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Successful Relationship with Emma

Author: Emma

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Hello Lovelies! 

Welcome to my new podcast, Successful Relationship with Emma, that will launch on September 27th and air every other Wednesday on your favorite platform. 

If you are looking to get married or stay married, you have come to the right place.

We specialize in serving committed couples who are feeling disconnected and can’t seem to get on the same page.

So why a Podcast? I have always wanted to do a podcast as I love that through a podcast episode we can go deep into a topic much more easily than through any other content format available to the public. And, as I’m here to serve and help couples have the relationship they desire, and create a stable, healthy, and nurturing home for their children, I wanted to create content through this medium as well to support them in their journey.

This podcast provides insights and conversations with experts to shed light and provide inspiration on how to embrace a relationship enrichment lifestyle and better connect with ourselves (including our Higher Self), our partner, our loved ones, our community, and our world at large. It provides practical takeaways to create immediate shifts in your relationship and your life.

With over 20 years of working with all things relationship, we help romantic partners through our Successful Relationship Strategy to:
1~ Empower themselves and break any impasses
2~ Uplevel their communication and easily get on the same page
3~ Change hurtful patterns and consistently meet their needs
4~ Reignite their love and deepen their connection
5~ Create a strong partnership and a harmonious, joyful, and loving home

The approach boils down to the basic concept of embracing a Relationship Enrichment Lifestyle.

It is based on my Transcendental Relationship Therapy™, which I developed over the course of working with and helping many couples transform their relationship. This is a personal-relational psychotherapy that supports romantic partners in becoming their best selves, creating their successful relationship, and living meaningful lives.

And, this podcast is a precursor to other projects inspired by my mission… Stay tuned for those…

See you inside, where relationship enrichment is a lifestyle!

