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The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
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The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina

Author: Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster

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Welcome to The Smilie Empowerment Podcast, the ultimate source of inspiration, motivation, and guidance for busy Latinas and women who want to unleash their inner power and find their voice. Join us to explore various topics to help you overcome obstacles, boost confidence, and achieve your goals. We've got you, from personal growth and self-care to career and leadership development, relationship, friendship advice, and leadership. Tune in now, and let's empower ourselves together! ¡Sintoniza ahora y empoderémonos juntos!

51 Episodes
Join me, Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, as we explore the secrets to balancing a demanding career and personal life in hybrid work environments. This episode will discuss self-discovery, self-love, and self-empowerment tailored for modern women. We will cover how to seamlessly switch between professional and personal spaces while effectively managing your schedule. We will draw upon recent market research to highlight hybrid work's unique challenges and benefits, especially for women.We will expl...
Have you ever stumbled over words during a crucial meeting or struggled to maintain harmony at home? Fear not; the Smilie Empowerment Podcast is here to help you turn mistakes, challenges, and experiences into opportunities for growth and connection. I attended a women's retreat where we learned how to communicate effectively, convey genuine interest, and foster an environment of trust while conveying our most authentic selves.Join me as we unlock the secrets to empathy. Let's explore the won...
Ever felt like your spark has fizzled out, leaving you stranded in a maze of overwhelm? Today's heartfelt episode is all about rediscovering that inner flame. We're peeling back the layers of feeling stuck and sharing five steps that promise more than just a nudge in the right direction. Focusing on practicality and self-awareness, this episode serves as a guide towards empowerment and avoiding future slumps. We're on a journey together, so let's rally the courage to realign with our most aut...
Have you ever felt the sting of silence when a best friend disappears from your life without a word? It's a heartache that echoes the pain of a romantic split. In today's special episode, I opened up about the personal paths to empowerment and healing after being ghosted by someone you trusted. We recognize the weight of this emotional burden and take firm steps toward reclaiming our sense of self. From combatting the initial shock to stitching back together the pieces of your bruised heart, ...
I'll never forget the moment when my former supervisor recognized the leader in me, transforming my path from social work to empowering women everywhere. You're about to hear how that shift is possible not only for me but for every Latina woman with the courage to invest in her growth. Our conversation will take you through the heart of leadership and the resilience of women who rise to inspire, guide, and transform communities.Let's revisit a powerful journey with Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, ...
Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by the potential for success rather than the fear of failure? Latina women who strive to achieve their dreams against all odds face this particular challenge. This episode explores strategies for overcoming procrastination and breaking free from the deep-rooted triggers that hold us back. We'll discuss the importance of self-care, avoiding burnout, and the transformative power of shifting our mindset. We'll also dive into the nitty-gritty of goal se...
Have you ever found joy and sorrow clasped in the exact moment we make our way through life's contrasting waves? This episode explores the bittersweet connection between loss and creation, inspired by my recent encounter with loss amidst the birth of a dream project. Together, let's navigate the tender coexistence of celebration and grief, armed with practical resilience strategies and a shared understanding that every emotion is a step toward harmony.In this conversation, I'll discuss the ex...
Imagine carrying the world's weight on your shoulders, only to discover the secret to self-empowerment was within you all along. As Smilie, your Latina Life Empowerment coach, I'm thrilled to share the tools and strategies that have transformed my life and helped countless formidable women reclaim their confidence. This episode is a hearty tribute to every Boss Chica out there, spotlighting the journey to self-love through the lens of Latina resilience. You'll hear personal anecdotes, client ...
Have you considered Valentine's Day a day to celebrate self-love for strong, independent women? This episode focuses on the importance of cherishing oneself. Whether alone or in a relationship, we explore ways to affirm and celebrate your worth. You will be inspired to enjoy life's little pleasures and learn how to make self-appreciation a daily routine rather than just a February festivity. I will share personal stories and offer practical tips on self-care and gratitude. Join me in redefini...
