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Scale the F*ck Up
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Scale the F*ck Up

Author: Rhiannon Leila

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On this podcast, you’ll learn what it actually takes to scale your business to 7 figures. We’ll have honest and real conversations and behind-the-scenes insights that you can apply to your business in order to work less and make more and not burn yourself out along the way.

20 Episodes
Did you know that we make 35,000 decisions per day? 🤔Join me on Episode 19 as we unravel the mystery of decision fatigue and its impact on your business and life. If you've ever felt stuck or overwhelmed, decision fatigue might be the culprit. But fear not! I've got 5 game-changing tips to help you make fewer and better decisions, transforming your life and boosting productivity.Today on episode 19, we'll explore:↠ the real impact of decision fatigue on your life and business.↠ how the parado...
You've read the success stories and seen those who seemed to have "overnight success."Have you ever wondered what separated those success stories from everyone else? Or what separated those at the top from those who were on the struggle bus for years? (No shame here, I was totally on that bus for years.)But the truth is, there are certain things that successful business owners do differently.So today, join me on the podcast as we dive in! We'll talk about:↠ 7 of the key things that successful...
We have officially crossed over into Q4! 🥳It can be really easy to just want to wash our hands of a year if it hasn’t gone according to plan. If this year hasn’t quite gone how you envisioned, I have good news:It is not too late to turn it around.Today on episode 17, we talk about ↠ how to make Q4 your best ever, even if the rest of 2023 didn't go according to plan↠ getting clear on why you haven't hit your goals (and how to turn it around)↠ using quarterly North Stars to propel you forward↠ ...
Have you ever experienced burnout?It's a term that's thrown around a lot, and one that can impact more than just your business. Burnout can spill over into your personal relationships, your social life, the hobbies that you enjoy, and even your health. It can also make it difficult to find any motivation to do anything in your business.If you've ever struggled with it or feel that you may be on the brink of burnout, you'll definitely want to tune into episode 16 of the podcast.On this episode...
There’s been a lot of buzz recently that this season feels particularly tough for lots of business owners.The industry in general is contracting and leads are down, sales are down, and revenue is down for a lot of businesses.If that sounds familiar and you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong now, buckle up. In episode 15 of Scale the F*ck Up, we’re diving into the reason why your business is stagnant and not scaling (and how to fix it).We talk about:↠ The 2 primary types of businesses that h...
Have you ever been sued?Unfortunately, I have, and let me tell you… that is not a club that anyone wants to be a part of. It has caused an immeasurable amount of stress and cost me thousands of dollars in legal fees.However, this experience has also taught me some incredibly valuable lessons. So in this episode of Scale the F*ck Up, I’m sharing what I am going through so that you can learn from some of my mistakes and then put things in place to hopefully protect yourself.We talk about:↠ My p...
Does the day to day structure of your life or business truly light you up?Or are you feeling stuck or unfulfilled?It can be so easy to get on autopilot going towards something that society tells us to want or do. Or maybe you previously wanted it, but it’s no longer aligned.Time moves quickly, and before we know it, weeks, months, or even years have just zoomed past.So are you genuinely building the life or business that you truly want and moving forward in a way that actually supports your g...
Who doesn’t love a good goal-setting chat?I know I do.However, there is often a disconnect in the talking about, the planning, or the setting of goals with the follow through to make them happen. And we want to be able to move forward with our plan and take action so that our goals actually happen.So in episode 12 of Scale the F*ck Up, we’re diving all into the one game changing thing that will help you reach your goals.We talk about:↠ Working ON your business not just IN your business↠ Makin...
What happens when you feel stuck, unmotivated, or unfulfilled in your business? This can be referred to as "losing your spark." This can happen for a number of reasons and is actually really typical for business owners of all levels - those starting out to those really well-established to those who have scaled to that multi-6 and 7-figure mark. While this is not uncommon, it’s obviously something that you need to address so that you don’t wind up wanting to burn your business to the...