19 Episodes
Nobody ever said that being a parent is easy, especially the parent of a neurodivergent child… These children have challenges with emotional regulation, executive function skills, sensory processing, communication, social interactions, impulse control, and balance and coordination to name a few. This is a lot to contend with as a little one and as the parent of the little one because these make managing every day routines, interactions, and achieving milestones and other accomplishments ...
Is there chaos in your home because of tantrums, meltdowns, acting out, or disobedience from your child? Is your child neurodivergent? Have they been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, or other diagnoses on the spectrum? Being a parent is one of the most rewarding roles in this human experience, and one of the most challenging ones. It is a huge responsibility to create and raise another human being… The role brings with it inherent challenges and demands, and it does even more so when we have...
Do you find that one of you wants more sexual intimacy in your relationship? Differences in libido and desire levels are common in a relationship because of how penis and vagina owners are wired differently and because of the differences in how their sexual organs work. This is especially true for heterosexual couples, but still true for all couples in that individuals bring their uniqueness to their interactions and sex life… Partners come to their intimacy with a rich backg...
Have you ever experiences stretches where you feel like nothing you do is working? That you just can’t seem to get ahead? You might feel stuck in your relationship, can’t seem to lose the weight, your income or revenue is not increasing, your kids are getting on your nerves, and so on? I have found that when this happens, we are in need of a refresh and reset. We might be going at things the old way that no longer give us the results and outcomes we seek. What might have worked once...
Rituals are a significant facet of our human experience. They enrich and give meaning to our life, and they make everything more fun- if done right! If we didn’t have rituals, our days would just meld into each other as would our weeks, months and years… Our life would not have distinctive segments to focus on for personal care, productivity, creativity, connection, fun and enjoyment… It would be a string of passing time without it being acknowledged and properly experienced… Rituals help us ...
Doing the same old will continue to generate the same old. As Spring is just around the corner, it is that time of year to do our refresh for newness… When we refresh our environments, situations, and even our approach to our relationship and our life, we create the relationship and life we desire… We are already familiar with spring cleaning, cleanses and detoxes, and possibly even clearing our spaces, our body, and our energy. But we might not be so familiar with the idea that we can a...
As we awaken to the reality that everything is interconnected and that we are all interconnected, we can relax in knowing that everything can be easier including our relationship… Why? Because then it’s much easier to feel our connection, to relate to each other in more positive ways, to collaborate, to have compassion and SO much more… When we embrace the idea of interconnectedness, and see how everything relates to everything else, how everything is in relationship with everything...
Happy Valentine’s Day, and happy Loving today and all year around! I think we all know that if we don’t nurture our relationship that it withers and dies… This is why I love Valentine’s Day so much. ~ It serves as a reminder to step up our loving game ~ It helps us make a deposit in our love account~ It helps us reset and recommit to our Love… Love is always there but can become very elusive if we are not in touch with it… ✨All the commercial aspects of the holiday aside, this ...
We are all aware the importance of food to our health and wellbeing… But I find it fascinating how there is so much intricacy to eating well and getting the proper nutrition for our body. And, how food impacts so many aspects of our life ranging from our energy level, vitality, immunity, recovery, sleep, female cycle, beauty, even our brain function, mood, and resilience and so much more… Wow! How we engage with our environment, our habits and routines, and the relationship we have with ...
Yes, is that time of year when we are looking for our New Beginning, to start fresh. We transition into a new chunk of time with the expectation that things will be different. That we’ll make all the changes we want to realize everything we desire… The thing is that change and transitions can be challenging… If it was so easy to create change most people wouldn’t struggle in life and they’d go through transitions with flying colors. We all know that is hardly ever the case. If anyth...
The concept of self-care might feel super played out, but now more than ever how we view and treat ourselves has a profound effect on our life and the life of others… Self-care is actually a simplistic notion when what we require to realize our highest wellness and levels of self-realization, our most harmonious and loving relationship/s, and our most radiant human experience, is embracing self-love… Self-love transcends all our foibles, defenses, and patterns… It transcends hopeles...
How you manage the finances in your relationship is a good barometer of your relationship health… Yes, a bold statement. The thing is that finances equal the relationship’s resources and ability to realize the couples’ Best Life… Now, I’m not claiming that you need a ton of money to have your Best Life, nor that if you have a ton of money that you are realizing your Best Life… It’s not about the amount… What I am claiming is that how you manage the finances in your relationship is a...
Do you find the Holiday Season stressful and overwhelming, wonderful and magical, or all of the above? You are not alone in feeling ambivalent about the holidays. There is so much that takes place and that we experience in a short amount of time. And yes, I know- first world problems… None-the-less this is part of our experience and to deny it or minimize doesn’t serve us. The opposite is true. In having awareness of how we are operating and feeling we can have our own back, address...
Do your holiday plans and activities get derailed? Have you ever wondered about the impact of the feminist movement on the romantic relationship and on men? I have, a lot, as a part of the work I do with couples… Because we not only have all the emotional and psychological aspects at play in our relationship dynamics, but we have all sorts of other influences affecting how we get along… And gender and our own individual energies play a huge role in how we experience the relationship and ...
Whoever said that budgeting, crunching numbers and money management is dry and boring? Finances and money management can be a source of conflicts in many relationships. Partners bring their own backgrounds, experiences, and habits to their relationship when it comes to finances, and they have their own relationship with money. Top this with their own programming around abundance, worth, value and so on, and their relationship dynamics to make things more complicated, and not for no...
If you think being in or creating a Successful Relationship is hard, you’ve got it wrong! Hey, I get it that sometimes our relationship can be really frustrating and that we might feel like we spin our wheels and can’t make the changes we desire. I get it because I’ve been there, and because I see this with many clients we’ve served over the years. It might feel impossible to create change in our relationship and to create the relationship we desire when we are struggling with our partne...
Did you know that our strengths can have a huge positive impact in our relationship, as well as a negative impact? Yep. We can influence, create change, and spearhead transformation in our relationship with our strengths. But if we are not intentional about how we use them, they can also be misused and be detrimental to our relationship… It all starts with having awareness of our strengths, owning them, and understanding how to use them… For then we can capitalize on what they offer maki...
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of a successful relationship? Who says being in a committed relationship is hard? Though relationships can be challenging they don’t have to be if we are intentional about how we go about creating our successful relationship. There are some key ingredients that we need to bring to our relationship for it to be gratifying and successful. Committed relationships, marriage, are special, delicate, and very important to our overall wellbeing. They are ...
Hello Lovelies!Welcome to my new podcast, Successful Relationship with Emma, that will launch on September 27th and air every other Wednesday on your favorite platform.If you are looking to get married or stay married, you have come to the right place.We specialize in serving committed couples who are feeling disconnected and can’t seem to get on the same page.So why a Podcast? I have always wanted to do a podcast as I love that through a podcast episode we can go deep into a topic much more ...
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