DiscoverOur Divine Human Blueprint
Our Divine Human Blueprint
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Our Divine Human Blueprint

Author: Lucy - Infinity Resonance

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Channelings, Meditations, Activations & simple ways to work with our divine human blueprint, to bring us into alignment, open us to our inner guidance and transform our energy alchemy. For access to more channeled gifts, energy updates, meditations, live members events and more, visit the website

126 Episodes
 Several Channelings from different speakers all focused on the shifts happening now  - Collective Consciousness, Planetary Evolution, Energetic Activations - how they connect to the current war energies and how we can work with that.How we can process our responses to the war situation and use it to support healing and change.As love remembers how to physically relate to itself in a loving way, not thinking 'i am loving' or knowing 'i am loving' but physically vibrating with more of love in our relating to reach other, so our inner conflicts are pushed to the surface for healing. And this manifests in our world as war, for example. But as with all things, when we focus within and take ownership for processing what arises in response to conflict, so we heal ourselves and play our part in healing the global situation.The vibratory resonance activating in our energy fields and in our awareness at the moment, is how divine love relates to itself - how love relates to love. And we're  deeply remembering - in a vibratory way - how it feels to relate as loving consciousness.Our cries against conflict are healing the trauma inherited from our shared racial memories, from our familial inherited genetics, from our spiritual lineages and from our current lifetimes. In this Channeling, the guides from Sirius start by talking about activations in our Divine Blueprint happening now and how the collective ascension in consciousness, planetary evolution and the outbreak of war are connected. As well as how we can work with the energies. There is a dimensional reality opening up in our energetic fields that supports us to physically re-experience loving relationship and less of separation in our physical environment. It's happening at an elemental level, changing us from within in a way we mighty not be conscious of, but will be being affected by. Ending our story of separation by degrees in our energy fields, in our consciousness and in our conscious and unconscious awareness. With each new activation, the old comes to the surface for healing. The new vibrations are what can heal the old ones, but it's up to us to align with them. And that's challenging when dissonance is what manifests in our experience. When we're living old pains and old stories. They become the more real for us. So turning within to anchor into that place of inner peace and stillness, where we are reading 'God Consciousness' as it translates itself within us, taking our direction from within, rather than looking to be guided by what's going on around us - this helps us slow our footsteps down and walk through the chaos to safety.There are regular online sittings for helping us drop into that place of peace and safety and to open to the magic that can be generated when we do.If you'd like to be part of the online Sittings - guided journeys for Aligning within and being moved to act in Alignment with our inner guidance - get in touch To offer a donation, please support this ongoing work and make a contribution at you 🙏Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. Support the show
Every full moon a gateway to source opens in our human blueprints and new energy flows down certain pathways, opening us to receive gifts from our Divine templates. This full moon, the gateways are opening in our heart and root and new flows between these centres are activating divine templates connected with how we allow ourselves to be physically supported. We're asked to open our hearts to dissolve the old stories and welcome in the unexpected new energies.We can meet these new energies as vibrations and trust them to bring us what's for us. The theme this lunar gateway is on security, stability and love and we're being called to trust in our inner masculine or inner feminine - whichever we feel has been less strong for us in the area of stability, security and money. Is it taking action that's always let us down in this area, or is it more our character - who we think we are, or what we think we should be doing. These ideas about ourselves are up for renewal now, being called home, beyond their old duality paradigm into unity. And rather than being asked to focus on the inner work we have to do, unpicking our perceived faults around this, we have a more challenging task, should we choose to accept it. We are being asked, encouraged and supported to welcome the frequencies of unconditional love - flowing into our roots, from our hearts, bringing new templates for healed archetypes in our root chakra, helping us be more physically supported, by updating how we're encoded for it. For example, our outlook and action when it comes to financing ourselves. That's the most obvious example of an area that's likely to be affected, but it's not limited to that. How were physically supported in our worlds can look like many different things. But what unlocks us, is allowing the heart resonances vibrating in our collective field now to open us more intimately, more vulnerably to love. Our dreams are taking care of our old stories and they're leaving in the background, if we let them. This lunar phase, these are the main themes at play in the continuing story of the our evolving human blueprint - our continued awakening and ascension into unity consciousness.Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. Support the show
