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Become Your Own PR Machine

Author: Trevor Young aka The PR Warrior

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Are you struggling to cut through the noise and convey your message to the marketplace?

Build your own media network and tell your stories like a PR pro!

We live in a fast-paced, digital-first world cluttered with brands and individuals telling the world how great they are. It's no wonder consumers (B2B and B2C) are so cynical and distrustful. They resent being interrupted with meaningless ads, pitches and promotional messages, They simply don't care about you or your business - because you haven't given them a reason to!

BOTTOM LINE: Standing out, getting noticed and resonating in the marketplace is a growing challenge for businesses and organisations, large, small and micro. Add into the mix the fact that trust and reputation have never been more important in business, and it's clear we need to think more strategically and creatively with how we communicate with the people who matter most to the success of our business, (or cause or issue, if that's our focus).

Listen to this podcast if you want to learn how to harness the power of PR, content and digital communications to build recognition, influence and credibility for your business, organisation or personal brand.
20 Episodes
When it comes to implementing PR, content and digital communications in your business, you can have the best strategy under the sun, but if you don’t get off your backside and take action, then nothing is going to happen.And that’s where people come unstuck. Often it’s not for the want of trying. For most people, it’s not slackness - hey, you’re running a business after all, you’re a motivated individual! But maybe there are roadblocks that are holding you back?In short, if you want to nail PR in your business, you’re going to need some skin in the game - you’re going to have to put yourself out there online via your content or the comments you make on social media, face-to-face at events or in boardroom presentations … or maybe from the stage at industry conferences and the like. Whatever the channel, public relations is a 360 degree contact sport that requires you - the business owner - to be front and centre.But you’re not doing it. For whatever reason, you’re holding yourself back … you might even be out there online doing stuff, but you’re pulling your punches? Why? Well that’s what we cover in this episode. Not only that, we also discuss some solutions as well.To help us get navigate these roadblocks so we can develop a true PR mindset and unlock the potential of our business through public relations, content and digital communications, I'm joined by Mell 'B' Balment.Mell B is a coach and mindset mentor who helps people to gain clarity, confidence, and commitment to follow through as they grow their influence and create more impact in the marketplace.This is a wide-ranging chat. Key points discussed include:The importance of PR in today's digital-first world for businesses to gain trust, respect, and mindshare.How a proactive approach to PR can transform your business and professional image.Common obstacles like fear of rejection or judgment that prevent individuals from taking bold actions in PR.Strategies for creating impactful content without "pulling punches" or diluting your message to avoid controversy.The role confidence plays in engaging with audiences publicly whether it’s online or face-to-face events.Understanding the concept of being an empath as it relates to protecting oneself emotionally when facing potential criticism or negative feedback.CONNECT WITH MELL B WebsiteInstagramLinkedIn__________________________Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to transform your business into a powerhouse PR machine![ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ‘BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE' NEWSLETTER - ]Onwards!Trevor__________________________Shhhh! My new 'secret' podcast!I have produced a Secret Podcast [Free Limited Series] in which I lay out the situation facing all business owners, and providing what I see as the opportunities for brands to gain an edge over the competition in a way that’s purposeful and respectful.Following are the micro-episodes available in this private audio feed ~ SUBSCRIBE HEREEp.1: The backdrop: The situation we find ourselves in (10 mins)Ep.2: The solution: If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me! (14 mins)Ep.3: Enter public relations, but not as you know it: Your ‘new’ secret weapon (10 mins)Ep.4: Harnessing the power of today’s communications palette (10 mins)Ep.5: Clarity, confidence, and why mindset matters (14 mins)___________________________________Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
"We're not here to blend in!" (Kris Ward)If you want to know what it takes to find and hone your voice on social media, secure hundreds of quality podcast interviews (as the guest), as well as produce a podcast that attracts 1000+ 5-star reviews, then you're in the right place! Strap yourselves in as author, podcaster and entrepreneur - Kris Ward - brings both the energy and transparency in this episode! *** [ CURATED FROM REPUTATION REVOLUTION ] Every now and then I'm selecting an interesting and relevant interview previously recorded for my previous podcast, Reputation Revolution ***___________________________I first spoke to Kris Ward - author of the book, Win The Hour Win The Day and host of the podcast of the same name - for an episode of my podcast REPUTATION REVOLUTION. That conversation centred on how subject matter leaders can leverage their time and resources while building their professional personal brand in the marketplace.In doing my research for that initial interview, I was super-impressed with how well Kris was building