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Cabernet and Pray

Author: Jeremy Jernigan

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A Pastor explores Christianity through the beauty of wine. Interviews with leaders in both Christianity and the wine industry.
21 Episodes
Click here to watch the episode on video. Welcome back to another episode of Cabernet and Pray. Today, we pause our usual schedule to address a deeply personal and pressing topic that challenges many families: mental health. Our host, Jeremy Jernigan, explores a video of John MacArthur to dissect and debate the contentious views circulating within the Christian community about mental illness. In this introspective episode, Jeremy opens up about his family's journey in seeking help for their son's severe mental health challenges amidst societal skepticism and stigma. We explore the alarming divorce rates among couples with children facing similar struggles and the uphill battle against a system often lacking in empathy and support. Tensions rise as we share clips of John MacArthur's controversial stance on mental health diagnoses like PTSD, OCD, and ADHD, which he dismisses as fabrications by "big pharma." Jeremy counters with his own heartfelt experiences, advocating for a compassionate approach and emphasizing that mental illness is neither a parenting failure nor a new phenomenon. Instead, he calls for a supportive and understanding community that recognizes and affirms the reality of mental health. Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we delve into the theology, personal stories, and the call for a more empathetic and informed Christian response to mental health. This conversation is sure to resonate with anyone affected by mental health issues and those seeking a more inclusive faith-based dialogue. So, pour yourself a glass of wine, and let's dive into the heavy but necessary conversations on this special episode of Cabernet and Pray. Wine in this episode: 2019 Puerta de Plata
Click here to watch the episode on video. As we uncork the 20th episode of Cabernet and Pray, I'm joined by Caleb Campbell, not just to relish in our shared love for a fine Cabernet Sauvignon but to unpack the complexities of Christian nationalism. Caleb, a pastor and author, brings his upcoming book "Disarming Leviathan: Loving your Christian Nationalist Neighbor" to the table, serving up a compassionate perspective on an issue that's stirring the pot in our societal fabric. Together, we navigate the fine line between fellowship and ideology, examining how our understanding of scripture can be distorted and offering a toast to wisdom and authenticity in our communities. Have you ever found yourself in a place where reaching across the aisle felt more like crossing enemy lines? This episode reveals Caleb's personal journey through missionary work amidst American Christian nationalism, where an environment of division is met with a message of restoration. Through stories of heart-to-heart engagement and the cultivation of genuine empathy, we shed light on the transformative power of spiritual well-being in bridging divides. As we tackle the concept of 'hermeneutical magic,' we guide listeners on how to spot when scripture is being twisted by opportunists masquerading as shepherds.Wrapping up with a blend of personal victories and shared struggles, this podcast episode is a testament to resilience. From the trials of 2020, where Caleb led a congregation through the storm, to the joys of discovery in a French wine cellar, we take you through moments that have shaped his understanding of leadership, community, and self-care. Caleb's insights, brimming with practical wisdom, elevate our conversation, reminding us of the strength in diverse and authentic communities, the hope that lies ahead with upcoming book releases, and the warm anticipation of family vacations. Raise your glass with us as this episode celebrates the journey of faith, the power of community, and the courage to embrace our differences. Links: Disarming Leviathan book
Click here to watch the episode on video. Pour yourself a glass and settle in as we embark on a journey through the peaks and valleys of life with unwavering gratitude. I'll pull back the curtain on the heart-wrenching journey my wife and I have navigated after a startling genetic revelation. With the discovery of her BRCA2 gene mutation, we've faced the specter of cancer with courage and an unexpected thankfulness. This isn't just our story—it's a guiding light for anyone wrestling with life's unforeseen tests, a beacon of how gratitude can anchor us even as we weather the fiercest of storms.Our recent family odyssey to Alaska—a stark departure from our norm—reveals the transformative power of vision boards and the serendipity that life has to offer. Imagine being hilariously underprepared for the Arctic chill, yet so vividly alive amid dog sledding escapades and the ethereal dance of the Northern Lights. This tale isn't just about our leaps into the unknown; it's an invitation to embrace the beauty that abounds when we seize the day, trading comfort zones for unforgettable experiences.As we draw the curtains on this episode, I invite you to contemplate the profound insights shared by John Gottman on the resilience of relationships and Christine Pohl on finding solace amid life's unresolved challenges. Together, we explore the wisdom in appreciating our differences and choosing gratitude, even when neat resolutions evade us. It's a reflection on the strength we find in the unlikeliest places, and the grace that cradles us, even when life's chapters remain open-ended.