This new moon the gateway opens in our natural human blueprints to support our future manifestations by bringing polarity into oneness - we are here and we are in the future and there's no distance in the now as seeming opposites come together to exist in one place, one time and that time is now. A transcending of duality stories in the futures we're manifesting in our careers, our relationships and our geographical location. Also present this gateway are more endings in the story of the separation between the personal and the divine self, the inner masculine and the inner feminine, the one who wants to be somewhere, doing something with someone and the one who already is.These future vibrations are opening in our fields. And it's a physical energetic activation at this time. There's a clearing out of of tightness connected to old stories as they're held in the fascia, so that we can vibrate with the realities we're manifesting at that level of density in our physical fields of consciousness as we keep vibrating with our truth further and deeper in our bodies and our physical universes.There's an emphasis on allowing the higher mind to take over from the small mind - the over-burdened mind, in the area of practicalities, logistics and planning. To show a higher way of planning, sequencing and directing our logistical activities than we may have been up til now. This 'take-over' by the higher mind is a theme for the year and each new moon gateway will offer support in different areas of this dissolution of the disconnected mind as it is replaced by the mind awakening to Oneness, connectedness and a state of operating in the physical world and daily life now and more from that place of higher functionality.In these updates we're focusing on the collective shifts we're supported in through the major lunar gateways of this year in the story of our evolution, ascension and awakening. Each lunar gateway opens us to to divine templates in our natural human blueprint. These help us integrate the encodements that support the embodied remembering of who we are beyond the stories of ourselves. So we can allow more and more of who we're not to dissolve along with our sense of separation.Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. Support the show
With the reset in physical consciousness opening us to Oneness Awareness in the body, we're accessing hidden templates and buried gifts that come from vibrating in harmony within our physical world. This triggers the recall of ancient rememberings as we open to the tremendously expanded range and quantity of information that reaches us from the physical landscape we're a connected part of. Collectively, human consciousness is being supported to open up our long lost ability to take unconscious readings at a level of consciousness that's been closed to us for so long. With practise and not just predisposition we can take those readings from our physical landscape more and more consciously, reconnecting with gifts that have long been thought to belong to the realm of the supernatural and the gifted few. At this time, the awakening in our natural human blueprints of this ability to read our extended physical landscape is like a whisper of what's to come. Like Flower petals unfolding in our Divine Blueprints reminding us of what we can remember when we're divinely aligned.  These are the words that come for this half moon alignment transmission.  With love.   For a free consultation schedule with me here -  One to one sessions are for opening us to the gifts, wisdom, guidance, healing and transformation that comes from within when we open to the I beyond all the stories of itself.I read the akash of human blueprints and support people to align with their higher selves and soul purpose, open to hidden gifts and abilities and transform limitations. I believe we're the master cocreators of our own reality, we are our own guides, teachers, healers and masters.  And that we're here to embody our sovereignty in the realisation of the Self beyond separation. Blueprint work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. Support the show
Energy and awareness guided meditation - Aligning with the divine Resonances opening in us now, helping us align with our natural human blueprint and embody the frequencies that support us vibrationally to hold our centres and be in awareness in life.Including a focus on throat and sacral centres and how joy can help us align our appetites and guide and support us living our true creative purpose. To see how one to one channeled Sessions could support you, schedule your (free) consultation here: work is for aligning with the Self beyond the stories. This helps us shift our perspective, our state & rewrite the story of ourselves, by aligning with our highest truth. It connects us with our intuition, guidance, gifts & unconditionally loving support. Owning our sovereignty as master cocreator of our own reality. These transmissions are encoded with frequencies for activating our inner oracle. For living humanly as divine multidimensional beings we are. Support the show