her own professional online presence (her face was everywhere!), so I decided to 'keep the tape running' and then delved with Kris into her story.That's what this episode is all about: Kris's story, from returning to her business after the passing of her husband, through to finding her voice on social media (becoming "bold faced"), growing her podcast (which has over 1000 5-star reviews), writing as book, as well as a behind-the-scenes peek behind her wildly-successful podcast guesting strategy.These are all core elements of PR, content and digital communications - So when I get the opportunity to showcase someone who's out there doing great stuff, who is 'bringing to life' everything we talk about here on this podcast - then I'm going to do it!This is a fascinating and value-packed conversation! Kris walks us through her struggle to sharpen her point of view through her content, and how she became featured on some 400+ award-winning podcasts, radio and TV shows throughout the world. Of note, she has been interviewed by one of the original sharks from Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington, and ABC’s The Secret Millionaire – James Malinchak.The theme of this discussion really is a 'perfect collision' of owned media, earned media and social media - something we talk about often here on the Become Your Own PR Machine show. Kris has a blog, plus she has a growing presence on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn! Phewww! She's a dynamo, you're going to love this interview!Connect with Kris:websiteInstagramLinkedIn
What does it take for a genuine subject matter expert to generate literally hundreds of items of media exposure? Well, that’s what Jake Moore has been able to do.And not just any media coverage: we’re talking tier 1 editorial exposure! That is, coverage in the top UK media outlets such as BBC Radio, ITV News, CNBC, Sky News, Forbes, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Independent, Wired, Forbes and Al Jazeera. And that’s just a small portion of what he’s been able to achieve!But first, a bit of context. In the previous episode (#17), media relations specialist Liam Fitzpatrick, the founder of Commswork, joined me to discuss how business owners and professional experts can earn legitimate editorial coverage in independent third-party media outlets.So I thought I'd follow up the Liam interview with a chat I had with Jake, previously recorded for my other podcast - REPUTATION REVOLUTION: The Professional Personal Branding Show. It was one of that podcast's most popular episodes, and we really got into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build national media profile by someone who's done it - and continues to reinforce his positioning as the go-to expert in his space. Jake is Global Cybersecurity Advisor for ESET, Europe's number one cybersecurity company. As well as conducting research and analysis into the latest cybersecurity and AI threats and trends, he also regularly comments on a range of cybersecurity stories in the press for outlets major print, broadcast and online media outlets in the UK and internationally. He is often asked to give his opinion, advice and analysis on articles featuring a cybersecurity or technology angle.Topics covered in this interview:Jake's journey from local police force cybercrime educator to international cybersecurity expert with extensive media exposure.The role relationships play when dealing with the media (hence, in the PR world this practice is called ‘media relations’)The importance of Twitter when it comes to real-time connection with journalistsJake’s daily practice of ensuring he’s prepared with story angles and ideasThe importance of timeliness in responding to media callsOutbound pitching of story ideas versus managing inbound media requestsHow to prepare for a media interview, including on-air Zoom callsBalancing personal brand vs employer brand when talking with the mediaDo you need a personal brand website if you're working for a company?How YouTube helped prepare Jake for TV interviews with major media outletsTips on staying focused during interviews, maintaining subject matter expertise without overtly selling products or services.Key takeaways:Building a strong reputation can significantly enhance your credibility and visibility in the mediaResponsiveness and trust are key when interacting with journalists; being available for quick comments can lead to more opportunities for coverageEducating through the media rather than selling creates value for both the audience and your brand.Rounding up:While a PR agency has played a crucial role in helping Jake generate exposure in the media, the key message here is preparation: doing what’s required to build relationships with journalists, editors and radio/TV producers.Jake’s tips and lessons are highly relevant, even if you’re just starting out on your media relations journey with no outside help.If you're interested in extending your reach by leveraging third-party media, you won't want to miss this interview with Jake Moore!*** [ CURATED FROM REPUTATION REVOLUTION ] Every now and then I'm selecting an interesting and relevant interview previously recorded for my previous podcast, Reputation Revolution ***Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to transform your business into a powerhouse PR machine![ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ‘BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE' NEWSLETTER - ]Onwards!Trevor________________________I help business owners become clear and confident in how they leverage PR, content and digital communications to build their brand and grow revenue. Contact me through my website, let's have a chat, no obligation whatsoever!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung________________________CONNECT WITH JAKE:WEBSITETWITTERLINKEDIN
