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The Whole Shebang

Author: Jen Briggs

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The Whole Shebang was born after seeing patterns of burnt out, disconnection, and lost passions, lop-sided relationships in all of life. I believe it’s because we’ve functioned in part, and not in WHOLE.  

Society has championed left-brain, masculine-paradigm principles  and we’ve stripped the feminine from so much of life. Imagination, empathy, intuition, sensuality, creativity, and playfulness, have been shoved into the shadows, and it just isn’t working anymore. 

But here's what excites me, I’m seeing signs everywhere that we’re entering a new era where the feminine comes alongside the masculine. It’s vibrant, magnetic and whole! 

I’m inviting YOU to come along with me as I interview authors, business owners, and of course chat with friends. You’ll learn new practices for everyday life, cultivate creative approaches to run conscious businesses, develop more dynamic relationships, and most importantly, I believe that you’ll become more and more wholly authentically you.


It’s what we truly need. The complete package. the Whole Shebang. Buckle up buttercups, we’re diving in!  

40 Episodes
Daniel is a Personal Growth Consultant, an Ambassador for the Gene Keys Wisdom, and walks a path of shamanic mysticism. His life work is guiding purpose-driven entrepreneurs into a deeper sense of presence, magnetism, and personal power. Having experienced the freedom of shadow work, Daniel skillfully guides people through their own wound patterns knowing this is where all the gold resides. This is where the magic turns up in living our most aligned and synchronistic lives.I felt such a ...
Daniel Regan, my friends, has cultivated so much wisdom in his life and he's sharing it with us today. He is a Personal Growth Consultant, an Ambassador for the Gene Keys Wisdom, and walks a path of shamanic mysticism. His work is deeply grounded and infused with the earth's rhythms, elements and the pulse of life.... and Holy Smokes... I'm pretty sure I stepped into a river recently, and I'm while I'm not in over my head, the current is moving along quickly and Daniel Regan ...
Robin’s story of resilience is nothing less than inspiring. It will propel and stir things within you, without a doubt. After what she describes as “big T trauma” happening at five years old, crippling mental and physical illness began to manifest in her life. Robin shares what happened, how she found her way back to health, and what the journey was in the process of healing her inner world. If you take one thing from hearing her story, it’s this; there are always threads woven thro...
How many times have you started sentence with, "I know this might sound crazy but...." When have you questioned your level of authenticity and wondered if it was "too much?" What if the truth was it's not crazy at all, it's magic? ... And it's not too much, it's perfectly courageous the way you're living. This week we're talking about the courage it takes to live a life led by intuition and the imaginal realm, about eliminating 'crazy' from our self-descriptors, and about getting ...
When Kim Witczak suddenly lost her husband Woody, due to an undisclosed drug side effect of antidepressants, her life changed forever. She says her calling chose her, and since then she's been instrumental in helping get the FDA black box suicide warnings added to antidepressants. As a drug safety advocate and speaker with over 25 years professional experience in advertising and marketing communications, she's been featured in major news media such as Fortune, reader's Digest, cons...
You'll hear more of my heart in this episode (and maybe you'll cry with me), over the truth that so many generations have lived without, over the power that's been taken away, the power we've given away, the power I'VE given away in my lifetime. The gift is in uncovering what literally feels like diamonds. It's the Alchemist, The Lord of The Rings, it's every plot line where we go searching for the treasure only to find that our power, our purpose, our joy, our best lives are always fou...
I am more convicted than ever, that our bodies hold the wisdom, intuition, and guidance we need at every turn in life. Sadly, many (if not all of us) have historically been stripped of our power. “Following something you can’t see doesn’t make sense, logic makes sense. Emotions are too big and unreliable. Seek council rather than trust your gut.” And the list goes on. This inner wisdom is the power of the Feminine, and while this episode zeros in on women’s embodiment, don’t be fooled… t...
Need a jumpstart?! Want to electrify your life?! Then you're tuning in right on time. (Listen, I know it's an obvious and awful pun, but I couldn't help it. And no, AI didn't generate that idea. It was AAAAALL me.)Every atom in your being is buzzing with potential, and it impacts absolutely every relationship, opportunity, and room we walk in. Today you'll learn why the phrase "everything is energy" isn't total hogwash, you'll understand how energy is electric and magnetic, and you'll l...
Kristin has so much depth, but simultaneously her kindness, intelligence and spirit are so … accessible. She describes herself as a bridge, bringing energetic and spiritual truths to intellectual busy professionals. How one does that, is near miraculous, and she's pulling it off as a woman who’s walking in her soul’s purpose; closing the gap between the metaphysical and physical.There are so many compelling lessons you’ll hear in her story that will apply to yours. I’m gonna "all ...
