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Maybe I Can with Debbie Weiss
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Maybe I Can with Debbie Weiss

Author: Debbie Weiss

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You have the power to change your life regardless of your circumstances. With over 50 years of experience dealing with some of life’s toughest challenges, Debbie is an expert in chasing your own dreams in spite of your circumstances. She is an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, family caregiver and mother. She has overcome her own limiting beliefs and fears allowing her to begin to live her best life and her life’s passion is to help and inspire others to do the same. In her spare time, Debbie loves to laugh, dance, read and stay active. Recently widowed, Debbie is still following her dreams and wants you to follow yours. You are on this journey together. Every Wednesday, Debbie will share some ideas to help inspire and motivate women to live the life you want. Debbie will also introduce you to those that have helped her on her journey, as well as share other women's stories of inspiration. To learn more about Debbie or to reach out with any questions or episode ideas, please visit 

78 Episodes
In this episode, we explore the incredible power of visualization. Discover how athletes, celebrities like Michael Phelps and Jim Carrey, and everyday people use this technique to achieve their goals. Learn how picturing your success can help you feel prepared and confident, whether it's for a big speech, a challenging conversation, or even a life-changing encounter. Tune in for practical tips and inspiring stories that will motivate you to start visualizing your dreams and making them a real...
In this podcast episode, we dive into Chapter 7 of "The Sprinkle Effect," focusing on finding direction in life. It's all about breaking big dreams into achievable goals and starting to move toward them with purpose. You'll learn how to assess different life areas, from career to personal growth, and set SMART goals for each. We'll discuss the importance of aligning your current life with your dream life and how to make the necessary adjustments. This episode is packed with actionable steps a...
In this episode, we dive deep into the bright and optimistic world of hope. I’ll share how my own dreams evolved from simple childhood wishes to grander aspirations, and discuss why believing in those dreams is crucial for making them a reality. We’ll talk about the barriers of self-doubt and how visualizing our ideal lives can help break these down. Plus, I’ll guide you through an exercise to detail your perfect day, encouraging you to think big and start taking steps toward your dreams. Joi...
Mindful Living: Navigating Life's Challenges with Dr. Theresa B. Skaar | Maybe I Can! Exploring Possibilities, One Sprinkle at a Time with Debbie WeissJoin us for a chat with Dr. Theresa B. Skaar as we explore how mindfulness can help us find peace in life's toughest moments. From aging to grief to body image, Dr. Theresa breaks down how mindfulness can make a big difference. With her down-to-earth approach, she'll leave you feeling inspired to give mindfulness a try and embrace life with a l...
Join us on this week’s episode of "Maybe I Can," where I have the pleasure of talking to Beth, a psychology graduate who climbed the corporate ladder only to find herself burned out from relentless work. Once thriving on long hours and constant travel, Beth's pursuit of success led to exhaustion, brain fog, and a life lacking joy and meaning. Unwilling to settle for less, she embarked on a transformative journey, learning from top leaders in happiness and high performance. Today, Beth is pass...
In this episode, "A Sprinkle of Responsibility," we delve into the transformative concept of E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) from Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles." I share personal stories of how changing my responses to life's events significantly altered my outcomes, particularly in financial struggles and life challenges. Discover the power of taking responsibility for your reactions to reshape your life's trajectory, moving from a place of helplessness to one of empow...
In this episode of "A Sprinkle of Courage," we delve into the transformative power of facing our fears head-on. It's about recognizing those moments when we're on the edge of stepping back into our comfort zones and instead choosing to step forward into growth. We'll share insights and strategies for cultivating courage in everyday life, from tackling small challenges to embarking on significant changes. Discover how embracing even the slightest acts of bravery can lead us to uncover new oppo...
Welcome back to "Maybe I Can!" This episode, we're tackling the tough topic of limiting beliefs—those sneaky thoughts that whisper we're not enough. We all have them, rooted in our past, telling us we're not capable, smart, or deserving.I'll share my own story of battling these beliefs, from feeling unworthy to recognizing they're just stories I've been telling myself. It's been a journey of understanding that our brains have the power to change, allowing us to rewrite our narratives towards ...
This week, I'm sharing my own experience of how changing the way I thought about my life led me to discover new opportunities and possibilities. We often feel stuck because we see things from only one angle. I'll talk about how realizing there's more to life comes down to our willingness to change our mindset.We'll dive into the idea of mindset - how it shapes our actions and life's direction. I'll explain the difference between thinking our abilities are fixed and understanding that we can g...
