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Nutrition for Vegan Families - Vegan diet and plant based nutrition for vegan kids
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Nutrition for Vegan Families - Vegan diet and plant based nutrition for vegan kids

Author: Gen Rees-Carter - Vegan Nutritionist

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A podcast where I teach practical ways to make a healthy vegan diet easy for families. As a mum to 2 boys, I know how challenging a vegan diet can be sometimes. So I use a unique combination of the latest in nutrition research and psychology to help make being vegan easy for you. Whether you're a seasoned pro, or just starting out, I can help you!

18 Episodes
Are you worried about whether your vegan kids are getting all the essential nutrients they need from their plant-based diet? Do you find yourself reaching for children's multivitamins as a safety net, just in case? In this episode, I’ll explain why relying on multivitamins for kids can actually hinder your child's development of healthy eating habits and why these should not be used as a nutritional crutch.Instead, I’ll share practical tips on ensuring your children receive all the vital nutrients from whole food sources. We'll explore the importance of exposing kids to a variety of nutrient-rich foods, the benefits of nutrients from whole foods compared to isolated supplements, and which specific vitamins and minerals to focus on in your child's vegan diet.I’ll also discuss when supplementation might be necessary and how to collaborate with healthcare providers to tackle any nutritional deficiencies effectively. Tune in to learn how to nourish your vegan children with confidence, without relying on multivitamins as a band-aid solution!WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Keeping up with your vegan kids' nutrition can feel overwhelming, especially during life's more hectic periods. As parents, we all face those times when despite our best intentions, meal planning and healthy eating take a backseat to simply getting through the day.This has been my reality lately, and with all that on my plate, finding the time and energy to ensure my vegan children are eating well has been more challenging than ever. It's easy to fall into the habit of ordering takeout more often than you'd like, and the guilt that comes with it can be frustrating.In this week's episode, I share how I manage my kids' daily nutrition by focusing on essential, nutrient-rich foods that are quick and easy to prepare. From iron and zinc to calcium and healthy fats, I'll walk you through the foods that are non-negotiable in our family's vegan diet, no matter how busy life gets.Join me as I offer practical tips to simplify your mealtime routines, ensuring your kids get the nutrition they need with minimum stress.WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Are you worried that your vegan diet might not meet your family's iron needs?Let's debunk a common myth together! In this episode, I dive into the topic of vegan iron-rich foods, proving that you don't need red meat to meet your iron requirements. Join me as I share surprising research findings and introduce a list of vegan foods that pack more iron than a steak. From black beans to the mighty cocoa powder, discover how these plant-based alternatives can keep you and your kids well-nourished. Tune in to explore exciting alternatives and enhance your understanding of iron sources in a plant-based diet!WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
If your doctor has told you that your vegan child has low iron, you might be feeling worried and unsure about what to do next.In this week's episode, I take you through the complexities of low iron levels in vegan children, debunking common myths and offering practical solutions.I dive into the crucial discussion on low iron—why it's a concern, the common yet misguided advice given, and the real issues at play.You’ll gain knowledge on how to accurately diagnose low iron, distinguishing between dietary gaps and absorption issues, and the importance of working with healthcare professionals. Plus, I'll guide you on how to ensure your child's vegan diet is rich in iron, all without relying on supplements or compromising your values.Tune in and gain confidence to navigate your child's nutrition with ease, ensuring they grow up healthy, happy, and energized, without compromising on your ethical eating principles.WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Have you ever wondered if your vegan child is getting enough zinc?While zinc doesn't get as much attention as other nutrients, it's incredibly important for growing kids who eat plant-based diets.Today, we dive into why zinc is important, how much your kids need, and easy ways to include it in their meals. With the right knowledge and some simple tips, you can make sure your child's diet is rich in vegan zinc, supporting their growth, learning, and immune system.Vegan foods high in zinc are fantastic, but they also contain phytates, which can lower zinc absorption. We'll discuss how to balance these in your child's vegan diet to maximize zinc intake without missing out on the benefits of these nutritious foods.We'll explore the best plant-based sources of zinc and share some tricks to help even picky eaters enjoy them. So, let's