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Let That Shift Go

Author: Lena Servin and Noel Factor

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Welcome to "Let That Shift Go," a podcast hosted by siblings Lena and Noel. Join them on their journey of self-awareness as they delve into meaningful conversations about the human experience.

Lena and Noel have decided to break free from the confines of private discussions and bring their heartfelt, and at times, humorous conversations to the public. They believe that we are all going through the trials and tribulations of life, and it's comforting to know that we're not alone.

In each episode, Lena and Noel will explore various aspects of being human, sharing personal stories, insights, and lessons they've learned along the way. From navigating relationships to dealing with challenges, they'll offer a refreshing perspective on life's ups and downs.

Through candid and authentic conversations, "Let That Shift Go" aims to create a safe space for listeners to relate, reflect, and find solace in the shared human experience. Lena and Noel invite you to join them as they embrace change, growth, and let go of what no longer serves them.

Tune in and be part of a community that celebrates the beautiful messiness of being human. Get ready to let go, laugh, and discover that you're not alone on this journey. Welcome to "Let That Shift Go" podcast!

38 Episodes
When Dr. Adam Rizvi, a neurointensivist with an intriguing passion for the spiritual dimensions of healing, joins us, the conversation transcends the ordinary. His "Forgiving Death" workshop, rooted in his intensive care unit experiences, teaches us to embrace presence and empathy when life dwindles to its last breaths. With stories that touch the heart, Adam guides us through the delicate art of end-of-life care, sharing how a deeper understanding of consciousness can aid healthcare professionals and comfort those facing loss. This episode isn't just about the end; it's a profound look at life's totality and the eternal dance with the divine.Our dialogue takes a reflective turn as we explore the philosophical terrain of life, death, and the realms beyond our physical existence. Inspired by the visually stirring movie "What Dreams May Come," we exchange tales of love's enduring strength in the face of mortality. A patient's transition in Tucson becomes a poignant example of the crucial role healthcare providers play in guiding souls towards tranquility. We contemplate the transformative power of acceptance, love, and the impact such realizations can have not just at the end, but in every moment leading up to it.The finality of life's journey and the act of letting go are themes we approach with both reverence and openness. In the company of Dr. Rizvi, we learn about the importance of granting freedom and love to those on the verge of passing. Our conversation is an invitation to recognize our innate bond, to feel the liberation that comes with true understanding, and to extend this to the ones we cherish. As we close, we offer a silent acknowledgement of our shared humanity, leaving listeners with a sense of peace and an eagerness to explore the depths of the "Forgiving Death" workshop further.
When my marriage began to crumble, it felt like my world was ending. But as I navigated through the chaos of heartbreak and self-discovery, a startling truth emerged—one that would ultimately stitch the fabric of my family back together and teach us the invaluable lessons hidden within our missteps. This episode is an intimate journey into the silver linings of life's most challenging moments and the profound healing that can ripple through a family when we face our shadows with courage.No one warns you about how your own unfulfilled dreams might weigh on your children's shoulders, or how the ambition you instill in them could blur the lines between inspiration and pressure. Alongside my siblings, Noel and Lena, we unravel the complexities of parenting and sibling dynamics, revealing how the quest for perfection can sometimes overshadow the need for empathy and self-forgiveness. We navigate these emotional waters, exposing the delicate dance of guiding our loved ones without losing sight of their individual paths and the generational patterns we strive to break.Communication is a delicate art, and in this heart-to-heart, we explore its transformative power. Through stories of active listening and mutual understanding, we illuminate how truly hearing each other can foster trust and empower intuition within the family. Reflect with us on the importance of validating each other's experiences and the humility needed to learn from the wisdom of our children, as we peel back the layers on the journey to deeper connections and enriched family bonds. Join us, and you might discover that the echoes of your own family's laughter and lessons resonate within our shared stories.
