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Awake In The Dawn Daily Devotional Podcast

Author: Craig Smith

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If you're looking for a little bit of encouragement to start your day, Awake in the Dawn Daily Devotional is the perfect podcast for you. Every morning, you'll find a new episode with a reflection on the Lord's Prayer. This powerful prayer is such a beautiful way to start your day, and it's also a great reminder of God's love and care for us. As you listen to each day's devotional, you'll be encouraged to live out your faith more intentionally and purposefully. Allow yourself to dive deeper into Scripture and grow your personal connection with Jesus. It will strengthen your prayer life and will help you grow in your love for and understanding of the Lord. If you're looking for a way to grow in your Christian walk, this podcast is a great resource. ©2023 Craig Smith (P)2023 Craig Smith

733 Episodes

Opening Credits


Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardc...



Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardc...

Created for Worship


Jesus only gave the clear purpose and justification for humanity’s existence: there is no higher call, duty, or honor than the worship of God In a modern culture laden with materialism and self-gratification, the thought of all humanity existing for the sole purpose of worshiping God may not seem logical or appealing. However, generations upon generations testify otherwise. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in ret...

Made for God's Will


God created humanity, and when humans foolishly strayed into disobedience and suffered the consequences that came with it, God provided redemption. Our sin alienates us from God. Because he is holy our sin prevented us from relationship with him. However, through the provision of Christ who paid for our sin, and by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we become free from the blemish of sin, redeemed, and a part of God’s family. Support the show When we choose to give the Lo...

No Deeper Love


As impossible as it is to comprehend God, it is equally impossible to understand the unlimited dimensions of his love. Truly God is the best example of love, but that is still a deficient statement. He is not only the essence of love, but love in purest form as he is love’s sole source, for God is love (1 John 4:8). Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awa...

True Freedom


Lives were sacrificed to purchase the liberty that Americans now enjoy. However, an earlier battle in history contained an even greater sacrifice for an even greater liberty. The battle was waged for the souls of humanity, fought between the darkness of evil and the light of Christ. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's ...



Oh, what it would be like to be a people living in true peace! Jesus said his peace was not like the anemic, temporal versions from worldly sources : the empty promises of politicians, the half-hearted truces amongst feuding families, the fleeting peace found in financial gain. His peace is supported by the promises of his Father’s kingdom; it is a grounded peace—one that cannot be stolen, one we can rest in. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning momen...



Challenges will certainly come as we make it our lives’ goal to love and serve Christ with a whole heart. However, in the end, we will have the privilege of knowing how God used us in the midst of challenges—how he guided us, protected us, and produced fruit for his kingdom through our lives. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living T...

Praise The Lord


Praising him is our highest call. Honoring him is our greatest goal. Certainly, worshiping him is a privilege—but additionally a command we must observe. A command, however, which brings light, life, and liberation, not an unreasonable legalism. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardcover) ...

God of Wonder


All creation is a wonder, a display of God’s magnificent and absolute creative power. Though we cannot fully comprehend the vastness of God, we can take pleasure and find peace in him. And just like he knows the name of each star, he knows our names and cares about the details of our lives. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The...
We are often anxious about positions, titles, and tasks—where we should be and what we should be doing to stay in the Lord’s will. However, whatever our current position, title, or task, as Christians, there are internal qualities and attitudes that we are expected to manifest no matter our circumstances. These qualities reflect Christ and set us apart from the ordinary attitude of the world. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives...
The Lord has clearly shown us what is good. At times, living out his commands can seem like too great a task to complete on our own, but he has provided us with his Holy Spirit to guide us along the way. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardcover) - Order Now All resources from Awake In T...

The Gift of Peace


Thoughtful gifts, words of encouragement, and affirmation from friends are always welcomed for they can powerfully change the attitudes and direction of our days. However truly wonderful and appreciated gifts from friends are, the life-altering gifts from Jesus, our perfect friend, cannot be measured. His gift opens the door of resolve to one of humanity’s most complex issues: the internal restlessness of our hearts. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morni...

The Great Protector


Many of us have experienced the effects of authority abuse; it often leaves us hurt, wary, and angry. But be assured: every word of God proves true, regardless of how difficult or impossible those promises may first appear. I have heard it said, “No one speaks complete truth!” Yes, there is one—Jehovah God! His words stand without wavering in purity and promise, despite our own flaws or failures. Wise are those who hear and obey the true words of God. Support the show When we choo...



Horrible and fierce as storms can be, humanity has a far more formidable danger, more detrimental than nature’s greatest force. This foe is Satan, and he desires our complete destruction. A tornado has power, but not ability to harbor ill will. The evil one has unmitigated hate and disdain for his victims and pursues their ruin. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. www.awakeinthe...

The Holy One


Just like the state of awe we can experience through an amazing view, there is no better way to begin a day than in awe of the Holy One. When we study his promises, rest in his presence, and commune with him through prayer, we cannot help but be amazed by his glory. He was here before we were, he made us for his purposes, and he will remain once we depart. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and ...

