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The Nourished Nervous System
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The Nourished Nervous System

Author: Kristen Timchak

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An exploration of chronic stress, the nervous system, and transformative self care practices through the lenses of Ayurveda, Holistic Coaching, Herbs, Somatics and much more!   

50 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.In this short and sweet episode of 'The Nourished Nervous System,' I reflect on the complex emotions of being human, especially in times of personal and global grief. Balancing moments of joy amidst sorrow, the discussion delves into the concept of yin and yang and the importance of finding resources to support resilience. The episode is a candid sharing of my experience with springtime in Maine, personal loss, parental challenges, and the ongoing grief for global trage...
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, I welcome Pavini, a queer, trans human who utilizes their diverse background as a park ranger, Montessori teacher, sex therapist, and startup CEO to thrive in their current roles as a somatic coach, author, and advocate for embodying leadership to smash the patriarchal norms in the workplace. Pavini shares their journey through various professions, highlighting the impact of their Montessori education background on their teaching and writing....
Send us a Text Message.Do you ever feel like you are doing all the right things but still don't feel good?This was the question at the center of this week's episode. Spoiler alert: I don't have the answer to this, but I do have thoughts on it. In this episode I share about my adventure of moving into a new home in Maine and the excitement and challenges that come with starting a garden from scratch. I speak about the interplay between the physical act of gardening...
Send us a Text Message.This conversation is about so much more than just thyroid health, but that is at it's core.In this episode, Carrie Levine, nurse midwife turned functional medicine practitioner, shares her transformative journey towards founding Whole Woman Health in Midcoast, Maine. Carrie is also the author of whole woman health: a guide to creating wellness for any age and stage.She opens up about the challenges of motherhood, personal burnout, and the drive that le...
Send us a Text Message.This episode uncovers the transformative power of gratitude far beyond clichés. Diving into personal reflections and scientific research, I reveal how gratitude positively affects mental and physical health, counteracts societal pressures of 'not enoughness,' and serves as an unexpected resistance to consumerism. I explore practical gratitude practices, from traditional journaling to acknowledging the natural world and creating moments of thankfulness in everyday l...
Send us a Text Message.If you've been listening for a bit, you will know how much I value connecting with nature as a way to nourish the nervous system. It's foundational in my own self care practices and today's guest has brought it to the next level. In this episode, Micah Mortali, author of 'Rewilding' and founding director of the Kripalu School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership, discusses his journey towards helping people reconnect with nature and themselves. Mic...
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, I share my personal experiences and reflections on sobriety, framing it as a form of self-care. There are multifaceted reasons people choose sobriety, from tackling addictions to spiritual practices or simply feeling better physically and mentally. In this episode I candidly discusses my journey with substances, from experimentation in youth to periods of sobriety motivated by health and well-being, to specifically mana...
Send us a Text Message.The nervous system is connected to everything. So no surprise that if you strength train you can use knowledge of the nervous system to leverage your training. In this conversation with Kali Perry she talks about this and so much more. Kali is a strength coach specialized in sports performance, injury mitigation and chronic pain reduction. She works with a wide variety of individuals ranging from professional athletes to people who have never be...
Send us a Text Message.Did you know that studies show that in the past few decades there has been a 30% increase in people exhibiting perfectionist traits? I never considered myself a perfectionist but I am starting to see areas of my life where I have a perfectionist mindset and how paralyzing it has been for me.And I believe that perfectionism is a form of chronic stress that is rooted in a belief of "not enough"In this episode:What exactly is perfectionism?Why "healthy perfectionism"...
Send us a Text Message.Do you ever notice that tension that arises in your body when the outside world is not aligning with your expectations? What thoughts do you notice when your current reality is not the way you want it?It's really normal to have these thoughts and feelings, they are a part of our messy human experience, but the practice of "being with what is" can help you navigate these experiences with a bit more grace and ease.In this week's episode I have a wonderful conversati...
Send us a Text Message.Does the idea of doing a spring reset sound interesting but maybe a little intimidating? Are you interested in bringing some more energy, simplicity or clarity into your life in this season? Do you have an idea for a spring reset but are having a hard time getting started or following through with it?This week's episode is a little different, I will be back to my normal episodes next week but I wanted to use this as an opportunity to tell you about a Small G...
Simple Spring Reset

Simple Spring Reset


Send us a Text Message.Spring is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings a time of unfurling and planting seeds. It is also a time for spring cleaning your house and your body.Cleansing diets have grown in popularity over the past few years and they can be healthy for certain constitutions or to work with certain health conditions. Spring is Kapha season in Ayurvedic thought. Kapha is made up of earth and water and its qualities are heavy, cold, liquid, oily, static, thick...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt really excited about starting a new practice or new habit only to come up against some resistance a day or two in and drop it?Or maybe it is something that you used to do a lot and are trying to get back into it and it just feels so hard.Resistance is a normal and healthy part of change and is often a sign that the thing you are trying to do is stretching you out of your comfort zone and creating change.But it is important to also listen to resistance...
Send us a Text Message.There is this time between the archetype of the mother and the archetype of the crone sometimes referred to the wild woman years. It is also sometimes referred to as the virgin - not an as in uninitiated but more like a virgin forest - whole and unto herself.Our society teaches us to fear aging and to resist against it, but what if we embrace the power of this time?In this episode with Robin Shaw we talk about this and so much more. Robin is a bodyworker, y...
Send us a Text Message.What is your relationship with resource? How do you know when you are feeling resourced in yourself and how do you recharge when you are not? Building a net of a resource is the idea that the tiny acts of self care that you do each day create a net that can help to catch you when the inevitable challenges of life arise.It doesn't mean that you are shielded from life's ups and downs, or that you won't feel pain.But it can help you to navigate through these ti...
Send us a Text Message.In this world that sometimes feels like it is pulling apart at the seams, how do you continue to walk the path of beauty? How do you find resilience and purpose as a gift of the pain of human existence. This podcast episode with Maitreya Wolf is the story of an underworld journey, of initiatory consciousness and of cultivating beauty and joy as indispensable skills for survival.Maitreya Wolf is a wise woman, soul mentor, and musician, whose allegiance is to embody...
Send us a Text Message.When you pay attention to the natural world around you, it can help to inform shifts and changes happening inside of you. Tuning into the subtleties of the seasons is one of these practices.Our society can often feel focused on output, on showing up in the same ways day after day. But when we tune into plants and animals in nature, it is clear that different seasons call for different ways for interacting with the world.Last week was Imbolc, a Celtic c...
Send us a Text Message.What do parenting and being an entrepreneur have in common? Both can have fuzzy boundaries around when you are truly on and off. Both can be all consuming endeavors that make it difficult to easily take time for yourself. The thing is, in order to show up fully as a parent or an entrepreneur, self care needs to be a non-negotiable. In order to avoid burn out, you need to find that time for yourself even if it feels like it doesn't exist. I...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever created a vision board or done a meditation that involved imagery or imaging yourself in a certain situation? If so, then you have used the technique of visualization. Visualization is touted as a tool of manifestation culture, an almost magical mystical process of visioning what you want to create and drawing that reality closer.The reality is that visualization is a powerful tool when combined with action in the world. And here at the c...
Send us a Text Message.What does self care look like for you? Really, I'd like to know. One of the things I have been loving about hosting a podcast has been connecting with my guests and learning from them. I love the accessibility of a podcast and how it weaves a web of connection and collaboration.I love collaborating with my guests, but I'd also like to collaborate with you. I learn so much from hearing people's stories. There is so much collective wisdom that...
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