Our community of Smilie Empowerment is nurturing a stronger and more empowered self in people. We're excited to share our transformative journey with even more people through a new Masterclass we're launching for our Spanish-speaking friends. The Masterclass will complement our English sessions and will be held every Tuesday at 7 pm Eastern Time, starting February 6th. We aim to help everyone embrace their best version and radiate positive energy to everyone in their circle. Our diverse commu...
Have you ever stood on the brink of change, your heart racing with excitement and fear? I'm Smilie Filomenos Rodriguez, your Latina Life Empowerment Coach and social worker, and I've been there, too. In our latest episode, we peel back the layers of self-doubt and limiting beliefs that so many women, especially Latinas, grapple with daily. Through a tapestry of personal narratives and hands-on advice, I guide you through self-discovery and self-love, addressing the widespread fears of the unk...
Discover how to cultivate a thriving garden of human connections as this episode guides you through the importance of enriching your family ties and engaging with your community. We travel through the metaphorical landscape of relationships, identifying actionable ways to nurture the familial bonds that ground us and the communal ties that give us a sense of place in the wider world. From the power of shared experiences to the art of open communication, I'll provide the tools to ensure the fl...
Are you experiencing a lack of motivation and struggling to maintain your New Year's resolutions and goals? Don't worry; you're not alone. In this episode, we'll explore the reward system in our brains and understand why our motivation often fades away. Our goal is not only to identify the problem but also to provide practical solutions to overcome it.Our brain releases dopamine, a feel-good chemical, whenever we achieve a goal. In this episode, we'll discuss ways to use this chemical to keep...
Unlock the secret to a more joyful existence with every sunrise! I'm Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, and I guarantee that by embracing the morning rituals I've curated, you'll discover the sheer delight of starting your day on an upbeat note. Today, we're not just discussing the typical breakfast and brushing routine. We're exploring the psychological treasures of gratitude, which is the ultimate morning fuel for your mental and emotional engine. Furthermore, we'll discuss the importance of syncin...
Welcome back, my Boss Chicas, to our sanctuary of self-improvement and triumph over trials. Together, we'll tackle the true essence of setting goals that resonate with your deepest desires and craft a blueprint for a year that sparkles with your authentic self. I'll peel back the layers of my challenges, from self-doubt to health hurdles, offering you a front-row seat to the raw, unfiltered journey that has led me to where I stand today. We'll celebrate every victory, big or small, and learn ...
Cada Navidad trae su propio conjunto de emociones y recuerdos, algunos más dulces y otros más amargos, especialmente cuando enfrentamos la ausencia de seres queridos. En este episodio especial, me abro desde lo más profundo de mi ser para compartir con vosotros cómo he vivido el duelo en estas fechas tan señaladas y la manera en que mi familia y yo honramos la memoria de aquellos que ya no están. Con el calor de la fraternidad y la esencia de nuestras tradiciones puertorriqueñas, os invito a ...
As your host, Smilie Filomenos Rodriguez, I will guide you through a journey of gratitude and resilience that thrives even amidst the holiday hustle. Imagine a jar filled with notes, each representing your victories and sweet memories of your personal and professional achievements. During the holiday season, it's easy to feel the weight of loss or life's hurdles, but together, we'll explore the heartfelt practice of creating a "jar of happiness and success." I will share my stories of overcom...
You're sat at your desk, watching the minutes tick by, and you're wondering, 'Is this really it? Is this all there is to my working life?' You're certainly not alone. This episode is a journey through the fears, uncertainties, and thrilling possibilities of quitting your job and embarking on a new career. We're not just talking about it, but we're breaking down the stigma surrounding quitting. No, it's not giving up - it's a bold step towards personal happiness and fulfillment. We'll sha...
Hello, Boss Chica and My Fellow Listener! Get ready to unchain the shackles holding you back in your career. Promise us your precious time, and we assure you an enlightening journey towards aligning your passion with your profession. We've got strategies to help you explore, communicate, and integrate your passions into your current job, making it rewarding and fulfilling. Passion is the new currency, ladies; we're here to help you Level Up!Are you stuck in a job that doesn't ignite your pass...
You know, there was a time when I was so anxious about the coming new year brought. The fear of what lay ahead often overshadowed the thrill of a fresh start. But now, I stand before you, Smilie Filomenos Rodriguez committed to helping you face this new year with courage, resilience, and a healing spirit. Our focus today turns to the ladies, especially those between the ages of 24 and 50. There's a lot we ladies juggle professionally, personally, and relationally. And with that juggling act c...
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