Like No Other


It’s humbling to realize we deserve nothing; it’s humbling when we realize God has chosen to love us and made a way for us to experience his good grace and favor through Christ; and it’s humbling to realize he alone provides us with strength, protection, and the resources to do his will. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lo...

For Each, An Adventure


We’re often drawn to these words in God’s promise to Abram: I will bless you and make you famous. We should note God’s blessing, while always right, purposeful, and fulfilling, also requires trust when there is uncertainty. God’s designed blessings may not always look like we feel they should, but they are always exactly what we need. The life given fully to loving and following God will, in the end, be found with no regret. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our ear...

The Ultimate Provision


We have the Lord God as our protector, provider, and guide. No other power exists with unlimited ability to care for those under its watchful eye. The Lord is our Shepherd. He knows our actual needs and nothing can prevent him from meeting those needs—except perhaps our own foolishness to refuse or neglect his gracious offer to be our Shepherd. He is the ultimate provisionary regardless of the situation. His offer as Shepherd of our lives is the promise of flawless provision. Supp...



Much like the woman who was hopelessly trapped, without Christ, we are hopelessly trapped in our sins—and helpless to change the situation on our own. God heard our cries for help, and through Christ, he lifted us from our hopelessness. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardcover) - Order N...

The Perfect Guide


The scripture reminds us, even in times of despair or uncertainty, the Lord has promised to always be with his children. He, as the Maker and Sustainer of all things, guides and protects. He selects our path, leads us within it, and in his limitless abilities to alter the natural if need be, promises success of arrival to his selected destination for us. He never calls us to a task or mission without provision to accomplish the mission to which he has called us. Support the show W...

The Lord Our Protector


There is a far greater danger to us than the cruelest of weather elements: evil itself. Cold-heartedly deceptive, Satan—the enemy of our souls—seeks to draw us away from the Lord’s love and the Lord’s will. Without Christ, one’s spiritual future is desperately dark; apart from him, we can get caught up in the tangles of sin and its painful consequences. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and del...
The immensity of all God has done—and continues to do—far exceeds our capacity to take it all in. In my own life, there are times of reflection when I am amazed, overwhelmed, and astounded by all he has done and how much he loves me, even in my own failings and even through difficulty. As his children, we are invited to respond to his greatness by acknowledging him, following him as he leads, worshiping him wholeheartedly, and honoring him with all of our lives. He alone is the God of w...

He Is Exalted


It’s a powerful thing to have our hearts and minds washed by this reality of scripture our God—to whom all honor is due, who abides forever, who rules in absoluteness, who will never relinquish authority, and who will stand forever as the singular lifesource for all eternity—cares dearly for us. Us! Little me and little you are loved and seen by the highly exalted eternal King. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in retur...
This is the Christian’s pursuit: to be like Jesus and reflect his character and qualities. To deepen and intensify our knowledge of him, our love for him, and our service to him, is our deepest hunger and our holy passion. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardcover) - Order Now All resour...

Our Source of Life


The psalmist describes God as a fountain of life, the steadfast source that never depletes. The Lord is the light that penetrates darkness in our world and hearts; he makes a way for all of humanity to see and avoid those things hidden and harmful. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardcove...
How awful and empty Peter must have felt when, after his third denial of Christ, the Lord turned and looked at him. Peter had been told it would occur, but he insisted that he would remain loyal. Instead, he failed, was humiliated, and let down the one he loved and respected most. Jesus, however, not only told Peter of his coming denials, but also of the coming provision, restoration, and honor of encouraging and ministering once again for Christ. Thanks be to God for his forgiveness.&n...
There is a reason the psalmist compares our own human longing to be with the Lord to a thirsty animal seeking water. The absence of God’s presence leaves the heart dry, tired, vulnerable to temptation, and spiritually drained. Once a Christian experiences the presence of God, a thirst is forever embedded to remain there. And we should seek after him more eagerly than the bloodhound searching for physical comfort and rest, for Christ’s presence alone provides true and complete refreshmen...
Despite how grounded or ready we might feel against spiritual attack, our spiritual foe is very cunning to use speed, surprise, and distraction against the pale defenses of humanity. Without God, we are no match for the enemy. Although the greatest human fortresses still have weakness and vulnerability, there is one safe fortress void of vulnerability: Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord our protector. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us...
As wonderful and far-reaching as music is, it finds its highest value and purpose in worship to God. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Dawn: Living The Lord's Prayer Morning Devotional (Hardcover) - Order Now All resources from Awake In The Dawn are directed and used towards Hope Villages for children and youth, to build a culture of hope ...