Summary: In this episode, I'm joined by media relations specialist Liam Fitzpatrick, the founder of Commswork, to discuss how businesses can earn legitimate editorial coverage in independent third-party media outlets.Key Points Discussed:Liam's Journey: From a journalist to a B2B communication specialist - insights on persuasive writing and crafting compelling stories that resonate across industries.The role of earned media: Understanding how 'earned media' fits into the overall PR 'pie' (remember: PR is not just about media coverage).Building relationships: How establishing connections with influencers and journalists can lead to positive brand mentions in the myriad media outlets that exist today.Strategy behind media relations vs. publicity: Differentiating between nurturing ongoing relationships with journalists (media relations) versus one-off efforts aimed at selling or promoting something specific (publicity).Owned vs. earned media: The significance of creating your own content platforms like blogs, podcasts, newsletters as an adjunct to earning media coverage on third-party channels.Tactics for gaining editorial exposure: Tips on becoming an authority in your field, including the importance of being active online, sharing expertise at events/conferences, and utilising owned media strategically to build credibility and to demonstrate your professional bona fides.The role of inbound vs outbound strategies: Balancing attracting inquiries from interested parties while also proactively reaching out to share one’s message with relevant audiences.Creating newsworthy content: Identifying opportunities within industry trends or current events that align with business messaging goals; using these hooks to garner interest from journalists.Takeaways:Being proactive on social media can lead to valuable networking opportunities.Events provide powerful platforms for connecting personally with key individuals who influence your target audience.Establishing credibility through consistent thought leadership content helps attract inbound attention from the press.Tailoring messages that bridge gaps between what brands want to communicate versus what journalists seek is crucial for successful PR outreach efforts.Leveraging niche publications and modern hybrid-media outlets offers targeted exposure avenues often overlooked by traditional approaches.Emphasising visibility through various channels ensures broader reach and solidifies reputation over time, whether it’s speaking engagements or opinion pieces published online.Actionable Tips:Audit your existing communication channels regularly ensuring they represent your brand effectively - first impressions count!Identify upcoming industry-relevant events where you might contribute expert opinions aligned with news agendas thus increasing chances of coverage.Develop rich evergreen content focused around unique perspectives within white spaces not heavily covered by competitors yet still valuable to readers/listeners/viewers.If you want to extend the reach of your voice, generating exposure in independent media outlets is a great way to do it. Learn the best way to approach it in this week's episode!Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to transform your business into a powerhouse PR machine![ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ‘BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE' NEWSLETTER - ]Onwards!Trevor____________________I help business owners become clear and confident in how they leverage PR, content and digital communications to build their brand and grow revenue. Contact me through my website, let's have a chat, no obligation whatsoever!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
As a leader and a business owner, reputation is your lifeblood.Trust is the social currency of today's digital-first world, and it's in short supply!Which is good news if you're a credible mission-driven entrepreneur or professional, someone who has the runs on the board and who is seen, not as someone with something to sell, but as someone with something to teach.But you need to be intentional about it!*** [ CURATED FROM REPUTATION REVOLUTION ] Every now and then I'm selecting an interesting and relevant interview previously recorded for my previous podcast, Reputation Revolution ***There are many variables involved in building a genuine thought leader brand in the marketplace. Let's be clear: It's not about being loud, or standing out through incessant chest-beating.Nor is it about getting out there and pitching your wares to all and sundry. That's not going to win you too many fans! Remember, people don’t want to be sold something—they want to buy something.And the best way to get someone to seek out the opportunity to buy from you is to position yourself as the unquestionable authority in your space—someone they would be lucky to have a chance to do business with.This is what PR agency owner RUSTY SHELTON calls the authority advantage!Rusty is a Senior Marketing Strategist at Forbes Books, bestselling author and successful entrepreneur. He’s the founder and chairman of Zilker Media, an award-winning agency based in Texas that helps impact-driven leaders and companies accelerate trust in the marketplace.As a speaker, Rusty uses humour and targeted examples to challenge assumptions about thought leadership, showing leaders how to build authentic personal brands focused on impact, not ego.He has written three books and spoken around the world to a variety of audiences, from YPO to Harvard Medical to SXSW Interactive.Rusty's latest book, The Authority Advantage: Building Thought Leadership Focused on Impact, Not Ego (ForbesBooks, 2023), which is co-authored with Adam Witty and features a foreword from David Meerman Scott, demonstrates how leaders can make an impact with their personal brand and build trust in an increasingly skeptical world.