On Softness, Kindness & Forgiveness helping us heal grief, lift our capacity for caring and transform the energies of blame, guilt and judgement through taking aligned Response-Ability. With channeled messages from guides from Sirius as well as the as yet unnamed new guides I've been working with.Some of the themes we'll be working with in our collective human blueprint over the next 3 lunar gateways. As we open to the divine resonances of Softness, leading to Kindness, allowing forgiveness, we heal the collective dissonances of blame and judgement on the move now as the alignment in Response-ability continues to push us to let go of what's not for us and take Response-Ability only where it's in alignment. Grief is healing and clearing from our fields this year, on top of the fear that wants to vibrate it's way out of our personal and collective fields still. And because we have collectively after to integrate and embody the divine resonances opening in our human blueprints and supporting our continued evolution and ascensión at this time, we are collectively cooking up manifestations that support us to heal our grief and open to softness. The more we work internally to open to the divine resonances and transmute and transform our grief, the less we need to manifest situations that trigger us to have these movements they're external experiences.One to one sessions with me are available for channeled and integrated energy work.Book a free consultation here the show
Aligning with Divine Mind and Activating the inner oracleThe year of clarification and innovation with the emergence of divine mind and the dissolution of the old, small overworked mental processes that helped us survive in our old paradigm of existence. The Pleiadians being through an overview of 2022 in terms of the activations in our ascension process and divine human blueprints happening now.  Divine Mind aligned with expanded body awareness characterises the initiations for our New Year 2022. A mind aligned with body, heart and inner wisdom as we heal ourselves and dissolve the old thought mechanisms that supported us in duality.There's a number of Channelings, transmissions and activations for this new year that have already come through and I'll be adding them bit by bit. We have messages from the Pleiadians, the water spirits, the earth elementals and the Dragons as well as more to come from the new guides that have shown a loving dedication to supporting us this year. Here's to a beautiful 2022 and a graceful process for us all in the year of clarification, innovation and the continued crowning of our Sovereignty.Divine mind and expanded body awareness work together this year to help us take our plans into action and trust that they are aligned with our soul purpose and our truest self. For one to one work, book a free consultation with me to see how I can support you. the show
An Alignment meditation to drop is into my'no mind' space - to connect us with our higher self, center us in our truth and open us to the gifts in this moment. With grounding and physical integration. Beginning as a guided meditation and moving into silent meditation with pointers on how to take your meditative state into our daily life.With love.For one to one guided work, book your free consultation here the show
For those of us who can't physically be with our loved ones this Christmas, there can be a sacred purpose to this, if we work with it this way. We are in a process of bringing divine mind to the story of our ascension and mastery of cocreating our reality in New earth vibrations. If we look for external confirmation of this we may find it, but if we turn within, we can't miss it. Turning within this Christmas, findig that space to align with the truth of ourselves, there are gifts to be received that can help remind us we are manifesting our future from the truth of who we are, we are being healed, cleared and lifted beyond what we're not and the light of our inner masculine qualities are being brought through to transform how we're cocreating our external realities. Dropping into this awareness doesn't change what is going on outside of us or stop those things that are happening that we are not happy about. But it helps us free ourselves, lift our responses and find that spaciousness ever we are embodying our Sovereignty and finding our way through.A great great opening is helping align our hearts and minds, ending layers of the stories of polarity in the inner dance between masculine and feminine, heart, mind and body.With love. Here's to a beautiful Christmas for us all and compassion for those who are not having one.Book a free consultation for channeled support, integrating channeled energy work, messages, inner journeying and process work with resonance energetics to  help with embodying sovereignty and owning mastery as cocreators of reality aligned with the truth of who we are. the show
Aligning with our most natural Self. This is a channeled alignment message, update and meditation, to help us anchor in the truth of ourselves and allow what needs to move to do so gracefully. The last few days of letting go into welcoming arms of the loving dark as who we were is composting down to make space for the new growth that will come in Spring.Support the show
