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Merica vs the World

Author: Kalian Osborn

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Pro-American, anti-tyrant and not for nerds. 

Fair warning - Merica vs the World is inappropriate  for young children and soft hearted men. 

Offensive comments made while identifying as a member of the offended group. 

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38 Episodes
Loyalty > Everything

Loyalty > Everything


How to be an amazing parent - lesson 1: Loyalty > EverythingLong Term Parenting Goals Better versions of you and your wife who make the decisions you would make even when you are not there are great husbands, fathers, sons and Americans How to be an Amazing Parent - Lesson 1Loyalty > Everything This starts with mom and dad being loyal to the kids. How? tell the truth build trust make a plan stick to the plan talk about how you stuck to the planrepeat until you die or the sun burns out
DEI and Affirmative Action are CYA operations for failing institutions. 
Iran and WW3

Iran and WW3


Iran kills Americans. For decades. We bomb the desert. Houthi pirates are beating our Navy. Americans have no confidence in American leadership. Tank crews at 44%.Recruitment in the tank. $35 trillion in debt. And we can’t produce weapons fast enough to supply a border skirmish in EE and a limited engagement in Gaza while effectively targeting Iran and the Houthis. Can’t wait for Hezbollah to enter the fray in Israel. We built a military industrial complex designed to buy extremely expensive technology and lose wars to lesser funded, smaller nations with inexpensive weapons platforms. NeoConismIs dipshittery. It is so incredibly dumb I can’t believe the past 2 decades were dedicated to pushing it around the world and here at home. War is about killing the enemy. That sucks but it is true. If you aren’t willing to kill the shit out of absolutely everyone, stay home. “If we put Americans in strategic locations in the Middle East it deters Iranian aggression.”Except it doesn’t because our leaders are flaccid nerds who talk the most politically correct path through every decision. Have a great day, Kalian 
Border Politics 2024

Border Politics 2024


Super Basic Politics 101American political narratives are set by Progressives becauseProgressives control American culture.Conservatives aren’t good at counter-culture so they eventually support a watered down version of Progressivism.The Texas Border IssueThe Supreme Court went 5-4 in favor of the precedent for federal control of the US boarder.This was always going to be the outcome. I actually wish the vote was 9-0 in favor of federal control so we could get serious about a real solution.Border RealityPeople will pour over the border until we make it impossible for the feds to spend unlimited amounts of money.If Biden is re-elected he will send money to areas impacted by illegals in exchange for faux border enforcement.If Trump is re-elected he will send money to areas impacted by illegals in exchange for a wall…that will get held up in court until 2028.That’s it. That’s all I’ve got.Have a great day,Kalian
Part if the Liberty is Black and White series. Click here for access to the 100% free course. 
Race in America

Race in America


This is part of our series to stop fighting old wars and unite black and white Americans for the good of all our families. Have a great day, Kalian
Don't let the State get between you and your kids by promising to take better care of them than you can. -Kalian 
Death by Lethargy

