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The Papa Roc and Jay Pop Show: You Already Have The Truth
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The Papa Roc and Jay Pop Show: You Already Have The Truth

Author: Pastor Jay Dennis and Randy X. Ferreira

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Speaking Biblical truth in love into today's most controversial topics like abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and more. Our discussions are based on what the Bible says on these topics and unapologetic viewpoint.
15 Episodes
Ooops, we did it again. This has been such a controversial topic, we needed one extra week to close it out. Welcome back to part four of the "Communism in America" podcast series. Since its inception, America has been challenged by external ideologies seeking to disrupt its core principles. Among these, Marxism, or Communism, emerges as a formidable adversary. To many, Communism transcends mere political theory; it is seen as a fundamentally malignant force, a creed with intentions as profound and destructive as those of any radical extremist group. While the menace of radical Islamist factions is acknowledged, the threat of Communism to American values and societal stability is considered unparalleled.In this episode, we won't hold back from confronting the uncomfortable realities and undeniable facts, setting aside personal biases and prevailing opinions. Our conversation is particularly relevant today, as a significant portion of the American public—71% according to a recent NBC News poll—feels the country is on the wrong track. This is not a momentary worry but a persistent anxiety that reflects deep concerns about the trajectory of the United States.Join us as we delve deeper into the historical conflicts, ideological confrontations, and the persistent challenge posed by Communist influence in America. We aim to illuminate the deep and often unspoken effects of this ideological conflict on the very essence of American life.
Welcome back to part three of the "Communism in America" podcast series. Since its inception, America has been challenged by external ideologies seeking to disrupt its core principles. Among these, Marxism, or Communism, emerges as a formidable adversary. To many, Communism transcends mere political theory; it is seen as a fundamentally malignant force, a creed with intentions as profound and destructive as those of any radical extremist group. While the menace of radical Islamist factions is acknowledged, the threat of Communism to American values and societal stability is considered unparalleled.In this episode, we won't hold back from confronting the uncomfortable realities and undeniable facts, setting aside personal biases and prevailing opinions. Our conversation is particularly relevant today, as a significant portion of the American public—71% according to a recent NBC News poll—feels the country is on the wrong track. This is not a momentary worry but a persistent anxiety that reflects deep concerns about the trajectory of the United States.Join us as we delve deeper into the historical conflicts, ideological confrontations, and the persistent challenge posed by Communist influence in America. We aim to illuminate the deep and often unspoken effects of this ideological conflict on the very essence of American life.
Welcome back to part two of the "Communism in America" podcast series. Since its inception, America has been challenged by external ideologies seeking to disrupt its core principles. Among these, Marxism, or Communism, emerges as a formidable adversary. To many, Communism transcends mere political theory; it is seen as a fundamentally malignant force, a creed with intentions as profound and destructive as those of any radical extremist group. While the menace of radical Islamist factions is acknowledged, the threat of Communism to American values and societal stability is considered unparalleled.In this episode, we won't hold back from confronting the uncomfortable realities and undeniable facts, setting aside personal biases and prevailing opinions. Our conversation is particularly relevant today, as a significant portion of the American public—71% according to a recent NBC News poll—feels the country is on the wrong track. This is not a momentary worry but a persistent anxiety that reflects deep concerns about the trajectory of the United States.Join us as we delve deeper into the historical conflicts, ideological confrontations, and the persistent challenge posed by Communist influence in America. We aim to illuminate the deep and often unspoken effects of this ideological conflict on the very essence of American life.
From the very beginning, America has faced adversaries aiming to undermine its foundations. Among these, the doctrine of Marxism, or Communism, stands out as a particularly nefarious force. To some, it's more than just a political ideology; it's akin to a religion, embodying the epitome of evil and insidious intent. While recognizing the threats posed by radical Islamist factions, we believe that Communism represents the paramount challenge to American values and way of life.In this podcast, we won't shy away from the uncomfortable truths and hard facts, regardless of personal feelings or popular sentiment. Our discussions are timely, especially considering the current climate of dissatisfaction among the American populace, with a staggering 71% expressing in the latest NBC News poll that the nation is veering off course. This sentiment isn't fleeting; it's been a consistent theme, highlighting a deep-seated concern about America's direction.Join us as we explore the history, ideological battles, and ongoing struggle against the tide of Communist influence in America. We're here to shed light on what many feel but seldom articulate — the profound impact of this ideological war on the fabric of American society.
Welcome to The Papa Roc & Jay Pop Show: You Already Have the Truth, where we delve into thought-provoking and often controversial topics, exploring them through the lens of faith and scripture.In today's episode, we continue with part 4 and the conclusion of: "Can You Be a Christian and Vote Democrat?" Our approach is to set aside personal feelings and focus solely on facts. We'll be examining the core teachings of the Bible and comparing them with the Democratic Party's platform. This episode offers a balanced, scripture-based perspective and fosters a respectful, informed discussion. Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they navigate this complex and significant topic.
