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Author: Acts29 Church

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We of Acts29 believe that the mandate of the church is to preach the gospel, to plant churches and to demonstrate the power of God. We believe that with the keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19) we can unlock Kingdom Realities. 

On this podcast you will be equipped with weekly new episodes in English and Dutch. 

152 Episodes
Genuine faith leads to a changed life.
God zoekt geen perfectie maar bereidwilligheid.
De uitstorting van de Heilige Geest brengt eenheid door de prediking van het Evangelie.
On the day of Pentecost the church was born and God united the nations again under the Gospel
Isaiah 45Thus says the Lord to Cyrus His anointed,Whom I have taken by the right hand,To subdue nations before himAnd to loose the loins of kings;To open doors before him so that gates will not be shut:
In deze aflevering bespreken we waarom de Hemelvaart zo belangrijk is, voor ons is als gelovigen.
Listen why the Ascension is so important for us as believers.
In deze aflevering kijken we naar de lessen die we kunnen leren van Elia's zelfmedelijden naar aanleiding van 1 Koningen 19.
God is not interested in what you do for Him, it's about what He has done for you!
‘Our Father who is in heaven,Hallowed be Your name.Your kingdom come.Your will be done,On earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.'
Om in de volheid te wandelen die God beschikbaar heeft voor elke gelovige, zullen we moeten afleggen alle last en zonde die ons zo gemakkelijk verstrikt.
Het Koninkrijk van God is gerechtigheid, vrede en vreugde.
The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy.
Een woord van bemoediging.Wat als we niet zien dat waarop we hopen? ligt dit aan ons? Jezus zei toch: Geloof als een mosterdzaadje is genoeg! Zijn rust en vrede is het grootste getuigenis wat we kunnen hebben.
Hebrews 12:14Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.
If you want to finish the race, stay on your lane and turn your eyes upon Jesus.
We cannot be content with what we have, God always wants to give more. We are called to walk in the Resurrection Power of Jesus to live a Super Natural lifestyle as if it is Natural to us.
At the Cross a Divine exchange took place. The Cross is the altar of the new covenant. The place where we can choose the Blessing or the Curse.
In a transition season we leave behind what we have and still don't have what we hope for. That's the reason it's uncomfortable many times, but it is necessary to get rid of everything that is in our way to reach our destination.
In deze aflevering maken we het heel praktisch. Door te mediteren op Gods woord kunt u Gods aanwezigheid tastbaar ervaren.
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