Ever wondered how financial intelligence can reshape your life? Join us, Noel and Lena, as we guide you through a transformative journey of self-discovery and mastery over the art of conversation. Our latest episode is a trove of insights starting with a thought-provoking exercise from Skin Deep cards that urges us to self-reflect on our communication patterns. We peel back the layers of family dynamics and their influence on our proactive behavior, embarking on a deep dive into the enduring wisdom of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." Our discussion is a blend of personal revelations and actionable strategies that promise to enlighten you on the path to financial and self-awareness.Harness the undeniable power of desire and faith with tales of childhood dreams and the relentless pursuit of a flight nurse career, as we illustrate the formidable impact of having a burning ambition. Our conversation underscores the importance of perceiving setbacks as opportunities and keeping your vision unclouded by fear. With our special guest adding depth to the dialogue, we reveal how cultivating a positive self-talk regimen and fostering unshakable belief can carve out the road to your success.Wrapping things up, we probe the collective genius of masterminding and the pivotal role it plays in personal and professional triumphs. Grasp the concept of wealth consciousness that extends far beyond your bank account and into the fabric of a fulfilling life. We invite you to absorb the energy of our episode, where we, alongside our esteemed guest, provide the toolkit for aligning your subconscious beliefs with your grandest goals. Step into a life abundant with possibilities, as we share knowledge that inspires action toward an enriched existence.
Have you ever pondered the life-altering revelations that can emerge from the deepest of losses? Esme Saleh's story is a beacon for anyone navigating through life's darkest tunnels, proving that even when perfectionism and unspeakable tragedy collide, there is a path to healing and hope. Our heart-to-heart with this remarkable journalist and entrepreneur is not just a tale of sorrow, but a celebration of the human spirit's indomitable perseverance.In our exchange, Esme shares insights that will resonate deeply with anyone who's felt overshadowed or sought validation in the most unlikely places. From the disorienting dazzle of the Golden Globes to a simple yet profound moment of empathy from a colleague, her journey exemplifies how transformative personal struggles can be. It's about recognizing the shifts that guide us towards uncharted yet fulfilling paths, and the serendipitous acts of kindness that signal the beginning of recovery and rediscovery.In the embrace of nature and art, Esme finds a sanctuary for her soul. She invites us to witness the spiritual connections that transcend conventional rituals, finding sacredness in a child's musical tribute and the spiritual revelations of a moonlit walk. As she shares the role art has played in her path to healing, from painting a lion in remembrance of her child to finding solidarity with a struggling family during the lockdown, Esme's narrative becomes a canvas illustrating how embracing loss can lead to profound growth and the beauty of keeping our hearts open to the lessons of uncertainty. Join us for a conversation that promises not just to move you but to transform the way you perceive life's most challenging moments.
Circling the Shift

Circling the Shift


Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about those precious childhood moments that seem to anchor your heart in joy, no matter where life takes you? That's where we begin our journey today: a tender stroll down memory lane to Shelter Island, a place that holds a special warmth in our lives. I, Noel, joined by my co-host Lena, bring you a heartfelt episode of "Let That Shift Go," where we unwrap the layers of personal trials, marriage complexities, and the growth that blossoms from vulnerability. We'll share tales of seeking stability amid the tumult of a relationship teetering on the edge, finding solace and strength in understanding attachment styles, and the profound symbolism a wedding ring can hold.As we continue, you'll be privy to a transformative conversation about the metamorphosis of a marriage from a state of indifference to one rich with compassion and vulnerability. Discover how a moment of public embarrassment can ignite a powerful shift, leading to new understandings of self-care and the delicate dance of emotional support within a partnership. We'll reveal the societal pressures that shroud men in an armor of unwavering strength and the liberating experience of creating a safe space for genuine self-expression at home. This chapter of our discussion is an ode to the healing effects of empathy and the fortitude that comes from shared burdens and mutual support.In our final chapter, we turn to the subtle, yet significant shifts in communication that can redefine relationships, drawing on parallels from the professional realm, specifically the pool industry. Here, we underscore the dedication that change demands, sharing personal anecdotes and insights that serve as a beacon for those navigating similar waters. You're not just a listener; you're a key part of our community. So, as we wrap up this thought-provoking episode, we invite you to shape our future discussions. Send us your questions and join us in this shared journey toward deeper understanding and connection in our relationships.
