DiscoverOne In Three My Prostate Cancer Journey
One In Three My Prostate Cancer Journey
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One In Three My Prostate Cancer Journey

Author: Peter Ellis

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Picture this: it's the day after your 50th birthday. You're on a high from celebrating with friends and family at the weekend, but you're now sat in a doctors office being told you've got an old man's disease.

That was me and the 'old mans disease' is better known as prostate  cancer, the third biggest killer of men worldwide. It isn't even remotely restricted to old men. 

So here I am talking about my adventures with humour and candour - I honestly couldn't make some of it up. I am not a doctor, I am just here to educate men. 
Dragging them kicking, screaming, denying and bitching one heavy step at a time.  

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27 Episodes
Dennis deals with the devastating diagnosis that he has prostate cancer and he has to make a treatment choice.He does so with humour as his side kick.This is the conclusion of his story. If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Dennis deals with the devastating diagnosis that he has prostate cancer and he has to make a treatment choice.He does so with humour as his side kick.This is his story. If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Ep 25 | Esther's Story

Ep 25 | Esther's Story


I mentioned Esther a few podcasts ago. She is a volunteer for Prostate Cancer UK with a unique story. She gave me a brief summary of it when I met her and now I can tell the complete devastating story in full.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
It's no secret that I like to keep busy - sometimes too busy for my own good.I was going to break a record. I was going to conduct 4 Awareness talks in the same day for the same company, talk to two close friends about prostate cancer from two different perspectives and I was going to be the star in a new 'info commercial' about the role of the MRI scanner in prostate cancer.No pressure then.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Volunteers at Prostate Cancer UK are passionate about what they do, they have to be. Rub them the wrong way however and you will see another side. Imagine a panda bear being robbed of its bamboo.Then I get the answer all men have been waiting for. How men 'catch' prostate cancer. This is a truly life changing experience.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Delays in either seeking a diagnosis or getting treatment once a problem is detected does not normally end in good news for those with prostate cancer.What however it was that delay in getting tested is what actually saved you from a worse fate? If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
I previously interviewed Richard regarding his advanced prostate cancer diagnosis. It was a few months later that I asked DeeDee for an update of his condition.I wasn't prepared for what she would unfortunately tell me.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
After hearing about DeeDee father and his stage 4 prognosis, in the last episode I decided to ask him if he was up for an interview.This is the result.This is the last show in the first season of this podcast. Season two is on the way.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Back on the talking tour I come up against my first dreaded foe the mobile phone or more accurately the inconsiderate owners. Miss World was the last person I could have thought I would meet on the talk circuit - but hey this is me you are talking about.Just with anything in life, as much as you think it's bad for you there is always someone who unfortunately is worse off than you.Just another day. If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
My second talk was in a senior citizens social club. It seemed innocent from the description but when I am involved that's not always the case. I would get a thank you that would wrench at the heart strings and I would also be given a shock preview into the world of fame without fortune.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Ep 17 | Forcefields

Ep 17 | Forcefields


My second public talk but with very few of the target audience in attendance. Here I would learn the power of educating the young and women and never look back.On another floor at the same event, I got my first great introduction to the effect information on prostate cancer is viewed by some men at an annual prestigious black business event. Some men just cannot get away quick enough....If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
This was my first official speaking engagement for Prostate Cancer UK, I was to be David's 'sidekick'. Despite hostile locals on the way there we delivered a great session to a packed doctors surgery.I would also come across the first of many falsehoods that people would propagate on social media. This was the most disturbing however.Finally the locals were onto us. Would they allow us to leave peacefully and in one piece? If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Fresh from my first talk I had to go back to work and I would also talk again to my church. Only 800 or more in the audience and a couple of thousand watching the live stream from their homes. no pressure then.In the meantime I also had to deal with my first case of a doctor lying to a patient about getting a PSA test done - this was to be the best and most outrageous lie ever.Not on my watch matey!If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Ep 14 | Pump and Talk

Ep 14 | Pump and Talk


"If you don't use it you will lose it"These were the words of encouragement told to men about using a pump, that essential but sole defying piece of equipment that men have to use after the operation.Getting one is almost an adventure in itself. Using it is another story.Hey ho, prostate cancer, the gift that just keeps on giving. If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Saying and owning the big I word was the first hurdle. I was impotent but adamant that this was only a temporary situation. I just had no idea how long this was going to take.So along with 10 or so other men and couples we filed into the 'Post Prostatectomy' seminar where we find out what options are available to help us at this point. If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
The catheter is a necessity after the prostatectomy as the urether requires time to heal. You may require to wear one from anything from a week to a month. Medically they are a fantastic invention, actually wearing one is something else. Who knew you could have a number of adventures with one.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Recovering from the operation and trying to work up the courage to look under the blanket. Then I have to content with my dodgy and annoying hospital neighbours.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
Treatment option chosen, now lets prepare for the operation. One pair of monster slippers please.If you like, please comment and subscribe :-)
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