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Lenexa Central Church Sermons
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Lenexa Central Church Sermons

Author: Rev. Mark Snodgrass

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Welcome to the weekly podcast from Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, KS. For more information about Central Church go to

78 Episodes
More Than Conquerors

More Than Conquerors


Romans 8:31-38 God went all in and it will always be enough! We may be discouraged as we face trials of many kinds, but nothing can overcome what God has already done for us. The challenge is to live as conquerors and not as victims.
Make Us One

Make Us One


Ephesians 4:1-6A divided world needs a united Church. This is only possible through the healing and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. This Pentecost, we ask the Spirit to reconcile, heal, and make us one in Him.
What If…

What If…


Romans 8:18-30Our worries about the future often begin with a "what if..." question. There is so much about the future we don't know, but God’s Word declares that we are never alone in our struggle. God is WITH us and the Holy Spirit intercedes FOR us even when we don't know what to pray. The Gospel invites us to ask, "What if God is working all things out for the good?"
Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple


Romans 8:1-11Following Jesus is simple, but it doesn't happen by accident. We live in this tension of obeying the desires of the flesh or surrendering to the work of the Holy Spirit. We are invited by grace to simply cooperate with God in our salvation by "setting our mind" on the things of the Spirit.
Awl In For Life

Awl In For Life


Romans 6:15-23What does it mean to be human? Sin creates the illusion that we can be our best selves by focusing on ourselves. The Gospel, however, is that grace transforms our heart so that the desire to sin is overwhelmed by a desire to love God and others. It's an invitation to be "awl" in.
Wanted: Dead AND Alive

Wanted: Dead AND Alive


Romans 6:1-14Coming to faith in Christ means we embrace an entirely new understanding of death and life. The cross and resurrection demonstrate God’s miraculous power to bring life out of the experience of death. God wants to do the same for us as we die to sin and are raised with Christ to live holy lives. We are wanted by our Creator, both dead AND alive.
How Much More

How Much More


Romans 5:12-19Life under the lordship of Jesus is a new way of living like you’ve never experienced before. The grace of God mediated to us through the obedience of Jesus has infinitely more potential for good than our tendency to sin and rebel we inherited from the Fall.
When God Goes All In

When God Goes All In


Romans 5:1-11The heart of our Easter faith is simple: God is “all in” for humanity. We’ve been forgiven and reconciled to God, something that would not be possible without Jesus going “all in” for us. In response to this grace, are we “all in” with God?
Hope Greater Than Fear

Hope Greater Than Fear


Matthew 28:1-10The first witnesses of the resurrection were women who left the tomb, “afraid yet filled with joy.” The resurrection of Jesus is the beginning of all things being made new. There is no fear it does not confront and overwhelm with joy that only Jesus can give.
Purposeful Mission

Purposeful Mission


Ephesians 4:7-14On Palm Sunday we celebrate the mission of Jesus. Like the colt Jesus uses to ride into Jerusalem, we were made for this mission. Everyone is uniquely gifted to join with God, and “the Lord needs” your story, gifts, and talents. We are people committed to a purposeful mission.
Christ-like Living

Christ-like Living


Ephesians 5:1-2As we continue talking through core values in our church, Rev. Bethany Acre talks about the characteristics of Christ-like living and the impact of saying "yes" to God on every step of the journey.
Abundant Generosity

Abundant Generosity


Ephesians 3:14-21Because God is overflowing with abundant generosity to us, we are called to be abundantly generous to others. God uses the generosity of his people to power the Church to accomplish “immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.”
Life-Giving Community

Life-Giving Community


Ephesians 2:11-22 The Church is filled with diverse individuals who are made one in Christ. When believers walk in loving fellowship with God and each other, an unbelieving world sees what their hearts long for. Ephesians 2:11-22 envisions a life-giving community that God can use to heal the hurts and divides of the world.
Passionate Worship

Passionate Worship


Ephesians 1:3-14We were created to worship. Paul begins the book of Ephesians with a doxology that tells the story of salvation. This good news invites us to respond with our whole life to who God is and what he has done.
Made for Mission

Made for Mission


Ephesians 2:8-10We were not created to live random and haphazard lives. We were made for a good and beautiful purpose, made known to us when we receive the grace of God and live on mission in response to what God has done for us. This is what we were made for, and there is no better way to live!
When Tempted

When Tempted


James 1:12-18 There’s a big difference in knowing in our heads the right thing to do and actually doing it with our actions. Temptation works the same way: even when we know something is wrong, all too often fail to resist it. Everyone will face temptation, but fortunately, God provides a way out.
Life Hacks - Prayer

Life Hacks - Prayer


James 5:13-18 Prayer is keeping company with God. Learning to pray is like learning anything else: it won’t happen overnight. Pick a time. Pick a place. Ask Jesus to teach you how to pray.
James 3:1-10Pastor David shares about the weight of our words and how we can express our love for God through intentional encouragement.
James 2:1-13Jesus embodied radical hospitality and called his followers to do the same. James calls us to resist playing favorites with people who can advance our place in life and give VIP treatment to the vulnerable.
Life Hacks - Doers

Life Hacks - Doers


James 1:22-27; 2:14-26Faith without action is dead. The world needs more than talk about what we believe. Those far from God need to see it lived out with tangible action.
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