Ever peeled back the layers of your own psyche, revealing the shadows that shape your interactions and self-perception? Join Noel and Lena as we embark on an emotional voyage, beginning with a reflective Skin Deep card exchange that prompts us to consider our influence on family happiness and the potential for reducing drama. Moving past the surface, we confront the formidable 'monsters' and 'ghosts' of our past—those painful experiences and the silent absences that have invisibly sculpted who we are.This session delves into the profound impact of emotional trauma, not only from the scars of abuse and neglect but also from the void of missed love and guidance. We navigate the waters of mourning the nurturing we craved and never received, emphasizing the weight of compassion over blame in healing generational wounds. Our candid dialogue bridges personal revelations with the roles we've played in one another's lives, fostering a deeper connection and understanding within our familial tapestry.Closing the episode, we explore the cathartic embrace of expressive writing therapy, offering a window into our journey of untangling complex emotions and naming our triggers. Through personal anecdotes, Lina and I demonstrate the liberation found in self-expression and the importance of recognizing our past without letting it define our present. We invite you to share your thoughts as we continue to support each other in this collective pursuit of healing and self-discovery.
Have you ever laughed so hard that it led to an epiphany about yourself? That's exactly what happened to us, Noel and Lena, when we pulled out the Skin Deep cards in our latest Let that Shift Go podcast episode. Join us for a heartfelt session where we peel back the layers of our unconscious patterns, revealing the emotional terrain shaped by our past. From tackling perfectionism to understanding how criticism can trigger unexpected responses rooted in childhood, we share our personal stories and offer strategies for uncovering the blind spots that dictate our behaviors.Life can often feel like a complex puzzle, especially when it comes to relationships and emotional reactions. We open up about the dance between different attachment styles, with myself (Noel) navigating an anxious attachment and my wife's avoidant tendencies. Lena and I discuss the monumental role of taking a step back to observe our behaviors, the power of not taking criticism personally, and the significance of mindfulness practices in fostering self-awareness and healing. Our anecdotes and insights aim to guide you through the delicate process of self-reflection and understanding the roots of your emotional landscape.Ever find solace in the rhythm of your footsteps or the whisper of leaves in a forest? We wrap up our episode by discussing the therapeutic power of walking and talking, and the calming embrace of nature. It's about finding what works for you, whether that's breathwork, meditation, or simply taking a stroll to clear your mind. We invite you to join our conversation, share your questions and experiences, and continue your journey of self-discovery with us, Noel and Lena, on the Let that Shift Go podcast.
Have you ever felt the warmth of nostalgia when flipping through old photo albums? That's where we begin our journey on today's show, as we, Noel and Lena, delve into the sweet and sometimes bitter memories that pictures can evoke. Unearthing stories from our past, we engage in the Skin Deep card game, revealing how our individual strengths offer a lifeline to one another. The anecdotes we share are not just our own—they mirror the experiences of many, highlighting the importance of connecting and the resilience found in the support of a loved one.Childhood shapes us in ways we often don't realize until we're adults looking back. In this intimate discussion, we confront the echoes of growing up in separate households and the deep impact of parental separation. We lay bare the intentions and hopes for our own families, striving to create a different narrative from the one we were handed. Our conversation is a testament to the power of reflection and the conscious path we choose to tread, moving away from the legacy of avoidance towards one of presence and reliability.Ending on a note of reconnection, we tackle the complex web of silence that can entangle relationships, emphasizing the profound effect that reigniting communication can have. Whether it's family or friends that have drifted apart, we invite you to discover the beauty of bridging the gaps through meaningful dialogue. Join us as we share insights and extend an invitation to our listeners: to reach out, to mend, and to grow. Your thoughts and questions are always welcome, so connect with us on Instagram at LetThatShiftGo or visit our website at Together, let's journey towards serenity and personal growth.