A call to shine the light of our true essence into the darkness and allow that same darkness to devour what's no longer for us. To trust that truly what we are is protected and what we're not can fall away. An encouraging, celebratory Channeling on this 4th December new moon gateway. Support the show
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This is what came through at the mid-point of the eclipse - an energy update, followed by a 15 minute meditation (Gaia-body resonance Alignment) finishing with a channeling from the Guides from Sirius and a vibratory message from Gaia on the simplicity of our interconnected symbiosis. Taking the action to follow our dreams – a new vibratory resonance awakensGaia-Body Symbiosis – New Deep Earth Alignments – Divine Shiva Shakti Alignments – Fire & Water Elemental Harmonisation – Throat Centre Renewal – Body RebirthOur golden inner masculine awakens, called into being by the Gaia Goddess consciousness unfolding within us now.Blueprint-Akash UpdateFor one to one channeled support, book a free consultation the show
An energy update & channeling in preparation for the new moon gateway on Thursday of this week, which opens a portal to source on our human blueprints, giving us access to profound inner resources in the areas connected with our solar centre and their expression through action in our external lives. As we get ready to anchor ourselves to new depths in our determination to do what we believe in and what we've committed to, we're in the process of strengthening our foundations, so the towers we build for our dreams and intentions to be fulfilled have a solid structure. And we can be clear on how to act and what to do, to follow through on our highest and whollest intentions. Resting in the embrace of our grounded, earthy deeps and allowing ourselves to drop deep into resonance with mama Gaia can put our animal bodies in touch with a primaeval state that can support us during this rebirthing. And which can help our foundations stay strong and help us to stay centered while we're lifting to greater heights and more focused action. We get to inspire ourselves now, with more of what we need to do, to follow through on our heart's deepest dreaming and the intentions it's given rise to in us.Part of that is keeping the faith that what we know we're here to create has a place in a world that's already birthed itself into newness. We might not yet see how. But we're asked to hold that focus of imagining the world we want to see and imagining ourselves in it. Because it does exist and that imagining places us more firmly in it, making it easier for our obstacles to lose their substance and for what's energising us, supporting us and inspiring us to get through and be heard.There's gifts emerging from our divine blueprints within our solar centre, dissolving the distance between our inner and outer worlds - aligning those worlds by helping us receive the charged energy coming from the sun. And we're receiving this both internally and externally. Life energies are gifting us now the clarity, impetus, direction, focus and drive that helps us take the actions necessary to strengthen the foundations for our dreams to be manifested. Choosing to vibrate with unconditional joy can help us be with any constrictive energies - especially emotional energies - as they rise up to clear.Even though at times our most challenging frustrations may seem larger than life over coming weeks, that's only so we can see them for what they are - old stories of who we used to be but aren't any more. And when we see them like this is easier to let them leave.It can help to know we'll be diving deep to heal the hidden so we can align with strong foundations that support us to reach a new height in our creative productivity.We are re-forming our worlds. Support the show
The end of the massive planetary retrograde sees our forward motion creatively supported now, and there's an opportunity to make a reality 'jump' into a higher vibrational version of ourselves, as the gateway to alternate realities opens and invites us to align with our highest potential - to integrate with the self who is already facing the direction of manifesting the dream of our soul. If this resonates with what you've been picking up, join us for this check-in chat and Alignment Meditation, with Anchoring messages from the guides in a channeled integration transmission. The Coffee Morning Check in with myself and GevaAnn Woodland with a guided meditation for aligning with our highest potential reality in this unusual full moon gateway, where the window between alternate realities may be leaving some of us feeling a little wobbled or strange, to say the least. The guides bring through a channeled message after the meditation to help anchor the alignment with supportive frequencies. Bringing Spirit and Soul into alignment and energising our dream as we make a shift into a higher vibrational version of ourselves during this gateway. To join us for these coffee morning check-in, find me on Facebook and you'll receive a notification for the next one. It'll be a gift to meet with you there.Support the show
Chatting with GevaAnn,  Voice of Gaia channel,  Oracle and energy worker, on the live energy and awareness themes in tbe story of our collective evolution in consciousness.  With a channeling from the Elohim Council overseeing the ascension, through GevaAnn. Support the show
