DiscoverGoals, Grit, and Some Woo Woo Sh*t
Goals, Grit, and Some Woo Woo Sh*t
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Goals, Grit, and Some Woo Woo Sh*t

Author: Oonagh Duncan

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"BREAKING NEWS: Your dream life (and your dream bod) isn’t just going to happen because you made a vision board. Join Oonagh Duncan (fitness expert and bestselling author of Healthy As F*ck/Ditch The Diet) to examine the habits of kicking ass every day - so you can create a life of no regrets. Whether you want to lose weight, get rich, or save the whales while writing bestselling mystery novels- get ready to be inspired. This isn’t about incantations and putting the right crystals in your bra. This is about having the courage to take responsibility for your life, the grit to do the actual work and—most importantly—constantly training your brain to be your b*tch. Here’s what you can expect: Sometimes you’ll get the most tender loving b*tch slap in your ear about why you need to exercise - even when you don’t f*cking feel like it. Sometimes you’ll get a sleep expert teach you the exact steps on how to fall back asleep at 3am so you don’t feel like a zombie all day. Sometimes you’ll hear from someone who ran the marathon, kicked the addiction or manifested their dream threesome on the beach and you’ll think “If they can do it, so can I” And when you start thinking thoughts like that… you will be inspired to stop drifting and being a victim of your circumstances - and start actively creating the life you want. It takes Goals. It takes Grit. And it takes some Woo-Woo Sh*t."