get started on making sure our vegan kids are thriving, with plenty of zinc to support their health and development.WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegBook 1:1 Sessions more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Are you worried your vegan kids aren't getting enough calcium without dairy in their diet?It's a common concern among vegan parents to ensure their children get all the essential nutrients for optimal health. The good news is that there's a variety of ways to include calcium in your child's vegan diet without relying on dairy products.In this episode, I'm going to discuss plant-based calcium for kids. We'll explore why calcium is so important for your little ones, not just for strong bones, but for their heart and muscles too. I'll debunk the common myth that dairy is the only source of calcium and provide you with alternative vegan calcium sources that are nutritious and kid-approved.You'll learn about the different needs of children as they grow, from toddlers to teenagers, and how you can meet these requirements with a mix of high calcium vegan foods and a balanced diet.I also share tips on choosing the right plant-based milk and other calcium-rich foods that can easily fit into your family's meals and snacks. Tune in and let's make vegan nutrition easy and delicious for our little ones!WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Dealing with a picky eater can make meal times a challenge, especially when you're aiming for a nutritious, vegan diet.And if you're a parent trying to ensure your child gets enough plant-based iron without resorting to supplements, this episode is tailored just for you. Today, we're diving deep into vegan nutrition for kids, focusing on vegan iron-rich foods that even the fussiest eaters can't resist! We'll explore why iron is so important for your vegan child's development and discuss why supplements should only be a consideration in specific circumstances. I'll also share creative strategies for incorporating vegan iron into foods that kids already love and the importance of gradually introducing iron rich whole foods to diversify your child's diet without overwhelming them.Meal planning doesn't have to be a source of stress. As a mom of 2 picky eaters and a vegan nutritionist, I'll provide you with actionable tips to enrich your vegan child's diet in a fun and effortless way.Join me as we tackle the challenges of ensuring your fussy eater gets all the plant-based iron they need with joy and ease! WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Are you worried your vegan child isn't getting enough iron? The common myth that meat is the only source of iron leaves many parents concerned.In today's episode, I’ll debunk myths about iron intake for vegan kids. Discover why red meat isn't the sole ticket to iron sufficiency and learn about the bounty of plant-based iron sources that can more than meet your child's needs.We'll delve into vegan nutrition essentials, focusing on how to infuse your child's diet with iron-rich foods like whole grains, cocoa powder, and other nutrient-rich vegan snacks.Learn practical tips on navigating through different growth stages without leaning on iron supplements, unless absolutely necessary.Whether you're dealing with picky eaters or just looking for more vegan iron-rich foods, this episode is packed with information and inspiration for all vegan families. Tune in!WithExtraVeg,GenDon't miss out on all the news and updates about my brand new Vegan Recipe Book - Super Boosted Vegan Snacks. Join the Waitlist Here. Let’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSuper Boosted Vegan Snacks Recipe Book Waitlist: the Show.
Struggling to ensure your vegan kids are getting enough protein, especially when they're picky eaters? It's a common concern for parents of plant based kids. But what if the secret to nutrition isn't about overhauling their diet, but simply working with their current likes and dislikes?In this episode, I discuss the challenge of packing more plant based protein into the diets of vegan children with limited palates. It's a challenge I've tackled head-on in my own home, and I'm here to share that solution with you!With practical advice and simple tips, we'll explore how to enhance the nutritional content into the foods they already love, focusing on plant-based protein sources. From the power of nuts and seeds to the surprising protein content in everyday vegan meals, I'll show you that ensuring your child gets the nutrients they need doesn't have to be a battle.Plus, I'll share why protein powders and bars might not be the best solution for young kids and provide you with resources and delicious vegan recipes high in protein that make meal planning a joy.Don't let mealtime become a stressor. Discover how to confidently navigate your vegan child's dietary needs and help them get the adequate amount of vegan protein! WithExtraVeg,GenDon't miss out on all the news and updates about my brand new Vegan Recipe Book - Super Boosted Vegan Snacks. Join the Waitlist Here. Let’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegNeed more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns, and more! Check it out here.And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here.Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families hereSupport the Show.
