helps women to change their food & alcohol habits so that they love how they eat, drink and feel in their bodies. 
Her mission is to support women to feel calm, in control, and empowered around food, alcohol and their lives. 
This weekly podcast gives tips and ways to approach things that create lasting habit change without restrictive diets and quick fixes. 

72 Episodes
In this episode, I give an update on how things have been going (including a weekend away with school mums!) and share a letter I wrote to myself about my alcohol-free journey so far. It's based on the idea that tapping into your future self now (the version of you who's created the outcomes you want) is how you'll take action today in order to create her in your future. What advice would she give you? What would she tell you to stop doing? What would she tell you to start doing? How would sh...
In my experience, this is THE most common thing women are saying to themselves when they eat or drink in a way which doesn't align with the results they want. This episode breaks down how to approach these moments (and urges) so that you CAN follow through with what you want for yourself in the long term. By understanding what's really going on for you in those moments, you can start to do things differently. Different action = different results. We explore what you're saying f*ck it to, why ...
If you struggle to follow your plan consistently and find yourself giving into your urges and cravings on a regular basis, I encourage you to listen to today's episode where I explore a mindset shift that can seriously help (and will positively serve other areas of your life). I don't consider myself an athlete (!) but fostering an "athlete's mindset" has been one of the most productive shifts I've made because it's driven such positive action in my life (which has then created evidence that ...
This episode explores the power of asking yourself this question when you're having food cravings and gives you ways to take a different path that doesn't involve food.When you start asking this question, you will become aware of emotions that you want to numb and it's only from that awareness that you can start to make a different decision and choice for yourself. As you keep trying every day to take different action that aligns with the long term results you want (rather than the short term...
Loving Your Body Type