I am known for getting excited about the opportunities available to business owners to get a leg-up on their competition by being smart with how they use PR, content and digital communications. Creating a regular audio or video show, or editorial publication, I think is a savvy way to gain attention (for all the right reasons) as well as build an audience for your ideas, insights and expertise.Now, this is fine for motivated entrepreneurs who have been experimenting with content and social media over the years.But sometimes, I need to pull back on the reins a bit and encourage those business owners who have been sitting on the sidelines a bit, waiting for extra clarity as to why they should burst forth with enthusiasm around this whole content creation thing.Introducing ‘pre-owned media’Which brings me to an idea that I think will sit perfectly with this latter group of business owners who don’t want to tackle anything too onerous straight away, but still want to start with a small but manageable content project.I’m calling it ‘pre-owned media’ – the smaller-scale content activity (or activities) you focus on before taking on a bigger owned media project.This concept was an a-ha moment that slapped me in the face while chatting recently with Andrés López-Varela for this podcast. Andrés is a genuine thought leader in there world of content and digital marketing [ CHECK OUT EPISODE 14 OF THIS PODCAST: "BUILD A GROWING AUDIENCE FOR YOUR BRAND: LOOKING AT OWNED MEDIA THROUGH A PR LENS WITH ANDRÉS LÓPEZ-VARELA ].When it comes to content creation, Andrés is a believer in not taking on too much straight up, for fear of flaming out due to the responsibility of producing a weekly podcast or newsletter, or fortnightly YouTube show.He says it’s better to work up to the commitment of producing your first ‘destination show’ (or flagship editorial publication) no matter what the modality you choose to go with.Fair call!In our chat, Andrés suggested business owners who are keen to produce an owned media property should perhaps start off small and test their content hook or theme or idea via a ‘channel within a channel’.What is a channel-within-a-channel?The idea of a channel-within-a-channel – a sub-channel, as it were – is acknowledgement that the game has changed with social media, and that many of the platforms have in fact become a collection of channels, rather than being wholly and solely THE channel.In this episode, I unpack this concept, and explain why it might be something that you, as an entrepreneur, consider implementing in your business.Connect with Andrés:websiteLinkedInRemember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to transform your business into a powerhouse PR machine![ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ‘BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE' NEWSLETTER - ]Onwards!Trevor____________________I help business owners become clear and confident in how they leverage PR, content and digital communications to build their brand and grow revenue. Contact me through my website, let's have a chat, no obligation whatsoever!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
Welcome back to another insightful episode of "Become Your Own PR Machine," where we dive deep into strategies and ideas to help you build visibility, influence, trust and credibility for your business and personal brand. I'm your host, Trevor Young, and today I’m joined by a true thought leader in the content space (and I don’t use that term lightly!) - Andrés López-Varela.Andrés brings nearly two decades of experience across various marketing disciplines. His diverse background includes public relations, influencer relations, paid search, email marketing, content production, social media management – basically every key facet of modern-day marketing! He’s a rare beast, Andrés - someone who can genuinely ‘connect the dots’ in a way that’s meaningful and insightful.Our conversation is free-flowing and expansive; specifically, we lift the lid on owned media, and explore the critical role it plays in PR, and marketing communications more broadly.In this episode, we cover off:The importance of owned media:Why it's foundational for long-term brand success. How it allows you to create an audience on your own terms. Its cost-effectiveness compared to earned or paid outreach.Building credibility and authority:Aligning interests between what’s important to you as a brand and what captivates your audience.Tactical aspects and examples:Understanding various forms like websites/blogs/email lists/podcasts/Youtube channels/events/books/research reports.Destination shows and cadence:The value in creating consistent 'appointment' content (e.g., podcasts). Setting sustainable frequencies that won't lead to burnout but maintain engagement.Planning is key:Developing a roadmap aligned with content mission and topics that excite both creator(s) and audience alike.Choosing platforms wisely:Balancing quality over quantity – focus on better fewer platforms with higher frequency than spreading too thin without impact.Andrés emphasises data-driven strategies tailored not just around SEO but with an editorial focus – all aimed at connecting audiences deeply with brands before any commercial ask comes into play.We also discuss how, even if you have substantial budgets for promotion, investing wisely in owned media reduces costs over time while enhancing credibility. *** PLUS *** Discover why starting small might be more beneficial when building up towards ‘destination’ shows like podcasts or live-streams, and how comprehensive research reports and whitepapers which can serve as cornerstone assets generating leads well beyond their initial release date.Don’t miss out on these valuable insights! Tune in now and learn how owning your channels could become the anchor point for all things PR related within your business!Connect with Andrés:websiteLinkedInRemember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to transform your business into a powerhouse PR machine![ SUBSCRIBE TO THE ‘BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE' NEWSLETTER - ]Onwards!Trevor____________________I help business owners become clear and confident in how they leverage PR, content and digital communications to build their brand and grow revenue. Contact me through my website, let's have a chat, no obligation whatsoever!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
