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Author: Marlee and Lis

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Tired of the dating scene? Stuck in a dead-end relationship? Feeling like you’ll never find the “one”? Honey, you need a fresh perspective. When it comes to romance, Marlee and Lis have seen it all and are willing to give you the benefit of their experience and knowledge. Get ready for honest, straightforward and unconventional advice on dating, mating and everything else love related. Tune in every Tuesday, to gain valuable insight on how to liberate yourself from the outdated and oppressive views on dating, sex, love and marriage. It’s time to take control of your love life. It’s time to get ROMANCIPATED!
72 Episodes
S6 Episode 12: Our Journey to Becoming Romancipated Episode SummaryThe journey to becoming Romancipated is one that is empowering and unique to each individual’s experience. No one relationship type is the “right” relationship because every person has their own sets of wants, needs and expectations. We are all dynamic beings and every partnership is a work in progress. However, every person in a romantic partnership should feel respected and cherished. Self-preservation is key...
S6 Episode 11: Science Says High Self-Esteem is the Greatest Predictor of a Stable Romantic Relationship Episode SummaryHigh self-esteem is a key ingredient to a happy life. When you love yourself, you know your worth and are able to set healthy boundaries. People with a strong sense of self-worth do not allow others to mistreat them. They are comfortable communicating their wants and needs and are realistic about their expectations for a romantic relationship.Moreover, self-...
S6 Episode 10: Be a Relationship Superhero: The Power of an Apology Episode SummaryWe all have a super-power that we can choose to use for good; the ability to sincerely apologize. There are no three words more powerful than “I am sorry”. This is especially true when you accept responsibility and are sincere. It is natural to have conflict with your partner. Every person has said something they regret, made a mistake or used poor judgement in the course of a romant...
S6 Episode 9: School is in: Learn from Other’s Relationship Mistakes and Failures Episode SummaryRelationships can be tricky. To make them work, you have to be willing to learn from past mistakes and missteps. We all slip up. It’s what we do after the fact that can help improve the relationship. Use your own prior romantic blunders, as well as those of your partner, as sources of knowledge on what not to repeat. Moreover, look to other people’s relationships to gain val...
S6 Episode 8: What is the Real Value of the Role You Play in a Relationship? Episode SummaryWhen most people enter into a romantic relationship, they expect to take on the role of lover, companion and friend. However, they are often surprised that there are many other hats they may end up wearing in the partnership, such as caregiver, therapist, parent, banker, housekeeper, teacher and police officer. Problems arise when the unexpected role assigned is either a poor fit or rejected...
S6 Episode 7: You Must Be Comfortable Being Lonesome Before Becoming a Twosome Episode SummaryThe truth is, when you feel lonesome it often stems from a lack of something in your current interpersonal relationships. Instead of letting these feelings get you down, embrace the opportunity to prove to yourself that you can do it on your own. Knowing that you can satisfy your own physical, emotional and financial needs before becoming part of a couple will allow you to set healthy boun...
S6 Episode 6: Opposites May Attract but They Eventually Repel Episode SummaryIt is natural to be attracted to a person with views, behaviors and personality traits that are different than our own. However, there is a difference between attraction and the ability to sustain a long-term relationship. Initially it will be exciting and new, until the differences create tension in the relationship.Humans tend to be drawn to those that look like them and share their belief systems ...
S6 Episode 5: "I Love Him or Her" is Never a Defense or Excuse for Bad Behavior Episode SummaryWe all know that love is not enough to sustain a relationship. It should also never be used as a justification to stay with a partner who treats you poorly. Relationships that are worth fighting for are based on respect, empathy, trust and communication. If your relationship is missing the foundational pieces, it will not last.Moreover, love needs to be reciprocated in a partn...
S6 Episode 4: Do Your Partner Expectations Live Up to Reality? Episode SummaryWe all want the “ideal” partner when it comes to romantic relationships. The concepts of Prince Charming, a soul mate, or the perfect woman has been thrust down our throats since childhood. These archetypes influence our desires and help shape our expectations. As a result, we often search for a partner that meets a long list of characteristics we want in a mate.The reality is, most people wil...
