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Unfoldlearning with Kaustav | Unlearn-Learn and Evolve to be a Better Human Being!
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Unfoldlearning with Kaustav | Unlearn-Learn and Evolve to be a Better Human Being!

Author: Kaustav

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I am an engineer, turned school teacher, turned a trainer/org dev coach, turned HR Professional and now a content creator. In my experience of about 14+ years of work, I've noticed myself and many around me struggling with stereotypes, conventional ideas, and patterns we sometimes inherit without even questioning them especially, with aspects of Self-Development, Improvement and Growth Mindset. Eventually, leading to a state where either such aspects get trivialised or ignored.

This compelled me to create and serve with something that is backed with science, facts and personal experiences. And therefore, I created this channel, a space where I’d explore these issues deeply—and maybe help others on the way to feel empowered and equipped for themselves. In many ways, I intend to cover aspects that I wish I was told in my 20's.

I'd love for you to check-out my work, share your ideas, feedback & 

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#Learning #selfdevelopment #unfoldlearning

35 Episodes
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