Spirit Living

Spirit Living
Author: Reid and Cale Petrie
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© 2024 Spirit Living
Followers of Christ are called to live a life in step with the Holy Spirit of God and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. But how do we do that practically? Join us each week as we alternate between conversation with the brothers and interviews with guests from all walks of life, unified by the common goal of Spirit Living.
71 Episodes
In this final episode of the podcast, Cale and Reid reflect back on their 68 episodes that included dozens of guests, deep conversations, and great growth personally, relationally, and spiritually. They include clips from some of the best moments of the show throughout, and they end with a rallying message to continue keeping in step with God as we continue our eternal mission of Spirit Living. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcast Tw...
In this abbreviated update, Reid discusses what God does when we make plans…which is change them! He announces the birth of Cale and Emily Petrie’s son Henry who has arrived just in time to delay the podcast’s final episode which is coming soon! Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcast Twitter: @spiritlivingpod Email us at Be sure to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast, and please share it with o...
After generations of the Old Covenants being ineffective because of us, Jeremiah 31 promises something new and radically different. Cale and Reid finish their discussion on God’s covenants by highlighting all godly relationships from marriage to friendship as covenants. Finally, they show how the entire Bible ties together with the new covenant in Jesus’ blood on the cross. Everything is radically different, and everything centers on Jesus. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiri...
Erik Walther has been on staff with Cru for 12 years, and he has seen the transforming power of the gospel to college students. He joins Reid to discuss his background in legalistic churches and how to get out of that mindset, developing personal habits of abiding in Christ, and how we can so often be doing things for God while not having that deep relationship with Him. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcast Twitter: @spiritlivingpod ...
Just as the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the promised land, so can believers in Jesus cross into the eternal life He gives us. Cale and Reid discuss this aspect of God’s promises and how Jesus ultimately delivered us from being vagabonds. They also describe our tendency to grumble despite God’s miracles and how to live like we’re citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcast Twitter: @spiritlivin...
College freshman Caleb Ryan spent much of his life casually following Christ. When he came to college, he realized his need to completely follow God, so Caleb has joined the podcast to talk about this transformation. He also describes casting anxieties onto Christ, mission trips to Türkiye and Utah and how persecution invigorates the gospel. Finally, Caleb discusses carrying the missional mindset back home and how that’s a natural result of no longer being lukewarm. Follow us on socia...
Continuing on with the series on God’s covenants, Cale and Reid reach Exodus 24 when Moses seals a promise with blood between the Israelites and God which the people could never keep. Jesus then bled on the cross for us to fulfill this promise. They also discuss being saved in order to serve, God being outside of time, and Reid tells a personal story describing why God’s personal name of I AM (Yahweh) is so impactful. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook...
Engineering project manager Zach Moore has had a fierce battle with cancer which he has seen God miraculously deliver him from. Zach joins Reid to discuss this medical story along with the many divine appointments he has had to share his story which he does out of a duty to glorify God. Finally, Zach talks about the power of faith and how we can all just be a friend for hurting people in our lives. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcas...
As Abraham’s legacy passes on to the next generations, so does God’s promise. Cale and Reid connect this change with how we can live for future generations. They also describe God’s timing being different from ours, Jesus being torn on our behalf, and how Abraham’s belief in the resurrection was what saved him. Finally, they declare that when it comes to faith and sharing it, retirement is not an option! Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritliving...
Spending 26 years in college ministry has taught Cru team leader Tim Casteel a lot about maturing in faith. Tim has come onto the podcast to discuss being at a hinge point in society, our desire for wisdom, the practical power of ideas, and the societal metacrisis we are experiencing being “good for business” in ministry. Ultimately, Tim prioritizes constantly meditating on God’s Word and how we can imitate that to be transformed. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpod...
A bizarre yet amazing event occurs in Genesis 15 as God seals His covenant with Abram on Himself! Cale and Reid describe this process and how the LORD was the initiator of the entire promise with Abram that involves every nation. They also talk about Abram being renamed, him being justified by faith, and how the right response to all of this for us is to worship and serve God even more. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcast Twitter: @...
After retiring from a decades-long career with the Department of Agriculture, Ted Collins now focuses on officiating football alongside Cale. He joins the podcast to discuss Spirit Living in these contexts as well as trusting his kids into God’s hands, the life of Paul, and how we can question God in an appropriate way. Finally, Ted discusses his wife Andrea’s five brain tumors and the miracles he has seen through her journey with cancer. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritl...
God’s promises begin in the first chapter of the Bible. Exploring this theme, Cale and Reid look at the cycle of the first thirteen chapters of Genesis where God blesses us, then commands us to be fruitful and multiply, we disobey the command, and we experience the consequences. This hopeless pattern leads into God’s promise with Abraham of blessings to every family on earth which is fulfilled in Jesus who is God’s ultimate covenant. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritliving...
Eight years on mission in Guatemala will certainly shape a person, and Susan Fulton knows this well. She, along with her late husband Gary, led their family of eight to surrender to God’s call to foreign missions in Guatemala. Susan has come onto the show to discuss this journey, what it taught her about God, and how she had no resistance to saying “yes” to the call. She also describes complete dependence on God’s provision, growing through the loss of her husband, and how the safest place to...
In this bonus episode of Spirit Living, we release Reid’s first sermon which was preached at the youth service of Farmington First Baptist Church on 1/24/24. Based on John 10, Reid answers the questions, how do we know and hear the voice of Jesus? What does it mean to submit to Jesus? What must we give up to follow Jesus? Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritlivingpodcast Twitter: @spiritlivingpod Email us at ...
After establishing our relationship with God, Paul finishes the book of Galatians by showing how we ought to treat each other. Cale and Reid discuss this along with why vulnerability is contagious, how to correct others with gentleness and love, and our tendency to put our trust in “hired hands” that flee when difficulty comes. Finally, they note our need for both Jesus and community to ease and bear our burdens. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook: spiritliv...
College freshman Micah Goeke has learned to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth, and as a pastor’s kid, he has spent his life trying to love God more fully. Micah joins the podcast to discuss this as well as his passion for evangelism which we should all imitate, thanking God for the things we have even when circumstances are hard, and how we can grow more through trials. Finally, he describes his mother’s diagnosis of cancer and divine dreams that have provided supernatural comfort. ...
The things of the Spirit are against the natural things of our flesh. Galatians 5 lays out this distinction, and Cale and Reid discuss the wartime mentality it demands where we devote everything to the wartime effort. They also talk about idolatry, eliminating hurry from our lives, freedom leading to real love, and battling busyness. Finally, they recognize that a day will come when this wartime mindset will no longer be needed when we are restored back to the Garden of Eden. Follow u...
Spiritual growth marks the lives of all believers, and college sophomore Timothy Clelland is no exception. He joins Reid to discuss his pride against the ability to grow, subsequent humbling, and all he has learned through college, community, and Christ. Timothy also describes growth through his summer mission to San Diego, leadership positions, and trusting God with raising support and eventually with his whole life. Follow us on social media: Instagram: @spiritlivingpodcast Facebook...
Our concept of freedom and the Bible’s aren’t exactly the same thing. Speaking from Galatians 5, Cale and Reid discuss the liberating restrictions that Christ has given us to operate within. They also highlight being all in or all out for Jesus and following His voice in the midst of so many others. Finally, they analyze running the race set before us while not being distracted by the “flashy things” that distract us from the calling God has for us and our lives. Follow us on social m...
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