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Your Favorite You

Author: Melissa Parsons

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Welcome to Your Favorite You, a weekly podcast helping brilliant women like you with beautiful brains to create the life you've been dreaming of with intention so you can find your favorite version of you. Your host, Melissa Parsons, is a pediatrician turned life coach. She holds the titles of wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend of many. She became a certified life coach after discovering that coaching held the secret to the universe, and knew she had to share this magic with everyone in her orbit. This podcast is for you if ... you're stuck in fear and perfectionism thinking that your value comes from what you do or what you don't do, rather than knowing that your value comes from who you are, and this is keeping you from dreaming and trying new things, or from remembering or doing what you used to love. Join Melissa on this journey to figuring out and remembering who you are; a journey to finding and becoming your favorite you. To learn more about Melissa, visit:
88 Episodes
How can we shift from tolerating a life we don't love to embracing acceptance and making the changes we might be afraid to make?When I talk about tolerance, I’m referring to enduring circumstances or situations that don't align with our desires and values. Even if you accept those circumstances, you do not have to tolerate them.In this episode, we’ll talk about the steps you can take to stop tolerating less than you deserve and accept yourself and your reality without judgment or resistance.&...
I’m so grateful to have my former client Kate Mowery as a guest today to share how her coaching experience has impacted her life.Before coaching, Kate was dealing with too much stress from saying “Yes” to everything at work and not having any patience left for her family by the time she got home. Kate knew she needed to take better care of herself, so she made the decision to start coaching. Now, Kate’s favorite Kate says “No” when she doesn't want to do something, has her own woodworki...
Could coaching be the missing link to help you love your life?Maybe you need to have more compassion for yourself or need to trust yourself more. Women get help with so many aspects of their life when they work with a general life coach, like me.I want to share the magic of coaching with all of you, so I’ve gathered some coaching takeaways from women I have worked with. I hope that as you listen to this episode and hear about the positive impact coaching has, it will help you determine if coa...
When you look back on your life, do you regret more of the things you did do or the things you didn’t?Today, my amazing guest Sarah Wittry talks with me about regret from her very interesting perspective. Sarah is both a physician who works in palliative care and hospice medicine and a life coach. Being honest with people at the end of their lives as well as helping humans live a life with as little regret as possible has given her the wisdom she shares with us in this episode.We’ll talk abou...
Your self-worth isn't tied to anything but being exactly you. It shouldn't depend on your achievements, career, family, relationship status, or bank account, but sometimes it’s difficult to see past that. Do external things like these have an impact on your self-worth?In my coaching practice, I have helped women untether themselves from these old, well-worn pathways that they don’t have to walk anymore. In this episode of the podcast, I’ll help you understand how you can do that too.Whatever ...
Today, I’m talking about a topic near and dear to my heart. Sex and pleasure have an important role in my life. If you aren't happy with the role they play in yours, I want you to know that can change.The things we're taught about sex in school are so limited, and most of us have been socialized to think that desire and pleasure are the same for women as it is for men. That is NOT true. In this episode, you’ll get everything from an anatomy lesson to advice on how to prioritize your pleasure ...
Ep 81: The Price of Trauma