S6 Episode 3: Sacrifice is Not the Same as Compromise Episode SummaryYou sacrifice for your children, not your relationship. Why? Because sacrifice creates resentment in romantic relationships. Instead, couples should focus on compromise to make sure both people are having their wants and needs met in the relationship. An environment of reciprocity is created when each person gives a little in order to get something in return.To be in a successful partnership, both peop...
S6 Episode 2: Should You Stay in Your League? Episode SummaryHumans love to categorize. It is instinctual and we all do it. Whether we realize it or not, we all assign ourselves and others a certain “value” as a mate and then look for our match. Unfortunately, we often focus on superficial traits like looks, age, socio-economic status or education, instead of core values and commonalities. When people try to partner with a person who appears to be more...
S6 Episode 1: Sex, Sex and More Sex: Important Questions to Ask Yourself Episode SummarySex is an important part of romantic relationships. It bonds couples and enhances the intimacy that two people share. While there are no hard and fast rules about when and with whom you should have sex, there are a number of questions you should be asking yourself before you engage in sexual conduct with another person(s).If you can answer in the affirmative to these questions, then you ar...
S5 Episode 12: Life May Not Be Fair, But Your Relationship Can Be Episode SummaryA healthy relationship always has an underlying sense of fairness to everything the couple does. Whether it is the division of labor, the respect of boundaries or the joint economic decisions. Fairness means treating people according to their needs, therefore it will not always be equal. Equality is treating everyone the same; something that is very difficult to achieve in a romantic partne...
S5 Episode 11: You Should Want to Be with Your Partner, Not Need to Be with Them Episode SummaryThere is a big difference between want and need. Wanting something or someone makes you put in effort and work for it. Needing something or someone creates feelings of powerlessness and instability. For a relationship to withstand the expected ups and downs, both partners should want to be with the other.When you place yourself in a situation where you rely so heavily on anot...
S5 Episode 10: You Cannot Change the Rules of the Relationship Just Because You’re Losing Episode SummaryAs a relationship evolves, the power dynamic can shift between the two partners. Sometimes this shift in power produces positive outcomes like increased trust, empathy or teamwork. Unfortunately, the more common outcome is the dominant partner feeling threatened by the change. Instead of embracing the power shift, they attempt to maintain the upper hand in the relati...
S5 Episode 9: Don’t Pretend to Be a Nympho, it Will Bite You in the Ass! Episode SummaryFemale sexuality is a very influential and perilous factor in any romantic relationship. A woman’s power is often tied to her sexual prowess. The more desire she can elicit from a partner, the more control she will wield in the relationship. In turn, women often feel the need to present themselves as a willing and enthusiastic participant when it comes to sexual activity. Being seen ...
S5 Episode 8: You Should Be Your Partner’s Biggest Fan, Not Their Biggest Critic Episode SummaryRomantic relationships are unique in the sense that it is the one interpersonal relationship where you get to choose your partner. There must be a reason why you want to spend time with this person and share the most intimate parts of your life with them. The idea that you would not be their biggest fan or source of emotional support is counterintuitive and counterproductive.When t...
S5 Episode 7: If You Need to Sell the Relationship to Your Partner, it isn’t Worth Buying Episode SummarySuccessful relationships take work. Both people have to be open to understanding their partner’s wants and needs. If one member of the partnership is not interested in meeting the other’s expectations, then trying to force a relationship will be a futile endeavor. You should never have to convince your partner of your value, nor should you try to morph yourself into ...
S5 Episode 6: Relationship Endgame: Companion, Partner or Caregiver Episode SummaryRomantic relationships are as varied as the people in them. People come together for a plethora of reasons: companionship, because they are looking for a life partner, or because they want someone to take care of them. While there is no right or wrong type of relationship, you should be honest about what you are really looking for from another person. Every type of relationship has the potentia...
S5 Episode 5: Be Empowered in a Relationship, Not Entitled Episode SummaryA healthy relationship is based on respect, trust, communication, boundaries and acceptance. Each person who enters into a partnership is entitled to have their wants and needs met by their partner, and in turn they should be willing to offer the same. Remember, a relationship takes two people, and both should be willing and able to make their partner feel cherished and loved.Having realistic and though...
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