Loving Your Body Type


We all have such different bodies and of course we do! We all have different genetics! But I find that many of us spend a lot of time and energy wishing we had a different body type which means we're constantly fighting a lost battle with ourselves and it feels rubbish. Negative self-talk, unhelpful and restrictive behaviours, unloving body image and self-concept. Nothing ever really changes and we stop ourselves from working with what we have -- looking for evidence of all the things w...
In today’s episode, I chat about why moderating isn’t right for everyone (and why it's hard!), the placebo effects of alcohol-free drinks and why I’m finding them crucial for this journey, the fun of alcohol, and drinking to fit in and feel accepted (especially with the mums from school). This is not a coaching episode, this is me sharing my personal experience of going alcohol-free.
I caught up with Helen Barlow - an absolute gem of a personal trainer - a few weeks ago to talk about all things movement and mindset. Helen has an amazing online platform that I've been a member of for years and I trained with her at the gym back in 2019 when I was pregnant with my second son. I've always liked her style - and I'm not just talking about her clothes and classes! The way she lives her life and shares her talents is refreshing, inspiring and compelling. In this episode, w...
Continuing to share my experience of my new alcohol free life. Today I'm talking about how I've been feeling, my cravings, my first completely alcohol-free holiday as an adult, alcohol-free alternative drinks, self-confidence and why I'm doing this, and helpful podcasts/ resources. All resources and purchases I mentioned are listed and linked below: Rich Roll podcast with Ruari Fairbairns: Mel Robbin's podcast with Dr Sarah Wakeman: https...
It's very normal to use food and alcohol as a way to cope with uncomfortable emotions that we've decided we can't or won't tolerate. We think the emotions shouldn't be there. On a primal level, we think that something's very wrong and we want to use buffers like sugar and alcohol to fix the "problem". These buffers quickly take hold as habit and before we know it, it happens without us even realising and strong cravings present in response to particular circumstances, settings and emotions.&n...
Introducing this new mini series which will go alongside my normal weekly release.Come and join me on my alcohol free journey - one that has been a long time coming but only feels right to take now. If you’re curious about your relationship with alcohol and whether it’s serving you, I encourage you to listen to these episodes where I'll be brutally honest on how I’m finding making the change from moderate drinker to alcohol free… I feel vulnerable sharing this but equally completely ready to ...
In today's episode, I share my four non-negotiable lifestyle habits that make me feel inextricably better. These are the things I do every day, regardless of what's going on. As we go into a mini holiday season (Easter) when things might feel a little unsteady, I encourage you to consider what lifestyle habits you want to firmly establish and give tips about how to make them a part of your life so that they become automatic and don't require quite so much effort or thinking!There's no shortag...
Do you consume a lot of social media or podcasts about health, wellness and nutrition?Do you notice that sometimes you feel overwhelmed and confused about what to do and what you should implement in order to create better health and possibly to lose weight? This episode breaks down what happens when we're in nutritional information overload mode and explains how to break free of it so that you begin to achieve the results you want with your health, wellness, nutrition and body. www.sall...
I love this episode! Mindset work is always overlooked in the weight loss industry but if you want true, sustainable habit change and results you can maintain, it’s an essential piece of the puzzle.I dive into five mindset shifts that need to happen in order to consistently take action that serves you and to move through the subconscious thinking that normally gets in the way of permanent habit change with our eating and drinking.If you want new results that are different to what you’ve exper...
I'm delighted to bring you my first podcast guest! Max Lowery is a no-nonsense weight loss coach who helps people to sustainably change their eating and drinking habits. In this episode, we talk about:the mistakes people commonly make with weight losshow to start changing your identity to adapt your behaviours exercise and how it impacts weight lossintermittent fasting and intuitive eating how to live an aligned lifethe importance of trusting and challenging yourself5 habits to...
If you find yourself often not following through with your daily food plan as you originally planned it, this episode is for you! Compliance with your plan is such an integral part of finding ultimate food freedom (though it may feel counter-intuitive!). I cover the 3 main reasons why this can be an issue for so many of us and give you actionable solutions to those obstacles. It's an in-depth episode because I want you to have everything you need to really move the needle on this habit and co...
Do you often reach for snacks and drinks when you get home from a busy day at work? Or even if you manage not to have them, do you feel like you need to use a lot of willpower to not give into your strong cravings? And then perhaps eventually give in after dinner? This episode gives you a few ways to calm a busy mind in the evenings by evolving your mindset, changing how you react to high-frequency emotions and shifting the way you eat during the day in order to help you feel more calm, peace...
Eesh -- this one's a biggie that so many of us have experienced. I have so much love for anyone who's received comments about their weight from family members *AND* now is the time to take back your power in a way that feels good and aligns with the relationships you'd truly like to have (with your family and yourself). In this episode, I explain the eating patterns that these comments can lead us to have and why that keeps us in the same cycle that we want to break free of. I offer a way to ...
This episode is designed to help you establish what you learnt in 2023 so that you can take those learnings with you into 2024 and create new outcomes for yourself, as well as sharing what I personally learnt so that you don't make the same mistakes as me!We cover: unconditional kindness and kindness preceding profound resultstrusting your inner authority and decision-making strategytaking responsibility for your feelings and outcomes and not blaming your circumstances (here's the blog o...
Have you been trying to do the 80/20 diet but finding it hard to get into a rhythm that means it actually works?!The 80/20 approach is a really great way to take care of your body and encourage you to eat intuitively but can be difficult to get into a routine with.If you've ever dieted before, you might find it particularly challenging to adhere to the 20% in a way that feels calm, considered and helpful.This episode discusses why it can be challenging and explains how to create an 80/20 stra...
There's a lot of buzz around ultra-processed food and it feels like everyone is reading this book!Instead of me reiterating the same old facts, I'm tackling things differently and in the way I think is most effective in creating the outcomes we want.In this episode, I explore how in understanding your current mindset about UPFs and how it impacts the way you consume them, you'll be able to see if there's any opportunity to approach things differently.Does how you think about UPFs make you fee...
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