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The Effective Living Podcast
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The Effective Living Podcast

Author: Nathaniel Nunziante

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Insights, strategies, and conversations for how to live a happier, more prosperous and more effective life.
18 Episodes



Are your emotions the master of your destiny? The First Episode of Season 2 of the 'Effective Living Podcast,' titled 'Feelings,' we take you on a thought-provoking journey into the heart of our emotional lives. Discover why our society's overemphasis on 'feeling' could be the hidden culprit derailing your goals and clouding your decisions. Are we nurturing a generation emotionally unprepared for life's challenges? Find out how the overlooked art of emotional granularity and the phenomenon of...
Discover the key to happier relationships and more effective collaborations in Episode 17 of the Effective Living Podcast: "How to Stop Disappointing Yourself & Others: The Power of Setting & Managing Expectations." This episode equips you with tools to avoid misunderstandings and navigate complex dynamics in both personal and professional settings. You'll walk away with actionable steps that empower you to communicate more clearly, manage relationships proactively, and ensure everyon...
Lost in the Whirlwind of Life? Uncover the Key to Transformative Change!Imagine a life where distractions fade away, and clarity emerges like the first rays of dawn. Picture each moment infused with newfound meaning, and the weight of responsibilities lifting off your shoulders. What if I told you that there's a way to break free from the cycle of overwhelm and discontent, unveiling a path to genuine happiness and fulfillment?In a world that seems to rush by, leaving us like mere spectators, ...
Do you feel like you spend so much time doing for others and there's no time left for yourself? Do you constantly have the same arguments and it seems like there's no end in sight. Do you feel too guilty to tell others "no," or feel like you're being selfish if you prioritize yourself? Good news, there's nothing wrong with you. You likely just need to learn how to set and enforce healthier boundaries. In this episode I'm going to show you exactly how to do just that, and it's going to b...
Did you ever feel like you're not being heard? Did you ever feel like you struggle to understand someone else? Have you ever been frustrated by a cycle in which some arguments or fights keep happening again and again even when you think you're past them? I understand this frustration deeply. This is something so many of us struggle with. And the answer is simpler than you think. In this episode we discuss how to improve ALL of your relationships with The Rogerian Method.
The Power of Patience

The Power of Patience


Patience is actually a form of power. As Oliver Burkeman puts it, "Patience is a way to gain purchase on the world, to do the work that counts, and to derive satisfaction from the doing itself, instead of deferring all of your fulfillment to the future” In this podcast, we discuss how to develop more patience so that we can experience life in a more meaningful way day to day.
A practical and scientific framework for how to get more done in less time while increasing the quality of the work itself - and feeling better and less fatigued while doing it.
An eye-opening conversation with Dietitian Nikki, a registered dietitian who has been helping individuals lose weight and improve their health for the past nine years. She believes in focusing on mindset work to help people feel better about themselves rather than just trying to reach an ideal weight - and shares some practical tips on how anyone can start feeling better about themselves and improving their health.Nikki shares her personal story of having disordered eating habits growing up, ...
An inspiring conversation with certified health coach, master photographer and my good friend Liz Lopez. After several very difficult diagnoses, Liz decided to take control of her own health, and that is when everything changed.More about Liz's photography:
We’ve all heard the expression old habits die hard. It’s something most of us can relate to, especially concerning bad habits. And it’s really true. Making a change that requires you to change an unhealthy behavior that has become habitual and automatic is really difficult - and requires time. There is no quick hack or gimmick for speeding it up - but there are some strategies for how to more easily maintain the course when it gets hardest to not fall into those old patterns. So tod...
Self control plays a vital part in not only how effective and successful we can be, but also our overall experience. In fact, research indicates that people who have more self control tend to be happier and have less anxiety. So in todays episode we’re going to look at some practical ways that we can start developing more self control today.
Whether new plan or project, exercise, study or anything else you don’t always feel like doing, getting started is almost always the hardest part. In this episode we reveal why that is, and share 7 practical tips on how to get started even when you don't feel like it!
Trouble finishing what you start? Having difficulty staying motivated? In this episode we talk about why this happens and how we can take some practical steps to become a more diligent and disciplined version of ourselves.
The Morning Routine

The Morning Routine


In this episode we talk about how to build a perfect morning routine, which reduces anxiety, aids in weight loss, improves physical, mental and emotional health - and can dramatically increase your productivity and effectiveness overall.
How do you define success? I think that the most common association with the word success is some kind of financial or perhaps social success. So to most people it “successful” either equates to money - or some kind of social status. (Fame, power etc…) So before we get into how to be more successful, we really need to understand specifically what kind of success we want... and most importantly, WHY.
Have you ever felt like you don’t have enough time? Like you're working so hard trying to balance everything and still there’s just not enough time in the day to do everything you’ve set out to do. You might try to-do lists, calendars, you wake up earlier, go to bed later, try to multitask… but after a while you always end up back to this same experience.The truth is that time is the most valuable resource in existence. But here’s an important question? Do we treat time like it’s as valuable ...
How to Be Happier

How to Be Happier


Is happiness something that is granted to us by others, circumstances, external forces - or is it something we can choose? In this podcast episode we discuss if and how we can become a happier, more content, more peaceful version of ourselves.
This episode examines why some people are more effective than others, as well as presenting a clear framework of actionable steps that anyone can take - to immediately start increasing their effectiveness overall.
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