How Incompetent am I?

How Incompetent am I?


When Lena and I caught ourselves drifting away in conversation, we knew it was more than just a lapse in attention—it was a sign we needed to explore the deeper aspects of conscious awareness. Our latest heart-to-heart on the podcast peels back the layers of presence and engagement in relationships, scrutinizing the signals we unconsciously emit, and how they can make or break the connections we hold dear. We don't just chat; we embark on a deep dive into Peter Crone's Four Stages of Evolving and reflect on the life-changing magic of asking ourselves the tough questions.Ever wondered about the patterns that trip you up without you even noticing? That's the quagmire of unconscious incompetence we unravel, sharing our own tales of awakening to the habits that were silently navigating our lives. We converse about the power of vulnerability and the necessity of embracing our flaws to step into the light of conscious incompetence, where growth sprouts from the seeds of self-recognition and humility. Lena's insights, paired with our personal stories, aim to guide you through the fog of denial and into the clarity that comes with acknowledging our challenges.We wrap things up on a note of emotional liberation, taking cues from Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements" and highlighting the art of not taking things personally. Our discussion is a mosaic of accountability, healing through Ho'oponopono, and the cultivation of an 'unfuckwithable' spirit in the face of life's curveballs. By the time you reach the end of our conversation, armed with the mantra "When you know better, you do better," we hope you'll feel equipped to tackle your own journey of personal evolution with renewed vigor and an open heart.
When a joke within my family took an unexpectedly profound turn, it became clear that the stories we carry from childhood can cast long shadows over our adult lives. It was a moment that sparked a realization about how our deep-seated needs from those formative years continue to influence our relationships today. Together with Lena, our insightful guest, we embark on a journey of discovery to understand the true nature of healing beyond the quick-fix solutions. We share personal experiences, revealing the impact of our earliest narratives, and discuss the critical differences between superficial fixes and meaningful growth.Navigating the maze of human connections can often lead us into the dance of codependency, where personal needs are eclipsed by the desire to maintain bonds. Through candid discussions and shared stories, we examine how recognizing our fundamental needs can lead to healthier interactions and empower us to build more robust boundaries. As I recount the lessons learned from my own brush with past traumas, we delve into the healing process and the profound ways in which understanding our core needs can reshape the way we express love and connect with others.Finally, we look at the unshakable human desires for significance, connection, growth, and contribution. The episode unravels the threads of how these needs intertwine to form the fabric of a fulfilling life. We explore practical ways to engage with our communities and give back, finding that in serving others, we often discover the richest parts of ourselves. From journaling to community initiatives, the episode is packed with actionable insights that encourage you to reassess your approach to personal development and create a life that's not just successful, but truly satisfying. Join Lena and me as we guide you through this exploration of the human spirit.As human beings, we all have certain fundamental needs that are necessary for us to feel safe, loved, and fulfilled. These needs, which have been identified by psychologists such as Freud, Maslow, and Tony Robbins, include:Certainty - the need for safety and security, and a sense of control over the future.Uncertainty/Variety - the desire for new experiences and a sense of adventure.Significance - the need to feel important, loved, and recognized by others.Connection - the desire for close relationships and deep bonds with others.Connection - - the desire for close relationships and deep bonds with others.Growth - the need to continually learn and improve oneself.Contribution - the desire to give back to others and make a positive impact on the worldAs human beings, we all have certain fundamental needs that are necessary for us to feel safe, loved, and fulfilled. These needs, which have been identified by psychologists such as Freud, Maslow, and Tony Robbins, include:Certainty - the need for safety and security, and a sense of control over the future.Uncertainty/Variety - the desire for new experiences and a sense of adventure.Significance - the need to feel important, loved, and recognized by others.Connection - the desire for close relationships and deep bonds with others.Connection - - the desire for close relationships and deep bonds with others.Growth - the need to continually learn and improve oneself.Contribution - the desire to give back to others and make a positive impact on the world