Ep 81: The Price of Trauma


In this episode, I'm joined by physician coach, master of public health, business owner, farmer, mother, and badass Dr. Kemia Sarraf.Dr. Sarraf truly wears many hats, and by the end of this episode, you'll have benefited from each one of them. You'll hear about the concept that trauma costs us all something, even if it's not our own, and you'll hear amazing stories that are packed with good advice and the assurance that you're not alone as a parent. Click HERE to get the full show notes.
It’s hard to be Your Favorite You when you don’t feel like yourself. Recently, I’ve been researching perimenopause and hormone therapy, and what I have found has me fired up! So much so, that I felt it was important to share about this topic with you today. Who wouldn’t be mad when a misinterpreted study from over two decades ago has led to so many amazing women missing out on the hormone therapy they need? In this episode, I'll share some of the resources I have used to consult wit...
If you have trouble describing your feelings as anything other than good or bad, that may be because you’re resisting your emotions. Many of us have been conditioned to push away our feelings. Maybe you had parents or caregivers who you never saw express their emotions, or you feel pressured by the societal goal to be happy all the time.In this episode, we’ll talk about the impact resisting emotions can have on your life, and how having the tools to feel your feelings can improve your re...
In today's episode, I am joined by two complete and utter rock stars in the physician coaching space. Yes, I am chatting with Adrienne Mann and Tyra Fainstad. These two incredible young women physician coaches are the founders of Better Together Physician Coaching, and they have put in some amazing work to prove that coaching actually works. Listen in as they recount their personal battles with burnout and the quest for self-recognition that steered them toward the transformative effect...
Do I have a treat for you today? We are lucky to be joined by, once again, one of my favorite people in the universe, my beloved husband Jon Parsons, and his life coach, Jess Johnson. In this conversation, we uncover the transformative experience Jon has undergone through Jess's unique blend of coaching techniques, and how coaching has really changed the trajectory of both of our lives in such profound ways. This episode is proof of how coaching can change your life and help you find Your Fav...
You might think you haven't sustained much trauma in your life, and in this episode, we'll talk about the difference between "big T" and "little T" trauma so you know the difference and how to address yours. What you'll learn, is that most people have experienced some form of trauma in their lives, and we have so much shit stored in our bodies that we don't even realize.Just pick one thing to work on... just start somewhere, and it doesn't matter where. By working on myself, it made all ...
Ep 75: Using Your Past

Ep 75: Using Your Past


We can use our past to make sense of who we are in the present. What do I mean by this? Perhaps when you were younger, your parents didn't have time to sit with you when you were having big emotions. Or perhaps they were always telling you to hush and to not feel your big feelings. So it totally makes sense that whenever a big feeling comes along, you mentally run and try to hide from it. In this episode, we'll talk about how we can use our past to inform our present selves of all that we hav...
Ep 74: Determination

Ep 74: Determination


I was never the smartest person in college or in medical school. But what I lacked in smarts, I made up for with a hell of a lot of determination. I'm here to remind you that you don't have to be the smartest person in the world to go after your dreams. Whether you're a professional striving for the next big thing or someone seeking personal growth, your determination can shape your destiny. In this episode, I will share with you, how to use determination as one of the main feelings as fuel t...
You may understand why many people avoid feeling what I begrudgingly call the"bad feelings," and we can often go out of our way to avoid them. What is less understood by the world at large, is how many humans out there in the world try to avoid feeling the "good feelings."In this episode, we're going to figure out if you fall in one of the five distinct categories of people who try to avoid feeling good. I'll show you how to recognize these patterns in yourself, and how to address them so you...
Ep 72: Uncertainty

Ep 72: Uncertainty


Most of us have been taught and are conditioned to fear uncertainty. We spend hours and hours of our lives actively trying to avoid uncertainty, adding planning and structure to our lives as much as we can, attempting to control other people so that we don't have to feel bad, so that we don't get caught off guard ever in life.More often than not, though, life is life, and the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Things happen that are out of your control. Embrace what is already hap...
So many of us are grieving the life we thought we were going to have. Maybe you thought you were going to work at a company until retirement and you were let go. What I see with my clients and with myself, is that we take the pain that is completely normal to feel when you're grieving a life you imagined you were going to have. And they double-down on it with one simple phrase: "It's not supposed to be this way."In this episode, we're going to talk about how to tell yourself the truth, take b...
As a former pediatrician turned life coach, I remember seeing kids who showed physical manifestations of an underlying psychological challenge, and this made me think about how, us, adults keep on pretending that everything is okay.In this episode, I will talk about how society sometimes makes it seem normal to overwork, or for moms to drink to cope with stress. We're also going to look at how being vulnerable and kind to ourselves is much better for healing, and to encourage you to look insi...
Today, I am talking about how to pivot when things don't go the way you were hoping. I was inspired to share this with you because I found myself feeling disappointed when some of the amazing women in my latest group coaching cohort decided not to participate. To help me work through this, I turned to my amazing coach, Maggie, and she helped me see how many options I had if I allowed myself to pivot. In this episode, you'll learn how to pivot when it's time to make a shift so you ca...
I was inspired to write today's episode while doing a 10-minute meditation yesterday. I'm giving my brain and my body what it needs, and it feels so nourishing after 40 years of punishment. What I have learned through meditation, is the capacity to heal is endless if you are doing life right, taking chances and doing new things. Most of us are just going about life blindly, thinking it is what it is, it's how I've always been. Once you become aware of your ability to heal your relat...
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