Click here to watch the episode on video. There's something magical about reconnecting with an old friend who’s walked a similar path, and that's exactly what unfolds when Nate Ross joins me for a soul-stirring exploration of faith, parenting, and personal growth. As fellow pastor's sons turned pastors, we traverse the memories of our past, from Nate's transformative years in the Midwest to his meaningful ministry in Indiana, and onto his latest venture, Moments to Movements. Grab a glass of wine and settle in as we celebrate the wisdom of our mentors, the lessons learned, and the pivotal changes that have shaped our lives. Our conversation doesn't shy away from the nuanced shifts in our faith journeys over the last decade, which have moved from a drive for tireless effort to a grace-filled embrace of the faithfulness of Jesus. The past years, especially those marked by the pandemic, have peeled back the curtain on the sometimes-dissonant relationship between hard work and expected outcomes. The vulnerability in our chat reveals the pressures of performing in a faith culture and the liberating realization that embracing one’s unique calling is a path to true freedom and authenticity. Navigating the modern parenting challenges, we share from the trenches, addressing how we impart values and faith in a world vastly different from the one we grew up in. The omnipresence of technology and its impact on our children's lives is a conversation we tackle head-on, offering candid thoughts on managing digital engagement while fostering personal development. Our heart-to-heart is a tapestry of leadership, faith, and the quest for genuine community, inviting listeners to reflect on their own paths and discover the beauty in life's transitions. Wines we enjoyed in this episode: 2019 Thorn-Clarke Shotfire Shiraz 2020 J. Lohr Cabernet 
Click here to watch the episode on video. When minds converge over the profound intersections of philosophy and the Christian faith, revelations emerge. Mike Austin, a philosophy professor with a deft touch in character development and spiritual formation, joins me to unravel the tapestry of truth that philosophies like Stoicism weave with Christianity. Our conversation extends beyond the intellectual into the personal, sharing how our beliefs have matured and become more focused with time. We also raise a toast to the virtues of humility as outlined in Mike's latest book, savoring both the complex notes of our chosen wines and the rich layers of living a life modeled after Jesus.A sense of divine connection can often feel elusive, but this episode pulls back the veil to reveal how community and silence are gateways to experiencing God's presence. We share stories of finding God in the quiet and among fellow believers, considering how relationships within the church embody Christ's love. As we touch upon the transformation of evangelical witness, we underscore the significance of authentic friendships and living out Christ's love in practical ways—a message reinforced by the inspiring legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his call to social responsibility.Embarking on a personal turn, we tackle the poignant shift from supporting self-defense to advocating for pacifism, a transformative journey informed by the non-violent teachings of Jesus. Discussing the tensions between self-protection and the principles of turning the other cheek, we draw on historical figures like Bonhoeffer, grappling with the complexities of living out our faith. As we conclude, the conversation ventures into the broader challenges facing Christianity in America, from social media engagements to the need for humility in our spiritual journey. Join us for an episode that's not just a tasting of fine wines but also an invitation to savor the encouragement and growth found in our shared pursuit of a deeper faith.Wines we enjoyed in this episode: Chateau L’Hospitalet Chenault Vineyards Cabernet Franc 2021 Links: Humility: Rediscovering the Way of Love and Life in Christ 
Click here to watch the podcast on video. We sit down with the ever-inspiring Rob Bell, whose journey from founding Mars Hill Bible Church to penning New York Times bestsellers has captivated the minds and hearts of many. Rob's latest fictional escapade lures us into a world that mirrors our own, prompting self-reflection and an adventurous examination of the societal constructs that shape our reality. As we sip on Rob's unconventional choice of beverage, we unravel the intricacies of character development, the power of naming, and the unexpected impact of bread as a life-affirming metaphor within the tapestry of his narrative.Navigating the complexities of modern society, our conversation with Rob ventures into the realms of political polarization, wealth inequality, and the poignant struggles of homelessness. Through Heen