In order to carve out a credible thought leadership positioning for your business or personal brand, it's important you're able to unlock, shape and communicate your ideas.One way of doing this is to produce 'deep content' that sparks conversation and attracts an audience.*** [ CURATED FROM REPUTATION REVOLUTION ] Every now and then I'm selecting an interesting and relevant interview previously recorded for my previous podcast, Reputation Revolution ***My guest for this episode is Sonja Nisson, an independent brand strategist and content coach from the UK.Sonya shares her passion for impactful ideas and valuable content marketing. With over 25 years in the industry, she discusses how an idea can connect more effectively than a sales pitch. She highlights her work at the School of Valuable Content where she helps people communicate their thoughts through engaging content.A quick summary of deep content:Sonja and I get philosophical about creating content that matters.Sonja calls it 'deep content'.Deep content positions you, unequivocally, as the expert in your field, she says.It shows your commitment to your specialist subject.Going above and beyond - not many people will do this, you have the edge.You learn so much by doing it: your expertise deepens. It leads to other things. Never underestimate the serendipity factor of releasing deep content into the world, Sonja says.Key points covered:The importance of not just saying good things but also doing good in the real world in order to stand out.How individuals can establish their voice and enhance credibility by extending the reach of their story and message.The significance of creating deep content that resonates with your audience beyond standard marketing pitches.Understanding what 'deep content' means: It’s not just long-form articles or books; it includes any well-thought-out piece that provides significant value – for example, Sonya's map analogy for explaining complex journeys.Why deep content matters: It showcases commitment, expertise, serves as a powerful positioning tool, attracts opportunities and filters out less interested parties.The power of intimacy and vulnerability in your writingThe balance between flow (regular updates) versus stock (substantial pieces): Both are necessary for thought leaders who want to make an impact while maintaining relevance.We also discuss the different examples of deep content, and explain how it can come in many forms.What listeners can expect to learn:Strategies on becoming clear about your personal brand's big idea or purposeTips on balancing regular content creation with developing substantial cornerstone piecesInsights into turning complex knowledge into accessible resources such as books or visual aids like informational frameworks and roadmapsDon't miss this discussion filled with practical advice for those looking to elevate their presence in today’s crowded marketplace!__________________________SUBSCRIBE to the Become Your Own PR Machine newsletter! Get ready to unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications - sign up for free here.
In this episode, I unpack today's PR toolkit - all the options that fall under owned media, earned media, social media, and - to a lesser degree - paid media. Options - communications channels and content modalities (not apps and tools) - that PR pros are leveraging on a daily basis for the benefit of their clients or the organisations they work for.Here's the good news - as an entrepreneurial business owner, you can do this too, for the benefit for your company!To win hearts and minds today, we need to not just amplify our brand message but also - and most importantly - deepen the level of connection we have with key audiences. An effective PR strategy today extends way beyond traditional media coverage, incorporating a consistent content delivery approach across various formats such as blogs, podcasts, and videos. Furthermore, there are options such as premium signature content (books, guides, reports, tutorials, magazines) that can be used to great effect, and are well within the remit of today's savvy business owner.And let's not forget social media which, if used strategically and a dash of humanity, can form the backbone of engaging and meaningful connections with consumers and influencers alike.It's a jam-packed episode folks: Explore the essential tools that bring to life your PR program, from a company's blog as the central content hub through to sponsorships and events, partnerships, podcasts, media and influencer relations, email newsletters and subscriber list building.Quotable quotes from this episode:1. 'PR is more than getting ink, getting your name in the paper, getting an interview on radio, or getting quoted in a magazine. It's about deepening the level of connection with the people who matter most to the success of your business.'2. 'I think a lot of people who run their own business, who are entrepreneurial, progressive, thinking, passionate, I think that you're already doing a lot of probably good PR stuff. You just probably aren't doing it with purpose and direction and strategic intent.'3. 'Think PR before marketing: PR and content and digital communications. That is something that builds the base for your marketing and sales effort.'4. 'Audio on demand is big and getting bigger... a podcast can be very powerful when done well over time, consistently with purpose, with a specific audience in mind.'5. 'An email newsletter I think is an essential PR tool today. Email communications is again about building that trust and credibility, being relatable and accessible.'6. 'But again, you can't do everything, and it's a matter of understanding what you can do and then work out what are your goals, what are your priorities, and what's your strategic roadmap looks like.'Time-stamped 'moments':[00:02:14] Trevor discusses the importance of strategic thinking in PR before delving into tactics, and the idea that PR helps pave the way for marketing and sales success.[00:03:25] The introduction to the PR toolkit and how it serves to deepen connections with the audience that matters most to a business's success is explained.[00:06:03] Owned media is discussed starting with how blogs should be treated as a content hub, and the significance of a consistently updated presence.[00:09:59] The value of growing an opt-in subscriber list through newsletters is emphasised, highlighting the difference between email communications for PR and direct sales-oriented email marketing.[00:14:31] Trevor Young talks about the potential of live streaming and the utility of video apps like Wistia for embedding video content on a business's website.[00:20:05] Different social media channels and their respective roles in the PR toolkit are outlined, including the production of content and the building of relationships through these channels.[00:27:10] Discussion around earned media its various forms, including traditional media, hybrid media, podcast interviews, guest blogging, public speaking, and how these play a crucial role in building a personal brand and credibility in the marketplace.______________________________Learn how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive regular tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
