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Tools for the Modern Man
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Tools for the Modern Man

Author: Pete Beskas, Certified Life Coach

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Welcome to the Tools for the Modern Man Podcast!This is the place where modern men learn the tools that they’ll need to overcome modern life’s unique obstacles. If you’re challenged with balancing your work, life, parenting, relationships, growth, and all sorts of issues unique to the modern man you are in the right place.
62 Episodes
I spent my formative years working in restaurants and I believe that a lot of who I am today was formed during that time. If you are someone who has worked in the "industry" this episode will resonate with you. And if you are not, listen anyways because you could learn a few things that may clear up.Each stage of my development from dish pig to manger taught me valuable lessons that I use every single day. This episode dives into those lessons.These include:Why it's important to soak your dis...
"Meeting half way results in a bad deal for both parties" - Chris VossI've been waiting a while to do a podcast on this book, I just love it, Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss.Chris Voss was a celebrated FBI hostage negotiator who become a master in negotiations. So many of the lessons I've learned through coaching was solidified by reading this book.Chris does a masterful job, teaching each of his concepts with a field example and how it worked in real life. Concepts such as:Tactical ...
This week on the podcast I ask the question "Are you ready to be a manager?"This is something that I've observed over my career where people grasp to move up through an organization only to be completely unprepared with the challenges and skills needed to lead people.I share some of my own personal experiences and challenges when faced with leading and
The stoic writer Ryan Holiday wrote the book "Ego is the Enemy", which is the perfect way to sum up the role that Ego plays in leadership.Ego does nothing to cultivate leadership qualities and in fact holds you back from achieving true success. Today I talk about things to be mindful of when addressing pride vs arrogance, and how your ego is behind it all.It was written that "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Well that "haughty spirit" is your ego, an...
Today I wrap up my series on how to find your next opportunity by sharing a personal story of resilience. What I learned from being unemployed, how I set myself up to overcome adversity and how I'm always creating new opportunities for
So you've finally got the interview, now what?Well my guest today Frank and I have got you covered!Frank Burgoyne is an interview success coach and has decades of experience helping people prepare and successful showcase their skills and value in interviews so that they can get the jobs they want.Frank and I talk about the importance of how to show up in interviews, what questions to ask, and how to position yourself as the only one for the job. If you are interested in following Frank, I've ...
It's been said that your network is your NET WORTH, and it's a fact.That's why I brought in Cindy Arcuri, Cindy has spent over 25 years working for Fortune 500 companies to develop their leaders.Cindy and I talk about the importance of your network and the value of constantly cultivating and meeting new people. We also go over how NOT TO network, how to make it easier, and more comfortable.I really enjoyed this conversation.If you want to learn more about networking effectively, I'd lov...
The first step in any job hunt is updating your resume, but most people's resumes SUCK! I know because mine used to suck as well, and so many that I've read over my long career have as well.This makes perfect sense, we aren't trained to write resumes, or promote ourselves in many cases. That is why I brought in a resume writing expert... Amanda Traugutt from Elevated Resumes.Amanda and her business partner Allison have been doing this work for over 10 years and she has a very unique way of ap...
Today I'm kicking off my series of episodes dedicated to you the W2/T4 career professional. There comes a time in every man's career when you want to make a change. Sometimes those are small pivots, sometimes they are drastic, and sometimes you don't get to choose at all.Over the last 6 months I've been diving deep into this and been having a lot of conversations with people looking to pivot and experts who focus specifically on that.This week however I want us to slide into thinking more abo...
"The standard is the standard" - Mike TomlinCoach Tomlin's phrase is one that I love, the standard IS the standard. But seriously, what does that mean and why is it important?I'm a big believer is having personal and professional standards. These standards guide your path and ultimately determine your success. People see how you operate, and will choose to follow or leave based on what they see.The biggest trick however is setting YOUR standard, are you going to set it high? Medium? Low? As I...
My guest today is a one of my coauthor's from Volume 10 of Cracking the Rich Code, a public speaker, a public servant with over 45 years of experience in public affairs and troubleshooting communications for the government. His story is unique in that John has always put himself in positions to be challenged and followed his passions at every turn.From starting off as an Electrical engineering student turned Journalist major, to 15 years in the Navy running TV/Radio/Print/Media/Training and m...
My guest this week is Lou Vickery, over his 80+ years on this planet Lou has had 5 distinct careers and has no intention of stopping. We have a very entertaining conversation that covers resilience, lessons learned from baseball, what it takes to change careers so many times, and the all important skill of "forgetory". Lou's journey is amazing and started at a young age, after graduating from high school, he signed a professional baseball contract with the St. Louis Cardinals. Over...
Atomic Habits Review

Atomic Habits Review


ATOMIC HABITS by James ClearThis book continues to be a #1 Bestseller year after year and there is a reason why, it's frickin' awesome! I have listen to and read this book multiple times and every time I'm gearing up for a new challenge or trying to implement a new protocol I revisit Atomic Habits.In this episode I do a deep dive on the book, it's main lessons and tactics.Four essential steps for establishing a habit: cue, craving, response, and reward, Awareness as t...
As December is in full swing and we are all feeling the pressure of expectations, let's not forget to reset often, daily even, to be grateful.This is something that can't be practiced enough, gratitude doesn't come naturally to most of us, and I see it everywhere. It starts with children, parents, and ultimately ourselves.My friend quoted this;"What if tomorrow you only had the things you were grateful for today?"Would this change your mind about gratitude, if you didn't take 5 minutes ...
I'm excited to release this podcast with my guest Dr. Keyvan Eghbali, Keyvan is a chiropractor and health coach focused on men's health, nutrition, and weight loss. He helps people improve their health through lifestyle changes rather than medication.Kevin and I dive deep into the value of nutrition, especially as we get older, the difference between life span and Here are some KEY TAKEAWAYS from our discussion:Processed and ultra-processed foods are very damaging and should be avoided. Focus...
My guest today is Patrick Fox, he works with guys who've had enough of their lives revolving around alcohol through his program the Alcohol ReThink Project.We dive deep into Patrick's journey from how a year long sobriety challenge changed his entire relationship with alcohol and started his movement.We dive into the drivers of why we drink, the pressures put on us by the society that we live in to keep us tied to drinking , and how to be intentional with our drinking during the holidays.This...
In our latest episode of the Tools for the Modern Man podcast, we had the privilege of hosting Jonathan DeYoe, renowned author of "Mindful Investing" and host of the Mindful Wealth Podcast. Together, we delved into the world of mindful wealth creation, uncovering valuable insights that promise to reshape your approach to finances.Here's a brief breakdown of the key takeaways:1. Jonathan's Journey:From humble beginnings to a four-decade-long career in investing and wealth creation.Co-author of...
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