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Inner Work With MaryAnn Walker: Life Coach for Empaths, Highly Sensitive People & People Pleasers
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Inner Work With MaryAnn Walker: Life Coach for Empaths, Highly Sensitive People & People Pleasers

Author: MaryAnn Walker

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Welcome to Inner Work with MaryAnn Walker! This podcast is all about helping people just like you—the helpers, healers, and people pleasers. I understand the struggles of these roles because I've been there, too. I've experienced the exhaustion, burnout, compassion fatigue and self doubt that come from always putting others first. Join me each week as we explore ways to meet your own needs and set clear boundaries in a way that honors your heart and also increases connection. Subscribe now! 

111 Episodes
In this episode, we explore shifting from a victim mindset to a creator mindset, fostering a more empowered and proactive approach to life.Theme: Transitioning from passive victim to proactive creator.Key Idea: Transforming life's challenges through perspective and choice.Victim vs. Creator Mindset:Victim Mentality:Passive or passive-aggressive.Asks, "Why is this happening TO me?"Seeks blame and focuses on what's out of their control.Needy, expecting others to solve their problems.Creator Men...
This week we are exploring the Drama Triangle as well as The Empowerment Dynamic. The Drama Triangle creates drama and conflict in relationship whereas The Empowerment Dynamic encourages authentic communication which can deepen connection. Today's focus is on comparing victim energy with it's antidote, creator energy. Here is a brief overview: Victim energy is passive, while creator energy is proactive. Victim energy asks 'Why is this happening to me?' Creator energy ...
In this episode, I sat down with Allie Schultz from Write Your Wellness to delve into the concept of people-pleasing through the lens of control.Here's a breakdown of our discussion:The Victim Triangle: We explored how individuals can get caught up in the Victim Triangle, cycling through the roles of victim, persecutor, and rescuer.Strength in People Pleasers: Contrary to cultural beliefs, we discussed how people-pleasers aren't necessarily weak. In fact, they often exhibit strong control ove...
Today we're talking about givers versus takers in relationships. Givers, known for their empathy and generosity, often find themselves in imbalanced relationships with takers, who prioritize their own needs without reciprocating. As a life coach specializing in supporting empaths and highly sensitive individuals, I've seen how givers can struggle to set boundaries and prioritize their own well-being.In this episode, we explore the challenges faced by givers and provide actionable tips f...
There are always two things happening in our minds: #1: The facts of our situation: This is something that could be proven in a court of law. It is void of emotion and just staring the facts. Facts are neutral. #2: Our story about the facts/drama: This is what we are choosing to make the facts mean. These stories or dramas are usually emotionally charged. For example: Fact: I have X amount in my bank account. Drama: I will never own a home!Fact: My Partner hasn't resp...
On this episode I’m sharing my interview with Gina Strole on her podcast, Intuitive Healing Connection.A few key points:Self-Care: It's not just about indulging in hot baths and pedicures; it's about recognizing and addressing your true needs. Self-care can mean allowing yourself to sit with difficult emotions, shedding tears, putting pen to paper, or initiating that tough conversation. It's proactive care, tailored to your individual needs.Perfectionism: The pursuit of perfection often hampe...
Passive action can feel productive, but it doesn't get results. For example: Passive action is posting content on your social media business page. Massive action is actually making offers for your business. Passive action is researching workout plans.Massive action is waking up, showing up, and completing the workout. Passive action is writing "to do's" on your calendar. Massive action is actually making the call and completing the tasks. Passive action is dreaming about the garden you ...
Exploring the concepts of evolving versus remaining stagnant and how self-sabotage plays a role in personal growth and development.I stumbled onto the following in my instagram feed: "Not everyone was put here to evolve. Some were put here to show you what happens when you don't." The truth is, we are all evolving and remaining simultaneously in different parts of our lives. Bringing these things into our conscious awareness can stimulate growth and evolution. For example:Maybe subconsciously...
In today's episode, I am exploring a quote that resonated deeply with me: "heal so you can hear what's being said without the filter of your wound." This quote begs the question, how are our unresolved emotional wounds influencing our interactions and perceptions? Whether you are experiencing mother wounds, father wounds, psychological wounding, or even wounds around your tendency to people please, these experiences can have a significant impact on our interactions with others. Ta...
Today we are talking about the importance of embracing discomfort and experiencing rejection as a way to grow and overcome fears. We emphasizes the idea of celebrating failures, being willing to put oneself out there, and accepting rejection as a natural part of life in order to achieve personal development and success.Stress can't be eliminated. But we can learn to navigate through it more easily. Reference TikTok for "rejection therapy." Click here to view my YouTube channel! Click here to ...
Welcome to my 100th episode! This week I have two of my three daughters on the show and we are talking all about how to raise kids that are NOT people pleasers. These two have been along for the ride as I've worked to recover from my own people pleasing tendencies and they have some great ideas! Come and join us!
Most people have heard of fight, flight or freeze, but have you heard of fawning? There are four F's in the human stress response. Fight, flight, freeze and fawn. These are coping mechanisms that are our response to stress danger, or a perceived threat. Especially as it pertains to social situations. This looks like trying to win over the good graces of others, more than likely at the expense of your own needs, boundaries or values.This week we are talking about the many ways fawning sho...
What if navigating the others discomfort isn't the problem? What if instead it's learning to manage our own discomfort?So often we believe that the other person is uncomfortable with our boundary because we said it wrong or because it isn't a "good" boundary, or maybe we even tell ourselves their disappointment over our boundary is a sign that they are an unempathic jerk! But disappointment and discouragement happens. Disappointment isn't the problem. Learning to navigate it is. In this...
Main Ideas: People PleasingPeople pleasers often focus more on how others perceive them rather than their own feelings towards others.Insecurity is one reason people try to win over others, even at the risk of inauthentic living.Constant pressure to meet others' expectations can create anxiety and stress.Unfulfilling relationships result from trying to win approval at the sacrifice of true compatibility.A lack of boundaries and loss of self-esteem are two potential outcomes of seeking externa...
When Life Is Hard