Death by Lethargy


Voting is hard. Whaaaaaaa…..The Iowa Caucus turnout was 15%. Of Republicans. That’s it. FP Trump won 56,000 of 110,000 votes cast (approximately). In other words, Trump won with less than 8% of Rs casting a vote for him. There are many reason for this: he was expected to win big so people opt out because “it doesn’t matter” bad weather (lame)but most importantly - Republicans SUCK at showing up for primaries. Would the outcome be different with a larger turnout? I have no idea. Were there another 10,000 DeSantis voters in Iowa who could have showed up to give their guy a better chance at staying in the race? Were there another 10,000 Democrats who could have showed up for Nikki? lol. Danger Danger Danger 1/3 of R voters polled in Iowa say they will not vote for FP Trump if he is a convicted felon. Do I believe this? Not really. But it doesn’t have to be 1/3 to be a disaster. What should the GOP do? Go full MAGA. That’s it, that’s all I’ve got. Have a great day, Kalian 
I swore once. Oops. Sorry, mom. Click here to subscribe to the free newsletter to get show notes delivered to your inbox. Have a great day, -Kalian 
Simple, Not Easy The ACTUAL war for the future of America - we end the government’s ability to spend before the government ends our ability to resist.
The Brad Pitt Paradox World War Z or Troy or whateverStalin Communism is theory is Utopia…for those allowed to survive all the sweet progress. Communism in reality is totalitarianism. You’re not Brad Pitt in World War Z. You’re not Stalin. You are some poor bastard freezing in a cattle car on the way to break rocks until you die. YouThe Aristocrats have a club. You aren’t in it. Neither am I (obviously). 350 million Americans. 1% = 3.5 million. 1% of 3.5 million = 35,000So the top 1% of the top 1% includes 35,000 people. The Soviet Union was controlled by Stalin. He killed or gulaged almost all of his inner circle and those around his inner circle. Mao killed his right-hand-man for stepping out of line ONCE. Why? Under communism (remember communism in practice is totalitarianism) the worst get on top. Not you. Not me. Not Mother Theresa. Some lunatic psycho. The Opposite of Communism Is NOT capitalism. It’s freedom. It’s Americanism. Have a great day, -Kalian PS, share the show with someone you want to break Gulag rocks with. 
THE END OF OUR DEMOCRACY!Yeah…no. At least not because of Former President Trump. Trump has zero shot at becoming a dictator. ZERO. Reason #1: Trump and the Right have no institutional power.the Administrative State runs the country the Administrative State hates Trump How many stunning and brave “whistleblowers” from the Administrative States can Congress find to breathlessly recount Trump’s various, third party and unverified violations of norms? 1 per week? 2? Reason #2: Even if he wins, which is unlikely, he will be blocked by his own Party on 90% of issues. Trump makes fun Senator McConnell’s wife. A lot. I am sure Mitch can’t wait to work on groundbreaking legislation with a newly reelected Trump. Reason #3: Republicans exist to serve in the minority. Elected Rs and Ds at really that different. The Party structure is pretty simple. Democrats exists to make government bigger everywhere and all the time. Republicans pretend they don’t want bigger government…at least not quite as big quite as fast…to win elections. Artificial IntelligenceMost of what we see today is basically really, really fast Google. It’s not all that revolutionary.In 2005 building a website was hard, cost a lot of money and required several highly trained people. Now building a website is easy. I know almost no code and can build a few sites a day.By the end of 2024 AI programs will build entire websites based on a description of what the builder wants. AI and EducationEvery kid gets a 1 on 1 tutor who knows basically everything and never gets frustrated. 



Hello, As many of you know my dad passed away on the 18th of August 2023. His unexpected death caused me to consider what I want to do with my life…as of today I am still not sure. lol. Go Army, Kalian 
Why don’t Republicans fight for Trump by attacking Democrats with indictments? Trump is the frontrunner for the R nomination. He is a former POTUS.Rs can’t seem to find the balls to fight fire with fire…why? Well, why don’t we have Epstein’s client list? Epstein was inside the system. He’s an indoor cat. Thus he is associated with other people inside the system. Trump is not part of the system. Kevin McCarthy is. So is Mitch McConnell.Romney and Kerry’s kids did/do business in Ukraine…do you think they may be tied up with Hunter somehow? How many other Inside Republicans and Inside Democrats are compromised in Ukraine and elsewhere? Trump can go down in flames because he is an Outdoor Cat. Outdoor cats are expendable. Outdoor cats only hang out with other Outdoor Cats who are also expendable. Why does Hawaii get less money than Ukraine? “Never let a crisis go to waste!” lol. What a crank. push unscientific, Commie hysteria propagandapretend your BS grifter bill will help stop wildfires in the future Things are wild…but at least they aren’t boring. -Kalian PS, follow me on Twitter/X. I plan to be more active there since it is the last bastion of free speech in major social media. 
Commit a felony: Do your time Deported to California If we find you in Idaho again:20 years in prisonDeported to California If you are dumb enough to return AGAIN:Death by hanging What about the children?Don’t commit crimes, fool. People don’t just stumble into a felony. “Kalian! They already broke the law!” Really? Did they? If a law isn’t enforced is it a law? 
Stop Fighting Old Wars

