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Morning Faith

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Welcome to our Daily Devotions podcast series called Morning Faith. With this series we will give you a shot of hope each day. We keep the message short but pull from authors all over the world to ensure you have a wide variety of topics to listen to. We also encourage interactions with the series with our complementing online content if you are interested in sharing.
42 Episodes
Matthew 13:24-30 & the explanation in Matthew 13:37-43This parable, while it is such a simple parable, tells us so much. It seems to be a continuation of the Parable of the Sower, and follows the path of the seed thrown on the good soil, which grows well because it is able to form deep roots. Jesus is implying that, even though you have placed your seed on good soil, and you are growing in your faith, there is no length that the evil one will not go to hurt your faith in God by planting e...
Matthew 13: 3-9 NIV The parable of the Sower gives us great detail on how the Word of God is taken into our lives. It is used to shape and guide us through our daily quest to understand how to interact with Him better. This is one of the few parables that Jesus Himself explains to His disciples in detail. While all of the parables carry strong guidance and deep messages, this is one that resonates because it has a direct message on how important it is to truly understand the Word of God....
Luke 15: 11-32 NIV Jesus tells us a story about a father with two sons. Both had grown up in a Godly home but one had become restless and was tempted by worldly things. The first son asks his father for his inheritance early so he can go indulge his worldly desires, and in doing so, turns his back on God. We can call this son the lost son. The other son remains with his father and continues to work and stays faithful to God. We can call this son the faithful son. No one likes to be...
Parable of the Lamp - Matthew 5: 14-16 NIV What is the purpose for having a light? The most obvious reason is to get you out of the dark. As we read this parable, we understand that light has a reason for existing and should not be denied its purpose which is to replace darkness. In the parable, Jesus uses the example of a lamp. It is brought into a dark place so that it can shine. If the light is placed under something, the light will be diminished and would ...
Parable of the Speck and the Plank - Matthew 7: 3-5 NIV Being trained as a carpenter, it only makes sense for Jesus to use these two terms in His parable. The speck is referring to a speck of sawdust and the plank is referring to the entire piece of wood that you might use to start a project. In this parable, Jesus shows us that if you can’t avoid doing something you feel is wrong, you should not tell someone else that they should not be doing it. This is a classic examp...
Parables of Jesus Series - Parable of the Two Sons - Scripture: Matthew 21:28-32 When we look at this parable, the primary point that Jesus was trying to make is about what we believe we should do but don’t vs what we actually do. Let’s paint the personas of two different groups of people. These are easy to categorize. You have the good people and the bad people. The good people believe their goodness comes from their own entitlement from something they h...
Why Jesus spoke in Parables A parable is a message usually in the form of a story. But, why did Jesus teach using only Parables? There is a primary verse that is in the Old Testament that talks about why parables would be used by the Messiah as He spoke. We hear about Isaiah’s commission from God. God is frustrated with the people of Judah and He chooses Isaiah to go and deliver a message to them. Isaiah 6:9-10 NIV This message from God, delivered by Isaiah, is considered ...
Matthew 22: 36-40 NIV As you know, Jesus made it clear that you should love God with everything you are; heart, soul, mind, strength. But then He added another part of the rule. Love your neighbor as yourself. Neighbor includes everyone that is around you, not just the people that live next to you. The dynamics of that include everyone, even as you move around in your day. For every step you take, you could have new neighbors. Loving God is your vertical and loving your neighb...
Have you ever thought about the Church, not as a place; but as a community?Scriptures we will be talking about are - Acts 2 42-47- 1 Corinthians 1: 10- 1 Corinthians 12: 18-20- Ephesians 4: 11-13Every person has a different perspective on what “church” looks like. Whether that perspective is good or bad depends on their personal experience there. To some, the church is simply a buildin...
Daily Devotion - Stick with It As you prepare for your day, let’s take a look at Noah’s story of commitment and God’s blessing to protect his life. Most important: Be consistent in your faith, even when it is not a popular choice Today’s Scripture is Genesis 6:5-9 & 7:22-23 We all know parts of the story of Noah and the Flood. God asking Noah to build a big boat called an Ark, collect two of each animal of the world, and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. ...
Daily Devotion – Resist TemptationTemptations will always exist but with God, you always have a reason to resist. Scripture we will be talking about is Genesis 3:1-13 We all know the story of Adam and Eve, also known as The Fall. Satan quickly enters the story. He tries to get God's greatest creation to disobey God. He tricks them to believe they will be like God if they disobey him. Many things about this story are still true today in our lives. Temptation is all around us. This ca...
Psalms 1:1 NIV “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers;” Show me the company you keep and I will show you your future. This saying still holds true today. Whether you are a Christian or not, understanding what you allow to influence your life is critical to the direction you travel. Psalms 1:1 is broken down into three influences you should be mindful of. The first word is what you should be stri...
God’s goodness isn’t based on what we see, hear, or feel. It’s just based on His goodness. Our thoughts are powerful. They impact our decisions, change our perspective, and influence our conversations with others. Negative and unhealthy thinking causes us to get trapped by our thoughts with, what we believe is little chance for escape. Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. The life we have is a reflection of the thoughts we think. For example,...
Today we end our Pentecost Countdown with Day 1 - Pentecost John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” The Holy Spirit is ready to be part of your life. Maybe he is just out of reach or for some he is just not in sync with your life. I am sure that most have other relationships in your lives. How do you keep that relationship fresh? Usually you visit, hang...
Today we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 2 Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Something to remember during this Pentecost. Jesus spoke about how the Apostles were blessed to be able to see and experience the wonders that Christ showed them which convinced them that he was the Son of God. He also made it very clear to them that even more blessed are the ones that believe who He is, but have not seen. Our e...
Today we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 3 Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” As you observe Pentecost, keep in mind that God has done great things through the ages. Every book, Old Testament and New Testament, are full of events that God directly fulfilled from page to page. Of course, the most important event of all, the resurrectio...
Today we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 4 John 15:26 “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.” As we continue our conversation about Pentecost, we are reminded that Jesus sent us a Helper as our Guide in the form of the Holy Spirit. Does this mean we will not encounter any hardships or hard decisions to make? Sorry, life doesn’t work that way. But what it does mea...
Daily Devotion – Pentecost Countdown – Day 5 John 16:13 – “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” The Holy Spirit is at the heart of the event called Pentecost. Pentecost is remembered as the time that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in Jerusalem. We hear about the Holy Spirit as part of the trinity but what exactly is it. The e...
Daily Devotion – What’s love got to do with itIf you have read through the Bible, you have found that God cares for his people very much. In so many instances, he specifically states it. You will also find where, just as a Father, he gets upset when his people turn away from Him and don’t do what they have promised to do. Many times, this results in punishment. He also encourages His people with rewards. The Lord created each of us out of love and gave all of us the potential of being go...
Yes, we call the Bible the written word of God and of course it is. We, as Christians, believe this unquestionably. We use it for guidance, for inspiration, and for understanding.It is also known that the word of God is alive and active and it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12. It is the filter by which we should live.It is important to note that while God’s word is written on paper, it was not meant to stay that way. To truly understand the word of God, you must ma...
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