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Moms Working Overtime

Author: Alanna Hellman

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Moms Working Overtime is the community of women you've been searching to find for SO long. In this season of motherhood, each and every one of us clocks "overtime" hours, showing up the best we can for our family. These seemingly small things are what actually make the biggest impact on our children...and even though they may leave us completely exhausted, they pay time and a half - meaning the return on our investment is far greater than we could ever imagine! We bring together moms in waiting, stay-at-home moms, working moms, brand new moms, and the moms who have just a little bit more experience than the rest of us! Join in for laughs, support, encouragement, and validation of all things motherhood. 

71 Episodes
Can we all agree teachers don't get enough credit, compensation, or respect for the work they do, molding the minds of our children day in and day out? Because I know for a fact that majority of us wouldn't last a week in their role! Our teachers are incredible and many, if not most, pour their heart and souls into what they do. They practice extreme patience, comfort through struggle, kiss away boo-boo's, navigate behaviors, and so much more. And they're an essential part of our team th...
There are certain people that cross paths with us in our lives and motherhood journey that make us think..."wow, this is a God thing for sure!" Meeting Kelsey was one of those moments for me! I'm so excited to share my sweet new friend with you. Kelsey's book is easily the TOP motherhood book I've ever read and is one I'm currently doing as our May Book Club in the MWO Facebook Community. Kelsey and I talk all about what being "in the trenches" of motherhood means to us and how she leans on h...
Our guest on this episode, Anne Marie Landers, is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all things holistic health and using natural remedies as our first line of defense with common illnesses. I enjoyed having her as a guest SO much and we could've talked for hours. Her interest in holistic health practices began like many of our own - as a mom herself, questioning if there was another, more natural way to improve our health.Anne Marie and I dive into common illnesses, fever reducers, the i...
How often do we make a post on social media, showing off some cherished family photos or bragging on a child's accomplishments, only to revisit the post a handful of times or more to see how many likes or comments it received? Social media has conditioned us to be a "gold star" society and now we're addicted to sharing details of our lives that others will clap for...almost as validation that "hey, you're a great mom!"But on the flip side, we are constantly scrolling past the accomplishments ...
On the first Thursday of the month, listen in for a Q&A session where I will grab other incredible mamas and answer YOUR questions! Cierra and I both reference breastfeeding courses we did that we loved: - Cierra used - I used a question for next Q&A episode? DM either of us on social media or email your question to with the subject "I Have a Question!"&nbs...
Pep Talk: Grace

Pep Talk: Grace


We're often our own harshest critics in motherhood. In this episode, I challenge your perspective and give you 3 action steps to help overcome those moments in motherhood when we feel like we're failing. We have to learn to start speaking to ourselves the way we would to a friend when she shares her struggles. Because as moms, we juggle so many things at once and it was never intended to be perfect. You think you're failing, but the reality is that you're a total rockstar. You ...
We all know it. We've all lived it at some point in time. That flailing your arms, gasping for air, head bobbing above and below the surface feeling...survival mode. It's not fun and it's extremely discouraging to feel as a mom. Am I really strong enough for this? Will I ever get through this? Why do other moms make it look so easy? The reality is, you are, and you will, but it's not easy. And you're NOT alone. Every mom has felt it, so why are we so embarrassed of our shortcomings? There are...
This episode is exactly what you need to hear today! I had the privilege of sitting down for an interview with author, actor, and crazy busy mom of 5, Kelli Stuart. Kelli has been through many trials so far in her motherhood journey, including navigating illness with her older children, adoption of their youngest son and learning of his special needs, a cancer diagnosis herself, and now figuring out what the transition of her oldest children into college and the real world looks like from a m...
As moms, we're so afraid to drop a ball or disappoint others. There's no doubt we're an integral component in our family's dynamic, but is everything really going to come crashing down around us if we let something fall to the wayside? Probably not. We're going to step into some humility today because the immense amount of pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect must stop. We're hardest on ourselves when it comes to all things personal AND motherhood. We have this belief that everyone is p...
Pep Talk: No.

