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The Biblical Roots Podcast

Author: Prof. R. L. Solberg

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This is a Bible-based, Christ-focused theology and apologetics podcast hosted by Professor R. L. Solberg. We're here to help defend true, biblical Christianity from false theologies on all sides, from the pseudo-spiritualism of Progressive Christianity to the suffocating legalism of Torah-observant Christianity.  

On this podcast we talk theology and apologetics, test the claims of teachers of questionable theology, and offer a range of Bible teachings, including verse-by-verse Bible studies.

The mission of Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity is to promote biblical literacy (Prov. 7:2), systematically break down teachings that challenge the sufficiency of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5), and lift high the beautiful Gospel of Jesus. Our goal is to contribute to the intellectual and theological aspects of making disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19–20) and promote freedom from spiritual bondage (Gal. 5:1) while emphasizing unity in the body of Christ (John 13:35).

54 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.Let's study one the most powerful texts disproving the theology of Torahism. Colossians 2:16–17 says, “Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” That seems pretty straightforward, right? Paul tells believers not to let anyone judge them based on what they eat or drink, or which religio...
Send us a Text Message.The idea of “one law for both Israel and the foreigner” appears four times in the Torah. Does this mean Gentiles were under the entire law? We look at each passage to discover the answer. My hope is that this will help us respond more biblically the next time a Torah-keeper cites these verses to argue this issue. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone quote the verse “There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger who sojourns with you” (Exodus 1...
Send us a Text Message.If anyone tells you that they know exactly what an end times prophecy means, take that as your cue to run away! In this video, we let Scripture interpret itself and teach us how to understand the language of the prophets. We look at a number of really important issues that you may not be aware of (or may not have considered) when it comes to understanding it. We lean into Scripture to help us better understand how we should interpret the prophecies about the Second Comi...
Send us a Text Message.Mark 7:1–23 is a passage that records Jesus clash with the Pharisees over traditions and commandments and what defiles a person. And this is a fascinating passage because we see how Jesus deals with different people, and we get a glimpse at His genius as a rabbi and a teacher in taking a particular confrontation or challenge from the Pharisees and elevating it to a profound teachable moment on an entirely different level. And, yes, we’re going to talk about that the con...
Send us a Text Message.Meet Myles Christian, a former Seventh Day Adventist who has now become a missionary to SDAs. He's a wealth of knowledge with a deep, systematic understanding of SDA theology. Myles shares his personal story about hearing the true Gospel of Jesus which led him to question and ultimately leave Seventh Day Adventism. Our conversation covers a lot of ground: Was Jesus created? How does Jesus function in SDA? What is the limited gospel? Present truth? The three angel’s mess...
Send us a Text Message.In this episode we study Jeremiah’s Old Covenant prophecy announcing God’s promise of a New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31–34. We’re going to answer the question: How does New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What exactly makes it new? We’ll look at its historical and prophetic context, the essence of what it is, and its fulfillment as prophecy. We’ll also look at who the New Covenant was made with and what it means that God will write his law (or his Torah) on their ...
Send us a Text Message.2 Corinthians Chapter 3 is a fascinating text that has a lot to tell us about the New Covenant, as well as the end of the Old Covenant and the ministry and law of Moses. In fact, this passage presents an insurmountable problem for the theology of Torahism, which tries to teach that Christians are still under the Old Covenant law. There is just no way our Hebrew Roots friends can face this text head-on and come away believing that Christians are under the law. You’ll see...
Send us a Text Message.A Jewish friend recently challenged me to explain why Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah. Specifically, he wanted to know where the Old Testament prophets foretold that the Messiah would die, be dead for three days, and rise from the grave. I thought it might be helpful if I shared my answer here on my own channel, as well, because some of us might be wondering the same thing.Tanakh Talk Interview (Video link)Helpful ArticlesWas Jesus in the Grave for Three Days an...
Send us a Text Message.There is a troubling trend called "deconstruction" infiltrating our churches and affecting friends, family, and spouses. It's why we've seen well-known musicians and pastors walk away from the faith in the past few years. It has disrupted, dismantled, and destroyed the faith of many. Our guest is Alisa Childers, who co-authored a book called The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond with Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason. Thei...