Gru-bare's fictional journey in "Where'd You Park Your Spaceship," we are invited to contemplate the pressing issues beneath the surface of our daily lives. The laughter and wisdom that ensue encourage listeners to question the status quo as we ponder the ethics of policies and the true meaning of community in the context of our shared humanity.In the quieter moments of our dialogue, we reflect on the profound shifts personal growth brings to our lives. Sharing stories of transitions challenging the heart, Rob and I discuss the bittersweet nature of closing chapters and the courage it takes to step into the unknown. The resonance of change, the appreciation for the artistic process, and the shared inspiration that transcends generations leave us with a sense of gratitude for the journey and the connections we forge along the way. Join us as we uncover the layers of Rob Bell's artistic vision and the messages that beckon us to look inward and embrace the beauty of evolution in our own lives. Links: Where'd You Park Your Spaceship
Click here to watch the episode on video. When Keith Saarloos swapped apple rows for vineyard vines, little did he know he'd be uncorking a legacy along with his bottles of 2021 Mayhem Grenache. As we sit down, glasses in hand, Keith takes us through the transformation of Saarloos and Sons, revealing how a family farm evolved into a vineyard with deep respect for tradition and terroir. Through our conversation, we wander down the less-traveled paths of the wine industry, uncovering the rugged beauty of stress-cultivated vines and the intimate moments that life, wine, and companionship can brew.Amidst sips of vibrant Grenache, our chat meanders from the whimsical pairing of cupcakes with wine, to Keith's unorthodox perspectives on faith and spirituality found within the pages of the Bible. We even delve into the artistic contributions of underdogs and the unbreakable spirit of creating beauty against the odds. Keith's tales are interwoven with reflections on crafting wines that embody the family's soul, resisting the pull of fleeting trends, and likening his wine-making philosophy to a punk band's ethos—always authentic, always unique.As we wrap up our episode, the conversation turns personal, touching on deep-seated satisfaction over fleeting happiness, the quest for generational wealth that surpasses monetary value, and the richness of life's simple joys. With Keith's vivid storytelling, you can explore the parallels between winemaking and life's larger questions, leaving you to ponder the legacy we each hope to leave behind. So, pour yourself a glass and join us for a journey into the heart of wine, family, excitement, and the stories that bind us all.Wines by Saarloos and SonsLinks: Website: Instagram: @Saarloosandsons
Click here to watch the episode on video. Embark with us as we weave through the tapestry of France's rich vinicultural narrative alongside Nicholas Martin, a vintner whose stories are as robust as his Grenache Blanc. Picture yourself nestled in the picturesque Languedoc region, where every sip uncovers layers of heritage and innovation. We kick things off with a New Jersey Concord grape-based red that transports you back to childhood memories with its nostalgic taste, setting the stage for an episode steeped in tradition and personal tales from the art of winemaking.Have you ever pondered the intersections of spirituality and a good bottle of wine? Our conversation takes an unexpected turn, transcending the vineyard as Nick recounts an encounter where a sermon on winemaking and faith struck a chord with an atheist French visitor. Through this dialogue, we unravel Nick's eclectic spiritual journey and the universal language of wine that bridges diverse beliefs. This episode isn't just about the notes and bouquets of fine vintages; it's a deeper foray into how our convictions and passions can coalesce in the most surprising ways.As we uncork the final segment, we toast to the evolution of French wine culture and its ripples through family traditions and global markets. Witness the transformation of the Languedoc region, once known for bulk production, now a bastion of exquisite vintages. The impending climate change, the Paris Olympics' influence on Southern France, and the vibrancy of international exchanges are all poured into this conversation. Nicholas and I don't just discuss the confluence of wine and life's finer aspects; we celebrate them, inviting you to raise your glass to an episode that's as enlightening as it is flavorful.Wines by: Valenzano Winery Julie Karsten 