Are you worried your family isn't getting enough protein on a vegan diet? Many parents struggle with the fear that their children might miss out on essential nutrients when they choose a plant-based lifestyle. But what if I told you that there's a simple and delicious way to ensure your family thrives on vegan nutrition?In today's episode, I'm thrilled to share with you the secrets to a protein-packed vegan diet!I'll tackle the common concerns about protein sufficiency head-on, showing you the large variety of high-protein vegan foods. I'll go over how, with a well-planned vegan diet, your children can get all the protein they need, even if they're the pickiest of eaters. Plus, I'll bust the persistent myth that vegans need to carefully combine foods to get 'complete' protein (it's simpler than you think!)So, stay tuned for practical high-protein vegan tips, and get ready to transform snack time with my upcoming recipe book. Let's make sure our family are powered by plants and loving it!WithExtraVeg,GenLet’s keep the conversation going! Find me at:Website: withextraveg.netIG: @withextravegJoin the Waitlist to get all the updates on my new Vegan Snacks Recipe book here!Need more Vegan Lunchbox recipes? Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here. Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns and more! Check it out here. And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here. Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families here.Support the Show.
Do you worry about how healthy your vegan kids' lunchobx really is? I mean, you pack the healthiest muesli bars you can find, but you do wonder how good they really are...What if there was a way to guarantee your vegan kids' are getting a healthy vegan lunch box every week, packed full of all the good stuff they need? There is! In this week's episode I talk about why making homemade vegan food for your kids' lunch box makes for a healthier and cheaper lunchbox - and one that your child is more likely to eat! I also give you some great vegan lunch box ideas on how to make sure your vegan children love everything you make!Don't miss out on all the news and updates about my brand new Vegan Recipe Book - Super Boosted Vegan Snacks. Join the Waitlist Here. Need more Vegan Lunchbox recipes?Grab my free Nut Free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes here.Want even easier Vegan Lunch Boxes? Let me do all the hard work for you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault which gives you weekly Lunchbox Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Nutrition Breakdowns and more! Check it out here. And if you're just after super healthy vegan recipes for you and your family, check out my Vegan Recipe Revolution here. Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families here. Support the Show.
Do you feel like school lunchboxes are taking over your life?They seem to take hours to make every night, and you dream of the day when you can finally get your kids to pack their own?Not to mention the number of late night trips you make to the local supermarket because you ran out of lunchbox food?What if instead your child’s Vegan  Lunch Box was the easiest part of your week?What if you always had something healthy on hand (that your vegan children actually love!) and they only took minutes to pack? Well on today’s podcast I’m giving you my top 5 tips to take you from Frazzled-Last-Minute-Lunchbox-Packer to Cool as a Cucumber, I can throw together a healthy vegan lunch box in minutes! So take a listen to learn my top tips on how to have a healthy vegan lunchbox packed for your child in minutes each day! And even some tips on how to get them to pack their own! If you'd like more help with vegan nut free lunchboxes, then I can help you in my Vegan Lunchbox Vault. Check it out here. Want some nut free Vegan Lunch Box Recipes? Download my Free Vegan Nut Free Lunchbox Recipes ebook here. Looking to make new like-minded vegan Mum Friends? Come and join my Vegan Community just for vegan families here. Support the Show.
One of the main reasons why kids decide they don’t want to be vegan anymore is because they see themselves as different to their peers, and don’t feel like they fit in and that they're missing out. And one of the places they notice this most is at school. Obviously the easiest way around this would be to make sure your kids’ friends are all vegan, but unfortunately that’s not possible for most of us right now. So it’s really important that we make sure that even though our kids are eating different food to their friends, they still feel like they fit in, and they’re not the odd one out. On today's episode, I'm talking about my top 5 tips on how to make sure your vegan kids fit in at school. If you'd like help with your kids Lunchboxes, come and check out the Vegan Lunchbox Vault here.Download my free Nut Free Vegan Lunchbox Recipes ebook here. Please come and join my community of vegan and vegan curious parents! I'd absolutely love to have you inside! Check it out here!Support the Show.