This episode is a bit different in that I am interviewed by culture and leadership expert, Tristan White, about the power of content and communication - it's an expansive conversation where I lay it all on the line! [ Tristan originally interviewed me on his Think Big, Act Small podcast ]The discussion centres on how entrepreneurs can effectively utilise public relations to good effect in their business, and broadens out from there. By understanding their audience and integrating content and digital communications into their day-to-day operations, business owners can gain the edge on their competitors by becoming better known in the marketplace, trusted as a brand, and talked about in a positive way (word of mouth buzz). Staying front of mind with prospective and existing clients and customers is a massive ongoing challenge for businesses in today's noisy, digital-first environment. Having a purposeful PR, content and digital communications program in place can certainly help here! Key points highlighted in this conversation include:Emphasis on frequent and consistent marketing communication for service-based businesses.Importance of identifying the right audience for targeted communication strategies.The power of podcasting and its ability to create a highly engaged audience.Building an online community and transitioning content to private groups for deeper engagement.Leveraging owned media as the safest bet in digital communications.Utilising my marketing communications pyramid to understand the various layers of owned media, social media, earned media, sponsorships, partnerships, and face-to-face interactions, and how they integrate with one anotherThe impact of delivering value and engaging content through various communication mediums and the significance of being strategic about social media channel selection.A valuable takeaway is the necessity of being strategic in PR efforts and consistently focusing on what really matters. I hope you enjoy the episode! I'm hoping it will inspire you to take PR and communications more seriously in your business, and that you tailor your efforts to ensure they align with your commercial goals and what you're trying to achieve as a business owner.Quotable quotes from Trevor:'PR is all about deepening the level of connection with the people who matter the most to the success of your business.''Owned media is the safest bet. And that's your own land. In the digital world, the rented land is social channels.''Being found is one thing... But when people say, oh, you've got to go and see Jimmy and Co., what are they going to do? They're going to check you out.''You can't be just general. It's just too hard today. You get lost in the noise.''The key way to differentiate your brand is you and your people. No one can replicate that; that's your uniqueness.'Time-stamped 'moments':[04:26] Trevor shares a personal anecdote from his past, discussing his early experiences in music promotion and event organization, including a concert with Cold Chisel.[09:18] - Trevor expands on the importance of focusing PR efforts on people critical to business success, such as employees, prospective employees and influencers etc rather than just media exposure.[18:05] - Trevor emphasises the importance of service-based business owners understanding their specific audience and tailoring their communication strategies to address their audience's challenges and pain points.[27:32] - Trevor discusses the value of creating engaging content such as videos to connect with and deliver value to the audience, tailored to where they are geographically located or online.[36:06] - Trevor talks about selecting the right social media channel that aligns with both the audience's presence and the content creator's strengths, advocating specialization before expanding to multiple platforms.[44:37] - Trevor highlights the intimate and engaged nature of podcasting, citing research that shows podcast listeners tend to be highly attentive, making podcasts a unique opportunity for businesses to build trust.Check out Tristan's podcast here.______________________________Learn how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive regular tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
In the two previous episodes, I introduced the concept of ‘Content Buckets’ and discussed the four types ('buckets') of content that business owners should be considering producing i.e. utility content, leadership content, human content and brand content. That was Episode #8.I followed it up with Episode #9, in which I dissected leadership content; I explained what it is, and how it differed from other types of content you might be currently producing.In this episode, I delve into the concept of human content. I explain what it is, and why it presents solopreneurs and business owners with a terrific opportunity to connect more emotionally with their audience, as well differentiating their brand and making it more relatable to people.In short, human content is about injecting humanity into what you publish online, with a view to building trust with your audience. This has always been important, especially since the advent of social media, but in an ever-increasing AI-driven world, it's going to be more vital than ever!I hope you enjoy the episode!______________________________Learn how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive regular tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