44 Episodes
Have you ever had a whispering voice in the back of your mind *alcohol is holding you back*?Maybe the amount you consume on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis contributes to your answer. Like, hey, I’m a mom, and I need my one glass of wine at the end of the week.Okay, fair enough, but what if I told you that even that habit shows alcohol is holding you back?“Oognah…. I’m not pouring whiskey into my coffee. I’m fine.” Right. Maybe you are *fine*, but don’t you want to be better than fine? The ...
This is one of those moments where I am jumping up and down like a giddy teenager. I got to interview Dr. Michael Greger, a physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition.You’ve probably read or heard of his books, How Not to Die and How Not to Diet but today we’re talking about How Not Age. (Ummm, aging is inevitable, right? Maybe not?) Dr. Greger’s research cuts through all the nutritional noise and nonsense, and he comes equipped with some really surprising knowledge bombs.A...
Imagine my surprise when I found my name at the center of a heated discussion on Reddit and it wasn't in the Super Healthy Hot Babes forum. No. It was the ADHD Women forum. What??My tips for a healthy habit loop sat at the top of a thread, and the responses? Women in tears, angry, and ready to throw fists.Listen, I think they had every reason to feel that way, and I love a push to learn more. *In walks guest and ADHD Expert Brooke Schnittman stage left*.Brooke is an awesome author, podcast ho...
Hey you…healthy hot listener.Before you start blushing and looking over your shoulder… Yes I’m talking to you. *cue the John Hughes movie background music*But really, our goals our a desired identity. And its less about doing and more about becoming.Time to step into that new identity and embrace the feeling that we’re after. Because, after all, feeling good is the whole point. So I wanna talk about embracing that attitude and feeling good at every step. There are two archetypes of people, Tu...
Cue the kazoo and maybe some celebratory fireworks.Season 2 is coming to an end. Can you believe we’ve been at this for nearly a year?And seriously, dry your eyes because season 3 is just around the corner (Helloooo Spring 2024).But before I go, I am gonna spill the tea on how I ended up spending 10 years in business with Fit Feels Good, a milestone I’ve all but glossed over. [Dude, celebrate those milestones. Big and small. They were once dreams, and look at you—you freaking did it!]My spiel...
*minimize tab, close tab, close tab…* Ahh, there you are. Sorry, I couldn’t see you through all the chaos that is my computer desktop. Maybe Amanda can help me with that?In fact, if anyone can, it's definitely her. Trained by Marie Kondo herself, Amanda Jefferson is a KonMari Consultant helping people with her company, Indigo Organizing, declutter their homes and their digital lives!Marie Kondo is practically a household name, famous for her joy sparking method of organization. Amanda f...
Mo’ money more problems; no money more problems.We all have a relationship with money; we spend money, owe money, save money, throw big piles of money in your bathtub, and swim in it? (sounds like a thousand paper cuts to me). Whatever your deal is with money, Shannon Lee Simmons, founder of the New School of Finance has the secrets figured out. She's a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Investment Manager, and *drum roll please* a life coach!Today in this long awaited convo, she answers ...
Okay, lovely listeners, let’s do a little exercise. [And no, I'm not asking you to break a sweat in this episode.]Close your eyes and think back to when you and your partner were first together. It was all giggles and romance and constant romps in the bedroom, am I right?Keep ‘em closed…What does it look like today? Have you entered Marriage Inc.? Friendly routines and business as usual? Scheduling and rescheduling sex that you’re only kinda, sorta interested in?Dr. Cheryl Fraser is overflowi...
Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson is in the house!!Susan is my dear friend, and she brings her inspiring story AND some explanation around her philosophy around food with Bright Line Eating. [Admittedly, her program could not be more different than mine if she tried, and for good reason.]Bright Line Eating is just what it sounds like—a big, fat, glaring, BRIGHT LINE in the sand when it comes to setting boundaries and structuring your eating habits. But why?Susan’s expertise comes from her own experie...
Happy New Year! Let's talk about health trends.They’re bullshit. Bye, see ya next week!Okay seriously… I did take a Google dive into what was spun by the media as super duper important to your health this past year and found some interesting things.Mushrooms [we’re talking powders, capsules, and teas with benefits ranging from nutritional additives to stress management], Sleep Syncing [this is not a new sleep hack and I do really find it beneficial], Mouth Taping [stop snoring but sleep with ...
“Hey hormones!! What the hell is going on?”Dr. Sadaf Jeelani drops the truth about hormones and diseases and what’s causing weight retention. Dr. Jeelani explains that you either have a disease process or…you don’t. Some common ones can be Hyperthyroidism or PCOS, and less common but more extreme, Cushings. [Make sure you listen so you can get all her really good smart science talk and find out if you should be concerned and what to do.]And what about balancing your hormones? That’s a th...
New year = must set weight loss goals….right? Wrong.Look, you don’t have to wait until the ball drops, the clock strikes 12 and it’s officially 2024. The new year doesn't mean all those goals are instantly more acheivable.If you set goals this past year and haven’t achieved them. I’m telling you, your goal setting SUCKS. The truth is you can’t just set a goal to lose 10 lbs and call it a day. Firstly, just setting a goal doesn't automatically make it happen. Second, do you even want to lose 1...
Reverend Meg and her guides join the pod in this episode to explain the woo behind being psychic and happy.At the core of our talk is the classic story—think victim, villain, and hero—complete with an ego takeover that's basically us being "pretty apes" on autopilot thanks to our ancient fight or flight vibes.We also talk triggers…unfortunately more of a problem for women but still such a catalyst to those victim roles. Rev Meg's advice? Detach your worth from those triggers like you're unplu...
Sugar, spice, and everything nice—that's what girls are made of?Tracy Dawson’s book, Let Me Be Frank (awesome title, am I right?)...pieces together history from the lives of women who dressed up like men to pursue their hopes, dreams, goals, and general badassery.We hear about Hannah Snell, who went off to war as a man to find her philandering husband, only to realize she loved being a soldier. And Dorothy Lawrence, who pursued journalism during the World War under the guise of manhood. ...
Turns out you actually don’t have to suffer for Jesus.Leslie Vernick is the author of many books, including the best selling, The Emotionally Destructive Relationship, which has stayed at the top of the list in the pastoral counseling genre for quite some time. Today she joins me with a message for many, especially those of faith: God does not hate all divorce. Some of you may be thinking, Divorce?? Isn’t that extreme? ??Leslie shares about the women she has worked with; And their marriages a...
This might come as a surprise, but the holiday season does not equal being swallowed by a vortex of cheese and chocolate only to be spit out in the new year feeling like junk in uncomfortable pants.You can actually make the conscious choice to emerge feeling like the god or goddess that you are AND still enjoy your holiday. [keep listening, I’m not totally crazy].The key to this is the conscious part; you have to actually set a goal and take some small, immediate action… yes immediate. ...
“You probably think this meltdown is about you, don’t you, don’t youuuu.” *sings to the tune of You’re So Vain by Carly Simon*Have you been there with chaos in your family… feeling like a failure as a parent, like you must be doing something wrong? Dayna Abraham is a best selling author who has totally helped me Calm the Chaos, the title of her latest book. It’s a fail proof road map for parenting even the most challenging kids.She shares the story of her struggles as a mom with a son w...
What if I told you it’s okay to maintain the body you’re in, even if you haven't reached your fitness goals yet?Put down the weights, drop your meal prep containers, and listen… Maintenance is not stopping that work towards your goals; it’s actually an important piece of the process.Now, maintenance and a plateau are not the same thing; you’ll have to listen in for the differentiation so you can get a clear picture of what you need to do.The most important thing is listening to your bod...
"Ugh, it's 3am, I have to be up at 6... that's in 3 hours. I only went to bed at 11. That means I’ve only gotten 4 hours of sleep. I’m wide awake. I can’t survive off of 4 hours of sleep. Why am I up right now???”Anyone been through this middle of the night spiral full of complicated word problems you thought you left behind in 7th grade? Janet Whalen says NO. MATH. AT. NIGHT!!!! She is a Sleep & Life coach and the founder of Permission to Sleep. As someone who suffered f...
When I first picked up How to Calm Your Mind, I didn’t realize this was the book I NEEDED!Chris Bailey, productivity expert, author, speaker, and master of calm, tells the story of how he caught a glimpse of himself in the overflow drain (yeah, that's what that weird metal piece in your tub is called), only to see he looked forlorn, sad, and depleted. The next day, he had a public anxiety attack.We are all Chris. We all fall somewhere on the anxiety spectrum and surprise… the bottom of the sp...
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