Pep Talk: No.


We no longer have the same 24 hours we did before we were moms, so there's one thing we all must get VERY good at: the word "no." Every decision we make is either a deposit or a withdrawal from our "bank account" of time, energy, emotion, patience, etc. And every time we say "yes" to something, we say "no" to something else...often ourselves. We're over scheduled, overstressed, overstimulated as moms because we feel too guilty to say no. We're afraid to go against the crowd. We don'...
We are SO excited to introduce our newest team member of MWO! Lindsay is coming on board to help with the wellness coaching component of our business, focused on helping moms find their joy and confidence again, but you'll see her all over the place! Follow Lindsay on social media: the Show.Let's connect on social media! Send me your thoughts to or I'd lo...
Today's episode is so fun! I had the opportunity to sit down with homeschooling and homesteading mom of four, Hannah Burlbaw to talk all about raising good humans. Homesteading and all things that go into it - growing your own food, raising chickens and getting fresh eggs, baking fresh bread - are all the rage lately. We're all waking up and realizing that we want to know what's in our food and develop a more self-sustaining lifestyle. It's the greatest movement to witness, in my opinion...
We can all agree that we want our children to turn out better than us, right? I think that's one of the few things we can definitely all agree on as moms actually! And for good reason. Sometimes this requires breaking some generational curses that our family has passed down over and over. But in order to do this, we have to work on ourselves first. We have to spend time really reflecting and decide how we want to show up, then take action to do so. Because even if you didn't experience t...
It was so fun to bring Erin Moore, RN, CPNP, CLC, mom of two wild boys, on for this week's podcast as part of our interview series. She is so sweet and has a knack for making all moms feel confident in the decisions they make for feeding their children! Erin and I dive into breastfeeding versus formula, increasing supply, different ingredients in formulas, Baby Led Weaning, and more! She shares tons of knowledge on all things feeding and will not only put your mind at ease, but will...
I had the opportunity to sit down with a great friend, mom of two, and entrepreneur, Nikki Harris this week for another incredible episode in our interview series! Nikki knows all to well what it feels like to ride the waves of the different seasons of motherhood and speaks to the ways she's evolved in her role from the moment she held her firstborn in her arms compared to now. We discuss that wild concept of "balance," how to manage the chaos of playing mom's taxi cab, prioritizing...
We all doubt ourselves sometimes. It doesn't help that in motherhood in this day and age, all of the opinions circulate like a merry-go-round in our heads. But motherhood wasn't designed with room for doubt. Moms were designed with "mama bear" type instincts, the ability to interpret and protect our children like no one else can. Our presence was designed to be territorial, and we should be confident in our own abilities. There are three areas of motherhood that you should NEVER allow doubt t...
"I have to laugh or else I might cry." Have you ever felt this way in motherhood? Because I sure have! That time our son threw a tantrum that was (no joke) 2 hours long, or when our daughter has us operating on 1-2 hours of sleep a night, or how about that time the Roomba dragged dog poop through my house (MORTIFYING). Look, we've all had those moments where motherhood feels everything except funny. But if we can't find it in us to laugh at the challenges, the struggles, the complete dumpster...
Pep Talk: The Mom Bod

Pep Talk: The Mom Bod


With warmer weather approaching, lots of moms start to worry about getting our summer body ready for shorts, tank tops, and swimsuit season. We start to get self-conscious about how we've "bounced back" from the season of motherhood we're in, or whether or not we hit our goal weight on the scale. While I'm a total advocate for prioritizing your health in motherhood and I think this is important, I also believe we should find joy in every season of this journey. After two babies in two ye...
Today's episode is a little bit different, and the beginning of something very exciting for the Moms Working Overtime Podcast - a collaboration with Jeremy Mullins, a registered dietician and expert all things health and wellness. There will be many more collaborations to come between myself and The Jeremy Mullins Podcast, which I will share with all of you, but today I wanted to post this episode because Jeremy and I spoke all about parenthood and wellness. We dive into how to over...
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