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The Cross and Cup Podcast

Author: JM

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Welcome to "The Cross and Cup Podcast with JM," where each episode is a brief but profound journey into the heart of Scripture. Whether you have five minutes or fifteen, our host JM brings you insightful and spiritually enriching discussions that illuminate the sacred texts.

 Inspired by Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path," this podcast aims to shed light on the complex beauties of the Bible, guiding you along the path of faith with clarity and inspiration. 

Join us for each spirit-fueling episode as we explore the depths of the scriptures making them accessible and relevant to everyday life.

18 Episodes
Ever wondered how the virtues of your favorite superheroes and anime characters align with the teachings of the Bible? Let's explore the captivating blend of comic book heroism and anime adventures through the lens of Christian faith, and uncover how these stories echo with spiritual significance. Join me, JM, as we navigate the thrilling terrain where characters like Superman and Naruto Uzumaki become more than just entertainment – they become parables for our modern age, showcasing themes of justice, sacrifice, and redemption that resonate with our deepest beliefs. As we unpack the parallels between these fictional universes and biblical teachings, you'll find a guide in Philippians 4:8, illuminating the path to discernment amidst the vast array of media influences. This engaging conversation is more than just an analysis; it's an invitation to strengthen your faith while indulging your love for comics and anime. Discover the profound impact these narratives can have on your spiritual journey, and join a community of listeners who are as passionate about their faith as they are about the art of storytelling. Subscribe to the Cross and Cup Podcast and elevate your media diet to a divine feast of thought-provoking inspiration.This episode of "The Cross and Cup Podcast" includes references to additional resources and readings available on our blog at For listeners looking to deepen their engagement with the topics discussed, visit our website or check out our devotionals and poetry on Amazon, with all proceeds supporting The New York School of The Bible at Calvary Baptist Church. Stay connected and enriched on your spiritual path with us!
Send us a Text Message.As we navigate a world teeming with knowledge but starved of passion, the Cross and Cup Podcast invites you on a transformative exploration of what it truly means to cherish virtue. Drawing inspiration from CS Lewis's "The Abolition of Man," we tackle the crisis of "men without chests" – individuals who recognize but fail to love goodness – and how this reflects a broader spiritual void. The discussion delves into the biblical perspective of the heart as the nexus...
Send us a Text Message.Discover the bedrock of our faith and the essence of our very being: love. On this heartfelt episode of Cross and Cup Podcast, we venture into the profound depths of Christian love, illuminated by scripture and the wisdom of revered Christian thinkers. Through poetic imagery and scriptural narratives, I, your host jm, along with insights from Dietrich Bonhoeffer and G.K. Chesterton, explore the transformative power of love as the guiding force in our lives. We contempla...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt enveloped by despair, questioning where to find a glimmer of hope in the overwhelming darkness? Join me, JM, on the Cross and Cup Podcast for our poignant episode, 'Hope in Despair', where we shed light on finding faith's solace amidst life's deepest valleys. Together, we traverse the rough terrain of sorrow, guided by the timeless wisdom of Scripture and the empathetic words of authors like Philip Yancey. You're not alone in your struggles, and this ...
Send us a Text Message.Are modern depictions of Jesus watering down the Gospel's transformative message? That's the pressing issue we're unpacking in our latest podcast episode, where we consider the profound implications of perceiving Jesus not merely as an inspiring figure but as the cornerstone of our faith. We navigate through the subtle yet significant shift of portraying Jesus as a life coach rather than our Savior, a trend that risks the core message of the Gospel and, ultimately, our ...
Send us a Text Message.Discover the essence of grace and its incredible ability to transform lives in a way that words alone cannot express. This week, we open our hearts to the stories of Joni Eareckson Tada and Corrie ten Boom, whose experiences embody the strength and purpose that grace brings even in the darkest trials. As we navigate through biblical narratives and contemporary testimonies, we uncover the depth of God's unmerited favor and its profound influence on how we live, forgive, ...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever found yourself speaking words that felt hollow, disconnecting your true intentions from what you express? Join me, JM, as we navigate the treacherous waters of sincerity in faith and life, anchored by scripture in the latest Cross and Cup Podcast. Together, we confront the reality of insincerity, inspired by Proverbs' cautionary words about hidden agendas. Our journey is further enriched by the stern wisdom in Matthew 15:8, which challenges us to reconcile...