An offering: the 'benevolent overseers overlighting Humanities ascension in Gaia' bring through uplifting support in this transmission on the reset in physical consciousness, with suggestions on how to bring unconditionally loving awareness to what's arising for healing, renewal and processing. A Blueprint-Akash update and alignment for this autumn post-equinox.With energy transmission from unconditionally loving guides - support for where we're at in the now story of our collective evolution.Watch the YouTube video here: work with me one to one, connect with me here:https://infinityresonance.comFor channeled support, book a free consultation for a Blueprint-Akash Alignment Session. Or join the online group meditations - for inner connection, expansion & divine alignmentI'd love to hear from you 💜Support the show
Guides of Unconditionally Loving energy bring through support and insight into the story of now in our collective evolution. Support the show
As we go through the gateway and enter the pause it's time to let go of worrying about the inner work we need to do and relax into being with how we're feeling inside. Taking the time to be in beingness and listen to our bodies, meeting the sensations that arise with loving compassion and the awareness that old energy structures are being dissolved into a new flow in us. A new body-flow of divine Shiva energy is integrating and pushing up constrictions in our energy field that we're likely to be feeling physically. Staying out of rush, push our forceful energy can help us have an easier time of it. And listening to how our bodies want to move. Not worrying about those aches or pains but bringing loving awareness to how we're feeling.Why this is so physical is that the reset in consciousness is moving through the physical dimensions. We're still meeting what's moving as energy but more likely to be feeling things physically.What's been being realigned in us since the last new moon and the full moon equinox culmination is how we show up in service. Taking us back 22 years to old ways of rescuing others or ourselves in crises and having a full moon cycle to find out why and where and how we can't be of service the way we used to. We can't push our bodies our of alignment and come out of centre to be of help and fulfill our purpose. That's because we're not needing to do that any more. Stories from old traumas and crisis events from earlier in our timeline have been surfacing so that those trapped frequencies can vibrate their way out of our fields. When they do our system stops receiving the information that reality is the way it used to be. And we're free to show up and be of service in a whole new way.A way that allows us to be in enjoyment, follow our excitement and trust our impulses. Our bodies are not to be the site of suffering in the name of doing what needs to be done. And the baggage we carried from that was so great for most of us, it wasn't going to fit through the gateway we've just been through.So if you've had a difficult month, it should get kinder, calmer and easier from here. Here's to choosing what we're letting go of, aligning in our centres, embracing the mystery of not knowing what's next..Turning within for the answers, they can come to us in life when we least expecting.Death, surrender and rebirth are big themes now and when we touch the energy of celebration we can be put in touch with the grace potential in the moment.The realms supporting us at this time are both the realms of the earth devas and the cherubim - our friends who help us receive the divine gifts and interventions. Acknowledging and thanking them opens the doorways for more support.We can suspect the earth devas are with us when we find ourselves encountering unusual, enchanting and out of place beings - especially from from the insect world. My recent visitors have been dragonflies and praying mantis - turning up in special moments and acting oddly :)A friend had an iguana make a friend of him. I've seen photos from people of bright green and beautiful butterflies and insects I didn't know existed. How about you?🌿🦋Support the show
Crises manifest to help trauma vibrate out of our collective and individual fields. And to invoke compassion - the divine resonance that can help lift ourselves and others beyond the out of these crises and bring healing to the collective picture. This doesn't make what's happening ok. It doesn't suggest we would turn a blind eye. But that in opening our hearts to the compassion these events trigger in in we help others and ourselves more than we might think.The reset in consciousness is active in the planes of physical existence and the last new moon was an initiatory gateway to new archetypal father energies, emerging and triggering the release of the old. Calling us back to revisit conditions from 20 odd years ago and clarify how we show to to help when there are crises. If you find yourself feeling guilty because you're not doing more than is in alignment for you, the gift and opportunity is to value how you're serving now and let go of the part of you that feels it needs to compromise it's boundaries in order to be supportive on an emergency or when help is needed.The invitation is to ask if that part - that would go over it's own boundaries and jeopardise itself to help - is it coming from a place of trauma? Because that's what is wanting to vibrate out of our collective and individual fields right now. Support the show
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