Send us a Text Message.Examining Paul's provocative analogy in Galatians 4. It’s easy to imagine the apostle Paul with a Torah scroll next to him opened to the book of Genesis as he wrote his letter to the Galatians. He returns time and again to the life of Abraham in his argument against the first century Judaizers, who taught that followers of Jesus were required to keep the law of Moses. And Paul masterfully uses the Torah to disprove their false application of the Torah. And that makes th...
Send us a Text Message.What was Jesus teaching with His parables about the garments and the wineskins, which are recorded in all three synoptic Gospels (Matthew 9, Mark 2, and Luke 5). Our friends at 119 Ministries reject the idea that He was talking about introducing the new thing and the passing of the old. And it makes sense that those who subscribe to Torahism (Hebrew Roots, Torah-keepers, etc.) would not want to understand these parables as teaching that the Law of Moses was coming to an...
Send us a Text Message.Put on your thinking cap and join me for a thought experiment in which we will attempt to shed some light on the question: Which belief system corresponds most closely to the true state of reality? Islam? Atheism? Christianity? Buddhism? In this mini-lecture, we'll use philosophical and theological analysis to examine the top 14 belief systems held today across the globe.The written version of this thought experiment can be found here. More info on the geological ...
Send us a Text Message.Meet Dr. Michael Brown, a prolific author, apologist, radio host, and Jewish follower of Jesus with an amazing story. Our conversation covered a range of topics, from his personal testimony to his insights on Messianic Judaism and Torahism, to advice on how Christians can walk out their faith in a balanced, biblical way. Dr. Brown ResourcesBooks:Our Hands Are Stained with Blood60 Questions Christians Ask About Jewish Beliefs and Practices Answering Jewish Objections to ...
Send us a Text Message.This is a recording of an academic lecture given by Professor Solberg on July 19, 2023.Abstract: Matthew 5:17–20 is a passage of particular interest because it serves as a proof text for the theology of Torahism (aka Hebrew Roots, Torah-keepers.) So correctly understanding this passage will shed valuable light on that discussion. Because this text stands alone and is not explicitly connected to the text that precedes or follows it, we’re going to exegete its meaning thr...
Send us a Text Message.There are a ton of questions out there about Easter and whether Christians should celebrate it. And here’s the thing. While there are a lot of internet myths and conspiracy theories about Easter’s pagan and historical origins (which we address in this episode) there are also some legitimate concerns we need to look at. And we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. So let's take a level-headed, biblical look at this holiday. And this episode is intended to ...
Send us a Text Message.If you’re a Torah-keeper Christian, I genuinely want to hear your thoughts on this. I’m going to present you with a set of Old Covenant commandments that I believe have clearly ended. To me this is undeniable evidence that the Law of Moses is no longer in effect. But I want to understand how you see it. How do you work out this issue? First, we’ll take a good look at the Scriptural data on this issue, and then we’ll talk about the only two possible ways that data can be...
Send us a Text Message.Meet Brian Crawford, the Director of Digital Evangelism at Chosen People Ministries. He's been sharing the Gospel with unbelieving Jews for over 15 years and has a lot of wisdom and insight to offer on the topics of Jewish evangelism, Messianic Judaism, and Torahism (aka Hebrew Roots, Torah-observant Christianity). Link Mentioned in this EpisodeChosen People Ministries2 Messianic Jews (YouTube Channel)Messianic Jewish Alliance of AmericaUnion of Messianic Jewish Congreg...
Send us a Text Message.Let's take a 10,000-foot fly-over of the narrative of the Bible and look at the role that the Law plays in the overarching Story of God. If you’re a believer in God today, this is your story. The faith journey that we believers are living out today is the continuation of the same story we read about in Scripture. And knowing the overarching story of God’s people and their relationship to the law helps us get our bearings as we read our Bibles. And it helps us recognize ...
Send us a Text Message.A few months ago, Prof. Solberg offered five reasons why we can’t follow the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus at the same time. David Wilber later posted a response to that teaching. We invited him on this channel to have a friendly discussion on this issue, but he politely declined. So here is Prof. Solberg's rebuttal of David's claims. We first briefly correct the record regarding David’s inaccurate claims about Professor Solberg's position on the law, and then mo...
Send us a Text Message.In this episode we discuss whether we are saved by faith alone, or faith plus works (also known as "works-righteousness.") To fully understand this issue, we first take some time to unpack three commonly-confused aspects of salvation: regeneration, justification, and sanctification. There’s actually more confusion about these three concepts in the church today than you might realize. And when we get them mixed up, it can lead to mistaken ideas about what we need t...
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