There are a plethora of reasons why people start their own businesses. Time freedom, financial freedom, the ability to travel the world, the opportunity to spend more time with your family, not having to answer to some shitty boss, being able to dictate how you live your life and not being chained to a desk. But so many times I see entrepreneurs who end up trading their 9-5 for working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in their business. Episode 10 of Scale the F*ck Up is all about how ...
We read books that tell us how to hire so we can increase our profits. We hear podcasts that suggest that we outsource so we can enjoy working less while making more. We learn from mainstream gurus that looking to developing nations is THE answer.But at what cost?Today we’re chatting about something that is a little bit different than our normal topics. In this episode of Scale the F*ck Up, we’re exploring ethics and social responsibility in business and discussing why being awful doesn’t gro...
Have you ever felt like things were falling apart around you? Maybe you experienced a significant life change or event that you had no control over or things that just didn’t go as planned. Maybe you just picked up a cold, or your babysitter went on vacation. In these instances, life takes priority, and there just may not be enough time or brain space left to fully focus on your business.As much as we would love to have super smooth sailing 24/7, the reality is that life happens to us all. It...
If you’re a woman in business, you’re probably familiar with the phrase “it’s lonely at the top.” Often that means that successful and higher-up the ladder people (like CEOs) tend to have fewer friends or people to turn to, and they can experience a sense of loneliness the higher they rise.So what does that mean for you as you scale your business to 7 figures?In today’s episode of the Scale the F*ck Up Podcast we’re actually busting the myth that it's lonely at the top.We talk about:↠ The rea...
Welcome to episode 6 of the Scale the F*ck Up Podcast, the podcast specifically designed to help show you a real-life, behind-the-scenes look at what it actually takes to scale to 7 figures. Whether you are teetering around the edges of 6 figures, you’ve already busted through to multiple 6 figures, or you’re dancing on the edge of 7, this podcast has strategies and takeaways designed to support you. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression "failing to plan is planning to fail". Over the yea...
A lot of my clients come to me when they are sick of holding all of the pieces of everything. Often, they are at a certain income ceiling, and they can’t move past it because they are at capacity, or they are just burned out. Something that I get questions about all the time is bringing on a team. When is the right time to hire a team? What is the best way to hire a team or team members, and what does that process actually look like? When you are busting at the seams with too ...
Welcome to episode 4 of the Scale the F*ck Up Podcast – the podcast designed to help show you a real-life, behind-the-scenes look at what it actually takes to scale to 7 figures. In this episode, we’re chatting all about the secret weapon behind my 7-figure clients.There’s a lot that goes into growing a business. There are a lot of trials and errors and growing pains and figuring things out as you go. Every single business is different, and every single business owner is different. Some of th...
Welcome to episode 3 of the Scale the F*ck Up Podcast. Today we are talking about the number one overlooked strategy for scaling.You’ve probably heard a lot of noise in the online space about the importance of growth and client acquisition. There are all kinds of ways that you can work with and serve your clients, but traditionally speaking, you need more clients in order to grow your revenue, and subsequently, grow your business. And there are so many ways that you can get in front of your i...
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Scale the F*ck Up Podcast. Today we’re chatting all about the systems you need to support your scale, and I dive into the 3 systems my 7-figure clients are using. If you’re serious about scaling your business, you need to become besties with systems.When they are used properly, efficient systems can help you improve your client experience, reduce costs, increase revenue, free up your time, increase productivity, and support you to grow your business literally ...
Welcome to Episode 1 of the Scale the F*ck Up podcast! If you don’t know me, I’m Rhiannon. I’m a business strategist for multi-6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs, and I have been supporting women to grow and scale businesses that light them up - not burn them out - since 2014. Thank you so much for being here!For close to a decade, I have had the privilege to support countless clients. I’ve been able to see a lot of things that really work and help to grow a business to 6, multi 6, and 7 figures. A...
A quick introduction of what you can expect from Scale the F*ck Up podcast and a little about your host, Rhiannon.