Our Highest Goal


We were created to glorify, worship, and honor him in all that we do. The purpose of our every breath—our highest goal—is to exalt him, to tell the world who he is and what he has done. Life originates from him and is sustained by him. All glory, acclaim, and recognition is to be directed to him forever. Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. Awake In The Da...
Each believer in Christ is “sent,” meaning each is on a mission commissioned by God to tell others of his light. This is God’s will, his desire, and his mandate so the world might know his mercy, love, and grace. In a diminishing, darkening world, we have the privilege, empowered through the Holy Spirit, to share the good news of life in Christ. Support the showWhen we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights us. ...
The inheritance for all of us who are redeemed is eternal life worshiping God forever, and the relationship between the friends of God will also last for eternity. The things of earth will fade and fail, but those whose faith is in Christ live with a hope that will not disappoint and the promise of an unfading inheritance protected by God eternal! Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and delights ...



In a modern culture laden with materialism and self-gratification, the thought of all humanity existing for the sole purpose of worshiping God may not seem logical or appealing. However, generations upon generations testify otherwise. Genuine, abundant, and eternal life is experienced through Jesus Christ, in worship and service to God the Father. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our ...



He paid our impossible and incalculable debt of sin. He gives us abundant life and invites us to honor him with the privilege of serving his glorious, unfailing plan for creation. For the believer in Christ, loving God and doing his will is life’s highest call and greatest honor Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake I...



He does not separate, set aside, or diminish the quality and quantity of his love at any time or in any of his decisions or acts. God and genuine love are one and the same. God is love and love is God. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show Wh...



The battle was waged for the souls of humanity, fought between the darkness of evil and the light of Christ. Jesus willingly sacrificed his life to create a way to liberate humanity from the captivity of sin. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the ...



While we do have trustworthy peace from God, it does not eliminate harm in this earth-life. However, the peace we receive from being in Christ does allow us to live free from the fear of harm. What else but the divine peace of God could cause Paul to write, “O death where is your victory? O death where is your sting?” (1 Cor. 15:55). Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at ...



Whatever challenges you will face in this life, know the Lord is your faithful fortress. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning moments, what He gives to us in return often surprises and deligh...



Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful.5 Verse 1 reveals the psalmist’s overwhelming love and admiration for God. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show When we choose to give the Lord our early morning m...



All creation is a wonder, a display of God’s magnificent and absolute creative power. Though we cannot fully comprehend the vastness of God, we can take pleasure and find peace in him. And just like he knows the name of each star, he knows our names and cares about the details of our lives. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, ...
Always be joyful. Does that mean we demonstrate a shallow, carefree happiness and smile to conceal grief ? No. The Scriptures here refer to displaying the deep-seated joy drawn from our trust and obedience in God and his Word, a joy given and maintained in us by Christ. This is the joy that comes from knowing that, in every circumstance, God is holding us, leading us, and even using difficulties for our good. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord.&nbs...
The Lord has clearly shown us what is good. At times, living out his commands can seem like too great a task to complete on our own, but he has provided us with his Holy Spirit to guide us along the way. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show ...



The world’s treasures, fame, and power do not provide lasting peace for the heart. Even the kindest of gifts from a well-meaning friend only provides a temporary fix. Lasting peace stems from a singular source: Jesus Christ. And not only does he give it, but he also resides forever as its guardian. Therein lies the inexplicable rest for the soul. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out ...



We find ourselves lost, hopeless, and adrift without God and his Word, from individuals to entire nations. Remember, Ephesians 6:17 reminds us the Word of the Lord is a sword—powerful, protective, reliable, penetrative. Let the promises of his Word penetrate the depths of our hearts, govern our steps, and protect us as we seek his kingdom. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our bl...



The enemy of our souls is no match for the Lord! There is rest for those who abide in the shelter of the Most High. He is their protector, strong refuge, and safety. Our God delivers us from the evil one. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at Support the show...



Just like the state of awe we can experience through an amazing view, there is no better way to begin a day than in awe of the Holy One. When we study his promises, rest in his presence, and commune with him through prayer, we cannot help but be amazed by his glory Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and ...



Left to our own means, approaching God is impossible due to our own sin, but the love, mercy, and grace we receive through the covering of Christ’s sacrifice has provided a place for us at our heavenly Father’s table. His love is limitless and gives us strength. There is no one like him. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB ...



We’re often drawn to these words in God’s promise to Abram: I will bless you and make you famous. We should note God’s blessing, while always right, purposeful, and fulfilling, also requires trust when there is uncertainty. Thanks for joining me in todays devotional and special time with the Lord. For more content like this podcast be sure to check out our blog at, IG @awakeinthedawndaily, FB @Awake In the Dawn and Patreon at



We have the Lord God as our protector, provider, and guide. No other power exists with unlimited ability to care for those under its watchful eye. The Lord is our Shepherd. He knows our actual needs and nothing can prevent him from meeting those needs—except perhaps our own foolishness to refuse or neglect his gracious offer to be our Shepherd. He is the ultimate provisionary regardless of the situation. His offer as Shepherd of our lives is the promise of flawless provision. Than...
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