In the last episode (#8) I outlined my ‘Content Buckets’ model and explained how it has assisted me in helping entrepreneurs and business leaders to clarify their thinking around the content they (want to) produce.The goal of the model is to help us become more intentional with the content we create and distribute. Recapping the four content groups:‘Utility’ (useful, helpful, audience-first);‘Leadership’ (flag-in-the-ground, lead the conversation);‘Human’ (behind the public face of your business/show the personal side); and‘Branded’ (company news, promotional etc).I emphasised the importance of balancing these four types of contents, as it will help you keeps things interesting for audiences (and yourself!) while maintaining focus on promoting your insights, ideas, expertise, and business generally.In this episode of the podcast, we dig deeper into LEADERSHIP CONTENT. I explain what it is, and how it differs from other types of content you might be currently producing. Plus, I provide myriad examples of leadership content produced by individuals and companies alike (see below for links).First-class leadership content has the power to not only differentiate your brand and your business in the marketplace, but also significantly build visibility, reputation and trust.Importantly, leadership content is designed to spark conversation and potentially ignite debate. It doesn’t necessarily address a customer need or pain point. Indeed, it might even challenge people, metaphorically ‘poke them in the eye’ by changing the way they think about a particular topic or issue.Brands and individuals mentioned in this episode:The Edelman Trust BarometerBuffer's State Of Remote Work reportMighty Networks' From Dependence to Independence reportRichard van der Blom’s LINKEDIN ALGORITHM REPORTGreg Savage's Savage Truth blogSarah Walker-Smith - CEO, Shakespeare MartineauDavid Hieatt - co-founder of Hiut Denim Co Chris Do - founder, The Futur Joanna Penn- The Creative PennSeth Godin - authorDr Michelle Mazur - brand messaging strategistProfessor Scott Galloway - lecturer, entrepreneur & YouTube creatorFarrow & Ball, and its online publication – The ChromologistBed Threads - The Makers Home ToursBellroy - CarryologyIn the next episode, we'll delve into the category of 'human' content, and how it can make your brand more relatable in the eyes of your target audience.Learn how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive top tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
In this episode, I introduce my 'Content Buckets' model. This model, or framework, has been refined over many years and has proven to be an invaluable tool for categorising different types of business content.Key points covered:1. Utility Content: Provides useful how-to information that addresses the needs and pain-points of your audience, relative to your field of expertise.2. Leadership Content: Inspires people to think bigger while challenging their thinking around relevant topics and issues.3. Human Content: Makes your brand relatable by taking people behind-the-scenes of your business, as well as telling other people's stories.4. Brand Content: Promotes your company, its products and its services; includes calls-to-action for people to attend an event, or download a guide, ebook or report.I emphasise the importance of balancing these four types of contents, as it will help you keeps things interesting for audiences (and yourself!) while maintaining focus on promoting your insights, ideas, expertise, and business generally.I also explain that promotional branded content should ideally make up between 10-20% of total output, with a mix of useful information, thought-provoking ideas, personal stories making up the rest.Future episodes promise deeper dives into 'leadership' and 'human' content categories, which are key differentiators for businesses, particularly those that provide professional services.To stay updated on upcoming episodes plus tips and insights, sign up to the BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE newsletter at
In this episode, I delve into the world of digital communications and public relations, focusing on how journalists can elevate your content. This is a must-listen for business owners looking to imrpove their online presence in what is a hyper-competitive digital-first marketplace.Key points covered:The importance of quality content: We discuss why smartly produced content gives you an edge online and positively impacts your commercial goals.Benefits of hiring journalists: Learn about the three main advantages that journalists bring to your business - creating multimedia content (written articles, videos, audio pieces), extracting compelling stories from brief interviews (thus saving time for busy professionals) and enhancing output quality with sub-editing experience.Role of sub-editors: Discover how sub-editors can shape, fact-check and significantly improve your content, even if you're skilled at writing.Freelance journalists and content creation: Explore reasons to consider freelance journalists for creating multimedia content that broadens reach online; extracting better narratives from your material than possible alone; polishing written work into superior final products.Don't miss out on learning how to become self-sufficient in PR through our newsletter accompanying this podcast. It offers valuable tips and insights on leveraging peer content and digital communications for business growth. Subscribe now at ''. Enjoy listening! bAJ4uyiEayXO7qc6yvCD
If you're a solopreneur or you run your own growing business and employ people, this episode will resonate!My message to you is this: PR is more important than ever for your business.Let's face it, your prospective clients and customers hate advertising and promotional chest-beating. They don't want to be incessantly pitched at and marketed to. Plus, with AI and bots becoming more prevalent in the marketplace, people will start craving 'the human touch' more than ever, if they don't already. Let's face it, you (and your people) are what set your business apart from your competitors: you/they are what makesa your business unique, so let's see more of you/them!PR is all about humans, and building relationships with the people who are important to the success of your business.Understanding this powerful concept is key - critically, understanding how it all works 'under the PR hood' is important if you want to leverage PR, content and digital communications strategically to help grow your brand and your business.Here's the thing, you're probably doing a lot of great PR stuff already. Now to do it in a way that's strategic, respectful and sustainable!In the next episode, we're going to dig into the tactics that are often used by PR pros on behalf of their clients: there are a lot, so strap yourself in!Subscribe to the BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE newsletter and receive top tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!   
