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The Fertility Mind Podcast

Author: Jessica Friesen

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Welcome to my podcast. I share Raw, unfiltered stories of the Infertility world. Throughout the episodes, I share my own success with IVF, and you will hear from my guests about their success in the Fertility world. I will also share tools and techniques of Mindset and Manifestation. I have first-hand experience with how mindset and Manifestation changed the trajectory of my journey. I have since then applied this to every area of my life, and the transformation is beautiful. I know this is just the beginning. This podcast means so much to me because, In 2014, I found myself in the middle of the Fertility world, feeling alone and searching for hope. Everywhere I searched on social media, looking for a connection with others on the same infertility journey, I only found dwindling hope. In 2019, when I entered the Fertility world again, I reached out on social media, but it only seemed worse. It became my mission to spread hope with success stories, have open conversations about medical protocols and create connections. A positive community for others to feel supported, uplifted, and know they are not alone.

66 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Are you ready to break free from the chains of a mental prison and embrace a liberated mindset, especially when facing fertility challenges? In this episode of the Fertility Mind Podcast, We'll evaluate our coping strategies and how constructive mechanisms can shift us from feeling emotionally trapped to achieving a high vibration and aligning with our dreams. In Love, Light and GratitudeJessica xxxEmail - jessica@thefertilitymind.comWebsite ...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!This week's episode illuminates the art of 'receivership,' the crucial act of opening oneself to the desires we yearn to manifest. Dive into the power of unwavering faith, the importance of banishing negative self-talk, and the impact of the law of gestation on achieving your heartfelt goals. Let's talk about the daily rituals that can align you with your aspirations. With personal anecdotes on the challenges of shifting old habits, I discuss...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!When Katie Yezek triumphed over a harrowing health diagnosis, she didn't just reclaim her life—she redefined it. Her story unfolds in our latest episode.Together, we chart the course of transformation, where belief is the compass and action is the wind in our sails. Embrace how personal struggles can morph into unparalleled strength and purpose. This episode is a heartfelt tribute to the indomitable human spirit and a call to action for all our li...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Have you ever found yourself weighed down by grief, especially when it intertwines with the yearning for fertility success? This episode is a deeply personal account of how navigating grief with purpose has the power to reshape our fertility paths. By sharing the strategies that have helped me respond to grief with love and gratitude, I aim to guide you toward a mindset that acknowledges pain and fosters joy and healing. It's an intimate conversat...
S2 | E14 Prosperity

S2 | E14 Prosperity


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Have you ever sensed that prosperity could be something more than the balance in your bank account? I'm here to share my evolution from seeing prosperity strictly in financial terms to embracing it as a dynamic force that can enrich every corner of our lives, including fertility. This episode is a tapestry of transformation and a potent reminder that the seeds of abundance are sown in the fertile soil of our minds. I illustrate how the constraints...
S2 | E13 Love

S2 | E13 Love


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!What does Love mean to you? Did you know that LOVE is the absolute highest vibration? Do you believe you can be in a state of Love while going through your fertility journey? Well, I am here to tell you that YES, you CAN! What if you could say goodbye to living in uncertainty and put on rose-coloured glasses? What if life started to go your way? Want to know more? Join me in this episode returning to Love. In Love, Light...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Have you ever found yourself in the relentless tug-of-war of comparing your life to others? I have been there, too, and it's time we talk about the emotional rollercoaster of the "comparison game train." In this episode, we'll unearth the roots of this habit and discover how to break free from the chains of childhood patterns, trading envy and self-judgment for a more peaceful and fulfilling existence.I'm honoured to s...
S2 | E11 Doubts

S2 | E11 Doubts


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!I share that with each failed IVF transfer, I found myself grappling with growing doubt, and I know many of you have stood in similar shoes. So What changed? Have a listen and find out! Doubt is lack and fear. Doubt can indeed kill off all hope and shadow your decisions. When you understand what you are doubting, you can form new thoughts and choices and see how things change. In Love, Light and GratitudeJessica xxx &nb...
S2 | E10 Perception

S2 | E10 Perception


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Today, I discuss the profound impact our perceptions have on the canvas of our reality. We all have layers of emotional impacts that contribute to our perceptions. The more we live in our five senses, the more we feel and create our reality on repeat. Let me ask you this: What is your perceived reality? What if you look from a different perspective? Would it look the same? In Love, Light and GratitudeJessica xxxEmail - jessi...
S2 | E8 Fear

