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Rising Femme with Monique Harding
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Rising Femme with Monique Harding

Author: Monique Harding

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Rising Femme with Monique Harding, Strengths Driven Business Coach and Therapist. A podcast to help you master your mind so that you can rise higher in all areas of your life, love and leadership. Together with inspired guests, we’ll unpack what it really takes to level up your impact and income. Expect cosy riffs that mess with your stuck thinking, powerful story shares and the practical tools and tips you need to embody your best self today across business, relationships, money and more. I’ll show you how to step into your power and create the inner resources so that you become your own success story. 

72 Episodes
From mess to magic

From mess to magic


In today's episode we're talking all things messy action. Too often we wait for the perfect moment or feel the need to over-prepare before taking action. However, I've learned that taking imperfect, messy steps can teach us more than endless strategising ever could. In this episode I share:How I'm embracing the mess in my own business lately The trends I seem to see with clients around overthinking and what to do instead How you can embrace a mess to magic mindset when it comes...
As business owners, we often overlook the social influences around us, and in doing so, we do our ideal clients a huge injustice. Incorporating these influences into your business, sales process, marketing, and messaging will change your approach fundamentally.The cultural values influence how people purchase and how businesses operate. Individualist cultures tend to think linearly—cause and effect—whereas collectivist cultures think systemically—considering interconnectedness and interdepend...
If you think talking about business structure is going to be boring or irrelevant, let me stop you right there. In this episode, my goal is to make you rethink the very foundations of your business and why they are crucial for your success. Often, when clients come to me, especially those in one-on-one partnerships, they think they need to work on mindset or advanced strategies, but the truth is, it usually boils down to foundational issues.When working closely with clients, I get an intimate...
Today, we're diving into the nuances of connecting deeply with your audience and driving sales. While structured approaches are vital, I find that rigid rules often fall short in the diverse landscape of business. Instead, let's explore lenses and principles. Messaging isn't one-size-fits-all; it's about understanding your unique business and audience.In my upcoming coaching intensive, Establish, we'll dissect these philosophies further. For instance, self-identification is key. Help yo...
Hey there, let's pause for a sec and take a breath. It's totally normal to feel stuck, down, or even self-loathing at times. But here's the thing: feeling like we're not seeing the results we want is just part of the journey. There are ups, downs, and moments when it feels like nothing's paying off.In this episode, let's talk about those timelines we set for ourselves. Spoiler alert: they're arbitrary. So maybe it's time to cut yourself some slack and focus on the progress you've made, instea...
Reflecting on my own journey, I realized the importance of solid foundations after facing some growing pains in my business. Going back to basics doubled my business in just under nine months. It's like gold, I tell you. So, let's talk sales. Turning curious browsers into paying clients is an art, and it starts with understanding how you like to be sold to. There's an energetic component to sales that's often overlooked. Understanding how you prefer to be sold to can inform your approach...
Today's episode is packed with value, almost like a masterclass. I believe mastering messaging is crucial for business success—it's about how we connect, communicate, and position our offerings. Many struggle with messaging due to overwhelming templates and lack of clarity. But it's about conversing authentically with your audience, understanding their values, beliefs, and fears. In this episode, we delve into mastering messaging, essential for business success. Messaging isn't jus...
You don't have a business without potential clients - AKA "leads". In episode two of our strengths-driven foundation series we're focusing on ways to generate leads for your business. But to do so in an authentic, aligned way that doesn't feel forced or disconnected. I take you through how you can align your client attraction strategy to your strengths for higher quality engagement and maximum conversions. If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on yo...
Welcome to the strengths-driven Foundations Series where we are exploring the essential business foundations needed to scale a service based business aligned with your strengths. In this episode, we're exploring what it looks like to build a business in line with your end goal. It's something a lot of business owners miss and fast forward a few years down the track and they are more unhappy than ever. A lot of this comes down to the business model you choose. Whether you choose to run an agen...