Another meaty one for you. Just setting the scene for later episodes!In episode one I broke down what PR is - and isn't. We busted some myths, and explored the broad canvas that is public relations.In episode two, I unpacked mt 'Marketing Communications Pyramd' to illustrate the role PR played in the broader marketing picture.In this episode, I discuss the 'secret sauce' of being a good PR operator 💥  PLEASE NOTE: You don't have to have studied PR necessarily to be able to master the discipline - but it all started with having the right mindset, and that's what I dissect in this episode.There's a lot to it (and you might already be ticking a lot of boxes - YAY!Let's dig in ... _______________________Learn how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive top tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung 
In this micro-episode, I discuss how to generate media coverage for your business or personal brand using what I call the 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆. If you want to take things up a notch with your PR and marketing efforts, then generating editorial exposure for your business or personal brand can really help increase your reach and visibility. But it's important to do it in a way that's strategic and sustainable. ENTER: The 'Rolling Thunder Strategy' - this is most suitable for owned of expertise-based or service-based businesses - and especially if you're trying to position yourself as the go-to subject matter expert or thought leader in your space, in the industry in which you operate.
One of the key foundational activities of PR is to build the base of communications for our brand and our business.In the previous episode, I unpacked my 'Marketing Communications Pyramid', which is anchored by owned media and social media. Along with earned media, they (ideally) form the base of your marketing communications eco-system. In other words, they help make your paid-for marketing activities work harder!In this episode I cover off owned media, and discuss why it's important to think like a media proprietor as we build out - in a purposeful way - our own media 'network' (I use the BBC to illustrate my point here).I break down:what owned media channels are available to solopreneurs and business ownerswhy having an owned media presence is important from a marketing communications perspectivean analogy using the BBC to illustrate my pointthree content mediums we need to be aware of, including standalone sub-branded media propertiespremium signature content opportunities and how we can use them to deliver extra value to our audienceI hope you enjoy the episode!CHECK OUT THE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PYRAMID HERE - how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive top tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung 
In this episode, I unpack what I call my 'Marketing Communications Pyramid'. This is a framework I've used for years to break down the various elements that make up the marketing mix; I do this so I can, in turn, isolate the PR elements and where they sit in the broader picture.I contend that PR sits at the base of the pyramid, and builds the foundations for the broader marketing communications of a business (or organisation). THINK: a strategic blend of owned media, social media and earned media. In essence, we're talking about creating our own media network so we can deepen the level of connection we have with the people who matter most to the success of our business, cause or issue.If you're a business owner, or a marketer or PR pro, you'll want to dig deep into this episode as it will provide you with heaps of food for thought!CHECK OUT THE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PYRAMID HERE - how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive top tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung 
PR is a weapon, but only if you understand how to harness its power for the benefit of your business, cause or issue!But first, let's get down to basics. I spend this episode unpacking the concept of public relations, discussing what it really is, and why it's important for solopreneurs and business owners to understand the crucial role it plays in the marketing mix. SPOILER ALERT: If your view of PR has been influenced by Hollywood or the media generally ... then get ready for to start rethinking things :)There is a lot to PR, and I'll be breaking it down for you across future episodes of the podcast. In the next episode (#002), we're going to look at a few more of the building blocks of PR in terms of owned, earned and social media, and I'll I'll talk through what I call my 'Marketing Communications Pyramid', and where PR fits in all of that. But until then, let's kick off your PR journey with this opening episode! Learn how to become your own PR machine! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive top tips, ideas, insights and trends to help you unlock the potential of your business through the power of PR, content and digital communications!Let's connect on the socials - Twitter / @trevoryoung and LinkedIn /trevoryoung
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