Send us a Text Message.Discover the intersection of faith and intellect as we navigate the scriptures to discern the truths that guide our spiritual journey. Join me, JM, your guide through the realms of profound biblical understanding, where we embrace the challenge of aligning our beliefs with divine wisdom. This week we delve into the critical role of judgment and intellect in forming our convictions, grounding our exploration in the rich soil of Proverbs and Timothy. Our discourse is a ta...
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt like your life is moving at the speed of a slow-loading webpage? That's the cue for our latest episode where we take a leap back in time to find patience in an age of perpetual pings and buzzes. I, JM, am here to guide you through the serene wisdom nestled within Psalm 40, inviting you on a contemplative stroll through the tapestry of time and teaching us how to savor the profound beauty of life's delays. This isn't just another talk about waiting; it's a tran...
What if every interaction we have, every choice we make, could be an opportunity to live out our faith deeply? How can we transform our daily tasks into acts of worship and kindness? This episode of the Cross and Cup podcast journeys into the heart of actionable Christianity, exploring the profound reminder in James 2,1,17 that "faith without works is dead". We dissect the parable of the Good Samaritan and discuss how we can follow its teachings to lend a helping hand, even in unexpected situations. The conversation extends to the workplace, where we discuss the role faith plays in making ethical decisions using Colossians 3:23 as our guide. We talk about the transformative power of service and volunteer work, sharing personal stories to illustrate the change that can happen within us. We dive into how to foster a support network and offer resources for your continued spiritual growth. Remember, living faith is about making the choice to be giving, honest, and kind, even when it's hard. So, join us, and let's take one concrete step towards living our faith every day.
Embracing the Journey laveDive into the transformative power of faith in our premiere episode of The Cross and Cup Podcast. Speaker Javier Malave unravels the profound truths hidden within the timeless passage of The Word of God and Discover how to find solace in the embrace of Christ and carry life's burdens with divine strength.In this episode, Javier invites listeners to explore the depths of Christ’s promise of rest and companionship. We discuss practical ways to incorporate this rest into our hectic lives, ensuring that listeners leave with actionable insights to transform their daily walk with God.
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt the foundations of your faith tremble beneath your feet? Our latest episode invites you on a profound journey of Christian deconstruction, where the questions are as important as the beliefs they challenge. We wade through the turbulent waters of critical examination, drawing from the transformative periods of the Reformation and Enlightenment to understand the present. With esteemed voices like John MacArthur and C.S. Lewis guiding our discussion, we...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt alone in your mental health struggles, thinking that your faith should be the cure-all? Our latest Cross and Cup Podcast episode . We share an intimate journey into the heart of scripture and the human experience, revealing that vulnerability is not a weakness but a shared touchstone of our existence. As we weave through stories from King David to Elijah, we uncover the biblical affirmation that emotional and spiritual well-being is intrinsic to our h...
Have you ever felt the weight of the world pushing you toward the never-ending pursuit of "now"? This week on Cross and Cup , I, JM, guide you through the serene waters of Psalm 40, revealing how the gentle art of patience could be your anchor in the digital storm. As we traverse the teachings of ancient scriptures, we uncover the quiet strength that comes from waiting with purpose, trusting in a plan grander than the immediate. Together, let's explore the transformative power of worship and patience, and how it can lead to a life filled with deeper meaning and spiritual contentment.Embarking further on our spiritual voyage, I'll be sharing treasured insights from, where every click supports the cause of the New York School of the Bible. Through a collection of heartfelt devotionals and stirring poetry, you're invited to deepen your journey of faith and understanding. As we wrap up our time together, I extend a heartfelt invitation to embrace a steadfast spirit, to face the ebb and flow of life's trials with grace, and to cherish the simple wonders that often go unnoticed. Join me, and together let's cultivate a flourishing faith, one step at a time.This episode of "The Cross and Cup Podcast" includes references to additional resources and readings available on our blog at For listeners looking to deepen their engagement with the topics discussed, visit our website or check out our devotionals and poetry on Amazon, with all proceeds supporting The New York School of The Bible at Calvary Baptist Church. Stay connected and enriched on your spiritual path with us!