S2 | E8 Fear


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome back!Ever felt the icy grip of fear tighten around your dreams, especially when it comes to something as personal as your fertility journey? You're not alone. On this week's Fertility Mind podcast, we peel back the layers of anxiety and doubt that shroud our deepest desires. I delve into the various forms of fear we encounter – from dreading criticism to the daunting implications of aging on fertility – and how these fears can strain our relationships ...
S2 | E7 Habits

S2 | E7 Habits


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome back!When I embarked on my own fertility journey, the emotional rollercoaster was overwhelming, but it was the shift in daily habits that truly paved the way to my success. This episode of Fertility Mind podcast is a treasure trove of insight into how such small changes can make a monumental difference. We’ll explore the emotional roots of your daily routines.Habit change isn't just about the actions; it's about the mindset. This conversation dives dee...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey Welcome back!Through this episode, we'll uncover how the intricacies of our emotions and the subtle art of self-reflection can profoundly shape our paths to fulfillment. Together, we'll confront the emotional undertow of significant life milestones and the minute, daily encounters that quietly sculpt our being.This heartfelt conversation extends to anyone navigating their emotional landscape. We tackle critical questions to unravel the emotional threads that ma...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome back!Imagine holding your dreams in the palm of your hand – that's the power of a clear vision for fertility success. I'm Jessica Friesen, and I'm here to guide you through an intimate exploration of how positive visualization can be your ally on the path to parenthood. We kick things off by discussing the importance of daily connection with your vision, emphasizing the emotional resonance and the tiny yet impactful shifts that can bring about a monume...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey Welcome Back!Embarking on a fertility journey can feel like navigating through an endless maze, with each turn bringing its own set of challenges and decisions. It's a path I know all too well. My triumph over IVF hurdles taught me lessons in decision-making and gratitude that I'm eager to share with you. Our conversation today will traverse the emotional landscape of making critical life choices, particularly when it comes to expanding your family. I'll reflec...
S2 | E3 Gratitude

S2 | E3 Gratitude


Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!This episode is an intimate voyage through the transformative power of gratitude how nurturing a mindset of gratitude can not only change our outlook but also attract the energy to manifest our deepest desires.The journey of fertility is often paved with complex emotions, and it's easy to feel adrift. you will discover that even in our darkest hours, gratitude can be a beacon of light. Through adopting daily gratitude exercises, we reveal how the ...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome back! Facing the emotional rollercoaster of fertility can feel like a solo journey, but you're not alone. In this episode, I have a candid conversation with you. as we tackle the tough questions head-on. I'm getting you to uncover the resistances holding you back and learn to shift from hope to certainty in the quest for the family you yearn for.It's about changing limiting beliefs that whisper you can't to a resounding belief that you can and wil...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey Welcome back! Today, I extend a heartfelt thank you for being a part of this journey and and incredible Season 1. So welcome to Season 2, Episode 1 In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the transformative theme of 'Mind Clarity.' Join me as we unravel the profound connection between mindset and fertility, exploring powerful techniques to clear the clutter and nurture a focused, mindset. This season, starting with this episode, we will embark o...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back,I want to Thank You wholeheartedly for such a fantastic first season on my podcast. It has been such an honour to share this space with you.I am sharing with you my end-of-year ritual that made such an impact on my life. As the year draws to a close, putting intentions, goals, and desires to the forefront now puts you in motion for the new year. There is such power when you reflect, bless and release, celebrate you and then goal set for...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Navigating the holiday season while on a fertility journey can be challenging. As your host, Jessica Friesen, a certified fertility mindset coach, I've walked this path and can attest to the emotional triggers that can arise during family celebrations and conversations. I invite you to join this insightful discussion where I address these complexities head-on, exploring the coexistence of hope and fear while offering coping strategies. Prepare to ...
Send us a Text Message.Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!Have you ever wondered how your beliefs could shape your life and fertility journey? I'm Jessica Friesen, your host, and in this transformative episode, I'll be guiding you through a deeply personal exploration of conditional beliefs - the hidden rules that often dictate our lives. Together, we'll peel back the layers, challenging and questioning the beliefs we've been conditioned to accept and discover our true power.With insights from my journey...
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