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The Little School of Happiness

Author: Sandra Hayes

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Embodied Vedic Philosophy offers a practical guide to understanding our Self and the world around us. It opens up channels of connection and belonging by giving us new paradigms through which we can see the world in a much more positiv light. We just have to understand it right - not through a dry, academic view but through the eyes of the feminine, in archetypes, images and stories. Ayurveda, Yoga and Jyotish can help us with that, if we understand these teachings in a deep, personal, embodied way. 
Season 1 - Ayurveda - In this first season I would like to inspire you to take responsibility of your own health & happiness through the teachings of Ayurveda. 

Season 2 - Yoga - In season 2 I am trying to address some misconceptions about Yoga and talk about the actual meaning of Yoga as a psychology, a manual for mental health that particularly addresses  the Trauma and Addiction epidemic of our modern times. 

Season 3 is planned to be on Jyotish (Vedic Astrology - the science of light) - I will keep you posted on this. 

These vedic teachings show you a different perspective on life and empower you to recognise your own perfection and begin a true love-relationship with yourself. 

The Little School of Happiness offers you an online learning platform you can use to keep yourself inspired and informed about the things that really matter in life. You can find practical courses about Yoga, Ayurveda and Embodied Philosophy (including Ayurveda, Jyotish and Vedic Counseling) here: You can also book personal, one on one coaching and Vedic counselling sessions with me, or enrol in the full “Dare to Shine” Mentorship program. For more information please go to 

20 Episodes

Basic Human Needs


Send us a text What actually are our most basic and essential human needs? And what can we do in order to provide ourselves with them? How can we use them to heal old Trauma or shed unconscious conditionings and beliefs we no longer want? The Yoga Sutras - as always - have a few answers for us. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of ...
Send us a text The Yoga Sutras give us so much insight and practical advice that is simple and relevant especially for the times we are in now. What is a simple step we can take to quickly achieve a greater state of health and happiness? How do we get into a state of flow - Samadhi? It's so easy, it's literally a child's play.... Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy plea...

Body, Energy, Emotions


Send us a text What is the connection between the body and the soul? How are emotions linked with the physical body? Why do we practice Asana in the first place? In this podcast episode, I will try and address some of these questions and hope they will shed a little bit of light on them. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happ...

Forms of Fear


Send us a text Fear is an unconscious force that lies at the bottom of most of our destructive behaviours. It is because of fear that we encounter resistance, aversions and unhealthy desires. To look deeply at our fear can liberate us from them. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: For the f...
Send us a text How can we create a better reality for ourselves? What the pre-requisites are to successful trauma healing or removing of disturbing, unconscious conditionings? Why is joy and emotional well-being so important on that journey? In this episode I will talk about what the classical Yoga text has to say about these things. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or...

Guest: David Collins


Send us a text In this episode you get to listen to my favourite Yoga Teacher, David Collins from We are chatting about the Yoga Sutras and their relevance in our present day. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: For the full "Dare to Shine" Program - ...
Send us a text The Yoga Sutras give us a clear instruction on how to deal with life, especially when it gets difficult. How can I deal with difficult emotions, how can I accept the present moment and think clearly even when I am feeling fearful or sad? Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: For th...
Send us a text What is Authenticity and why is it so important? To deny our own truth is setting us up on a path of misalignment that can only need to physical or mental imbalances. Listen to what the Yoga Sutras have to say about it. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: Fo...
Send us a text Yoga is not just a good tool for Trauma Therapy - Yoga IS Trauma Therapy. I will try and explain what I mean with this by going through parts of the classical Yoga Texts. In this episode I will explain first - what is Trauma and why does it concern all of us? Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: https://ay...
Send us a text This is a 40 minute long, deliciously deep, nourishing and healing Chakra balancing meditation . All you need to do is take 40 min time out of your schedule, turn your phone off and close the bedroom door. Sit, or lie down on your bed, or on the floor and listen to the audio recording. It will guide you through a visualisation - imagery that is designed to activate your inner healing processes and balance your whole chakra system. Please, do try it out - and let me ...
Send us a text Lorenza Capponi and myself are currently teaching different approaches of Ashtanga Yoga in Murnau/Germany. To dispel some myths and misunderstanding about this practice - and to present a more feminine view of it's system - we got together and spoke about some of the aspects of it: From Patanjali to Pattabhi Jois, from Ayurveda to the Chakra System, from youth to menopause, we both hope it will answer a few questions you may have had about this style of Yoga. You can find...
Send us a text To look at humanity from the Ayurvedic perspective is truly eye-opening. We can understand our different life-phases, races and human fears a little bit better when we apply our Ayurvedic knowledge. It enables a more compassionate view. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: https://ayuyoga.teachable...
Send us a text Parenting is never easy but looking at our children from an Ayurvedic perspective can make things a lot less stressful. No child is ever the same. Vata, Pitta or Kapha personalities will need different things in order to thrive. Listen to this episode to find out about their unique psychological traits. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Phi...
Send us a text Dr. Raj Kaur is a fully trained Ayurvedic Doctor, working in Dublin. She has been a wonderful support for me throughout my own training and studies and has treated me on a few occasions personally as well. She also wrote the foreword to my book (which will be updated with a 2nd edition very soon) and is just a wonderful person. I am happy to have had the opportunity to ask her a few questions I hope you might find interesting too. Enjoy! You can find Dr. Raj o...
Send us a text In western medicine, the development of Symptoms is the first stage of disease. In Ayurveda, it is the fourth stage. Ayurveda, with its careful observations of any messages from the body, recognises much sooner, when we become imbalanced, so that it is easy to prevent more serious symptoms. Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The ...
Send us a text "If the body is a self-healing organism, then why do we get sick at all?" As always, Ayurveda has some down to Earth, self-empowering answers to that. But how much of it can we control? How much of it is our Karma? And what even is Karma? These are some of the things I try to address in this episode. Enjoy! Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy ...
Send us a text "How do I know I have unresolved emotions in my unconscious mind?" and "What can I do to help it?" These are questions I address in this episode, plus an introduction of the five Elements and the Doshas (Ayurvedic Konstitutions). Sign up to my email-newsletter (and get a free gift) For more information go to: To learn more about Ayurveda, Yoga or Vedic Philosophy please go to The Little School of Happiness: For the fu...
Send us a text Samkhya - Part 2 In this Episode we will explore the Philosophical concepts that form the basis of Ayurveda even further and we will discuss the mental processes of the unconscious mind: All of life is a digestive Process. Even our mental process is a type of digestion. We take in impressions through the sense organs, process it in the mind and eliminate the waste products through our organs of action. But sometimes, we cannot complete the mental process and ...
Send us a text Samkhya - Part 1 In this Episode we will explore the Philosophical concepts that form the basis of Ayurveda. Samkhya is a beautiful branch of Indian Philosophies that describes the evolution of literally everything. It shows how molecules form, how the universe formed as well as how our mind works and our body manifests. It shows that everything is based on the principles of love - the attraction of two opposite forces - and the desire for wholeness and harmon...
Send us a text The body is a self-healing organism. I became aware of this truth after a motorbike accident in 1992. This was a pivotal moment for me that literally catapulted me on to a journey of Self-discovery and healing that eventually brought me to Ayurveda. Ayurveda, like no other science, is based on the premise that the body is an expression of the soul. It is a self-healing organism that continuously is striving toward a state of wholeness and harmony down to...
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