Click here to watch the episode on video. As we pop the cork on a bottle of conversation with Heather Hamilton, bestselling author of "Returning to Eden," our glasses aren't the only full things—our hearts and minds brim with insights into the ever-evolving journey of faith. Heather brings us her compelling story of transformation, from a rigid adherence to literal belief to an expansive embrace of mystical spirituality, a metamorphosis born of personal crisis and profound self-discovery. Together, we traverse the landscapes of biblical narratives and their psychological depths, finding striking correlations between the epic tales of ancient scripture and the mythological themes woven into our favorite Disney movies. It's a tapestry of thoughts that promises to adorn the walls of your understanding with new colors and textures.Embark on a voyage through the enigmatic nature of the divine as we tackle the paradoxical essence of Jesus and Christ, guided by the insights of thinkers like Richard Rohr. Our dialogue takes us through the transformative realignment of prayer, moving from a distant deity to recognizing God's presence within. As a recovering evangelical, Heather shares the intimate reshaping of her own spiritual posture, navigating the delicate balance of evolving within a faith tradition while honoring the sacredness of its roots. It is a candid reflection on the intricacies of belief, the portrayal of evil in the fabric of our stories, and the challenge of reframing these ancient concepts in a contemporary context.We culminate our session by pondering the future of Christianity, dissecting the struggles and envisioning the revitalization of communal worship through a synthesis of symbolism, ritual, and a zestful spirit. Our discussion not only questions but also celebrates the possibilities for a faith that resonates with the heartbeat of today's society. And for those thirsty for more, Heather's "Returning to Eden" serves as an invitation to continue the dialogue, to explore and exchange ideas that have the power to reshape our perspectives and enrich our spiritual dialogues. So, fellow inquisitors of the intangible, let us toast to a conversation that offers a divine sip in every word.Wines we enjoy in the episode: 2019 History Red Blend 2020 Pure Bred Cabernet Links: Book: Website:
Click here to watch the episode on video. Reverend Libby Tedder Hugus and I have woven together the deep complexities of spirituality and wine's rich narratives. This episode is a tapestry of our life journeys, where Libby's roots in South Africa and the U.S. intertwine with her calling to forge a radically inclusive spiritual community. Together, we unpack the transformative power of generous hospitality and the paramount importance of a communal table where diverse faiths are not just tolerated but celebrated. Our conversation meanders through the ebbs and flows of spiritual leadership and the brave decision to embrace rest and reflection, drawing insight from thinkers like Brene Brown and the enduring metaphor of Sisyphus. As Libby transitions from church leadership to the world of coaching, we explore the sacred practice of Sabbath and its counter-cultural invitation to pause from the relentless pursuit of productivity. This chapter of closure is a narrative about the courage to let go, to provide space for healing, and to discern the whispers of new beginnings amidst collective slumber keenly.The episode is rounded out with stories of audacious goals and the exhilarating pursuit of a TEDx speaking opportunity, illustrating the potency of mental fitness coaching in unlocking our 'sage brain'. Libby's tales of wine tasting in the rolling vineyards of South Africa serve as a delightful backdrop, inspiring us to savor both the literal and figurative vineyards of our lives. Join us for a session that not only decants wisdom and wit but also pours out an invitation to embrace the diverse expressions of faith and the beauty of a church community as varied as the wines we adore.Wines by: Bale's Creek Estate Il Paradiso di Frassina Brunello di Montalcino Links: 
Click here to watch the episode on video. Join our thought-provoking journey with Dr. Thomas Jay Oord, where long-held Christian beliefs are questioned and reenvisioned. As we unravel the fabric of traditional theology, Dr. Oord introduces us to a divine love that's deeply relational and a God whose lack of omnipotence takes on a new, groundbreaking definition. We share anecdotes, sip our preferred drinks, and navigate through a theological landscape where certainty gives way to courageous exploration. Prepare for a conversation that challenges the intellect and seeks to enkindle the spirit.We dissect the intricate dynamics between human freedom and moral responsibility, considering how a God who influences without controlling can reshape our understanding of prayer and action. Through the lens of open and relational theology, we confront the complexities of a benevolent God and the nature of our petitions, leading us to a practice of prayer that embraces cooperation with the divine.As we wrap up our enlightening exchange with Dr. Oord, we delve into the personal and institutional ramifications of challenging established church doctrines. Dr. Oord openly recounts the trials faced within his denomination and the vibrant discussions and resources springing from the Center for Open Relational Theology. This dialogue extends an invitation to listeners grappling with their faith, offering a fresh perspective on connecting with the divine and reimagining the possibilities of a love-centered theology.Wine: 2019 Domaine Voarick Mercurey Links: Center for Open and Relational Theology: Book: The Death of Omnipotence and Birth of Amipotence