If you want to live a life that feels aligned rather than disjointed, and full of joy rather than frustration, this is the perfect episode for you to tune into! We begin living in the flow, when we quit forcing life and instead allow the universe to lovingly guide us toward our destinies. In today's mini episode, we explore what it means to get in alignment with divine designs that are meant for you to step into, and specifically how we do that on a daily basis. What follows is a little...
Friends, meet Dr. Jane Oh. She was such a pleasure to get to know during this live interview. Conversations like this historically, have been uncomfortable, and that’s likely still true for many of us. They’re uncomfortable because they’ve remained in the dark and by bringing them to the light, we empower one another, change workplaces, and reignite relationships. This episode captures Jane’s expertise and shared wisdom from an up close and personal conversation with the women in the roo...
This week's intention is a revival of the wild, intuitive spirit within us all, and an embracing of 'La Que Sabe', The One Who Knows, combined with one of the most powerful laws of nature; the life-death-life cycle. This week on The Whole Shebang, we explore shedding the old, and making room for the new. I have a few reflection exercises for you too, so grab a pen when you have a few minutes and we'll walk through how to release what's holding you back and reclaim parts of yourself...
Have you ever wondered what creates resilience when facing life's challenges, or how the seemingly small habits you cultivate can lead to monumental shifts in your personal and professional spheres? Tim Sipprell, my colleague, friend, and now business partner, joins me today. We've followed signs for over a year, that led us to launching our business, The Wayfoundry, which is centered around empowering people to become bigger, badder, better versions of themselves. I’ve been so excited t...
How often are you critical with yourself? Do you beat yourself up, pick yourself apart, or get frustrated with old patterns you see?You’re listening today because you’re on the path of personal growth. By nature that means you’re looking at yourself more closely and becoming more self aware. Sometimes even a healthy path of growth can lead us to becoming overly judgmental towards ourselves. Today we’ll talk about how to combat a critical spirit with one of compassion that’ll kick judgeme...
After quitting her fortune 500 retail career to travel for 2 years with her husband, Sara Schultz knew that building a business was the right move for her. Now the owner of Free Afternoon™ - a brand design agency, wife and mom to two young boys, Sara is focused on helping build brand obsession for those who want to make an impact. And let me tell you, Sara is one of those women. The ones you meet and think, “How can I scheme to make her become my friend? Geez, she’s fun. And smart. And magnet...
This week we've got a quick update for what's ahead. But listen, you know I couldn't do a week where I just share teaser announcements. The wind blew. The spirit moved. The old lady didn't sing ... but I followed the flow, and of course welled up with tears a couple times. I'll let you in on one of my inside secrets, tears are usually a sign that what I'm saying is an important message for someone. And just maybe that someone is you. Alright babes and babettes, I hope this mini-epis...
We didn’t talk much about sex in my house growing up, and I think that was pretty normal for most of us, right? This topic isn’t easy to talk about. Many of us were brought up with a learn-as-you-go model, or maybe you found magazines under a mattress and that was the pinnacle of your education. Bad advice from childhood friends may have been plentiful, or perhaps a pick-your-flavor of shame and fear lecture, because sex was sinful, dirty, or scary.Either way, it’s a pretty private part...
Max Trombly, a dedicated Embodied Life, Love, and Relationship coach from vibrant New Orleans, Louisiana, is committed to guiding individuals towards a brighter, empowered future. As a devoted husband and the proud father of two, his mission is to elevate our potential and empower us to live with purpose, passion and depth.This episode is full of goodies. Check it out! 0:00 Intro 3:40 Where Are The Men? 8:53 Resilient Relationships Thro...
Who doesn't want a "soulmate" kind of love? Turns out, it might be you. After you hear our guest illuminate the difference between soulmates and lifemates, you might just think differently about it. For almost three decades, Kailen Rosenberg has been passionately devoted to helping others find and experience real love – beginning with themselves. As a Celebrity Love Architect®, relationship expert, elite matchmaker, dating and matchmaking global industry trainer and advisor, ...
With a lifelong passion for sports and exercise led Joe Whisney, Navy veteran turned personal trainer and nutrition coach, went down a road of training people that he never thought possible. After spending five years active duty in Virginia, to Seal Beach, CA, MBA and eventually co-owned and operated a boutique group fitness and personal training studio. Joe is someone that nearly every conversation leaves me thinking from a different perspective. Today’s episode is no different. Here a...
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