How do you make sure you pack a healthy lunchbox for your vegan kids? In this two part series, I teach you the essential nutrients you need to focus on to make sure your kids are getting everything they need to power them through the day at school.In part 2 I talk about how to make sure your kids' lunchboxes are full of the 3 most important nutrients for vegan kids - iron, zinc and calcium. I give you my favourite foods and ingredients to add into their lunchboxes to make sure they're getting all they need. If you'd like help with your kids Lunchboxes, come and check out the Vegan Lunchbox Vault here. Please come and join my community of vegan and vegan curious parents! I'd absolutely love to have you inside! Check it out here!Grab my free Vegan Kids Nutrition Guide here!Support the Show.
How do you make sure you pack a healthy lunchbox for your vegan kids? In this two part series, I teach you the essential nutrients you need to focus on to make sure your kids are getting everything they need to power them through the day at school. In part 1 I talk about exactly why it's so important to make sure our vegan kids are getting enough energy or calories from their food, to ensure that they are growing and developing in a healthy way. I also give you my 2 easy strategies to make sure there's enough energy/calories in your child's lunchbox.Check out the blog post for this episode here.  If you'd like help with your kids Lunchboxes, come and check out the Vegan Lunchbox Vault here. Please come and join my community of vegan and vegan curious parents! I'd absolutely love to have you inside! Check it out here!Grab my free Vegan Kids Nutrition Guide here!Support the Show.
In today's episode, I answer the biggest question of all - Is a Vegan Diet Actually Healthy for Kids? In addition to this main question, I also talk about some of the myths we're often faced with as vegan parents - you can't get enough protein from a vegan diet, you need red meat for iron, and you can only get calcium from dairy. Grab your free copy of my Top 5 Nutrients for Kids down below! Top 5 Nutrients Free GuideIf you're wanting to learn more about your kids' nutrition, how to structure their diet to make sure they get everything they need, and my favourite kid friendly foods for each nutrient, I cover all this and more in my Kids Nutrition Masterclass. You can find out more information here. I'd absolutely love for you to come and join my Facebook Group for like minded vegan parents. We talk all things vegan parenting, food and nutrition in there! Come and join us here! Support the Show.
How many times have you signed up a vegan meal plan, and felt like a failure because you just can't make them work? You sign up for a 7 Day Vegan Meal Plan, and last about 2 days, before resorting to take away and letting all that healthy food go bad in your fridge. Well, let me start by saying, it's not you, it's them. The reason why those vegan meal plans didn't work for you is because they weren't written for you and your family. Well in today's podcast, I'm here to talk to you about why this is totally normal, expected and NOT YOUR FAULT. Yep, it's them, not you. I'm also giving you 3 things to look out for when you're looking at a vegan meal plan, or building your own, so that you can make sure that it actually works. These 3 tips will give you a vegan family meal plan that actually saves you time on cooking, saves you money, and has your family eating the healthy foods they need to. If you're looking for a family friendly fully customisable set of meal plans, you can get a free 7 day sample of my Vegan Family Meal Plans here. Looking for my Breakfast Slice Recipe? Grab it here! Are you looking for some new like-minded vegan Mum friends? Come and join Community of Like Minded Vegan Parents here! Support the Show.
In my first ever podcast episode, I talk about how dropping the perfectionism around our vegan diets actually makes us (and our kids!) healthier eaters in the long run. Where Does the Perfectionism Belief Come From?There is a strong underlying belief in the vegan world that we have to eat perfectly to be healthy. This comes from 2 areas. Firstly, the Meat and Dairy Industry works incredibly hard to spread the belief that we can't get the nutrients we need without meat and dairy. And then many of the Vegan Diet Influencers (including doctors and dietitians) post recipes and food pics with meals brimming with legumes, veggies and wholegrains, making us feel that the only way to be healthy on a vegan diet is to eat those foods. But I'm here to tell you, there is another way. In fact, if you work on making small tweaks over time, you'll end up eating healthier overall than if you try to eat "perfectly" from the start. In this episode, I teach you 3 small changes you can make to your family's diet right now, that will make your food healthier.  Grab my free 7 Day Meal Plan here.Sign up for my 12 Week Vegan Family Meal Plans here. I'd love you to come and join my Vegan Families Community on Facebook. It is a truly supportive group where you can ask for advice from other families on their vegan journey. I share recipes, tips and just general fun. Come and join us here.  Support the Show.
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