Welcome to The Papa Roc & Jay Pop Show: You Already Have the Truth, where we delve into thought-provoking and often controversial topics, exploring them through the lens of faith and scripture.In today's episode, we continue with part 3 of: "Can You Be a Christian and Vote Democrat?" Our approach is to set aside personal feelings and focus solely on facts. We'll be examining the core teachings of the Bible and comparing them with the Democratic Party's platform. This episode offers a balanced, scripture-based perspective and fosters a respectful, informed discussion. Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they navigate through this complex and significant topic.
Welcome to The Papa Roc & Jay Pop Show: You Already Have the Truth, where we delve into thought-provoking and often controversial topics, exploring them through the lens of faith and scripture.In today's episode, we continue with part 2 of: "Can You Be a Christian and Vote Democrat?" Our approach is to set aside personal feelings and focus solely on facts. We'll be examining the core teachings of the Bible and comparing them with the Democratic Party's platform. This episode offers a balanced, scripture-based perspective and fosters a respectful, informed discussion. Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they navigate through this complex and significant topic.
Welcome to The Papa Roc & Jay Pop Show: You Already Have the Truth, where we delve into thought-provoking and often controversial topics, exploring them through the lens of faith and scripture.In today's episode, we're tackling a question that stirs up strong opinions and deep emotions: "Can You Be a Christian and Vote Democrat?" Our approach is to set aside personal feelings and focus solely on facts. We'll be examining the core teachings of the Bible and comparing them with the Democratic Party's platform. This episode aims to offer a balanced, scripture-based perspective and foster a respectful, informed discussion. Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they navigate through this complex and significant topic.
Today's podcast is part 2 of 2 and focuses on Jesus' words in Luke 20:22-25 - "Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” He saw through their duplicity and said to them, “Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription are on it?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. He told them, “Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”Jesus Christ is The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He and He alone is on the Throne. He is in control. The future is in His hands. He always casts the deciding vote on everything. He has no equal. Jesus is not a Republican. Jesus is not a Democrat. He resides in no one’s box. He doesn’t line up to fit a political party, we are to align with Him. We follow Him, He doesn’t follow us. Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they discuss how Jesus would vote.We discuss this topic in love and through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.
Today's podcast focuses on Jesus' words in Luke 20:22-25 - "Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” He saw through their duplicity and said to them, “Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription are on it?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. He told them, “Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”Jesus Christ is The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He and He alone is on the Throne. He is in control. The future is in His hands. He always casts the deciding vote on everything. He has no equal. Jesus is not a Republican. Jesus is not a Democrat. He resides in no one’s box. He doesn’t line up to fit a political party, we are to align with Him. We follow Him, He doesn’t follow us. Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they discuss how Jesus would vote.We discuss this topic in love and through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.
We support Israel! If you want to see God’s prophetic Time Clock, keep your eyes on Israel. As you know on October 7th there was a surprise attack upon Israel from Hamas, a brutal terrorist organization, which began a conflict that is still unfolding now into a ground war. At the very heart of the matter is a hatred for the Jewish people. Now we are watching demonstrations, including on college campuses with people shouting vitriol like “Gas The Jews.” We are seeing pure evil on display as women and children are being raped and slaughtered by these evil, demonic, brutes. Social Media has allowed evil to be viewed on a new level of communication. Antisemitism is alive and well in America and around the world. We just saw the President of the University of Pennsylvania resign as a result of her not standing strong against antisemitism on campus. The presidents of MIT and Harvard are also under fire for their complicity in not standing against this evil. We must not remain silent. Silence is Complicit!Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they share their stance and support for Israel.We discuss this topic in love and through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.
There is a lot of confusion today on biblical and moral issues. We wish to clarify what the Bible teaches and a Christian’s response to this moral confusion. Christian, moral clarity is essential for this generation.Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they share the declaration of beliefs on which they stand and that are the foundation of this podcast.We discuss this topic in love and through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.Download the companion PDF of "An American Christian's Declaration of Beliefs. 
Join us on our new podcast as we tackle the controversial topics in current society. This week we conclude our discussion on the transgender movement and the Biblical truth that our secular society doesn't want to hear in relationship to this movement.Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they discuss facts and statistics of a movement not nearly as large as their loudness would have you believe.We discuss this topic through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.
Join us on our new podcast as we tackle the controversial topics in current society. This week we continue our discussion of the lies of the transgender movement and the Biblical truth that our secular society doesn't want to hear.Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they discuss facts and statistics of a movement not nearly as large as their loudness would have you believe.We discuss this topic through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.
Join us on our new podcast as we tackle the controversial topics in current society. This week we discuss the transgender movement and the Biblical truth that our secular society doesn't want to hear.Join Papa Roc, JayPop, and your host Poppa John (not to be confused with the pizza guy) as they discuss facts and statistics of a movement not nearly as large as their loudness would have you believe.We discuss this topic through the lens of the Word of God, for which we will not apologize.
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