Have you ever felt the ground shake beneath you as life throws a curveball, urging you to reassess everything you thought you knew? Brittany Walda, the esteemed skin therapist and entrepreneur behind Beauty by Bee, joins us to share her stirring journey from external validation to internal fulfillment. This episode peels back the layers of perfectionism, exploring the void it can leave in our hearts and the bravery it takes to face it head-on. Brittany’s candid recount of navigating the aftermath of COVID-19 serves as a beacon for anyone seeking to rediscover themselves amidst uncertainty. Through her story, we illuminate the often overlooked link between achieving outward success and nurturing inner peace.Our conversation takes a deep and compassionate dive into the power of perspective—how viewing our parents through the prism of their own childhoods can unlock a wellspring of empathy and understanding. Brittany opens up about the transformative practice of compassionate inquiry, guiding us on how to untie emotional knots and replace resentment with warmth. The chapter underscores the significance of tracing our hurts to their roots, weaving together personal anecdotes that showcase the potential for growth and better relationships when we stand in the shoes of both our past and present selves.The episode rounds out with an insightful discussion on emotional neutrality, the art of taking responsibility for our reactions, and the practice of mindfulness. We tackle the delicate dance of parenting and the importance of breaking generational patterns, as Brittany reflects on integrating yoga and mindfulness into her life. Our dialogue emphasizes the beauty of fully experiencing our emotions and the profound impact this can have on both our personal well-being and our relationships with the next generation. Join us for a heartfelt exchange that promises to enrich your perspective on communication, healing, and the transformative journey of self-discovery.https://www.beautybybee.com
Have you ever stopped to consider the power behind the words "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" Join us, Noel and Lena, as we navigate the profound implications of this transformative shift through the insights of Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry's "What Happened to You?" Our reflections, sparked by the probing questions of the Skin Deep card game, venture into the realms of cherished childhood memories and formative experiences, weaving a narrative that highlights the importance of creating spaces where independence and connection thrive.In our intimate gathering, we delve into the echoes of childhood influence and the subtle art of mending relationships. We untangle the complexities of how early experiences shape our worldview and behaviors, stressing the significance of understanding our parents' or caregivers' hardships as a stepping stone to our own healing. The journey doesn't stop with introspection; it leads us to brave conversations with loved ones, where we confront past hurts and disrupt inherited cycles of behavior. Our discourse is an invitation to cultivate deeper self-awareness and forge meaningful bonds through compassion and empathy.Our conversation comes full circle as we address the tangled web of expectations within immigrant families, the silent yet weighty "Operation American Dream." Bridging generational and cultural divides requires more than just understanding; it demands initiating dialogues infused with curiosity over judgment. As we share our personal aspirations for our children and the conscious choice to break away from past patterns, we hope to inspire listeners to take their own 'kick steps' towards change. It's about being the learner, not the judge, and understanding that while every step may not be groundbreaking, each one holds the potential for significant impact. Join Noel and Lena on this heartfelt quest to embrace the profound shifts that pave the way for healing and growth.