Stop Fighting Old Wars


Progressivism Destroy Individual Liberty Replace it with TotalitarianismYou know, for your own goodStruggle SessionsAttack Humiliate Demand an Apology Get Apology Pretend to Accept ApologyAttack AgainThe goal is to remove your Americanism from you. No thanks, Commie, I’ll keep my Americanism and you can feel free to f right on off. “Kalian, how do we get the limp D Totalitarians to actually f off? Despite constantly trashing America they refuse to leave.” Stop Fighting Old WarsIt is impossible to go back in time. We argue about one sentence in a slavery curriculum in Florida while thousands of young people are trapped in the Open Boarder Slave Trade right frigging now. Which is more important? Slavery in 1860 or slavery right this minute? Racist, Progressive school segregation in 1950 or shit ass Progressive government schools today? We all know the answer but we constantly get pulled into white vs black arguments. STOP FALLING INTO THE TRAP. Example:Them - “This public school curriculum is racist!” Us - “The solution is school choice, nerd. Give our kids freedom and leave us the F alone.” The solution is Americanism Equally Applied. Aggressively and with purpose. Have a great weekend, Kalian 
Remember The California Method? Win electionsPass laws your voters love and opponents hateBuild a totalitarian bureaucracy to advance your agendaDump money on your supportersPunish and expel your enemiesconsolidate powerenrich yourself at the public’s expense Well we have the Merica MethodWin electionsPass laws your supporters love and Communists hateDump money on your supportersCreate a culture of liberty and excellence so badass limp D Commies self deport live freebe happy Public EducationVeterans for Safe Schools Act Hire Veterans to defend Public Schools from lunatic mass shooters 2 per school well trainedhighly armed Teachers Who Care Actteachers receive training and carry concealed on campus earn an extra $5k per semester get trained by local companies Fit Teachers Fit Kids Actteachers take a fitness test those who pass earn and extra $5k per semester all teachers get free training from local gyms certified in All American Teacher Training…stupid Commie gyms need not apply. Defenders ActVeterans, Former LEO, Fire, EMS and all their spouses earn an extra $5k per semester. Healthy AF Breakfast and Lunch Program locally sourced, healthy and delicious breakfast, lunch and snacks served at schools. Paid for by:cutting useless spending in other areas of government. 
Critical Soccer Theory

Critical Soccer Theory


Definitions“Normies”Regular people living their lives outside the Hellscape of perpetual political outrage.“The Faustian Bear Trap”A super smart tool of the Progressive Activist (aka dirty Commie)set a trap for the Rightwait for the Right to step on said trapencourage the Left to fight the Rightsmile as American cultural institutions burn to the groundExample - US Women’s National Team (USWNT)Megan Rapinoe is a Progressive ActivistShe makes controversial statements on purposeto make you madthe USWNT losesthe Right mocks Team USAthe Left attacks the Right for attacking Team USANormies have no idea what is going on but see the Right attacking Team USA and thus side with the Leftwhomp whomp…another W for disunity and the GulagRaising AmericansOsborn House Rule: being offended is for crybaby bitches.Osborn House Rule: Commies don’t tell us how to live.
The Goon Squad

The Goon Squad


Evil is RealClick here for the full story on Mississippi Today. people are not basically goodevil people do things you don’t understand…because they have different standards than you. Example - Stalin Weakness is Commonhow many cops knew these dudes were off the rails? how many “leaders” covered for them? why didn’t anyone stand up? When people with authority commit crimes they must be crushed. copsteachers coaches parents social workers Example - Jefferey EpsteinThis is NOT a race story. Click here for full article on CNN. The above murdering cops are black. The man they killed was black. The SolutionWe need to create better people. American Values Courage Strong, fit and Capable Generational Wealth Go Army, Kalian 
Trump 2028

Trump 2028


Is trump going to prison? Is he literally better than George Washington and Thomas Jefferson combined? No and no. Listen to the show and subscribe to Merica vs the World on Substack...yes, it's free. -Kalian 
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