DiscoverAnswer E: Edupreneurs Bridging Workforce & Education
Answer E: Edupreneurs Bridging Workforce & Education
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Answer E: Edupreneurs Bridging Workforce & Education

Author: Kelli Gordon

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How do we best prepare our new generation of students to succeed in the workforce? A) 4 year college programs? B) Hybrid learning? C) Career Technical Education with stackable certifications? D) Entering the workforce directly? For our students of today, it is clearly ANSWER E) ALL OF THE ABOVE. Edupreneurs (Educational Entrepreneurs) recognize the need to pivot our educational systems to meet the demands of Generation Z for relevant learning that meets their individual interests, learning styles and goals. Tune in and join the conversation about how to shift to get back to the roots of our country, helping our students gain the skills and tools they need to work hard and turn their dreams into career success. Tune in and join the conversation as I interview Edupreneurs who move past theory and discuss programs that are making an impact in their schools and communities to meet current student needs while filling workforce gaps.
10 Episodes
What is the one secret that would benefit every teacher, parent and boss as well as their students, children and employees? Kelly Rizzi knows it all comes down to brain science. Join us as we break it down into concepts that can benefit your classroom, home and place of work. with some simple strategies and mindsets.
Have you heard the term "Graduate Profile" and wondered what exactly it is or how it helps to bridge the education to workforce gaps? Join me as I interview Roman Stearns of Scaling Student Success about his work with sites and districts, and the impact creating a Graduate Profile can have!
2023 Workplace Trends

2023 Workplace Trends


After attending a recent meeting as an Advisory Council member for California State University at Chico's Women in Leadership program, I learned a lot about the 2023 Workplace Trends. It spurred me to read more on my own, including reviewing information from Forbes and Harvard Business Review, which I connect to my experience working with edupreneurs, working to bridge the worlds of education and workforce development. In this episode, I take a break from the interview format to g...
Role of Community Groups

Role of Community Groups


How can we use community groups to help bridge the education to workforce gaps? Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with two of my colleagues to talk about how our particular community group, the Rotary Club of Paradise, is serving as a catalyst for impactful change as we break down silos and work together in a truly edupreneurial manner united in the passion of rebuilding our community in a way that maximizes our opportunities for residents of the ridge, new and old. Join ...
Mark C. Perna, author of the bestselling book "Answering Why? Unlocking Passion, Purpose and Performance in Younger Generations" tours the country speaking to edupreneurs about the ways we can shift education to meet the needs of Gen Z. Tune in to hear what he has to share to overcome barriers and reach our new generation to maximize their talents!
Can there really be a school district that is so encouraging of innovation that they buy an abandoned amusement park to see what their teachers could do with the freedom to be creative? At the National ACTE Conference in Las Vegas, I was introduced to a dynamic group of edupreneurs from an organization called Butler Tech. Their presentations on Student Centered Disruption, Risk-taking & Innovation, and Diversity & Equity were so aligned with Answer E that I was compe...
Are small, rural schools different from larger, more urban schools and districts? Our communities all look different, and so do our schools. Join me on this episode as I speak with Tim Taylor, the Executive Director of the Small School Districts Association here in California and learn about the ways that small schools are using their models to help prepare their students for the career field.
Casey Taylor

Casey Taylor


Developing a Portrait of a Graduate, a daily morning assembly focused on character and social emotional development, and Personalized Learning Plans involving parents, students and teachers working together on the student's educational path, are all pieces of why Casey Taylor, Executive Director of Achieve Charter Schools of Paradise believes her schools are helping close the education to workforce gap, starting at a young age.
My Why

My Why


This episode gives My Why- my story, how it has made me an edupreneur and what I hope to learn through this podcast.I never fit into the classic student role, and I never related to the traditional career ladder concept. Grades never held much meaning to me, and I was more interested in learning about the people at school than the content. Growing up, I spent my weekends learning to work with my hands as my family always had projects around the house- I learned to dig ditches for ...
Podcast Intro

Podcast Intro


What is the best way to prepare students for the workforce?Do you think it isA) Straight to a four year university directly after high school?B) Trade school or apprenticeship model?C) Completing a CTE Career Technical Education Pathway or stackable certificates?D) Hybrid learning?Our students are all unique individuals, so it’s Answer E- All of the Above!EDUpreneurs are finding solutions in education to meet the current demands of our students, teachers, educators and workforce. I certainly ...
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