Click here to watch the episode on video. Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Cabernet and Pray, where a glass of wine meets deep conversations. In the spotlight this time is Jef Caine, an intriguing personality who's journeyed from the confinements of traditional Christianity to the liberating realms of spirituality and non-materialism. Jef, living in a van and embracing veganism, shares his fascinating insights, from questioning beliefs and Christianity's impact on his life to his recent decision to abstain from alcohol.Our conversation with Jef is a candid exploration of personal beliefs, transformation, and self-discovery. We navigate through the complexities of life, tackling issues like living on-the-move in a van, practicing veganism, and reconciling with the aftermath of a divorce. Not shying away from humor, we also indulge in some light-hearted banter around amusing communion stories. It's a journey worth embarking on, one that promises a newfound appreciation for authentic living and the courage to question established norms.As we approach the culmination of our chat with Jef, we delve deeper into the connection between extreme lifestyle choices, veganism, and Christianity. Jef's viewpoints provide an engaging outlook on the complexities of these aspects. We also take a moment to reflect on the current state of Christianity and the church in America today. So, pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine, and join us in this enriching conversation that promises to challenge, amuse, and inspire.Wine: 2019 History Red Blend
Click here to watch the episode on video. Pour yourself a glass, and prepare to savor an enticing blend of faith, creativity, and life's joys with a hint of pressing social issues. We were thrilled to invite the remarkable Danielle Strickland to our table, an author, speaker, and self-proclaimed 'Ambassador of Fun.' With her latest book, "The Other Side of Hope," and podcast, "The Right Side Up," setting the backdrop, we swirled around the complexities of wine tasting, explored the concept of being "born again," and pondered the sober curious movement.As we let these conversations breathe, we delved deeper into empowering women to find their voices and the role of the church in protecting its members. An intriguing pour from Danielle's life was her unique project called Imby, a tiny home movement shaking up the suburban monotony. As we neared the bottom of the glass, we touched on the harsh reality of human trafficking and our responsibility to prevent it. We rounded off our chat with a toast to the LGBTQ+ community and the importance of inclusion within the church. And of course, no gathering is complete without a little fun, as we danced around the topic of sound effects in podcasting with Daniel. So join us for this enriching dialogue, as we explore faith, creativity, and life's joys, one sip at a time. Cheers! Links: The Other Side of Hope
Click here to watch the episode on video. Pour a glass of wine and pull up a chair. Our latest conversation with esteemed guest, Dr. David P. Gushee, carries us through a fascinating journey into the intersections of faith, ethics, and politics. A seasoned scholar, Dr. Gushee unpacks the implications of Christian authority within the political landscape while interrogating how power dynamics play out in both religious and political spheres. As a distinguished professor of Christian ethics and author of 28 books, he invokes us to think deeper about our own political engagement.Our discussion takes a powerful turn as we grapple with recent events in Israel, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the potential future of the two-state solution. While we swirl our wines, we reflect on the church's position in supporting the LGBTQ+ community and our collective responsibility in standing against targeting and demagoguery. We dive into the critical issues at play, challenging our listeners to engage in meaningful conversations about power, authority, and the role of the church in these tumultuous times.As we raise our glasses to a final toast, we dwell on the trials and triumphs of defending democracy and the issues plaguing American Christianity today. From confronting the nation's founding racism to discussing the transformative power of writing, our conversation with Dr. Gushee unveils hard truths and offers glimmers of hope. So join us in this enlightening exchange that serves as a reminder of our shared commitment to promoting peace, justice, and equality. Cheers to thought-provoking dialogue and the power of engaging in meaningful conversations!Wines: 2019 McManis Pinot Grigio 2019 Longhand Cabernet Sauvignon Links: Defending Democracy From It's Christian Enemies  
