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Brewing Microservices

Author: Christopher Meiklejohn

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A podcast discussing everything cloud computing, serverless, microservices, and distributed systems that, each episode, starts with a discussion of a single academic paper and expands out to related academic research and industrial products and systems.
3 Episodes
We revisit serverless programming and the Nimbus paper by discussing the old timey computing that the state of serverless development reminds us of, as well as why all programming languages go through this experience as they grow, and what potential future directions for cloud computing might look like. Nimbus: Improving the Developer Experience for Serverless Applications Stop Writing Dead Programs (Strange Loop 2022) Punched Card (Wikipedia) Job Control Language (Wikipedia) IBM RPG (Wikipedia) Building Maintainable and Fault Tolerant MySQL Applications with Perl (Historical, Open Source Database Summit, Providence, RI, 2001) OpenTelemetry Honeycomb Log4Shell (Wikipedia) Zelle (Payment System) Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing Serverless Computing: Design, Implementation, and Performance Serverless Computing: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Unison (programming language) Erlang (programming language) Durable Functions  Toward Sustainable Serverless Computing Sustainability Efficiency Challenges of Modern IT Architectures - A Quality Model for Serverless Energy Footprint Understanding the Rust borrow checker  How to remote debug Azure functions XSLT (Wikipedia) Dataflow programming (Wikipedia) Hot code reloading with Erlang and rebar3 Declarative programming (Wikipedia) DPL: A Language for GDPR Enforcement OTP Design Principles How To Avoid Cascading Failures in Distributed Systems The rr Debugger Introduction AMBROSIA: a new platform for reliable distributed applications without the hassle Time Travel Debugging Virtual Time Deterministic Replay: A Survey Other notes:Chris got a new mic and wrote a theme song for the podcast so we aren't using a GarageBand loop anymore.

Property-Based Testing


QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programsSoft Updates: A Technique for Eliminating Most Synchronous Writes in the Fast FilesystemWrite ahead logFuzzing: a surveySAGE: whitebox fuzzing for security testingIntelligent REST API data fuzzingA hybrid analysis to detect Java serialisation vulnerabilitiesJsongen: a quickcheck based library for testing JSON web servicesProperty-Based Testing of JSON Based Web ServicesTurning web services descriptions into quickcheck models for automatic testingHypothesisErlang QuickCheckSoftware Testing with QuickCheckJohn Hughes - Don't Write TestsJohn Hughes - QuickCheck EvolutionJohn Hughes: Testing with QuickCheckJohn Hughes - Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying SaneJohn Hughes - How to specify it! A guide to writing properties of pure functions | Code Mesh LDN 19Testing Eventual Consistency in Riak - YouTubePARTISAN: Scaling the Distributed Actor RuntimeDealing with a corrupt SSTable in CassandraMODELING EVENTUAL CONSISTENCY DATABASES WITH QUICKCHECKRiak DTApplied Monotonicity: A Brief History of CRDTs in RiakUsing temporal relations to specify and test an instant messaging serverEffective Concurrency Testing for Distributed SystemsJepsenClojure test.checkPropERPULSE tutorialFinding race conditions in Erlang with QuickCheck and PULSECORFU: A Shared Log Design for Flash ClustersCORFU: A distributed shared log
Nimbus: Improving the Developer Experience for Serverless ApplicationsNimbus at ICSEICSE NIER CfPNimbus: Improving the Developer Experience for Serverless Applications [preprint]Nimbus: Improving the Developer Experience for Serverless Applications [video]Towards a Solution to the Red Wedding ProblemReactive Machine [GitHub]Durable functions: semantics for stateful serverlessNetherite: efficient execution of serverless workflowsFormal foundations of serverless computingA Language-based Serverless Function AcceleratorFirecracker: Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless ApplicationsServerless in the Wild: Characterizing and Optimizing the Serverless Workload at a Large Cloud ProviderFaa$T: A Transparent Auto-Scaling Cache for Serverless ApplicationsPalette Load Balancing: Locality Hints for Serverless FunctionsCold Start in Serverless Computing: Current Trends and Mitigation StrategiesPrebaking Functions to Warm the Serverless Cold StartWLEC: A Not So Cold Architecture to Mitigate Cold Start Problem in Serverless Computing
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