When we unpeel the layers of our own self-awareness, what profound truths lie beneath? This heartfelt conversation I had with Noelunveils the transformative power of healing and personal growth, using Skin Deep cards as a vessel for our deepest reflections. Together, we traverse the delicate bonds of sibling relationships and the enlightening shifts in perspective that only time can bestow. We also tackle those aspects of our lives that might seem outlandish to some, lovingly coined 'the woo'. Yet, it is within these spiritual practices and alternative therapies that we find a wellspring of understanding and inner tranquility.Embarking on a journey from a world of Western medicine to one where holistic approaches reign, this episode is a testament to the ignored science behind practices like breathwork and mindfulness. I share my own transition and the subsequent enlightenment found in embracing these modalities. As yoga once stepped from the shadows of skepticism to become a beacon of self-care, we ponder the potential for other practices to rise to similar prominence. This isn't just conjecture; it's a call to action, urging you to explore and research, to find your own balance between the empirical and the spiritual.Finally, we beckon you to the calm shores of mind-body coherence, where the art of meditation can redefine your mental landscape. Discover, as Noelle and I have, the liberating experience of becoming an observer of your own thoughts. We dive into the mechanics of breathwork and its power to regulate the autonomic nervous system, a crucial element for maintaining emotional equilibrium. So come with us, let's navigate the serene waters of mindful living, and together, let that shift go. Remember to connect with us for more resources and insights, and may your journey into self-discovery be as enriching as it has been for us.Hong Sau Meditation Physics of God Book
Imagine discovering a calling that not only changes your own path but also has the power to transform lives caught in the darkness of trauma. Rosie Cataldo did just that, shifting gears from public affairs to become a fervent advocate for trauma prevention and healing. In an intimate conversation, Rosie shares her journey, a spark ignited by a personal brush with the real and unsettling threat of sex trafficking. She opens up about how life’s difficult transitions, though daunting, can lead to profound personal growth and become a beacon of hope for others.This episode unveils the delicate interplay of empathy, awareness, and innovative healing techniques that Rosie and others in the field employ to guide survivors towards recovery. We discuss the array of non-traditional methods like breathwork, tapping, and Reiki that soothe the nervous system without re-traumatizing. And for those of us who absorb the emotional weight of our work, we share our personal practices for staying grounded and balanced, emphasizing the importance of self-care in maintaining effectiveness and compassion in the healing professions. Rosie's story and insights serve as powerful reminders of the resilience of the human spirit, and how we can all hold space for healing in the face of life's most harrowing challenges.
What if you could radically transform your life, just by changing your questions? Imagine the power of shifting your mindset, to move from judgement to learning, to enhance both your personal and professional relationships. Join us, Noel and Lena, as we delve into the influential concept of choice mapping and the transformative role it plays in our lives. Based on Marilee Adams' acclaimed book, "Change Your Questions, Change Your Life," we unravel the profound impact of inquiry-based coaching and the significance of asking the right questions.Let’s take a deep dive into the world of mindset shifts. From exploring the landscape of the judge versus learner mindset to understanding the potential of cultivating the observer, we'll journey together through personal growth and development. We’ll share our experiences, discussing the power of a learner mindset in fostering a growth-centric approach towards difficulties and the positive changes it can facilitate in corporate cultures. In our final act, we explore choice mapping, a powerful tool that shapes your narrative and reactions. We'll discuss how asking better questions can revolutionize your personal and professional relationships and drive positive communication.
Imagine the profound connection you can foster with loved ones through thoughtful letters. This episode of the Let that Shift Go podcast unravels how letter writing can be a unique gift, full of emotion and personal touch. We, Noel and Lena, share our own experiences, revealing the power of this heartfelt practice. We dive into our personal ayahuasca journey which was an intense moment of self-discovery and how that led us to this inspiring idea of expressing love through letters.Drawing inspiration from history, we delve into how letters kept people connected over long distances and how it still holds relevance today. We tackle common barriers like writer's block and suggest strategies to make your letter writing a unique experience. By adding personal touches, your letters can become a cherished keepsake strengthening your bond with loved ones. So join us, as we explore the beauty of writing thoughtful letters, and how it can be a powerful tool for healing, growth, and celebration of life.