Click here to watch the episode on video. Can love be redefined through understanding mimetic theory? Find out as we chat with Jonathan Foster, a multi-faceted father, husband, writer, and former church planter. He shares his unique insights on mimetic theory and how it can shape our approach of understanding culture and religion. We dive into the enticing world of open and relational theology, exploring its impact on the complexities of human life and relationships.Jonathan isn't your average theologian; he's got an intriguing blend of life experiences that make this chat as light-hearted as it is profound. As we share a few laughs over his love for Mexican food and his move from Arizona to Kansas City, the conversation takes a deeper turn with Jonathan's personal journey of loss and grief. Listen as he bravely delves into the emotional world of writing a book about his personal experiences, showing us that even in the face of tragedy, there is room for growth and understanding.From exploring Girard's theory of scapegoating to challenging the traditional concepts of omnipotence in Christianity, this episode promises a thought-provoking journey. Understand the workings of mimetic theory, decode the complexities of human relationships, and redefine your perception of love as Jonathan sheds light on these intricate subjects. Tune in to expand your knowledge and get a fresh perspective on how shared experiences can pave the way for theological shifts. Be a part of this enlightening conversation, and let the exploration begin!Links: Indigo: The Color of Grief  
Click here to watch the episode on video. Ready to set sail on a unique journey through the world of Christianity, wine, and pirates? We promise you'll gain a fresh perspective on faith as we uncork a delectable 2015 Chateau Monteil D’Arsac Bordeaux blend, discuss the creation of pirates, and delve into the theology of being on the edge of the inside. This unconventional voyage is sure to provide an eye-opening examination of church practices and their modern relevance. Together, we'll navigate the treacherous waters of 17th-century pirate history, revealing how privateers, by losing their commissions, were pushed towards piracy. This exploration allows us to understand better the changing landscape in Christianity today. We explore Richard Rohr's concept of on the edge of the inside, which has profound implications for how we view Christianity and its institutions today. What if truth is found not at the center, but the edges of our groups and beliefs? This idea serves as a compass guiding us on our journey through the complexities of Christian identity. Inspired by Jesus' teachings, we shed light on the emergence of two distinct camps within the Christian identity - the institutional church and the deconstructing community. Here on the edge of the inside, we explore a space that may not be easy but is profoundly meaningful, holding the potential for a more inclusive, empathetic, and diverse Christian community. So grab your glass and join us for an enlightening expedition.
Click here to watch the episode on video. Ever wonder how a wine hobby could transform into a thriving business? My conversation with Clayton Steffen uncovers his intriguing journey into the wine world, the joy he finds in introducing others to new varieties, and the challenges he faces in this industry. We also walk you through our collective journey of tasting a variety of exquisite wines at a recent industry event. We then transition into the heart and soul of running a wine bar. Clayton's insights paint a vivid picture of the importance of creating a 'third place' - a safe, welcoming environment where community thrives and friendships bloom. Seamlessly blending wine with faith and community, our discussion travels to Montalcino in Tuscany, unraveling hidden gems in the world of wine. It's not just about the taste, but also the experience that comes with every sip.Finally, we explore the excitement and challenges of planning wine tastings and the thrill that comes with introducing new varietals to wine lovers. Clayton gears up to explore the Columbia Valley in Washington next, eager to share his new experiences with his patrons. Whether you're a casual drinker or a connoisseur, join us in this riveting discussion, sip by sip, uncorking the passion, and dedication it takes to make it in the wine industry.