This week’s topic is about cultivating a millionaire mindset, drawing from common questions I receive from clients and my own curiosity about successful individuals. You see, in the coaching world, we love celebrating our clients' wins, but what really sets them apart? Well, after years of observation and experience, I've narrowed it down to seven core traits. I highlight the importance of recognizing patterns in our behaviour and thoughts, while we operate in habitual patterns, we have ...
Join me this week for a dynamic conversation with Shannon Segall, your go-to social media manager and mentor, specialising in empowering female-led brands and freelancers to shine online. With a background in Instagram marketing, Shannon witnessed its transformative power in elevating brands globally. Based in Australia, Shannon's journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship reflects her dedication to digital empowerment.Shannon offers insights into social media management's evolution, str...
This is part two of my Sellout launch podcast which I will take you behind the scenes to unravel the outcomes of my recent launch strategy, offering insights into what went on behind the microphone. Delving into the launch strategy, I emphasize the importance of transparent communication and nurturing relationships pre-launch.Engaging in pre-launch conversations with potential clients, I shared details about my program, Luminate, weeks ahead of the official launch event. This personalized app...
In this two-part podcast series, I'm taking you behind the scenes of my recent sellout Luminate launch. We'll talk all things 👇🏼Pre, during and post launch strategy - the how the what and the why. How I built a launch process around my unique strengths. The exact pre planning process involved. The preparation mindset of a sellout program launch.Essential things you need to be thinking about if you are planning on launching a new program, course or offering this year. ...
I’m so excited to welcome Annie Gichuru, a racial equity coach, partners with The Beautiful You Coaching Academy, guiding entrepreneurs to build inclusive businesses. Her program, REPRESENTED, promotes racial diversity and equity. With a background in HR and coaching, she brings compassion and expertise to her work.In this podcast with Annie, we explored the nuances of inclusivity in online business, particularly focusing on the unconscious biases and microaggressions that can occur.Annie hig...
In this podcast, I'm addressing a common concern many of us in the business world encounter: feeling like we're talking to no one and struggling to understand why our offers aren't selling. I want to approach this issue from a practical standpoint, offering three key perspectives to help you gain clarity and motivation.1. Are you targeting the right audience for your offer?2. Are you communicating in a way that resonates with your audience's desires and aspirations?3. Are you setting re...
Often, our beliefs about growth can inadvertently hold us back. While revenue generation is crucial, solely prioritising it can hinder our long-term growth. Understanding your current constraints is essential for progress, whether it's prioritising profit, addressing time constraints, or overcoming mindset barriers.It's all about understanding what truly holds us back from reaching our goals and ensuring that we're addressing the root causes rather than just surface-level symptoms. As you ref...
Your beliefs shape your reality; by aligning your energy with your goals, you manifest success. This episode dives deep into strategies and mindset shifts crucial for navigating the turbulent waters of entrepreneurship. Before my recent masterclass, I engaged in personalized outreach, connecting with attendees to understand their pain points and aspirations. This practice fosters intimacy and ensures that I resonate with my audience deeply, a vital aspect of my extroverted nature.Many of us s...
It's essential to recognize when something feels like a roadblock between your vision and its realisation. In this episode, I delve into the barriers that may be obstructing your path to achieving your business goals and offer actionable strategies to overcome them.If you've established yourself in your field and crafted solid offers, it's unlikely that the problem lies with your products or services. You're probably already an expert in your niche, so let's confidently own that expertise. Pr...
For those of us in the coaching, consulting, or solopreneur businesses, where our names are the brand, there's an intense emotional connection. Unlike conventional businesses, we have the freedom to set our own rules and rhythms. But with this freedom comes responsibility. We navigate a delicate balance between personal and professional life in our marketing and content.Crafting a coherent personal brand story is essential. Crafting content anchors helps maintain this balance, guiding what we...
As a coach, I understand the desire for financial stability and the impact it has on our well-being. Reflecting on my journey, I've realized that solid business foundations are key to consistent revenue. Many entrepreneurs lack structured sales systems, leading to erratic income.Building a reliable sales process tailored to individual strengths is essential. Whether through live launches, personalized outreach, or funnels, repetition and consistency are paramount. Scaling offerings requires s...
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