Episode Description:Join us on "The Cross and Cup Podcast" as we delve into the empowering teachings of 2 Corinthians 4:16, exploring how its message of internal renewal can resonate within our own lives. In this episode, our host J.M. offers thoughtful insights into the spiritual duality of human experience—our external adversities versus our internal rejuvenation. We also touch on the vital connection between mental health and Christianity, providing listeners with encouragement and strategies for maintaining spiritual and mental well-being. Whether you're battling personal challenges or seeking deeper spiritual insights, this episode aims to uplift and inspire. Don’t forget to engage with us by leaving a comment or sharing your own experiences. Tune in for a blend of theology, heartfelt discussion, and practical faith lessons that are sure to enrich your journey.This episode of "The Cross and Cup Podcast" includes references to additional resources and readings available on our blog at For listeners looking to deepen their engagement with the topics discussed, visit our website or check out our devotionals and poetry on Amazon, with all proceeds supporting The New York School of The Bible at Calvary Baptist Church. Stay connected and enriched on your spiritual path with us!
In this enlightening episode of The Cross And Cup Podcast, titled "Proverbs Pathways: Navigating Life with Divine Insights," we delve deep into the rich tapestry of wisdom woven within the Book of Proverbs. Join us as we explore how these ancient yet timeless teachings can illuminate our paths, offering divine insights for our modern lives. From guarding our hearts to understanding the true essence of leadership, each proverb serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a life aligned with spiritual wisdom. Whether you're seeking solace, searching for guidance, or simply looking to enrich your spiritual journey, this episode offers a wellspring of divine insights to navigate the complexities of life with grace and wisdom. So, tune in, soak up the wisdom, and let the pathways of Proverbs light your way in the adventure of life.This episode of "The Cross and Cup Podcast" includes references to additional resources and readings available on our blog at For listeners looking to deepen their engagement with the topics discussed, visit our website or check out our devotionals and poetry on Amazon, with all proceeds supporting The New York School of The Bible at Calvary Baptist Church. Stay connected and enriched on your spiritual path with us!
Discover the secret to finding strength in your darkest moments with our latest episode of the Cross and Cup podcast. We take you on a journey into the heart of Isaiah 41:10, unearthing its profound message that has been a source of comfort for countless individuals throughout the ages. Feel the power of divine companionship and the strength it promises, as we meticulously dissect this verse, offering you a spiritual toolkit to face life's uncertainties with resilience and hope.We also delve into the broader implications of this ancient command to "fear not," pondering its role in inspiring societal courage and offering solace during collective crises. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of this divine whisper and how it can resonate within the soundtrack of your everyday life.This episode of "The Cross and Cup Podcast" includes references to additional resources and readings available on our blog at For listeners looking to deepen their engagement with the topics discussed, visit our website or check out our devotionals and poetry on Amazon, with all proceeds supporting The New York School of The Bible at Calvary Baptist Church. Stay connected and enriched on your spiritual path with us!
Ready to embark on a journey of spiritual transformation? This episode of Cross and Cup podcast is your roadmap to understanding the profound beauty and power of God's gift of grace. We plunge into the depths of Scripture, unveiling the treasures of grace, salvation, forgiveness, love, mercy, and faith. It's a compelling narrative, starting from the cornerstone of salvation, achieved through faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior, to the mercy and love of God that shapes us into beacons of divine love.Our exploration doesn't stop there. We illuminate faith as the keystone of our Christian journey, the essence of God's grace. It’s through this faith that we become living testimonials of His love, inviting others into the embrace of the Divine. The concept of grace is not just an idea but a divine encounter that leads to redemption and restoration. In conclusion, we dwell on our sacred mission as believers to live lives steeped in faith and mercy. This episode is an invigorating plunge into the complexities of faith. Subscribe and stay connected for more enlightening episodes that will leave you inspired and better equipped to navigate your faith journey.
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