I'm super excited to be back and in this episode I have some exciting news to share! I also talk about how changing the way we look at things can really transform our lives. I'm working on my second book, filled with stories and insights on moving from feeling like a victim to winning at life, and how to handle small conflicts without losing your cool. Whether you're trying to lose weight or start something new, it's all about the power of perspective. Let's dive into this jou...
In this episode I have a heart-to-heart with Tammy Doering on the podcast, and it was incredibly enlightening. Tammy's a natural beauty enthusiast with a compelling story about overcoming health challenges through Dead Sea minerals, leading her to start Aviv Spa. She's on a mission to guide others towards a healthier, more natural lifestyle, which really hit home for me.We also uncovered the truth about beauty products, discussing the stark differences between genuine and altered Dead Sea goo...
In this episode, I had the privilege of chatting with Alison Smith about her transformative journey from a challenging work environment to embracing a path of liberation and self-discovery. Alison shares her insights on the power of metaphors and nature in personal development, guiding us through how phrases like "I can't see the wood for the trees" are more than just sayings—they're clues to understanding our deeper challenges. We delve into how taking our problems for a walk can offer...
Welcome back to the Maybe I Can PodcastToday, I had the amazing chance to talk with Bridget Cook-Burch , the "book whisperer." Bridget's journey is inspirational; from overcoming domestic violence to empowering others through She-Ros United and her storytelling ventures, Your Inspired Story and Inspired Legacy Publishing. She shared how she transformed her life and now helps others do the same by sharing their stories of resilience.We also touched on the power of acknowledging our roles in to...
In this episode, I chat with Amber Romaniuk, who's an expert on emotional eating. She opens up about her own battle with finding comfort in food and how she managed to break free from it. We also talk about her No Sugarcoating podcast and how it connects with people facing similar issues. We dive into the reasons behind emotional eating, share tips on overcoming it, and discuss the importance of self-care practices like meditation and journaling. Besides, we explore how dealing with our emoti...
Thinking about leaving your job to start your own business? Dr. Renée Baker from RBI Group shares her journey from the safety of a 9-5 to the adventure of entrepreneurship. We're from New Jersey and went to Penn State and the University of Delaware, so we keep it real talking about facing fears and redefining success.It's more than just the excitement of being your own boss; it's about money management and resilience. We discuss the importance of community, learning, and writing your own life...
Ever hit a wall that feels like the end, only to find it's just the start of something amazing? Let me take you on a journey today with my incredible guest, Jennifer Pilates, who embodies the spirit of turning a setback into a powerful comeback. Sitting down with Jennifer, you're not just listening to an inspiring story; it's like finding a lighthouse when you're lost at sea, a guide to finding your strength again.I'm Debbie Weiss, and today, Jennifer shares her heart with us. She talks ...
When defeat seemed like the only companion in her journey, Jennifer Hernandez mustered the courage to flip the script on adversity, transforming her life into an empowering saga of success.This episode delves into the beautiful, yet arduous, path to healing from trauma and establishing boundaries that nurture self-respect. Jennifer and I confront past shadows, revealing how confronting and understanding our deepest wounds can light the way to a brighter, more authentic self.Discover how the a...
Have you ever faced a moment where self-doubt nearly shattered your dreams? Dr. Denise Moore-Revel, an inspiring author and book coach, joins me in a heart-to-heart discussion about how she broke through the 'I can't' barrier and emerged as a beacon of empowerment. Through her captivating story, we uncover the revelations that led her to recognize her 'Divine Design' and how this newfound understanding propelled her to help others find their voice, craft their narratives, and embrace their un...
Join me, as I take you on a personal journey from financial struggle to empowerment. I've been where you might find yourself now, facing the daunting challenge of debt and feeling alone in the battle. But here, in our safe space of shared experiences, I'll reveal how the financial habits I inherited from my childhood unknowingly shaped my adulthood. I'll show you the transformative power of facing these habits head-on.In our most vulnerable moments, we discover truths that can set us free, an...
Have you ever wondered how to transform life's greatest challenges into your most triumphant victories? Abundance mentor Rebecca Whitman joins me, Debbie Weiss, on the Maybe I Can podcast to share her remarkable journey from navigating a toxic marriage to embracing financial independence and emotional freedom. Her story is a testament to the power of the seven pillars of abundance, capturing the essence of a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses spiritual, physical, emotional, roma...
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