Click here to watch the episode on video. Picture this; you're leading a megachurch and suddenly, you decide to make a shift. A shift from preaching to coaching, from the pulpit to facilitating high-capacity leaders. This is the intriguing journey of Mike Goldsworthy, our guest for this episode and the founder of Live Contrarian. Mike shares his experiences, from being a lead pastor to transitioning into an executive coach and facilitator. It's not just about change but a reshaping of identity and relationships. As we reminisce about our first meeting and chat about Mike's current passions, we also consider the art of sermonizing and the AI-driven world we live in.What does the transition from a church ministry to a different medium do to your faith? With Mike, we explore this fascinating question, examining the impact on his relationship with the church and his authenticity. We discuss the guilt associated with not attending church regularly and the nature of faith evolution. We'll also delve into the language of deconstruction within faith, a topic often seen as destructive. We promise; this isn't your typical faith discussion. Mike's unique perspective on faith, drawn from his personal journey, offers fresh insights into the nature of faith expansion, growth, maturing, and evolution. As we share a communal wine tasting experience, brace yourself for an enlightening reflection on the role of communal experience in our relationship with wine. Mike then introduces us to the Post-Evangelical Collective that he co-founded, a community providing a sense of belonging for pastors who feel they no longer fit within Evangelicalism. We wrap up the episode by exploring the financial models that work within the post-evangelical space. Mike's story is about moving beyond boundaries and forging a new path.Wines: 2020 Torial Red Wine Blend 2021 Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon Links:  
Click here to watch the episode on video. Ever been curious about the fascinating world of winemaking? Then strap in for an inspiring journey with Chad Preston, the founder of Birds and Barrels Vineyards and partner in Cochise Wine Company. From being a wine enthusiast during his college days to now standing at the helm of a flourishing vineyard in Wilcox, Chad's story is one of passion, faith, and resilience. Tune in as we traverse the twists and turns of Chad's winemaking journey, his brave forays into new grape varieties, and the hard-earned lessons of risk-taking.Alongside the intoxicating aroma of crushed grapes and wine barrels, there's another guiding force in Chad's life: his deep-rooted Christian faith. With the vineyard as his pulpit, Chad shares how his faith shapes his approach to winemaking and life in general. He views himself as a tool in God's toolbox, serving His divine plans in his own humble way. From his early days in youth ministry to his current role in the wine industry, Chad's faith journey is a testament to the power of belief, prayer, and listening for God's voice.Wrapping up our conversation, we celebrate the courageous endeavors of Chad and his wife, Monica, as they continue to raise the bar of Arizona's wine industry. Reflecting on his journey, Chad emphasizes the importance of community, patience, and gratitude. This episode is a hearty toast to Chad's accomplishments and his unwavering faith. So, fill up your glass and immerse yourself in this riveting conversation about wine, faith, resilience, and the amazing journey of a hobbyist winemaker turned industry influencer. 
Click here to watch the episode on video. In this episode, I talk with my friend Tyler Johnson. Until recently, Tyler was the Lead Pastor of a ten-congregation multisite church. He recently decided to step away from that and is now a spiritual and social entrepreneur entering into the marketplace. He's a man of many convictions and recently started a business called “The Human Element.” We take sips of a 2021 Argyle Nusshaus Riesling and a 2019 Il Farneto - Rosso ‘Giandon’ as we converse about baseball, entrepreneurship, and our favorite wines.The discussion gets deep as we explore Tyler’s transition from leading a congregation to leading in the entrepreneurial world. He shares his journey, challenges, and lessons learned about human capital in the business landscape. Tyler's business, the Human Element, is a testament to the belief in human beings as the most potent form of capital. We explore his unique approach to leadership that emphasizes empathy, relational intelligence, and emotional intelligence. Tyler drops an incredible analogy of a chef at a restaurant to what it can often feel like when leading in a church.Our conversation with Tyler culminates with exploring unity and diversity within Christianity, and how elements like wine, food, and ambiance can reconcile religious divides. We discuss his relationship-building strategy to bridge these divides and the role of social trust in this process. As we wrap up, we delve into seeing the world through Jesus's eyes and how prioritizing the marginalized can unlock ultimate reality. So, lean in, listen up, and join us for an enlightening episode filled with thoughtful insights, wine, and baseball.Wines: 2021 Argyle Nusshaus Riesling 2019 Il Farneto - Rosso ‘Giandon’
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