Ever wonder about the undercurrent of emotions that swirl around your holiday gatherings? Join us, Noel and Lena, as we get real about the unspoken tension that often arises during this festive season. We're peeling back the layers of festive cheer, diving headfirst into our own experiences with holiday planning and complex family dynamics.Blood isn't always thicker than eggnog, and we're here to discuss just that. We navigate the deep waters of conflict resolution during the holidays, giving you a front-row seat to our personal strategies. We're all about stepping back, observing before reacting, and understanding that the root of the conflict may not always be the plate of overcooked turkey. Let's move beyond the surface arguments and inspire each other to approach holiday conflicts with more grace and understanding.Breath work - a potent tool that is often overlooked. We're discussing the transformative power it can hold in our daily lives, and how it can be a game changer amid the chaotic holiday season. As we share our learnings and experiences, we invite you to bring something meaningful from the holiday season into the new year. Like and subscribe to our podcast, share your thoughts with us, and let's redefine holiday gatherings together.
Can you break free from the invisible chains of drama addiction? That's the tough question we're wrestling with on today's episode of Let That Shift Go! With the wisdom of Scott Lyons' book 'Addicted to Drama' as our guide, we embark on an introspective journey, probing and challenging our own experiences and the role drama plays in our lives.We discuss the seductive allure of drama and how it hooks us, delving into the science behind this affection for intensity. We explore how this quest for excitement often serves as a distraction, a way to avoid sitting with our own internal struggles. We share our personal revelations of how drama manifests in our lives, from overscheduling to being the constant center of attention. But we don't stop at identifying the problem. We offer insights and practical tips on how to break the cycle and effect meaningful changes in your life.We wrap up the episode with an intense discussion on managing chaos addiction. How do we recognize when we're revving ourselves up? How can we be proactive in solving our problems without escalating them into sources of drama and chaos? This episode isn’t just about understanding drama addiction, it's about learning to recognize our patterns, taking the wheel, and steering our lives towards healthier habits and relationships. Join us in breaking free from the chains of drama addiction.
After a riveting encounter with Cathy Courtenay , a certified RLT relational life therapy coach and embodied connection facilitator, we were compelled to have her on the show to share her journey. Growing up in the heart of South Africa during the height of apartheid, Cathy experienced the deep chasm of disconnection prevalent in the society around her. This sparked a yearning for unity that informed her later exploration into the fields of dance, movement, massage, and somatic bodywork and finally led her to the impactful practice of circling. Join us as Cathy  passionately communicates her commitment to teaching this practice, and its power to transform relationships in all spheres of life, especially in coaching and therapist-client contexts.Throughout our interaction with Cathy , we were fascinated by concepts such as holding space and the subtle yet profound difference between acceptance and embracing. We discovered the essential role our unique world view plays in how we interact with others, and the importance of staying curious and open during conversations. Cathy guided us on the journey of learning to listen deeply, challenging us to step out of our habitual patterns and be open to new possibilities that arise in dialogue.Inevitably, we found ourselves exploring the incredible power of authentic communication in deepening relationships. Cathy highlighted the profound impact of feeling seen and heard, accepting responsibility, and imagining another's experiences. She disclosed the importance of acknowledging our defensiveness and the necessity of creating safe spaces for meaningful dialogue. Now, Cathy’s  journey into embodied connection and relational coaching is a living testament to the transformative power of communication. We invite you to listen and perhaps find ways to deepen your own relationships and communication skills.
Are you stuck on the merry-go-round of miscommunication in your relationships? Do you often find yourself caught up in the emotional storm of someone else's reaction? Join us, Noel and Lena, as we navigate these murky waters, discussing the life-changing principles of Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Fifth Agreement". We ponder the power of not taking other people's behaviors personally, dissecting how this philosophy impacts our relationships.We take you on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reliving the chaos and separation of our childhood. We unravel the impact of our shared yet diverging experiences, like when I packed a "get out" bag at the tender age of four. We tackle tough questions about our misunderstanding of each other's love and how it influenced our relationship.We wrap up our enlightening discussion with the key to enhancing sibling relationships - authentic communication. We emphasize on deep listening, giving a voice to the other person's perspective, and having raw, honest conversations without assumptions. Finally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our listeners, inviting you to let go of the emotional baggage that may be straining your relationships. So, brace yourself for a journey of personal growth with us, and let's let that shift go, together!
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