When Life Is Hard


When you're in overwhelm it's easy for the brain to go into overwhelm. This week as I was experiencing my own overwhelm my mind wanted to say, "This bad day is going to last forever." It also wants to ask, "WHY is this happening TO me?!" Once you know and understand how your brain is going to react to overwhelm, you can course correct it. Here are some tips & affirmations to help: Today is Not Forever: It's easy to feel stuck in a bad day, but reminding myself that it's temporary he...
Celebrating Growth

Celebrating Growth


Welcome back to Inner Work with MaryAnn Walker! We're celebrating Episode 95 today, and I've got some exciting updates and a special announcement.Celebrating Growth: Thank you to all our listeners! We've grown so much, reaching listeners in the US, UK, Canada, Belgium, Taiwan, Ireland, Australia, India, Peru, and beyond! Your support means everything. THANK YOU for being here and for sharing with your friends and family! What's Coming: Expect more engaging guests and deep conversations o...
As people pleasers, we are very good at showing up consistently for others. But we are less skilled when it comes to showing up consistently for ourselves. Take some time today to identify one way you want to consistently show up for yourself and find a fun way to track it! As we practice showing up consistently for ourselves, it benefits everyone because we aren't as depleted.
In this episode we discuss the differences between communicating from a place of emotional calm versus approaching conversations with heightened emotional charge. Examples of Emotionally Charged vs. Emotionally Calm Responses:Emotionally charged: "You're avoiding me to punish me."Emotional calm: "Hey, I'd love to get together, I miss you."Emotionally charged: "You must not like me very much."Emotional calm: "Hey, I haven't heard from you as much lately, what's been going on?"Emotionally...
Today I share the story of two monks. Both had taken a vow to not touch a woman, yet they found a woman in need of help crossing a river. The older and wiser monk carried her across. The younger younger monk became angry and accusatory towards the senior monk. "We took a vow not to touch a woman!" The older monk replied, "I left her by the river. Why are you still choosing to carry her?"So often we continue to hold onto things, possibly even ruminating on them, thinking this is productive. To...
Are you telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in your relationship? Comment like: "I don't like your boyfriend""You abandoned me at the party"& "You are so inconsiderate"Might feel like you're telling the truth, but these statements are actually partial truths. This week we explore how to be more truthful and authentic in relationship by increasing our own emotional maturity, identifying ALL that is coming up for us, and communicating in a way that owns your e...
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